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1、【使用指南】Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读 使用指南 原典英语交流论坛http:/www.homer- I 【使用指南】Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读 (以下内容摘自徐老师原典英语自学法(徐火辉 著)第二章) 在使用时,一定要做到 聆听先行,听读结合,即: 打开一个 MP3文件(一般35分钟,最多不超过10分钟),不看任何文本,先静气聆听35 遍后,谨记:千万不可看文本; 聆听至少3遍后,打开 PDF 阅读刚才听的部分,生词可以用金山词霸查,大概读23遍; 关掉 PDF,闭目再听12遍; 最后,可以进行跟读,朗诵,背诵,写作等操练。 方案1. 暑期50天自学速成训练方案 训练素材:

2、香港商务印书馆授权上海华东师范大学出版的 Black Cat 优质英语阶梯有声读 物 Level 1- Level 6 + VOA 慢速英语。 训练量:每天运用原典英语训练法学习6个小时,总训练时间300小时。 训练目标:听读能力达到高考水准。 训练具体方法:从 Black Cat 系列有声读物 Level 1起步,每个 Level 选约4个故事, 一个故事一个故事地运用原典英语学习法的432+模式训练,即先专注听4遍,随即立刻认真读3 遍,然后再聆听2遍。Black Cat 系列有声读物 Level 1 Level 3 的每个故事长度平均约30 分钟,并进一步分割成平均约4分钟左右的段落(课

3、文/音频文件),Level 4 - Level 6的每 个故事长度平均约50分钟。学习者要一课一课地完成聆听-阅读-聆听。 即,(1). 从 Level 1的某个故事开始,先专注聆听4遍约4分钟的音频文件,共约16分钟; (2). 然后在电脑上打开对应的文本文件,激活翻译软件的屏幕取词翻译功能,认真阅读 理解3遍;但除了零起点的学生,一般不要用翻译软件的整句翻译功能,而应该自己先努力阅读 理解,碰到生词再使用翻译软件翻译目标生词,碰到个别实在无法理解难句可尝试使用整句翻 译(但整句翻译往往并不准确); (3). 再将此阅读过的内容,认真重复聆听2遍。完成这一轮训练后,一般就可立刻进入【使用指南

4、】Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读 使用指南 原典英语交流论坛http:/www.homer- II 到下一篇课文/音频文件,继续采用上述432模式程序训练。每天6个小时的训练学习中,5个 小时用于432听-读-听训练,1个小时用于扩展训练。扩展训练主要用于背诵记忆单词和词组, 即前述432训练程序中遇到的生词,把它们再列表复习背诵;并可以选出听读过的一些常用句型 做口语化训练。Level 1 Level 3 一共选约12个故事,对应的音频文件朗读总长度约为6小时, 约36,000单词的听读量。假设训练中阅读3遍需要10倍于朗读时间(即4分钟的朗读,认真阅读 其对应文本3遍,需要40分钟;

5、实际上第一遍认真阅读耗时比较长,第二和第三遍就可以越读越 快),那么6个小时的朗读量,用432模式训练需要6 X(6+10)= 96个小时,加上扩展训练约需 20个小时(本方案中听-读-听训练和扩展训练的比例约为5:1),总共116个小时,不到20天即可 完成。然后进入到 Level 4阶段。从 Level 4 开始,学习者大体按照2:1 的比例,联合分别使用 Black Cat 系列和 VOA 慢速英语训练,以扩展听读题材的广度。VOA 慢速英语包括诸如科技、医疗 健康、教育、经济和农业等多方面的专题素材,以及新闻等。 对 Black Cat 系列,学习者仍旧可使用432模式训练,对 VOA

6、 慢速英语,学习者可主要使 用321模式训练,并根据题材难度和自身条件适当调整。经过50天的速成训练,学习者累计的听 读素材超过18个小时的朗读总量,合约108,000个英语单词。此时聆听素材的语速已经超过高考 水平,文本句型复杂度相当高考水平,学习者的英语语感已经初步确立,听力飞速进步,阅读 能力也显著进步,英语学习的灵感源源而生,自信心和兴趣倍增。50天之后,保持每天一到两 个小时的训练量,学习者再坚持一两个学期,就必定能在班级和年级的各种英语考试中名列前 茅,英语能力的运用更突飞猛进,超过高考英语水平。 方案2. 原典英语6个月自学训练方案 训练素材:香港商务印书馆授权上海华东师范大学出

7、版的 Black Cat 优质英语阶梯有声读 物 Level 1- Level 6 + VOA 慢速英语。 训练量:每天运用原典英语训练法学习2个小时,总训练时间360小时。 训练目标:听读能力超越高考水准。 训练具体方法:同方案1,惟一的不同在于每天训练的时间减少,但总训练时间增加20 。学习者要设法在周末和节假日期间增加训练量,争取在六个月之内完成360小时以上的训 练总量。 (以上内容摘自徐老师原典英语自学法(徐火辉 著)第二章)1 / 22 The Jumping Frog ( The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County and Cu

