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1、2006年九年级英语书面表达训练1、以“Taiwan in my heart”为题写一篇80个词左右的作文2、根据提示,写一篇80词左右的短文。要求内容切题,意思连贯。提示:假设你是班长。请根据下面的内容在黑板上写一个通知,主要内容:你们班篮球队要和2班篮球队进行一场精彩的篮球比赛。时间:今天下午3:00。地点:本校操场。内容:希望全班同学3:00到操场助威。你派李明和魏峰搬一些椅子到操场供运动员休息。胡雪准备些开水供运动员赛前赛后喝。3、根据汉语提示和要求写一篇80词左右的短文。现在越来越多的人喜欢养宠物,宠物正受到很多人的青睐。养宠物有什么好处?养宠物应该注意什么?4、下面描述的是2005

2、年11月15日(周三,晴天)你的一次经历,请根据其内容,写一篇80词左右的日记。注意要点完整,语法正确,上下文连贯,并适当发挥。要点:下午放学后;爸爸出差,妈妈卧床生病;照顾妈妈送医院、买药、煮饭、洗衣服等等;后来受父母表扬;该经历对自己的感触。5、在学习了西方传统节日圣诞节后,用英文写一篇关于中国的传统节日春节(Spring Festival)的短文。内容提示:春节的地位;节前准备情况;除夕之夜及春节那天的主要活动。6、星期天是九月二十六日,天气很好。你们学校组织了一次爬山活动。请你写一篇日记本描述一下爬山的过程及忍受。要求:注意日记的格式;注意时态的运用;80词左右。7、为了提高英语口语表

3、达能力,假设你班明天下午将召开一次以“Keep Our Shool Clean”为主题的班会,请根据要点用英语写一篇简短的发言稿。不随地吐痰,不乱扔好东东;不在墙上乱涂乱画;坚持每天认真打扫教室内外卫生。注意:80词左右;不要逐字翻译;发言稿的开头和结尾已写出(不计入点词数)Good afternoon,everyoneThats all. Thank you.8、“水”生命之源,请以“Water”为题,就你身边有关水的话题用英语写一篇短文,80词左右9、昨天是植树节,一大早李平穿上旧衣服来到学校,他和同学们互相帮助,挖了许多坑,他们沿着学校的操场种了一些树。他们说:“为了使校园理加美丽,我们

4、更尽可能地多植树。10、根据提示,以“The Jacksons Sunday ”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,要求使用所给全部要点。(开头已给出)星期天杰克逊一家起得很早。平时不大吃早饭,但星期天常吃。饭后去教堂,遇见很多人,之后去公园。全天在公园里,划般,树下吃野餐,饭后孩子们放风筝,杰克逊夫妇钓鱼下午,孩子们在草坪(lawn)上玩,夫妇散步,玩得痛快。11 书面表达小明和小华是在“手拉手”活动中结成的一对学习伙伴。前不久,小明来信向小华询问如何学好英语。(2005年江苏盐城市) 请你以小华的名义给他写封回信。 内容包括:1学习英语的基本方法(listen carefully; speak

5、 much; read widely; learn.by heart; practice writing;.); 2你的体会和其他建议。 词数:80词左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Xiao Ming, Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well. 12 书面表达写一篇有关你和你就读的学校开展体育活动的短文。(2005年宁德市) 要求:所写短文必须包括以下提示要点;意思表达清楚,文句通顺、连贯,单词拼写正确,标点无误;至少写出7个

6、句子,字数70左右。(不包括已经给出的句子)。 要点:1学校每年秋季举办运动会。去年运动会上你获跳远第一名。 2同学们通常有早锻炼、做眼保健操、课后有时打篮球或踢足球。 3介绍你最喜欢(favourite)参加和观看的运动项目。 4运动有益于身体健康(health),你准备进行更多锻炼。 My School Sport I study at No. 2 Middle School. 13 书面表达请根据下面的提示,以“Internet and Our life”写一篇文章,80个词左右。开头已给出。 1、21世纪是时代信息,随着科技的发展,信息越来越重要。 2、电脑改变着我们的生活。电脑带来了

