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1、 一个落入凡间的精灵、大名鼎鼎、人见人爱、鬼灵精怪、超级搞笑、是她的看家本领,语不惊人死不休、课不出彩不为师!很难想象外表甜美可爱的她上起课来是那么的疯狂,让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧,想要全新体验学英语的乐趣吗?快快加入funny sally俱乐部! 主持人致词开场白 :Welcome to only English school, 尊敬的各位家长和小朋友们,大家好!欢迎大家参加今天我们昂立外语的免费公开课会场,我代表昂立国际所有同仁对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎和忠心的感谢首先做一下自我介绍,我叫XXX,是这次公开课的老师,在正式公开课开始之前,请允许我对昂立国际教育做一个简短的介绍。昂立外语是由上

2、海交通大学创办的交大党委直属企业。上海交大是我国历史最悠久的著名高等学府之一,包括前任国家主席江泽民在内的众多著名人士都出自这所大学 ,昂立外语充分利用上海交大的师资和品牌优势,致力于建立完整的终生教育产业链。昂立每年培训的学员有上百万,尤其是最近两年昂立教育集团的发展速度和规模迅速扩大,那现在我们在二百多个城市,拥有超过四百多家连锁学校,而且这个数字还在不断的递增,这个数字说明强大品牌和教学质量是勿庸置疑的.昂立外语现在也已经发展成为了全国最大的连锁培训学校、堪称“中国外语培训行业的航空母舰”!尤其是我们的幼少儿在全国培训行业遥遥领先,成为幼少儿行业的“领军人”。其教材、教学、教法在英语培训

3、市场独树一帜,特别是在幼儿英语、少儿英语的培训方面最具特色,教学成效显著;我们的口号就是“不走弯路,快乐进步!”。几年来经我校培训过的学生,不论在开口意识还是在表现欲方面都得到了很好的训练,英语学习兴趣得到了很大的提高。 o 今天的公开课非常高兴看到我们这么多可爱的小朋友的参与,今天特别为孩子们准备了一场具有昂立特色的英语展示课,一个小时之后,我们的家长将会亲眼目睹您孩子的精彩的英语表演,尤其是TPR肢体语言所带来的神奇效果,希望今天你们能在昂立度过一个难忘的英语学习时光,也希望我们老师能给小朋友带来不一样全新的英语体验。教师开场白:Good morning ladies and gentle

4、men , welcome to only English school , my Chinese name is zhangran , my English name is sally , I am from zhengzhou city , I am an English teacher of only international education .i have been teaching childreden for five years. today I am so happy to stand here and show you dimo class , I hope you c

5、an enjoy my dimo class and have a good time . ok ? thank you ! Step 1 warm upT: now everybody, are you ready? 你们准备好了吗?请给我一个热情的回馈,请你们一起跟我说:yes! Im ready! Put up your right hand and left hand shake your hands wow so great :hello hello(老师跑起来和学生进行热情的击掌并且说hello, Ok, let”s count from ten to one .ten nine

6、eight seven six five four three two one . I say : one two three , you say : four four four ! so many handsome boys and pretty girls (指出男孩、指出女孩), ok first boys, please follow me :I am a boy, girls. please follow me : I am a girl.now when I say: handsome boy ,handsome boy should say “here”, here, foll

7、ow me here .(领着重复几遍)handsome boy (here 第一个说出来here的男孩老师要过去跟他击掌give me five 说yeah!)(老师和男生一起练几遍)pretty girl (这是可能会有男生说here,老师会说:if I say pretty girl , girls should hands up and say here(跟女孩子练几次)ok, now lets do the quickly response, who is quickly who is the winner ! (和女孩、男孩进行n次练习),boys and girls welcom

8、e to my class ! everybody do you like English? Yes or no !today lets learn English together, ok? when I (拍着自己)say ok? You(手指向小朋友)should say ok!(单手张开伸向前面)follow me ok !S: ok!T: lets learn English together, ok?S:ok!T: ok ok ok !S: ok ok ok!T: lets play games together, ok(双手举起)when I say ok? You should

