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1、英语专业四级考试考前讲座,写作(1),一、专四写作简介,1、形式与要求 作文: 议论文, 说明文,记叙文. 根据所给的作文题目,提纲或图表等,在35分钟之内,完成200字左右的作文 要求: 切题,完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体. 便条: 简单的应用文. 根据所给提示, 在10分钟内,完成50-60字的便条,通知,请贴等. 要求:格式正确,语言得体.,2、命题特点与写作题型,(1)历年大作文命题方式与特点,(2)便条写作命题方式与特点,3.评分标准,作文: 三个原则 整体评分法,给出归档分,可以适当奖励或扣分 兼顾语言和内容两方面确定作文档次 分数要能正确反映学生实际写作

2、水平,避免分数趋中现象. 应该有满分与零分. 四个方面 内容(content): 要求相关性好.第一主题思想明确,切题.第二,观点发展一致,充分. 前者确保就论题有一明确的态度,不跑题. 后者保证是全文能充分围绕一个主题展开,无不相关信息. 组织要求(organization): 要求全文有合理的结构,能够使用衔接手段使行文连贯,尤其注意对结构的规定. 语言要求(grammar): 要求文字通顺,语法正确. 低级的语言错误是行文的致命伤. 文体要求(appropriateness): 要求兼顾论题, 情景和读者因素,选择正式的,非正式的,亲昵的或者是文学性的用词,句式,时态,语态,指示方法来写

3、作.,五个档次,便条: (1)格式3分: 包括日期,称呼和结尾三部分,各占一分。其中每一部分由“正确写法“与“正确位置”组成,各占0.5分. March 13,2010 Dear Mike, ! Yours (Sincerely), Tom,(2)内容与语言6分,应包括: 情景描述 邀请,道歉等具体的行为语言,如建议I strongly recommend that 首句需要用自己正确的语言表达,照抄提示扣1分 语言表达较差(包括拼写和语法错误),扣1-3分 (3) 语言得体性1分:语言风格与情景不一致,扣1分 (4)评分总体要求 语言没有严重错误,格式对,内容完整,语言得体,字数符合要求(4

4、0),给9-10分 要求50-60字(含格式三部分), 80或40扣1分,评分: 格式是否正确3 字数是否符合 1 有言语行为吗 1-2 按要求解释原因了吗1-2 句首照抄提示了吗1 语言得体吗,措辞是否符合两人的关系?1 有无严重的语言错误1-2,Directions: You have received an invitation from your friend, but you have already had some guests in your house. Please express the reason you cant go clearly. Please write i

5、n about 60 words. April.6 Dear Lucy I do apology for have to send this letter about Saturday night.it is difficulty for me to make choice. I hope you know How sorry am I not to be with you this saturday. Should I make a visit to you in my other spare time? Yours Respectfully Jane,二 写前准备,1 审清指令 (1)三大

6、部分:(指示部分) 情景提示 论题介绍 组织安排 (2)八项要求:(分析部分) 情景要求 体裁要求 话题要求 内容要求 组织要求 语言要求 文体要求 字数要求,(3)具体过程,SECTION A COMPOSITION 35 MIN Tourism is a booming business in China. However, some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to the environment, while others dont think so. What is your opinion? Write on

7、 ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.In the last part,

8、 bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.,准确把握论题:旅游业会给环境带来危害,旅游业不会给环境带来危害 正确判断体裁:议论文:确定论点后,提出1到2点加以论证,为什么会带来或者不会带来 决定合理的发展结构:

9、第一部分:明确的论点 第二部分:一到两个理由 第三部分:结论,误区1: 旅游业会给环境带来危害 因此我们应该采取以下措施:1。2。 只有做到以上,才能减少危害 误区2: 旅游业不会给环境带来危害 因此我们应该大力发展旅游业,很多好处1。2。 这些好处都是建立在不危害环境的基础之上的。 How to improve mental health?,2 确定体裁:以说明为主或者议论为主,(1)说明文特征及题眼:对明确的观点进行阐述或者提出建议。实体说明文与事理说明文,前者介绍事物的特征,性状,成因或做事的程序,后者阐明事理。回答的常常是“是什么“,怎么样,为什么等问题,重点是告诉读者事情是如何发生的

10、,以及事情发生的原因。,(2)议论文特征及题眼 说明文往往观点非常明确,要求进一步阐述,而议论文要求考生提出是与非的观点。,3确定题目,(1)三个注意事项 命题作文必须有题目 题目书写一定要正确 除冠词,并列连词,介词以及助动词之外所有首字母大写,第一个单词,冒号后的单词不分词性一律首字母大写 所有字母大写可以避免上面因词性规定而可能出现的错误 题目和论题不一定相同 如果出现entitled这样的字眼(96,00年),照抄;on the following topic 时,需认真审题,必要时进行改造。,(2)题目的确定原则 对写作内容概括适当,不可过宽或过窄 要具体,不可模糊,少用疑问句 语言

11、简洁,能用词不用短语,能用短语不用句子,The best way to stay healthy Happy ? The best way to stay healthy is to have a good attitude? The more exercise, the more healthy! The best way to stay healthy: A balanced diet or physical exercise? ? The best way to stay healthy! Doing physical exercise: The best way to stay hea