7、崭新的联系方式,缩小了世界。电脑提供了大量的信息,满足了人们的需要。 提示: communication n. 联系,交流 communicate v. 联系 Internet and Our life It is said that the 21st century is the Information Age.14 书面表达根据下面的提示,以“希望小学”为题写一篇短文,字数80字左右。 1、中国农村许多孩子因穷困而失学 2、好心人捐款助学,创办了希望小学。 3、许多希望小学条件良好,有教学楼和漂亮的操场。孩子学习努力、成绩优秀。 4、希望更多的人来帮助希望小学,使更多的孩子受到良好的教育。

8、 生词提示: Hope school 希望小学 , poverty 贫困 contributing money 捐款, teaching condition 教学条件 Hope Primary School15 书面表达根据以下的提示写一篇短文,字数80字左右。 1、过去人们没有去考虑环境的保护,自然资源飞快地消耗,用有毒的物质污染环境。如此下去,人类将不复存在。 2、解决方法:1)循环再利用资源,将延续更长久 2)用现代方法控制生育,世界人口将不会增长那么快。 3)教育人们思考这个问题,将会有更好更清洁的星球。 提示生词:surrounding n. 环境 resource n. 资源 me

9、thod n. 方法 Man and mans surroundings _16 书面表达 为了提高英语口语表达能力,假定你班明天下午将召开一次以keep Our School Clean为主题的班会,请根据 以下要点用英语写一篇简短的发言稿。 1.不随地吐痰.不乱扔好东东。 2.不在墙上乱涂乱画。 3.坚持每天认真打扫室内外卫生。 注意:1.词数八十左右 2.请不要逐字翻译。 3.发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 Good afternoon everyone! - Thats all. Thank you!17 书面表达假如你是李林,家住在北京。你的英国笔友Helen给你发来

10、一封E-mail。请根据E-mail的内容,给予回复。 要求:1.字数80-100。 2.语句完整.通顺.语意连贯.格式正确。 邮件的开头部分需填写完整,但不计入要求字数。 From:Helen 1987 To:li-lin87 Subject: Hi, Lin! Dear Li Lin, How have you been recently? How are your parents? I know your mother is a doctor. What is she doing now? I have read a lot about SARS in China, especially

11、 in Beijing, and is it true that all the schools are closed? How do you study your lessons then? Ive heard that People are afraid to go out. Is that so? Im really worried about you. Please write to me as soon as possible. Good luck! Yours, Helen18 书面表达请根据下面表格的提示,用英文写一篇记述自己活动的短文,字数80个左右,要求语法正确,意义通顺。短

12、文 的开头已给出。 TIME-at 6.30 last Saturday PLACE-Jacks home What to do -were invited(应邀)to go to Jacks birthday , have a party HOW TO DO -bring some stamps, sing, dance, have a good time Last Saturday was Jacks birthday. _ 19 书面表达假如明天是星期六,班级将组织一次野外徒步旅游,请你拟一份7-8句的口头通知(一段话)。通知包括下列内容: 活动时间:明天(星期六) 活动内容:野外徒步旅

13、行(hike on ones field trip)登山顶.在山上野餐。 携带物品:带些食物饮料,穿结实的鞋。 集合时间:早上七点半,要按时到。 集合地点:校门口。 要求:语句通顺,语意连贯,要点写全,书写清晰,规范(不要逐字翻译)。紧扣主题的适当发挥不扣分。 Attention (注意),Please!_ Thats all .Thank you.20 书面表达假如你是 Kate 或者 Tom ,请先用( )回答下列问卷调查表中的问题,然后根据问卷调查表中的内容,用英语写一篇人与动物的短文。 要求:1.书写工整,语言规范,表达完整,符合语境。 2.词数:80。 Questionnaire Y

14、es NO1. Do you like animals? ( ) ( )2. Do you often “talk” to them? ( ) ( )3. Do you often feed them? ( ) ( )4. Are you feeling happy with them? ( ) ( )5. .Have you ever hurt them? ( ) ( )6. Have you ever helped you? ( ) ( )7. Do you feel sad when they are ill or hurt? ( ) ( )8. Do you often do some