8、ring A Cold ) by Mark Twain 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 2 / 22 Contents The Celebrated Jumping Prog of Calaveras County.3 Chapter One: A Letter from the East.3 Chapter Two: Bets and Races. 4 Chapter Three: Daniel Webster.5 Chapter Four: A Strager at Angels camp.6 Chapter Five: The

9、 Big Bet.8 Curing A Cold. 9 Chapter Six: The First Sneeze.9 Chapter Seven: The Remedies. 11 Chapter Eight: The San Francisco Remedy. 12 Track 1: The California Gold Rush.14 Track 2: Life In The Mining Camps. 15 Track 3: The Jumping Frog Jubilee.16 Track 4: Panning For Cold. 17 Track 5: Are You Dress

10、ed Like A GoldMiner?.18 Track 6: A City Is Born.19 Track 7: San Francisco Today.20 Track 8: Two Old Western Ballads.21 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 3 / 22 The Celebrated Jumping Prog of Calaveras County Chapter One: A Letter from the East One day a friend of mine from the East wrot

11、e me a letter. He asked me to visit an old man named Simon Wheeler. My friend wanted me to ask Simon Wheeler about a childhood companion, Leonidas W. Smiley. I found Simon Wheeler sleeping by the stove of the old tavern in Angels Mining Camp. I noticed that he was fat. His face was simple and peacef

12、ul. When he woke up, I told him that a friend of mine wanted to know about a childhood companion named Leonidas W. Smiley. Simon Wheeler blocked me with his chair in a corner of the tavern. Then, very seriously, he began to tell me the story that follows. There was once a fellow at the mining camp n

13、amed Jim Smiley. It was the winter of 1849 or maybe the spring of 1850. He was an unusual man. He always bet money on anything that happened at the mining camp, and he usually won. Jim Smiley was a very lucky man. When there was a horse race, a dog-fight, a cat-fight or a chicken-fight he always bet

14、 on them. childhood companion:儿时玩伴。 tavern:酒馆。 fellow:人。 bet:赌博。 dogfight:逗狗。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 4 / 22 Chapter Two: Bets and Races Smiley owned an old horse that was slow and sick, but he won money on her. The poor horse had asthma and other animal illnesses. At races sh

15、e had a head start, because of her health problems. Near the end of every race, she became very excited and desperate. She galloped wildly, kicked her legs in the air, to the sides, raised the dust, coughed, and blew her nose. At the end of the race, she was always the happy winner. Smiley also had

16、a small bulldog named Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson was a lazy dog and did nothing all day long. But when Smiley bet money on him, he was lively and ready to fight. When there was an important dogfight at the mining camp, Andrew Jackson always grabbed the back leg of the other dog. He didnt chew on

17、 it. He only kept it between his strong teeth. He didnt let go until Smiley won the bet. asthma:哮喘。 head start:领先。 desperate:拼命的。 galloped:飞奔。 dust:尘土。 coughed:咳嗽。 grabbed:用牙咬住。 chew: 咀嚼。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 5 / 22 Chapter Three: DanielWebster Smiley found a frog one day a

18、nd named it Daniel Webster. He took it home and planned to teach it a lot of things. For three months, Smiley sat outside his house and taught his frog how to jump far. Daniel Webster was a clever frog and learned quickly. Smiley gave him a little push from behind, and Daniel Webster flew into the a

19、ir like a doughnut. He even turned one or two somersaults in the air. Smiley taught his frog to catch flies. Flies, Daniel, flies! Smiley shouted. Daniel jumped up and caught the fly with his long tongue. Danie Webster was the champion jumping frog of Calaveras County. Smilely won all bets with his

20、handdome frog.He was very proud of Daniel Webster. doughnut:油炸小圈饼。 somersaults:翻筋斗。 catch:捕捉。 flies: 苍蝇。 tongue:舌头。 champion:冠军。 proud:自豪。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 6 / 22 Chapter Four:A Strager at Angels camp Smiley kept his frog in a box with small holes in it. One day a stran

21、ger came to the mining camp. He saw Smiley holding the box. Whats in that box? asked the stranger. Maybe a parrot, maybe a canary! No, its a frog, answered Smiley. The stranger took the box and looked at it carefully. Yes, it is. Well, whats he good for? Well, Smiley said, hes good for ONE thing: he

22、 can outjump any frog in Calaveras County. The stranger took the box again. He looked at the frog for a long time. Then he returned it to Smiley and said, I dont see anything special about this frog. Maybe you dont, said Smiley. Maybe you understand frogs and maybe you dont understand them. But, Ill

