TISCO二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 中英文

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《TISCO二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 中英文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《TISCO二期扩建工程项目总承包(EPC)合同 中英文(53页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。




4、NNGEMENNT 进度计划TECHNICAL ANNEX OF EPC CONTRACT FOR TISCO SECOND STAGE EXPANSION PROJECT1. GENERALL DISCCRIPTIION OFF TISCCOS SSTAGE II EXPPANSIOON PROOJECT (EPC) TIISCO二期期扩建工程概概述2. Accordiing too the requiiremennts off soldd biddding ddocumeent 011#EPC, dateed on Marchh. 10, 20007, for the ssecondd s

5、tagge revvampinng andd expaansionn projeect off TISCCO, thhe lonng proocess of stteel mmakingg prodductioon linne witth cappacityy of 5000,000tt/a caastingg billlet wiill bee newlly buiilt upp in tthe maain pllant aareas of LUUU XA. 3. 根据在20077年3月100日卖出的01#EPPCTISO二二期扩建项目目投标文件的的要求,在LUU XXA.主厂区区新建500

6、0.000tt/a连铸坯坯生产能力的的钢铁冶炼长长流程工程。Accordiing too the requiiremennts off biddinng doccumentt, Fe mettal baalancee for pproduccing 543,200 t/a hot mmetal is shoown ass folllowingg calcuulatioon blockk diagrram:根据投标文件要要求,年产5543,200 t铁水中金属属铁的比例如如计算框图 Purchased magnet 采购磁铁矿(TFe62%)550,000t/aPurchased iron co

7、ncentrate(TFe53%)精铁矿300,000t/aLump ore矿块(TFe62%)138,700 t/a Sinter 烧结矿(TFe55%)9.81 million ton/a1550m3BF5.432 million ton/aSteel-making150t converter5.00 million ton/a casting billet炼刚150转炉 5000000ton/a连铸坯 1.1 MAIN TEECHNICCAL PRROCESSS FLOWW CHARTT主要工艺流程LUU XAA mainn plannt willl adoopt a long proc

8、eess prroducttion lline, namelly cokke oveen, siinteriing maachinee, blaast fuurnacee, connverteer, annd conntinuoous caastingg prodductioon linne.LUU XAA主厂区采用用长流程炼焦焦、烧结、高高炉、转炉连连铸生产工艺艺01# EPPC pacckage mainlly inccludess raw materrial yyard pprojecct, cooke maaking projeect (ccoke ooven), ssinterrin

9、g pprojecct, irron maaking projeect, ssteel makinng prooject, and oxygeen genneratiing prrojectt, whoole pllant uutilitties (wateer, ellectriicity and naaturall gas) at tthe seecond stagee and generral laayout and ttranspportattion.EPC工程包包括的主车间间:原料场;炼焦(焦炉炉)工程;烧烧结工程;炼炼铁工程;炼炼钢工程;制制氧工程;二二期全厂公辅辅设施(水、电电、

10、燃气);总图布置及及运输。1.2 CONTENTTS OF CONTRRACTINNG1.3 合同内容The Emmployeer usees thee EPC biddiing meethod. The biddiing sccope iincluddes mmain pplant area geoloogicall explloratiion foor the seecond stagee projject, enginneerinng dessign, equippment supplly, sttaff ttrainiing, projject cconstrructioon, eqq

11、uipmeent innstalllationn, tesst-runn, triial prroducttion, startt up oof prooductiion, aaccepttance ttest aand haand ovver.雇主采用EPCC方式招标,其其内容包括:主厂区二期期的地质勘探探;工程设计计;设备供货货;人员培训训;施工;设设备安装;试试车;试生产产;投产;验验收交付。1.4 ADOPTEDD STANNDARDSS AND CODESS项目规范和标准准Accordding tto thee requuiremeents oof thee biddding ddo

12、cumeents, Vietnnam or Chinaa standdards and ccodes shalll be aadopteed. 按照招标文件的的要求,采用用TISCOO提供的越南南标准和规范范,如果TIISCO不能能提供相关的的越南标准和和规范,在工工程设计、设设备制造中将将采用中国相相应的标准和和规范。1.5 PROJECTT CONSSTRUCTTION SSHCEDUULE项目实施进度表表The EPPCs conntracttor shaall coomplette theeir woork wiithin 30 moonths.The prrojectt consst