9、 say ok (双手举起来)ollow me ok!S:ok!T:ok let”s do the quickly response : are you ready? lets learn English togher ok?lets play games together, ok?( 双手举起-引导学生说ok并作相同的动作)-反复练习几遍。我们要喊出我们响亮地口号:everybody follow me : learning English ! playing games! Go! Go ! go !Oh-yeh! 反复练习几遍Step 2 oral EnglishT: ok, everyb

10、ody ,show me your face, , you look very happy today, why? Why you are happy today? :let me tell you the right anwer, (清一下嗓子)because you (指向学生)can(动作) see(动作) me today因为你们今天见到了我嘛!(很神气!很得意的表情):哈哈哈:yes when you see me , you will feel very good ! ok, everyone show me your hands ,when I say show me your

11、hands, you should do it quickly. show me your hands(跟学生做几个练习)follow me : very good !S: very good (拍手)o T: next action :very good (拍胸)练习几遍o S: very good o T:next action下一个动作 :very good (拍腿)练习几遍o :Very good o T:then last action , look at me carefully , it” s very difficult. Can you do it?Very good (快速

12、拍屁股)o :very good (哈哈哈拍屁股)o :if you can see me “how are you ? you should say:o S:very good (4遍)o T: this time we do it quickly. How are you today?o S: very good (4遍)o T:but if you cant see me today, how are you? That must be boring !you will say:oh! Oh! Just soso oh! Oh! Just so so! follow me :oh oh

13、just so so!o S: oh!oh! Just so!so!o T:If you cant see me today, how are you?o S: oh! Oh! Just so! So!o Oh this is my examination test ,(迅速拿出一个试卷) oh! my god I got 0 in the exam ,now you ask me how are you? I will say:no! no!terrible! follow me: no! no! terrible! o S: no!no! terrible!o Now when I do

14、it like this, you ask me : how are you , I will answer .(给出小朋友手势让他们提问)o Now, look at my action and answer quickly.o T: everybody stand up(和学生练习快速反应stand up 和sit down ) show me your hands (跟着老师来练快速反应) do action with me: Hello ! Hello! How are you? Fine !fine! thank you! Hello! Hello! How are you? Oh!

15、 Oh! Just so so! Hello! Hello! How are you? No no terrible !Hello! Hello! How are you! Good ! good ! very good!o S: 学生跟着做一遍o T:this time lets do it again! Ok?(双手举起)Hello ! Hello! How are you? Fine !fine! thank you! Hello! Hello! How are you? Oh! Oh! Just so so! Hello! Hello! How are you? No no terri

16、ble !Hello! Hello! How are you! Good ! good ! very good!S: 学生再一次跟着做一遍T:this time lets do it togher! Ready go!-lets do it quickly!ok?S: ok!T: Ok ? ok? Ok ?S:Ok !ok! Ok !T: hello hello ready go! Hello ! Hello! How are you? Fine !fine! thank you! Hello! Hello! How are you? Oh! Oh! Just so so! Hello! He

17、llo! How are you? No no terrible !Hello! Hello! How are you! Good ! good ! very good!Step 3 self introductiono T: Now,I d like to ask you some question, if you want to give me yes answer, please say : yes madam! (汉语解释)The first question : do you like to learn English? Yes madam. The second question

18、:do you like your parents ? yes madam ,The last question : do you want to know my English name? yes madam ,:yesT:Everybody wants to know me , because Im so famous (body language)Im so beautiful(body language),Im so lovely(body language)so please remember me ,now I will introduce myself to you.我要把我自己

19、隆重(body language)的介绍给你们,我就是昂立外语大名鼎鼎、人见人爱、鬼灵精怪、超级搞笑的super star ,my name is sally Im the most beautiful teacher in only education .do you believe me ?look ,magic magic 变变变!what”s this ? it”s a magic mirror .mirror mirror who is beautiful? Mirror say: It”s you sally! I will sing a song for you :you are

20、 beautiful you are beautiful(制造全场家长和学生爆笑效果):my name is sally ,baby what”s my name?S:sally T: what”s my name?S:sallyT:下面呢跟着sally老师一起读一下sally老师的英文名字。S: sallyT: wow 你们的声音太小了,I cant hear you ,sally老师听不到的。SallyS: sallyT: now, I say one , you should say: sally I say two, you should say :sally sally I say