23、 bet forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County. The fellow answered, Well, Im only a stranger here and I dont have a frog. I cant bet. Thats all right, thats all right. Hold my box a minute. Ill go to the river and find a frog for you, said Smiley . The stranger took the box and

24、 bet his forty dollars. Smiley bet his forty dollars too and went to the river. The stranger sat down and waited for Smiley. a box with small holes:一个带洞的小箱子。 maybe:有可能。 parrot:鹦鹉。 canary:小鸟。 outjump:比跳的远。 hold:拿着。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 7 / 22 He sat there a long time and he

25、began to think. Suddenly, he took Daniel Webster out of the box and opened his mouth. With a teaspoon, he put some shotgun pellets into the frogs mouth. Then he put him on the floor. shotgun pellets:手枪射出的小子弹。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 8 / 22 Chapter Five: The Big Bet After some

26、time, Smiley returned holding a frog and said, Now put him next to Daniel, with his front paws in the same place. Ill give the word! Then Smiley said, One - two - three - GO! He and the stranger pushed the frogs from behind. The new frog jumped forward, but Daniel didnt budge. He tried to move his s

27、houlders, but he was anchored to the floor. Smiley was very surprised and unhappy. The stranger won the bet. Well, he said, I dont see anything special about this frog. He took the money and left. Smiley looked at Daniel for a long time. Finally he said, What has happened to Daniel? He looks terribl

28、y fat. He caught Daniel by the back of his neck and lifted him. Cats alive! You weigh five pounds! He turned Daniel upside down, and the frog spit out a big number of shotgun pellets . Now he understood what happened to Daniel. Smiley was furious. He looked for the stranger everywhere, but he never

29、found him. Simon Wheelers story ended here. I didnt really want to hear another story about Smileys bets, so I got up from my chair and left. paws:爪。 give the word:发号令。 budge:移动。 anchored:固定。 “cats alive!”:感叹句。 five pounds:约 2。5 公斤。 spit out:吐出。 everywhere:四处。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www

30、.homer- 9 / 22 Curing A Cold Chapter Six: The First Sneeze When the White House of Virginia City, Nevada burnt down, I lostmy home, my happiness, my health and my trunk. The loss of my home and my happiness was not a problem. A home without a mother or a sister who care for you isnt really a home. T

31、he loss of my happiness was not a problem either. I am not a poet, and so I am usually a happy person. But the loss of my good health and of my handsome trunk was a serious problem. On the day of the fire, I caught a terrible cold. The first time I began to sneeze, a friend told me to put my feet in

32、 hot water and then go to bed. I did this. The next day, another friend advised me to take a cold shower. I did this too. After an hour, another friend told me to eat a big quantity of good food. So I went to a new restaurant and started to eat everything I saw. The owner of the restaurant asked me

33、if the people of Virginia City often had colds. I answered that they did. He then went outside, took down the new sign and closed the restaurant. That day I met another good friend. He told me that I must drink a bottle of warm salt water. This was the only remedy to cure a cold. I tried it and the

34、result was surprising. I threw up everything I had in my stomach! sneeze: 打喷嚏。 burnt down:付之一炬。 care of:关心。 cold:感冒。 advised:建议。 remedy:治疗法。 cure:治疗。 threw up:吐出。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 10 / 22 I will never drink warm salt water again! And I will never advise anyone to do so.

35、 I prefer being in a California earthquake than drinking a bottle of warm salt water. This horrible remedy did not cure my cold, and it made my stomach sick for some time. I continued to sneeze violently, to blow my nose and to destroy handkerchiefs. My suffering grew. earthquake:地震。 grew:加重。 超越哈佛徐老

36、师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 11 / 22 Chapter Seven: The Remedies One day I met a woman who appeared to be one hundred and fifty years old. She came from a deserted part of the Far West, where there were no doctors. She had years of experience helping sick people. She prepared a special m

37、ixture of molasses, aquafortis, oils and other strange drugs. She advised me to drink a glass of this mixture every fifteen minutes. I only drank one glass of the mixture. It was enough to make me crazy. I became extremely mean and dangerous. My mind was full of wild thoughts. My behaviour was horri

38、ble. I was proud of being bad! After a few days, the effect of the horrible mixture passed. I felt a lot worse. My cold passed frommy head to my lungs. I coughed every moment of the day and of the night. It was impossible to sleep. The sound of my voice frightened me. I got worse every day. An old f

39、riend recommended gin. I drank it. Then I drank gin with molasses. Finally, I added onions. So I had gin, molasses and onions. The smell of my breath was terrible. deserted:无人的。 molasses:糖浆。 aquafortis:硝酸。 mean:恶毒。 lungs:肺部。 got worse:加重。 breath:呼吸。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 12