13、ructtion sscheduule iss arraanged basedd on tthe acctual situaationss of aall thhe maiin prooductiion liines oof seccond sstage revammping and eexpanssion pprojecct to meet the rrequirrementts of wholee projject sstartiing prroducttion. 承包包商应在300个月内完成成EPC合同同中规定的工工作。项目实实施进度是根根据二期扩建建工程各主要要生产线在项项目整体投产产

14、过程中的需需要来进行安安排。1.4.1IIndiviidual Packaage Scheduule off Variious MMain Workshhops各主要生产车间间分标段包工工程进度时间间:1)Thee raw materrial yyard pprojecct shaall bee put into produuctionn at 118 monnths.原料场要要求工程进度度安排是188个月投产;2)Thee sinterring pprojecct shaall bee put into produuctionn at 220 monnths.烧结工程要求工工程进度安排排是2

15、0个月投产产3)Thee cokee makiing prrojectt shalll be put iinto pproducction at 200 montths.炼焦工程要求求工程进度安安排是20个月投产产4) The iroon makking pprojecct shaall bee put into produuctionn at 223 monnths. 炼铁铁工程要求工工程进度安排排是23个月投产产;5)Thee steell makiing prrojectt shalll be put iinto pproducction at 288 montths.炼钢工程要求求工程

16、进度安安排是28个月投产产6)Thee oxyggen geeneratting pprojecct shaall bee put into produuctionn at 222 monnths.制氧工程要求求工程进度安安排是22个月投产产;7)Thee utiliities projeect off plannt areea forr secoond sttage rrevampping aand exxpansiion prrojectt shalll be put iinto pproducction at 188 - 222 montths progrressivvely. 二期厂区

17、区公辅设施要要求工程进度度安排是18828个月分期期投产;8)Thee roadds, raailwayys, poower ppipingg netwwork ffor seecond stagee revaampingg and expannsion projeect shalll be pput innto prroducttion aat 18 - 22 monthhs progrressivvely.二期厂区道路路、铁路及动动力管网工程程要求工程进进度安排是11828个月分期期投产1.4.2FFor thhe dettails of thhe inddividuual paackag

18、ee scheedule of varioous main produuctionn workkshopss, pleease ssee thhe tecchnicaal apppendixxes.各主要生产车间间分标段包工工程实施进度度表,见各技技术附件。1.4.3EEPC prrojectt consstructtion sscheduule.EPC实施进度度计划表1.5CONNTRACTTORS SERVVICE CCONTENNTS ANND SCHHEDULEE承包商提供的技技术服务的内内容及时间The Coontracctor shalll provvide tthe siite

19、geeologiical ssurveyy repoort, ttechniical ddesignn, shoop draawing desiggn, eqquipmeent puurchassing, equippment supplly, coonstruuctionn for plantt buillding, equiipmentt founndatioon as well as piiping netwoork, eequipmment iinstalllatioon, sttaff ttrainiing, ttest rrun annd triial prroducttion f

20、for maain prroducttion llines, starrt up of thhe prooductiion, aaccepttance ttest andd handd overr. 承包商根据各分分标段的项目目实施进度表表,分别提供供场地的地质质勘探;工程程的基本设计计、设备采购购、供货;厂厂房、设备基基础、管网的的施工;设备备的安装、调调试;人员培培训;各主生生产线的试车车、试生产;投产;验收收交付。1.6 The Conntracttor wiill emmploy Vietnnam Suub-conntracttor too undeertakee the workss

21、 of ddetailled geeologiical ssurveyy and carryy out the 1.7 foundattion ttreatmment (Unit pricee and norm accorrding to Viietnamm consstructtion sstandaard). If thhe tottal Suub-contrract pprice plus the ccontraactors mannagemeent feee do not eexceedd the amounnt of 3,2655,200 USD wwhich is sppecifi

22、ied annd asssignedd to ssuch wworks underr Conttract, the Contrractorr willl bearr the respoonsibiility; otheerwisee, thee addiitionaal cosst shaall bee bornne by the EEmployyer. TThe Emmployeer is entittled tto insspect the SSub-coontracct forr techhnicall and finanncial condiitionss. 承包包商如要雇佣佣越南分包

23、商商来承担地质质勘测和基础础工作(单价价根据越南建建筑标准)在在总分包合同同价格加管理理费未超过合合同中规定此此工作价款33,265,200 UUSD时由承承包商负责,超超过部分由雇雇主承担。雇雇主有权对分分包商的技术术和财务状况况进行监控。1.8 CONTENTTS INDDEX FOOR TECCHNICAAL APPPENDIXX技术附件目录1.91.10 The paackagee of TTISCO seconnd revvampinng andd expaansionn projject iis divvided into 8 sub- ppackagges coorresppon