21、three you should say :sally sally sally I say four you should say_S: maybe students will say : sally sally sally sally T:no you should stand up turn around -then sit down (body language) let”s have a try Are you ready?S: yes T:不停的换数字由慢到快。T:What” s my name? S:SallyT:Whats your name?S:Sally T:Sally is

22、 my name ,sally is not your name. you should say : my name is _.o T:How old are you? You should say: I am _o Now, two children make a team, try your best to ask and remember your partner”s name and age. Later I will check . let”s begin .这两个问题提问之后让学生两个两个组成一个小组互相提问:名字和年龄,记住对方的名字和年龄,然后老师来进行抽查提问看看是否记住了进

23、行表演和惩罚。o T: wow, cool, 很厉害。 Now, I will devide you into three groups,sally 老师把o 你们分成三队。I need a knife .oh my god , help me !give me a knife ,give me a maggic knife .天空打雷闪电(制造声音)wow a knife, a maggic knife chua bing 。Ciciciccicicccici, 砍的声音)o S: hahaha o you are spiderman(.亮出你们最酷的动作body languge) you

24、are superman(亮出你们最酷的动作body languge) . you are automan(亮出你们最酷的动作body languge) 比赛一下看谁的声音大。spiderman group, come on , raise your hands, 举起双手hello spiderman o spiderman: hello,sallyo T: 很厉害,下面superman group,有没有信心超过他们,o superman: 有o T: hello, supermansuperman : hello, sallyT:wonderful!太棒了Its your turn au

25、toman! hello automanAutoman: hello sally!T:now let”s say hello to our daddy and mummy , everybody stand up hello daddy hello mummy hello daddy hello mummy hi hi hi T: wow, great !小朋友好棒耶!T: 同样请我们的妈妈给小朋友一个热情地爱的回应:hello babyT: wow, great. Spiderman superman automan, You are so cool. 你们都很厉害ok lets prais

26、e us, were superman.:Wonderful wonderful yes!yes!yes!(跳起来) Step 4数来宝T:everybody follow me do action :up 跟着做动作(可利用直拼教学):pilipalapilipala down S:pilipalapilipala down T:jiujiujiujiujiujiu, down( jiu 是拟声词)S: jiujiujijiujiujiumiu, downT: up upS: up up T: down down S: down down T: up downS: up downt: ok,

27、 now, everybody stand up 每一个人包括在座的爸爸妈妈也一同参与看看是我们小朋友还是爸爸妈妈先学会please follow me , ok?S; okT: ready, go!Tand s : up up pia pia ( 击掌 ) Tand s : down down pia pia ( 击掌 )Tand s : up pia down pia (击掌)Tand s : up down pia pia (击掌)T: ok, now , lets have a competition. (做一个李晓龙的动作)下面呢,who is louder? Who is the

28、winner! S: okT: ready.( 拉长声音 ) goTand s : up up pia pia ( 击掌 ) Tand s : down down pia pia ( 击掌 )Tand s : up pia down pia (击掌)Tand s : up down pia pia (击掌)Step 5 let”s chant :everybody what”s this ?(很神秘的拿出来)yes, hand follow me hand S: hand T: hand hand it”s a hand S: hand hand T: hand hand hand S: ha

29、nd hand hand T: how many hands? One hand S: one hand T: one hand S: one hand T: one hand one hand two _hands follow me hands S:hands T: one hand one hand two hands S: one hand one hand two hands T: two handsS: two hands T: one hand one hand two hands(three times)S: one hand.T: I have two hands (带动作把

30、手举起来)S: I have two hands T: how many hands do you have?S: I have two hands.T: one two three (转肩旁)what”s this? shoulderS: shoulderT: shoulder shoulder shoulder S: shoulder shoulder shoulder T: one shoulder one shoulder two shoulders S: one shoulder one shoulder two shoulders T: I have two shoulders.S

31、: I have two shoulders T: how many shoulders do you have?S: I have two shouldersT: 分别提问学生T: 拍着自己的屁股问whats this?,S: hip T: how many hips do you have? :hips T: one hip one hip two hips S: one hip one hip two hips S: hahahaT: I have two hips S: I have two hips T: how many hips do you have?S: I have two

