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1、,2011年保山、大理、楚雄、临沧、怒江、迪庆、丽江,中考英语研讨会,大理州弥渡县教研室 孟 东 2011年3月27日,Nice to meet you!,2010年大理、丽江、怒江、迪庆、临沧高中(中专)招生统一考试英语试卷(以下简称2010年试卷)质量分析,2011年保山、大理、楚雄、临沧、怒江、迪庆、丽江高中(中专)招生统一考试英语试卷(以下简称2011年试卷)相关命题指导思想、命题依据、思路,2011年中考英语复习交流,二. 2010年中考大理州英语考试情况,1.近四年基本情况对比 (0.63),一、试题基本情况分析:,题型、结构、各分值分布与往年云南省中考试题相同; 注重基础,有利于

2、不同层次学生的发挥; 重交际、重应用、重能力,具有一定的区分度和选拔功能; 贴近学生生活与实际,不只局限于单纯考试; 关注热点和社会问题。,题型、结构、各分值分布,第一部分 听力(30分)(共四节) 第二部分 英语知识应用(35分)(包括同义词、单项选择、完形填空) 第三部分 阅读理解(30分(三篇短文) 第四部分 写作(25分)(包含适当形式填空及书面表达),1.能听懂接近正常语速,熟悉话题的语段,识别主题,获取主要信息。 2能听懂简单故事的情节发展,理解其中主要人物和事件 。 1能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图 2 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点 3 能借助语境克服生词障

3、碍,理解大意 4能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系 5 能在听的过程中用适当的方式做出反应 6 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息,考查目标:内容相对简单,平时常用、常听到的词语。,2010年 1. My father went to Shanghai by plane. 2. I like playing tennis in my free time. 3. Its snowing heavily outside. 4. A good breakfast can be a good start of a day. 5. Wow, the sunglasses are so c

4、ool.,特点: 1. 句子内容不复杂,多为简单句;,第一节 听句子选择图片,2009年,Computers are becoming more and more popular in modern life. The young boy likes playing Ping-Pong when he is free. Jenny plays the violin very well. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Tony is a good boy, he never throws rabbish everywhere.,名词:动物、食品、服装

5、、运动、交通工具、 学科、职业、场所、乐器,动词:画、喝、睡、游泳、学习以及一些 动词短语,形容词:表情、心情、外貌、天气、标志,标志、警示:No smoking No photos-,第一节 句子选择图片,特点: 2. 考查方式多为名词、动词、形容词;,第一节 听句子选择图片,特点: 3. 结合近几年的中考试题考查; 有重复但更注重创新;,2005年中考 1.ping-pong tennis badminton 2.spring festival summer boating winter snow 3.studying watching fish swim 4.violinist doct

6、ornurse teacher 5.cleaning water flower washing,2006年,1.hamburger milk cake 2.phone girls bag girls toy 3. football basketball bicycle 4. bike bus taxi 5. postman cleaner artist,2007年,1. lily roses 2. piano basketball readstudy 3. angry sad happy 4. waiter driver policewoman 5. T-shirt coats,shirt s

7、ports clothes,2008年,1. smoke parking photos 2. clean drink cook 3.soccer swim basketball 4.elephant panda tiger 5.snow rain wind,2009年,1.camera computer phone 2.ping-pong run volleyball 3.read paint violin 4.apple banana orange 5.disabled waiter throw rubbish,2010年,1. car boat plane 2. tennis dance

8、soccer 3. rainy snowy cloudy 4. have dinner get up sleep 5. book glasses cupcoffee,备考建议,1.仔细思考可能出现的考查方式、类型,适当收集、集中听、说、写的训练;,2. 抓实中下学生、不断强化巩固,能有利于基础知识的掌握和写作部分的发挥。,3.关注近几年已考过的考题设置。,clock telephone card dictionary computer baseball ring picture photo bed chair table bag math tape banana hamburger tomat

9、o orange ice-cream salad pear strawberry egg apple chicken watermelon big small tall short party speech art festival music festival action movie comedy Beijing Opera history actor dance sing swim paint draw chess piano drum violin rock band take a shower brush teeth listen to music do homework busy