24、dinng witth 8 technnical appenndixess. TISCOO二期扩建工工程根据各主主要生产线划划分为8个分分包标段,其其技术附件也也相应是8个个技术附件。1.11 1) Tecchnicaal apppendixx I of EPC CContraact doocumennt forr the seconnd staage reevampiing annd exppansioon prooject of TIISCO, (raw mmateriial yaard prrojectt);TISCCO二期扩建建工程EPCC 合同 技术附件II(原料场工工程);2) T

25、ecchnicaal apppendixx II off EPC Contrract ddocumeent foor thee secoond sttage rrevampping aand exxpansiion prrojectt of TTISCO, (sintteringg projject)1) TISCO二二期扩建工程程EPC合同同 技术附件件(烧结工程程);3) Tecchnicaal apppendixx III of EPPC Conntractt docuument for tthe seecond stagee revaampingg and expannsion pro

26、jeect off TISCCO, (cokee makiing prrojectt)TISCO二二期扩建工程程EPC合同同技术附件(炼焦工程程)4) Tecchnicaal apppendixx IV of EPPC Conntractt docuument for tthe seecond stagee revaampingg and expannsion projeect off TISCCO, (ironn makiing prrojectt)TISCO二二期扩建工程程EPC合同同 技术附件件(炼铁工程)5) Tecchnicaal apppendixx V of EEPC Coont

27、racct doccumentt for the ssecondd stagge revvampinng andd expaansionn projject oof TISSCO, (steell makiing & CCM pprojecct),.TISCO二二期扩建工程程EPC合同同 技术附件件(炼钢连铸铸程);6) Tecchnicaal apppendixx VI off EPC Contrract ddocumeent foor thee secoond sttage rrevampping aand exxpansiion prrojectt of TTISCO, (oxyggen

28、 geeneratting pprojecct).TISCO二二期扩建工程程EPC合同同 技术附件件(制氧工程);7) Tecchnicaal apppendixx VII of EPPC Conntractt docuument for tthe seecond stagee revaampingg and expannsion projeect off TISCCO, (utillitiess projject).TISCO二期期扩建工程EEPC合同 技术附件(厂区二期期公辅设施工工程);8) Tecchnicaal apppendixx VIII oof EPCC Conttract d

29、ocumment ffor thhe seccond sstage revammping and eexpanssion pprojecct of TISCOO, (generaal layyout aand trranspoortatiion, rroads, railwways & faciilitiees),.TISCO二二期扩建工程程EPC合同同 技术附件件(厂区二期期总图运输、道道路、铁路及及设施工程). 2. WORKINGG SCOPPE OF CONTRRACTORR承包商工作范围围Accordding tto thee conttents of 011# EPCC packk

30、age, the wwork sscope of coontracctor iis as the foollowss:按照01# EEPC合同内内容,承包商商工作范围如如下:2.1NEWWLY COONSTRUUCTED RAW FFMATERRIAL YYARD 新建建原料场2.1.1RRaw maateriaal yarrd is compoosed oof a rraw maateriaal pilling yyard aand a materrial eevenlyy blennding yard, utillity aand auuxiliaary faacilitties, whi

31、chh undeertakees thee compllex joobs suuch ass materrials receiiving & unloaading, storiing, eevenlyy blennding for conceentratted fiine orre, cooal, llump oore, fflux, fuelss etc. and ddirecttly deeliverr quallifiedd mateerial, fuell usedd for sinteering, cokee makiing annd iroon makking. All aabov

32、e mentiioned incomming mmateriials sshouldd havee quallifiedd partticle size and tthere will be noo siziing faacilitties iin thee plannt.原料车间设有有原料堆场及及混匀料场。其其承担着烧结结、焦化、高高炉所用的精精矿粉、煤、块块矿、熔剂、燃燃料等的受卸卸、储存、混混匀及将烧结结、焦化、炼炼铁所需合格格原、燃料直直接输出等综综合作业及其其配套的公辅辅设施,无需需磨准器。2.2 SINTERIING ENNGINEEERING烧结工程In ordder too m