12、lthy!,注意:论题已经是非常明确的观点,可以直接作为题目。 Travel broadens our mind 论题已有,但缺乏关键词时,可加上关键词 The best way to stay healthy 题目要求我们做出选择时,要旗帜鲜明的用观点做题目 Will phones kill letter writing?,4.安排结构,明确的指令,分为三部分。第一段(部分)明确观点看法,第二段(部分)为发展段或提供理由或者具体事例,第三段(部分)为结尾结论。,三、段落写作,TEM-4的段落要求 1.段落的一致性:整个段落有且只有一个主题。 误区一:论述介入不相关的材料 the first

13、way to improve mental health is to develop some hobbies. Reading novels is a good choice. For example, Oliver Twist, written by Mark Twain, a great writer in U.S. This novel tells us the story about 误区二:转移话题 the second reason for keeping a good mood is that it can make us live a happy life. Why are

14、people busy with working or study? Because they want to earn more money and get better position to live a happy life. However, why not forget the pressure of that and just live a happy life?. In addition, recreation as reading and movie watching can also benefit the mentality with new knowledge, new

15、 focuses, and lessons from others stories, especially for the introverted ones,2.段落的发展性:段落的主题一定要有具体内容的支撑,如事理的论证,事实,细节或例子等。 误区一:主题中的关键词在段落中没有充分发展 The first way to improve mental health is to develop some hobbies such as reading novels and watching movies. Reading novels helps broaden our mind and acq

16、uire new knowledge, which will consequently improve our mentality. The second way is to travel in you spare time. 误区二:观点后只有例子,缺少中间发展环节 Firstly, being optimistic is much important for us to keep healthy. There is a piece of news in China Daily about an old man who is 100 in Anhui. Some people asked h

17、er why she could live so long and so healthy. Her answer is very simple: to be optimistic. Second, emotion is very important for our health.,3.段落的层次性:主题句+支撑句 (1) The first way to improve mental health is to develop some hobbies such as reading novels and watching movies (A) Reading novels helps broa

18、den our mind and acquire new knowledge, which will consequently improve our mentality. (B) Watching movies may produce a sense of beauty and release ourselves from great pressure. Topic sentence (1) Supporting sentences (A)(B) Details to the supporting sentences A1 A2 B1 B2 误区:见上例,4.段落的连贯性:指论点发展中的逻辑

19、性,是文章可读性的重要标准。 方法一:反复提及主题,但切忌简单重复 The most important reason for keeping a balanced diet lies in thatthe second reason for keeping a balanced diet is but with a balanced diet.finally, it is wise for you to choose a balanced diet because.but keeping a balanced diet can. 方法二:发展观点时,使用正确的衔接手段,A:说明先后顺序 Fi

20、rst, second, third; To begin with, moreover, finally First of all, next, then, eventually Meanwhile; in the mean time,B:因果 Because of, due to, thanks to, owing to As a result, for this reason, consequently, accordingly, thus, therefore, in this way,C.比较,对比 Unlike, in contrast, on the contrary, on th

21、e other hand, while, but, yet Likewise, in like manner, similarly,in the same way, just as,D.附加,递进 Again, in addition, and, also, furthermore, moreover, whats more, not onlybut also, apart from, besides In other words, equally important, for one thingfor another thing(专门引出理由), on the one handon the

22、other hand(描述相反或矛盾的观点), as well, last but not least,E 举例 For example, for instance, a case in point, to illustrate, as an illustration, just as, take for example, as follows.,F 让步,转折 Though, although, even though, whereas, but, yet, however, in contrast, on the other hand Despite, in spite of, regar

23、dless of,F.同位解释 That is(to say), roughly means, in other words, by definition, namely, as a matter of fact, assuggests, as regards, with regards to, concerning, as for, in terms of,G. 选择 Or, or rather, alternatively, instead(of), rather than, whetheror, eitheror, neithernor, notbut,H.总结 All in all,

24、in brief, in conclusion, in one/a word, in short, in summary, to sum up, to conclude, on the whole, to summarize, in sum Briefly, altogether Personally, I For these reasons,. I , personally, suggest that虚拟 According to the above analysis, we can arrive at the conclusion that,误区一:混淆词性 In addition tha

25、t we can talk to friends In addition to, we can talk to friends We can however talk to friends Hence, thus, therefore Spoken English is important, thus we should practice everyday. Spoken English is important. Thus, we should practice everyday Spoken English is important; thus we should practice eve

26、ryday Spoken English is important, and thus we should practice everyday,误区二:衔接手段不一致 Firstly.besides Firstlysecondlythirdly First of all secondly First of allthenbesidesmoreover,误区三:关联词受汉语思维影响 But ,而。 英语中but表示转折,汉语中的“而”还可以表示因果与顺承 我认为英语很难学,而我就没学好。 I think English is difficult, but I dont learn it well

27、. For one thing, for anther thing,一方面,另一方面 引出事情的理由 On the one hand, on the other hand一方面,另一方面 相反或者对立的观点,误区四:代词使用不妥 With the development of technology, cell phone has become popular. It is convenient tool for communication. Others can inform you of something at any time if you have one. That enables you to chat with your friends when you are bored.,

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