10、tired,七年级上学期,第二节 听句子,选择正确应答语,设置特点1. 选项设置重复率较高,关键取决于考查的灵活性;,(10)6. A. Of course B. Thank you. C. Youre welcome. (08) 10. A. Thanks. B. Dont say so. C. No, thanks. (07) 10. A. For two hours. B. In another 20 minutes. C. At 2 oclock (08) 8. A. In a month. B. About a month. C. Once a month. (08) 8. A. C

11、ertainly not. B. Youre so kind. C. No, thanks.,第二节 听句子,选择正确应答语,设置特点2. 部分题区分度明显;,(10)9. A. He is a teacher B. He is reading. C. He is tall. (09) 9. A. At school. B. On foot. C. In ten days. (08) 6. A. Me, too. B. Really? C. Id like to,第二节 听句子,选择正确应答语,设置特点 3. 部分题目理解难或区别度小,可供考虑时间有限,容易出错。,(09)8. A. Cert

12、ainly not. B. Youre so kind. C. No, thanks. (09) 10. A. Thanks, I will. B. I hope not. C. No, I wont. (10) 8. A. Good job. B. Have a good time. C. Good bye. (10) 10. A. Sorry, I wont. B. Yes, I will. C. I have no idea. (08) 9. A. Im afraid not. B. Sorry to hear that. C. I dont think so. (08) 7. A. W

13、ell done. B. Quite well. C. Theyre fine.,1. 结合单项选择题做好针对性训练;,备考建议,2. 充分利用中考说明中的“附录三:功能意念项目表”,挖掘素材,做好整理归纳,做好适当的集中训练和平时听力的分散训练;,3. 针对此环节,培养优秀学生的预习习惯和时间分配,尽量争取在此题不丢分。,第三节 听对话,选择能回答问题的正确选项,考查问题设置:1.直接设置:时间(频率、次数、先后)、地点、人物、方式、原因、选择、数字、动作、职业、爱好等。,2010 (Dialogure 1) 11. Where does the woman want to go? A. H

14、ospital B. Post office C. Train station 12. How does she decide to go there? A. By bus. B. On foot C. By taxi.,2010 (Dialogue 2) 13. What did the man buy? A. a blue skirt. B. A pair of red shoes C. A white T-shirt. 14. How much was the gift? A. 12 dollars . B. 20 dollars. C. 22 dollars.,15. What sub

15、ject-? 16. Who said -? 18. Why is Jack sad? 19. What did he do?,第三节 听对话,选择能回答问题的正确选项,考查问题设置:2. 推测:地点、数字、人物之间的关系、下一步的推测、心情、态度,2010 (Dialogure 3) 17. Whats the relationship between them? A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Mother and son. 2010 (Dialogure 4) 20. What will he do? A. Send a card. B

16、. Write a letter. C. Say sorry.,备考建议,1. 结合教材复习及专项复习,开展好话题训练;,2. 坚持每天的听说训练(值日报告;习作分享交流;真题练习。,3. 关注中等学生,投放足量时间落实细节(单词、句子)。为其它部分打基础。,4.(简明扼要的问题要迅速浏览,关键时要有标记、记录),第四节 听对话(短文)完成信息表格。,特点:权重大,内容长,题量多,涉及面广, 容易出错;但多为直接理解题。,备考建议:1. 作好答题前的预习; 2. 做好两种题型的训练, 不要孤注一掷。,词汇 1了解英语词汇包括单词,短语,习惯用语和固定搭配等形式 2 理解和领悟词汇的基本含义以及

17、在特定语境中的意义 3运用词汇描述事物,行为和特征,说明概念等 4 学会使用1500-1600个的单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配,语法 1了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能 2 在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能 3 理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式 4理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生,发展过程的表达方式 5 初步掌握描述时间,地点,方位的表达方式 6理解掌握比较人,物体及事物的表达方式,功 能 1在日常人际交往中有效地进行表达话题; 2 熟悉与学生个人,家庭和学校生活密切相关的话题; 3熟悉有关日常生活,兴趣爱好,风俗习惯,科学文化等方面的话题;,英语知识应用词语释