33、eett the requiiremennts foor prooducinng 5000,000tt/a caastingg billlets for tthe TIISCO ssecondd stagge revvampinng andd expaansionn projeect, oone seet of 550m3 blasst furrnace and tthe maatchedd one sset off 100mm2 sintteringg machhine aas welll as correespondding uutilitties sshall be buuilt uup

34、. 为满足TISCCO二期扩建建项目5000,000tt/a连铸坯坯规模要求,新新建1台500m33高炉,为此此配套建设11台100m2烧结机及及其配套的公公辅设施。The grrade oof thee sintteringg ore shalll be 55% Fe conntent, and the ccapaciity off sintteringg ore shalll be 9981,0000t/a to meeet thee requuiremeents ffor siinteriing orre by the bllast ffurnacce. 烧结矿含铁品位位为56%,烧结矿

35、生生产能力为9981,0000t/a,满足高炉所所需烧结矿的的要求。2.3 COKE MAAKING ENGINNEERINNG炼焦工程 One seet of 45-batttery coke oven with the ccapaciity off 300,000 tt/a meetalluurgicaal coke and bby-prooductss recoovery systeem as well as maatchedd utillitiess willl be newly buiilt.新建一台年生产产干焦炭3000,0000t/a的445batttery焦焦炉及其副产产品回收

36、系统统、配套的公公辅系统。 2.4IROON MAKKING EENGINEEERINGG炼铁工程One seet of 550m3 blasst furrnace will be buuilt uup newwly too supplly hott metaal reqquiredd for steell makiing byy convverterr, in orderr to rreach the ttargett of pproduccing 5500,0000t/a castiing biilletss annuually.新建一座5000M3高炉炉,为炼钢转转炉年产5000,000

37、0T/A连铸铸坯提供所需需铁水。Iron mmakingg engiineeriing inncludees onee set of 550m3 blastt furnnace, pig cast machiine, ccoal iinjecttion ssystemm, oxyygen enrichhment blowiing syystem, mud mill, repaairingg faciilitiees of hot mmetal ladlees, annd mattched utiliities. Annuual ouutput of hoot mettal will be 54

38、3,200tonns. 炼铁工程程包括:一座座500m33高炉、铸铁铁机、喷煤系系统、富氧喷喷吹系统、碾碾泥机、铁水水罐维修等辅辅助设施及其其配套的公辅辅设施。年产产铁水5800,000tt/a。2.6 STEEL MMAKINGG & COONTINUUOUS CCASTINNG ENGGINEERRING炼钢连铸工程Main pprocesss equuipmennt forr the newlyy buillt steeel maaking conveerter and ccontinnuous castiing enngineeering are ass folllows: one s

39、set off 600tt mixeer, onne sett of 550t LD coonvertter, and oone seet of 55t LF rrefiniing fuurnacee, onee set of R8m four-strannd-casster, as weell ass matcched uutilitties aand auuxiliaary faacilitties. Annuaal prooductiion caapacitty of contiinuouss castter iss 500,000toons biilletss.新建炼钢转炉炉连铸工程,

40、主主要工艺设备备为:一座6600t混铁铁炉、一一座座50tLDD转炉、一台台55tLFF钢包精炼炉炉、一台R88m 4机44流方坯连铸铸机及其配套套的公辅设施施。年生产能能力为5000,000tt/a连铸坯坯。2.6 OXYGEN GENERRATINGG PROJJECT制氧车间 One seet of 6500mm3/h ooxygenn geneeratorr willl be nnewly builtt, pluus thee exissting 3200mm3/h oxxygen generrator oxygeen genneratoor, thhe avaailablle oxy

41、ygen aamountt can meet the rrequirrementts for oxyygen, nitroogen aand soome paart off argoon of TISCOO secoond sttage rrevampping aand exxpansiion prrojectt , withh extrra 16000m3/h oxyygen.新建一台65500m3/h的制氧机机,再加上原原有32000m3/h还还富余16000m3/h氧气,能满满足二期扩建建项目的氧气气、氮气和部部分氩气的要要求。Newly builtt oxyggen geeneratt

42、ing wworkshhop coonsistts of one sset off 65000m3/h oxxygen generrator, maatchedd utillitiess and auxilliary facillitiess, pipping nnetworrk in the pplant, as weell ass botttle fiillingg equiipmentt systtem wiith caapacitty of 2000 bottlles/daay andd nighht (Oxyggen boottless exclluded).新建制氧车间间包括一台6