15、 cleaning for them? ( ) ( )参考答案1、 There is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Taiwan, the biggest island, lies to the southeast of Fujian province. It has a population of 22,000,000.Taiwan produces many kinds of products, especially seafood.It is a very beautiful island. Riyuetan(日月潭) Pool

16、 and Mount Ali are very famous places of interest. Now, many Taiwanese come to the mainland, they visit their relatives and friends, and some of them build factories and run shops.I love Taiwan very much and I hope I can visit Taiwan some day.2、Dear classmates,There is going to be a friendly basketb

17、all match between our class basketball team and the one from Class 2 on the playground at 3:00 this afternoon. It will be a wonderful match. I hope everyone will go to the playground to cheer for them at 3:00.Li Ming and Wei Feng, please take some chairs to the playground so that the players can sit

18、 when they are tired.Hu Xue, carry some hot water to the playground, so that the players can drink it before or after the game.3、Now, more and more people keep animals as pets at home. They regard their pets as members of their families. Pets are loved more and more because they can give people a lo

19、t of pleasure and help a person feel less lonely.We must keep our pet clean and healthy. If the pet is ill, we should take her to see the vet. We must try to prevent the spread of diseases that animals carry. If we do like this, the pet will give us pleasure rather than trouble.4、November,15,2005,We

20、dnesday SunnyWhen I got home this afternoon. I found my mother was lying in bed sick and my father was away on business. What should I do then?Since Mother was ill, I should take care of her. I first sent her to hospital and bought some medicine. When we got home, I began to cook dinner and wash clo

21、thes.I was praised by my parents later for this. I think I have grown up now and I should help to something for my family.5、The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Its as important as Christmas Day in western countries. Before it comes, people often buy many delicious th

22、ings to eat and something to use.On New Years Eve, after the big and important dinner, the family sit to watch something interesting of CCTV or talk on and on. When New Year comes on mid-night, all the people are happy and say “ Happy New Year to each other, In many places people set off firecracker

23、s(鞭炮).It is very interesting. But now it is not allowed in some big cities because it is not safe.”On New Years Day, after breakfast, people wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. Children play happily outside. Everyone has a good time on this day.6、September 26th Sunday SunnyToday

24、was fine. My classmates and I want to climb the hill. At 8:00 we started to climb. At first everyone was excited. We all wanted to be first. After a while we reached the middle of the hill. We got tired, but we still went on climbing. On the way, we helped each other and encouraged each other. At la

25、st all of us got to the top of the hill. I think it was teamwork that made us succeed.7、Good afternoon, everyoneWe are studying in this school, Its our duty to keep it clean and tidy. Its not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the classroom. We should neither draw pictures on

26、the walls nor throw any litter onto the ground. I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school. Im sure our school will be more beautiful. Thats all. Thank you.8、What can live without water? None and nothing.Every-one kn

27、ows this. but not all of us save the water. For example someone uses running water to clean the cars or buses;someone doesnt turn off the tap after washing. They know water is very important for the human. But they dont know the more we use the water, the less the water is. and our country is short

28、of water. Everyone must save the water because it is the source of our lives.9、It was Tree Planting Day yesterday. Li Ping went to school in his old clothes early in the morning. They helped each other and dug the holes large enough for the trees. They planted some trees along their school playgroun

29、d .They said they would plant as many as possible to make their school more beautiful.10、The Jacksons SundayThe Jacksons get up very early on Sunday. Usually they dont eat much breakfast in the morning. but on Sunday they often have a big breakfast. After breakfast they go to church first. They meet

30、 a lot of people in the church. Then, they go to the park. They spend almost the whole day there. First they go boating on the lake. Then they sit under the trees and have their picnic. After lunch the children fly their kites and Mr. and Mrs. Jacksons take a walk around the lake. They all have a wo

31、nderful time on Sunday.11. Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well. I think you must listen carefully and be active in class. Speak as much as possible. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Youd better read widely and learn some important parts by he