18、义,考查:1. 常见的同义词、近义词、反义词或短语、句子以及一词多义(27、30);,26. After trying many times, we got successful in the end. A. at present B. at first C. at last D. at last 26. We often play football on weekends, but at times we go shopping. (09年) A. always B. sometimes C. as usual D. at that time,27. All Chinese people r

19、aised money for the people in Yunnan. A. collected B. handed in C. got D. sent,英语知识应用词语释义,考查重点:2. 名词、动词(短语)、形容词及介词短语;(与适当形式填空类似但难度更大) 难点:根据句子前后意思,推敲划线(但末学过)的短语的意思。,29. Tom was out of bread, so he had to get a new job. A. was hungry B. ate up his bread C. lost his job D. was sad 26. 介词短语 27. 动词 28. 动

20、词短语 29. 形容词、动词 30. 形容词,同义词复习思路 1. 对初中所学的同义词、反义词在第一复习阶段进行整理;(引导学生归纳或直接引用资料),2. 关注特殊字词的一词多义现象。Eg: raise(涨;筹款) see(看见;明白) return(返回;归还) moved(移动;感动) reach(够着;到达) last(上一个;最后) about(大约;关于) right(正确;右边) left (离开;剩下的;左边)hard(硬;难;努力) etc.,3. 充分利用汉英词典、中考说明,对典型题有备案,作好实战训练及接近考期的资料准备。( eye ear hand head leg pi

21、g bird horse moon chicken fish water apple blue yellow green air paper cake etc.,单项选择(20分),考查范围:基础语法知识;日常交际用语;词语辨析;词组搭配和习惯用法。,语法主要项目:冠词、数词、动词(情态V.,时态,语态,非谓语),代词,介词,连词,形容词,副词,名词,句子种类(反意疑问句、感叹句)、复合句(宾语从句、状语从句),2005-2010年中考选择填空题考点统计表,动词考查:1.动词用法区别; 2. 动词短语区别; 3. 情态动词 4. 被动语态,32. Im afraid I have to go

22、now. Its raining hard. Dont_ until the rain stops. A. run B. leave C. come D. stay 36. 36. Im doing my homework. Could you please _ the radio a little, Amy? Certainly. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down 47. The 30th Olympic Games _ in London in 2012. A. hold B. will hold C. is heldD. wil

23、l be held 48. Is this backpack Marias? No, it _ be hers. She dislikes red. A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. may not,单项选择试卷结构、特点分析:,考点分布合理,不出现偏题、怪题或超出初中英语课程标准(实验稿)、中考说明解释要求范围的题; (2010年的分布情况),2. 关注社会热点:现实(客观)热点、长久热点;过去、现在、将来的话题、事件,2011?,40. Ping-Pong is the national sport of China, so knowing _ about it is

24、 impossible for me! A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 41. _ trees we plant, _ our Mother Earth will be. A. The little; the beautiful B. The many; the beautiful C. The less; the more beautiful D. The more; the more beautiful 42. Look at the dark clouds, its going to rain soon. _. Its

25、been so dry for months. Many trees have died. A. I hope so B. I hope not C. Id like to D. Of course not 47. The 30th Olympic Games _ in London in 2012. A. hold B. will holdC. is held D. will be held 49. The football fan is interested in all the things _ are about the 2010 World Cup. A. that B. who C

26、. where D. what,3. 与学生生活息息相关,或具有一定的激励、教育意义。,31. I received _ e-mail from my pen pal yesterday. A. a B. an C. the D. 44. _is necessary for us_ our own dreams. A. That; have B. It; have C. That; having D. It; to have 46. We must never miss the chance to show love for our parents and make them _ how mu

27、ch they mean to us. A. know B. knowingC. to know D. knows,交际用语:注重在语境中考查(33、42固定),34. Shall we go out to play basketball? _. Because we are having an important test this afternoon. A. Much better B. Better not C. Not at all D. Good idea 39. What do you think of the TV show? _. Its a waste of time. A.