43、6500m33/h的 制氧氧机和配套工工辅设施,厂厂区管网和日日装瓶20000的 罐装装设备系统。2.7 GENERALL LAYOOUT, TTRANSPPORTATTION, UTILIITIES AND AAUXILIIARY FFACILIITIES OUTSIIDE SHHOP2.8 厂外总图运输和和公辅设施。TISCO will be reesponssible for tthe connstrucction of poower ssupplyy systtem 1110KV sstep ddown sstatioon andd provvide ppower supplly so

44、uurce ffor thhe seccond sstage revammping and eexpanssion pprojecct; the wwater sourcces foor thee projeect wiill bee suppplied by exxistinng 70,000 mm3 reserrvoir and water ssupplyy boossting statiion wiill bee newlly buiilt. 二期扩建工程程的供电系统统110kvv总变电站由由TISCOO负责承建,提提供电源;扩扩建工程的水水源是利用TTISCO现现有70,0000 m3

45、3蓄水池的水水源并新建供供水站。The maain coontentts incluude thhe genneral layouut, trannsporttationn, utiilitiees andd auxiiliaryy faciilitiees outtside the mmain sshops, such as fuuel gaas faccilitiies, wwater supplly andd draiinage facillitiess, powwer suupply facillitiess, theermal powerr faciilitiees, teleeco

46、mmuunicattion facillitiess etc.主要包括内容:扩建项目的的总图布置、铁铁路运输、道道路运输及主主生产车间外外的燃气设施施、给排水设设施、供电设设施、热力设设施、电信设设施等公辅系系统。3.ADOPPTED SSTANDAARDS AAND COODES FFOR THHE PROOJECT总图运输采用用的标准和规规范(1) Dessign ccode for geenerall layoout annd traansporrtatioon in metalllurgiical eenterpprise (YBJ552-88)钢铁企业总图运运输的设计规规范(YBJJ

47、52-888)(2) Dessign code for industtrial enterrprisee geneeral pplane layouut (GBB 501887-93)工业企业总平平面设计规范范 (GB 550187-93)(3) Firre figghtingg codee for archiitectuure deesign (20011 verssion) (GBJ116-87)建筑设计防火火规范(011年版) (GBJ166-87)(4) Deesign code for sstandaard raail gaauge ffor indusstriall enterpp

48、rises (GBJ112-87)(5) RRailwaay roaadbed desiggn codde (TBB100011-99)铁路路基设设计规范 (TB100001-999)(6) RRoad eengineeeringg techhnicall stanndard (JTG B01-22003) 公路工程程技术标准 (JTG B01-2003)(7) DDesignn codee for factoory rooad (GGBJ 222-87) 厂矿道路设设计规范 (GBJ 222-87)(8) DDesignn codee for concreete rooad suurface

49、e (JTGG D40-2002)公路水泥混凝凝土路面设计计规范 (JTG D440-20002)(9) DDesignn codee for high way rroadbeed (JTTJ 0133-95)公路路基设计计规范 (JJTJ 0113-95)(10) CConstrructioon tecchnicaal codde forr concreete rooad suurfacee (JTGG F30-2003)公路水泥混凝凝土路面施工工技术规范 (JTG F330-20003)(11) Prroceduures ffor raailwayy explloitattion ttec

50、hniiques shalll be iin acccordannce wiith Viietnamm stanndardss 20055. 铁路开发技术术程序遵循越越南20055年标准4.DESCRRIPTIOON OF GENERRAL LAAYOUT, TRANNSPORTTATIONN, ROAADWAY, RAILLWAY AAND PIIPELINNE WORRKS OFF THE WHOLEE PLANN (STAAGE III)全厂TISCOO二期扩建工工程之总图运运输,公路,铁铁路,各种管管网的概述4.1 GENERALL概述TISCO, beinng a impoortan

51、tt enteerprisse in Vietnnam, was esstabliished in 19958. TISCCO posssessees cokke makking pplant, sintter pllant, iron makinng plaant, ssteel makinng plaant, rrollinng milll plaant ass welll as ccorresspondiing uttilitiies and aauxiliiary ffaciliities etc. Its aannuall outpput off ironn and steell i

52、s aabout 200,0000t aand coommon carboon steeel caastingg billlet iss abouut 2500,000tt.TISCO始始建于19558年,是越越南国有重点点企业。TIISCO现有有焦化、烧结结、炼铁、炼炼钢、轧钢生生产厂和相应应的公辅设施施等。年生产产钢、铁约220万吨,普普碳钢连铸坯坯约25万吨吨。In thee plannt theere arre raiilwayss and statiion yaard off raillway, and ttotal railwway leength in thhe whoole p

