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1、首字母填空大比拼,.单词拼写 1The tournament is open to amateurs as well as p_. 【答案】professionals 2_(复杂的) problems are not easy to solve. 【答案】Complicated,3Such courageous behavior really d_to be praised. 【答案】deserves 4At midnight they crossed the river and took p_ of the village. 【答案】possession,5They have a_a new

2、 head teacher at my daughters school. 【答案】appointed 6Jack is an intelligent pupil,but he lacks_(动力) 【答案】motivation 7My_(一代人) have grown up without the experience of a world war. 【答案】generation,8My employer will_(证实) that I was there on time. 【答案】confirm 9He works very hard and now he is a(n) o_pupil

3、. 【答案】outstanding,10We have to be highly_(竞争的) to do well in sport nowadays. 【答案】competitive 11The government is made up of men and women_(选举) by the people of the country. 【答案】elected,12That bank clerk ran away with an_(巨大的)sum of money. 【答案】enormous 13What do you think_(吸引) people to big cities? 【

4、答案】attracts 14I like collecting stamps very much while her hobby is_(摄影) 【答案】photography,12The_(发展) of this firm will take several years. 【答案】development 13It is a t_that the young look after the old in their family. 【答案】tradition 14Ive just been informed that my_(行李) had already arrived. 【答案】luggag

5、e,15Every year we ourselves always made some Christmas d_ 【答案】decorations 16Pull the_(窗帘) round the patients bed. 【答案】curtains,17Not all of them were successful in e_ from prisons. 【答案】escaping 18He was given a r_ of $ 1,000 for catching the criminal. 【答案】reward,19The happy s_of children playing in

6、the garden vanishes,and it is quiet again. 【答案】scene 20Did you see the cat s_ the mouse? 【答案】seize 21His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take d_measures. 【答案】desperate,22They_(哀痛) for their children,who were killed in the war. 【答案】mourned 23The doctors_(分发) the medicines to the peopl

7、e in the flooded area. 【答案】distributed 24The small chair isnt strong enough to_(支撑) that heavy man. 【答案】support,25Dont spoil your_(食欲) by eating sweets before meals. 【答案】appetite 26You are a very_(淘气的) boy.Look what you have done! 【答案】naughty,27. He was caught taking drugs across the border i_ 【答案】i

8、llegally 28Having traveled on the sea for a few months, they found that beautifull island and decided to s_. 【答案】settle,29. The players of Class Two were not so strong , but it was _(团队精神)that made them win the game. 【答案】teamwork 30. Jenny only thinks about herself. She is so s_ that no one would like to get close her. 【答案】selfish,

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