28、 I cant stand it B. I think so C. Pretty good D. I dont mind 50. Ben didnt come to school, did he? _. Though he was ill. A.Yes, he did B. No, he didnt C. Sorry, I am not sure D. Maybe,Long long ago, there was a king who had a rich country. One day, he went for a trip to some far areas of his country

29、. 51 he was back to his palace, he complained that his 52 were very painful. Because it was his first time that he had gone such a long trip. And the road was very 53 . Then he ordered his people to cover(铺)every road of the whole country 54 leather(皮革). It was crazy, everyone knew, this would need

30、thousands of cows skin and would cost 55 money. But no one had enough courage to stop him except his youngest 56 . He told his father bravely, “Why do you have to 57 that unnecessary money? 58 make comfortable shoes with a little piece of leather?” The king was 59 but later he agreed to the suggesti

31、on, to make a pair of leather shoes for himself. There is actually a meaningful lesson of life in this story: to make this world a happy place 60 , youd better change yourselfyour mind, and not the world.,故事讲述一个皇帝要远行,为使自己的脚适,要求所过地区用牛皮把路铺上,最终,他的儿子出主意用牛皮做一双舒适的皮鞋。通过故事教育大家“To make the world a happy plac

32、e to live in, youd better change yourselfyour mind, and not the world.” (要改变世界,要先注重改变自己的思想);,完形填空(优生考高分一定要突破的障碍) 考查符合近几年中考风格:(激励、励志、态度、方法、关爱、亲情等),完形填空考查方式:,1. 主要考查对文章内容与选项意思的匹配。所考查内容与单项选择类似按词类分考点; 51. 连词 52. 名词 53. 形容词 54. 介词 55. 数量词 56. 文章内容(名词) 59. 分词,2. 适当考查语法区别、搭配。57. “花费”的用法 58. “提建议”的方式 60. 非谓

33、语用法考查 ( 用做单项选择的方式来答题。),3. 完形填空的文体对阅读理解的文体的布置有一定影响。(属阅读范畴),关于完形填空的复习,1. 解题方法交流。(三+X)步,2. 抓牢优秀学生,精选练习题,尤其是主题优秀、难易适中的文章的改编。,3. 留有检查的余地(时间);,阅读理解,课程标准对初中毕业生要求达到的要求: 1.能根据上下文和构词法推断并理解生词的含义; 2. 能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; 3.能找出文章的主题、理解故事的情节,预测故事 情节的发展和可能的结局; 4.能读懂常见题材的阅读材料; 5.能根据不同的阅读目的,运用简单的阅读策略获 取信息; 6.能利用词典等工具书进

34、行学习; 7.除课本以外,课外阅读量达15万词以上。,阅读理解的考查方式,1.查找事实(细节型) 2.理解词句含义型 3. 逻辑推理型 A. 根据常识推断 B. 根据逻辑关系推断 4. 归纳主旨型 (5.任务型),题型示例,People know the dangers of fires(火灾). Everyone should know it good for a family to learn how to escape from a fire. Here are some suggestions. Make escape plans. We should know all the way

35、s of getting out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone can follow the plan to get out. Make sure all the windows can be opened easily. Practice for a fire. It teaches children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules: Dont open a hot door! The fire can grow

36、 more quickly if you open the door. Stay close to the floor! Smoke may be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises. There are many possible causes for fires. Do not go back to the house for any reason. If there is a fire, dont forget to call 119 for help.,61. This

37、 passage is about how to use fire. ( F )(4) 62. Family members should know how to escape from a fire. ( T ) (1) 63. When the fire starts, you must open the hot door and let fresh air in. ( F ) (1) 64. The fresher air is close to the floor if there is a fire. ( T ) (2) 65. Go back to your house quick

38、ly to get it if you leave something important in the fire. ( F ) (1),I remember that when I was a child, my father was usually more soft-hearted; he would let me eat anything I wanted. But my mother was stricter. She always checked my meals because I was the only girl in my big family. Every time sh

39、e cooked, she prepared (准备) two dishes of healthy food such as green vegetables and beans, then two dishes of meat and fish, and one bowl of soup. At that time, I also loved chocolate with peanuts. Sometimes, I ate it as my breakfast or lunch. My mother was very worried about this, so sometimes she