40、/ 22 Chapter Eight: The San Francisco Remedy I decided to travel to the countryside to improve my health. I went to Lake Bigler with my friend, Wilson. We travelled in a comfortable Pioneer coach. At Lake Bigler we fished and sailed on the lake. We hunted for hours in the woods. In the evening we da

41、nced. I enjoyed myself greatly. But, my illness got worse. A tourist at Lake Bigler recommended a cold sheet bath. I never refused a remedy. At midnight, when it was very cold, I undressed completely. I covered my body with a wet, ice-cold sheet. I kept the sheet on my body for a long time. It was t

42、he worst experience of my life. The wet, ice-cold sheet made my blood freeze and made my heart stop! I thought it was time for me to die. Never take a sheet-bath ¬NEVER! This is my advice to everyone. My condition got a lot worse. Other people recommended other remedies. Not one of these remedie

43、s cured my cold. After a week at Lake Bigler, I decided to go to Steamboat Springs. I thought that the hot baths there were good for my health. They were not. While I was at Steamboat Springs, I tried several different remedies. But I just got worse and worse. I was desperate. I finally decided to v

44、isit the city of San Francisco. The day I arrived, a woman at the hotel told me to drink a bottle of whisky every twenty-four hours. A dear friend, who lived in San Francisco, hunted:狩猎。 sheet:床单。 refused:拒绝。 freeze:冻至凝固。 condition:情况。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 13 / 22 recommend

45、ed exactly the same thing: a bottle of whisky every twenty-four hours. Thats two bottles of whisky. Well, I am happy to say that this San Francisco remedy finally cured my cold!超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 14 / 22 Track 1: The California Gold Rush On January 24th, 1848, John Marsha

46、ll discovered gold in the American River at Sutters Fort, California. He wasnt looking for gold .He discovered it by chance! This discovery changed the destiny of California. Suddenly, this wild territory of the Far West became world fames. During 1849, more than 80,000 people arrived in California

47、looking for gold. They came from the United States, Europe, Central and South America, and China. They were called gold miners, gold prospectors or simply forty-niners. A lot of forty-niners were poor. Their dream was to find gold and strike it rich. A lot of them found gold but only a few became ve

48、ry rich and important. With the hard-working gold miners, there came saloon-keepers, gamblers, dishonest people and outlaws. It was difficult to keep law and order in the Far West. by chance : 意外的。 forty-niners :1849 年涌到加州淘金的人。 strike it rich : 赚大钱。 saloon-keepers : 酒吧店主。 gamblers :赌徒。 outlaws :逃犯。

49、超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 15 / 22 Track 2: Life In The Mining Camps From 1848 many mining camps were established in the Gold Country: near the American River and in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. These camps were small settlements. They were organized quickly to meet the miners ev

50、eryday needs. A mining camp usually had a saloon, a hotel, a stable, a general store, an undertaker and a bank. Miners often paid for their food, drink, clothing and other things with gold dust or gold nuggets. Brawls and fights were common, and killings were not unusual! These were tough times and

51、camps were rough places. Today a lot of camps have become ghost towns. Others have grown into towns and cities, such as Angels Camp, Auburn, grass valley, Jackson, mariposa,Nevada city, murphys, Placerville and Sonora. You can visit them and their abandoned mines when you go to California.Take U.S.S

52、tate Highway80 to Sacramento, and then take California Highway 49 to the Gold Country. settlements: 社区。 undertaker: 殡仪馆(负责人)。 gold nuggets: 金矿。 brawls: 争吵。 tough: 艰苦的。 rough: 危险的。 abandoned: 荒废的。 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 16 / 22 Track 3: The Jumping Frog Jubilee Do you have a p

53、et frog? If you do, take it to . Every year in may at angles camp, California, there is an exciting frog competition. It is called The Jumping Frog Jubilee. Frogs from far and near can enter the competition. The frog that can jump the greatest distance is the winner! A frog named Rosie, the Ribiter

54、is now the jumping champion of the world. In may 1986 she jumped 21 feet-53/4 inches (about 7 metres). If you want more information write to: Calaveras Jumping frog jubilee P.O.Box 489 Angels Camp,California 95222 Fax: (209)736-2476 超越哈佛徐老师原典英语中级素材 “原典英语自学法”交流论坛 http:/www.homer- 17 / 22 Track 4: Pan

55、ning For Cold The expression panning for gold was born during the California Gold Rush in 1848: The miners used a pan with a wire net on the bottom.they separated the gold from other materials by washing them with water. Miners usually panned for gold in the water of the rivers. The water of the river filled their pan with sand, dirt, stones and perhaps gold dust or gold nuggets. Other miners looked for gol

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