32、 hips.T: one hand one hand two hands I have two hands one shoulder one shoulder two shoulders I have two shoulders one hip one hip two hips I have two hips lets say it together , ready go Tand S: one hand T:now everybody follow me let”s say a chant :Follow follow me follow sally a b c Follow follow

33、me follow sally a b c a a a b b b c c c a b c My body is very flexible!My body is very flexible, flexible!I can jump so high! I can touch the sky!If you want to do, please follow me!Follow, follow, follow me! Hands up, hands down!Follow, follow, follow me! Shoulders up, shoulders down!Follow, follow

34、, follow me! Hips up, hips down!Follow, follow, follow me! Lets sing a song!Dulala, Dulala. Xishuashua, Xishuashua, Yiyaya, Yiyaya Bengcaca, BengcFollow, follow, follow me! Everybody, come on! Everybody come on!T:let”s say it again!Step 6 closer T: wow, time is up ,we have to say goodbye (毛巾). I am

35、sad .安慰一下我吧!so sing a song for me .ok?(带着哭腔) goobye sally goobye sally . goobye sally so long .see you again see you again see you again tomorrow (准备道具:毛巾):wow ,you did a good job today !wonderful! do you like English ? Yes or no (body language) S: yes(引导学生讲)T: Do you like me? yes or no ?S: yesT: th

36、ank you I love you everybody! Do you want to learn English with me? Yes or no ? ( body language) S: yesT: if you want to learn English ,please come to only English school, please follow me ,that”s must be great! That”s must be intresting , that”s must be fun! In only English school , anybody can lea

37、rn , anybody can improve! In only English school , more practice , happier progame !:你们今天的表现太棒了,you really did a good job!来让我们的爸爸妈妈为你们今天的表现来一个爱的鼓励(引导家长为孩子鼓掌)主持人致结尾:Wow 小朋友刚刚老师的课精彩不精彩?你们喜欢不喜欢昂立外语?太棒了!我们昂立外语有很多很多的活动,希望你们都能参加!各位家长从我们小朋友的表现可以看出来小朋友对英语学习的喜欢,今天公开课的sally老师虽然是孩子们的新朋友,但她通过展示高水平的教学技巧、风趣、幽默、好玩


39、家Ashley认为:中国人的英语要从儿童抓起,尤其要在12岁前学到纯正地到流利的口语,练就英语直接思维习惯,使他们的语音与英美人士没有区别。如果孩子们错过了这个一生中最宝贵的时光,他们今后的求学阶段将浪费一半的宝贵时间苦攻英语,而且他们的英语将在一生的背诵中度过,并且难免南腔北调,造成一生的遗憾。所以请将您的孩子放心地交给我们吧,我们一定会提供最优质地服务,让您的孩子不走弯路,快乐进步赢在起跑线上! 希望今天晚上来的小朋友能早一点加入昂立外语,早一点体验学习外语的乐趣!我想今天到场的各位家长一定非常想了解一下您的孩子在昂立学习什么适合他的教材以及所达到的效果我们这一套教材是以外国经典童话故事为

40、内容载体,辅助大量的歌曲、童谣及律动。每个级别各含一篇童话故事,6首英文歌曲,3段童谣,5个律动。学完这套教材我们的孩子可以收获l 孩子从此爱上英语l 孩子形成标准的发音,流畅的语音语调,良好的开口意识l 自信心得到极大地提高: l 良好的合作精神:从小培养孩子对美的欣赏力: l 协调性的培养: l 学习习惯的养成:下面呢,就由我来为大家分组,由我们的课程老师为大家分别做测试!有不懂的地方请咨询我们的老师!Hello, children. So much for today. 小朋友们,我们今天的英语课就上到这里,你们都表现得特别棒,所以老师现在就要给你们发奖品。别忘了下周同一时间sally还会准备更多更好玩的游戏和更漂亮的奖品等着你们哦!现在就可以跟着爸爸妈妈去办理报名手续啦!See you! Good bye!(Sing goodbye song)

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