53、llant iis aboout 600 km (incluuding railwway off minees). TThe raailwayy trannsporttationn is tthe maain trranspoort meeans iin thee plannt, coomplemmentarry with roadds, soo the transsportaation in thhe plaant iss veryy convveniennce. 厂内设有铁路路及铁路站场场,全厂共有有铁路约600公里(包括括矿山铁路),厂厂内运输主要要以铁路运输输为主,并设设有厂内道路路,

54、交通运输输极为便利。4.2DESSIGN CCONTENNTS设计内容Raw maateriaal yarrd, cooke maaking plantt, sinnter pllant, iron makinng plaant, ssteel makinng andd conttinuouus cassting plantt form an compllete systeem by themsselvess to prroducee 500,000t steell billlets aannuallly. 原料场、焦化、烧烧结、炼铁、炼炼钢及连铸,自自成体系。4.2 GENERALL LAY

55、OOUT总图The neewly bbuilt raw mmateriial yaard iss locaated at tthe noorthweest off exissting underrgrounnd recceivinng binns of iron ore aand orre powwder, it occcupiees thee placce of origiinal ccoal ppilingg yardd for coke makinng plaant. The rraw maateriaal yarrd connsistss of aa mateerial evenlly

56、 bleendingg yardd, pilling yyard oof orees andd coall, unlloadinng faccilitiies foor traain ettc. Deetailss refeer to attacched ddrawinngs.新建原料场布布置在原有铁铁矿石、矿粉粉地下受料仓仓的西北面,占占用了原有焦焦化煤堆场的的位置。原料料场内设有混混匀料场,矿矿、煤堆场,火火车等地下受料仓仓,详见附图图。Newly consttructeed cokke oveen andd its utiliities are loocatedd at tthe noo

57、rtheaast off origginal coke oven, detaails rrefer to atttacheed draawingss.新建焦炉及辅辅助设施布置置在原有焦炉炉的东北面。详详见附图。Newly consttructeed sinnterinng macchine and iits uttilitiies are loocatedd at tthe noortheaast off origginal sinteering machiine, ddetaills reffer too attaached drawiings.新建烧结及辅辅助设施布置置在原有烧结结的东北面

58、。详详见附图。Newly consttructeed 5500m3 blastt furnnace iis loccated at tthe noortheaast off origginal blastt furnnace.新建一座5000m3高炉炉布置在原有有高炉的东北北面。Blast furnaace auuxiliaary faacilitties iincludde: hoot-blaast sttove, graviitatioon dusst cattcher, wateer graanulatted sllag piiling yard, mainn conttrol rroo

59、m, gas ccleaniing syystem, blowwer sttationn, de-dustiing syystem for ccast-housee, coaal powwder iinjecttion ssystemm, mudd millling rroom, switcchgearr stattion, materrial cchargiing syystem, wateer sysstem ( inclludingg: cirrculatting wwater pump statiion, ssuctioon welll, cooolingg toweer, tuurb

60、id waterr pumpp stattion, depossitionn basiin, pig ccast mmachinne, pig irron sttoragee housse, reepairiing shhop off hot metall ladlle, hoot mettal weeighinng sysstem,eetc.高炉辅助设施施包括:热鼓鼓风炉,重力力除尘器,水水渣设施,主主控室,煤气气净化设施,鼓风机站,出铁场除尘系统,煤份喷吹设施,碾泥机室,开关站,原料装料系统,冷却塔,浊环水泵站,沉定池,连铸机,铁块库,铁水罐修理间,铁水称重系统。Hot bllast ss

61、tove is loccated at tthe soouthweest off blasst furrnace, gravvitatiion duust caatcherr, gas cleanning ffaciliity, bblowerr stattion, de-duustingg systtem off castt-housee, cirrculatting wwater pump statiion annd sucction well, all oof theem aree locaated at thhe souuthwesst of blastt furnnace. Stoc

62、k housee and mmain ccontrool rooom aree locaated at thhe norrthwesst of the bblast furnaace. De-dussting of thhe stoock hoouse, waterr grannulateed slaag pilling yyard, pig irron sttoragee housse, pig cast machiine, rrepairring sshop oof hott metaal laddle arre loccated at thhe norrtheasst of the bllast ffurnacce. Turbidd wateer pummp staation, depossitionn basiin,

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