32、art. You should practise writing often. Of course there are many other ways. You can also see English films, learn to sing English songs or make penfriends with foreigners. They are all very helpful. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Im sine youll learn English well. Yours, Xiao Hu

33、a12. My School Sport I study at No. 2 Middle School. There is a sports meeting in our school every autumn/Our school holds a sports meeting every autumn/A sports meeting is held in our school every autumn. I took the first place/was first in the long jump/won the long jump last year. We usually take

34、 exercise in the early morning. We do eye exercises in the afternoon. After school/class we play basketball or football. My favourite sport is football/I like football best. I often watch a football match on TV on Sundays. I think(doing)sport is good for our health/(doing) sport makes us healthier a

35、nd stronger. I am going to take/do more exercise/do more sport.13.It is said that the 21st century is the Information Age. With the development of science and technology, information has become more and more important to everyone. Nowadays, more and more people have their own computers and the Inter

36、net plays a very important part in their daily life. First, the internet brings us a new way of communication. In every corner of world we can find internet. We can communicate with our relatives and friends living abroad on the internet. Second, the internet brings us a lot of information. We can k

37、now what is happening in the world and what were interested in. With the internet, we can see the world has become smaller and smaller. 14In the country of China, Many children cant go to school because of poverty. But so many warmhearted people are helping them by contributing money. And with the m

38、oney, they are building schools. Many of these schools have very good teaching conditions. In these schools you can find modern teaching buildings and a beautiful playground. The students in these schools study very hard and always do a good job. Because they all know that Hope School brought them t

39、he chance to go to school again. I hope more and more people will help the Hope School, and more and more children will be able to go to the first-class school.15In the past, man did not think about protecting the surroundings. People are using up the natural resources fast, and polluting the surrou

40、ndings with dangerous things. If we continue to do this, human beings cant live on the earth any longer. How to solve the problem? If we learn to recycle them our natural resources will last longer. The worlds population will not grow so quickly if we use modern methods to control the birth Finally,

41、 if we educate people to think about the problem, we shall have a better and clean planet in the future.16. Good afternoon, everyone! We are studying in this school. Its our duty to keep it clean and tidy Its not good to spit in public places, such as in the library ,in the classroom . We should nei

42、ther draw pictures on the walls nor throw any litter onto the ground . I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, Im sure our school will be more beautiful . Thats all. Thank you !17. From :li-lin87 To: Helen 1987 S

43、ubject: Thanks for your kindness! Dear Helen , Thank you very much for your kindness. My mother is working at Xiaotangshan Hospital which was built specially for SARS patients. She cant come home. My father and I are worrying about her and miss her very much . But we are proud of her. Its true that

44、all the schools here are closed ,but we can have our lessons through TV or on line every day at home .People dont go to public places as often as usual, because they want to protect themselves. Things are getting better now. I believe we can come back to school soon. Best wishes! Yours, Li Lin18. La

45、st Saturday was Jacks birthday . Some of our classmates and I were invited to go to his birthday party . I bought some stamps as a present for him and got to his house at 6.20. When Jack saw me ,he was very happy. He liked the present very much .Our classmates , Jack and I sang ,danced and had a goo

46、d time . We were all very happy.19. Attention, Please. Tomorrow is Saturday .Were going to hike on our field trip . Were going to hike to the top of a mountain . Please wear strong shoes and bring some food and drinks with you .We are going to have a picnic on the mountain.(Im sure thats going to be

47、 great fun.)We are going to meet at the school gate at 7.30 tomorrow morning . Please be there on time . Thats all. Thank you . 20.Im Kate (Tom).I like animals very much .I have a cow(a cat, a dog ).I feed her(him) every day .I often “talk” to her(him) When I am happy or sad. As she (he) is my best friend, I have never hurt her(him). I always feel sad or worried when she(he) is ill. Every day I do some cleaning for her(him) no matter how busy or tired I am. The cow (cat, dog )brings me not only “trouble” but also happiness. I feel very happy When I am together with her(him).

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