40、hid the chocolate, but I wondered why she bought it if she didnt want me to eat it. So, when she was out, I tried my best to find the chocolate and eat it. Of course, I ate it quickly, so when she came back, she wouldnt see me eating it. But she got very angry one day when she found the chocolates w

41、ere gone. After that day, she never bought chocolate again. But things have changed, now I have been an adult, married and left home. Every time I go to my parents house, my mother always cooks a lot of chicken, pork and fish instead of vegetables. She likes to sit down to watch me eating. I think t

42、hat Mother will always be Mother, but I know whatever she does always means love!,66. In the story, the writers mother _.( B ) (4) A. was not good to her children B. knew how to let the writer keep healthy C. didnt like chocolate so she didnt allow her children to eat D. always had the same idea wit

43、h her husband 67. The writers mother cooked four dishes and a bowl of soup . ( B ) (3-1) A. because different persons like different foods B. because she wanted to give them a balanced diet C. because her children disliked one single kind of food D. because they had such a habit in her family,68. Fr

44、om the first paragraph (段落) we may know _.( A ) (3-1) A. the writer liked her father better when she was young B. the writer didnt love her father at all C. the writer loved her mother better than her father D. the writer hated her parents 69. Which of the following statements is TRUE? ( D ) (all) A

45、. The writer married a poor man. B. The writer cant eat well now. C. Her mother came to know she was wrong. D. The mother always loves her daughter no matter what she does. 70. What would be the best title for this passage? ( C ) (4) A. To Be a Good ChildB. Healthy Eating Habits. C. Mothers Love D.

46、Fathers Love,Most western people like to invite friends to their parties. If you are invited, what should you do? You should pay attention to your clothes. There are some special requests(要求)for some parties, such as a fancy ball (化妆舞会) and a banquet(宴会). You should dress yourself according to diffe

47、rent parties. If you take part in a birthday party or an at-home party, you neednt wear special clothes, but you must keep your clothes clean and tidy. Dont wear pants or vests. Just like Chinese, most westerners usually enjoy receiving some gifts. You may bring some small, simple or cheap things, s

48、uch as some sweets, toys, flowers or a bottle of wine. Chinese paper cuts and Chinese cooking are always welcome. However, you should obey gift-giving rules. You must never give a clock to an oversea Chinese, because the sound of “giving clock” is similar to that of word “death” in Chinese. Also don

49、t pack a gift in white, brown or black paper because these colors are for funerals. Dont give a knife to your foreign friend. Dont give your dinner hostess some red roses in Germany, because it means you fall in love with her.,71. If you take part in a western birthday party, you should _.( C ) A. w

50、ear special clothesB. wear pants and vests C. wear clean and tidy clothes D. wear a dress (1) 72. If you go to a western party, what can you bring? ( B ) (1) A. Money. B. Flowers. C. Clothes. D. Something expensive. 73. For Chinese, the sound of “giving a clock” sounds like _.( C ) A. happiness B. b

51、ad luck C. death D. love (3-1) 74. What does the underlined word “funerals” mean? ( B ) A. 婚礼 B. 葬礼 C. 道别D. 灾难 (2) 75. Which of the following isnt mentioned? ( C ) (4) A. You should wear different clothes for different parties. B. You shouldnt give a knife to a foreign friend. C. You should know som

52、e table manners before a party. D. Its not suitable to give some red roses to the hostess in Germany.,适当形式填空:第一节,考试要求:考查名词、动词、形容词等词的综合运用能力。 词性转换、词形变换、单复数、人称、非谓语,考查内容:名词、动词、代词、形容词、副词、数词在特定语言环境中的具体运用,78. A reader wrote a letter to the magazine and gave some advice. (read) 79. All the students felt exc

53、ited when they won the game.(excite) 80. We should face the problem and solve it instead of waiting for others help. (wait),具体表现形式:名词词组 (名+名、形+名) (电影俱乐部) (班会) (未来之星) 动词词组(动+名,动+副) 短语动词 (动+介) 82. When I grow up , Ill fly a rocket to the moon. (长大) 介词短语 84. Qian Xuesen, “father of space technology”, d

54、ied of illness in Beijing at the age of 98. (在岁时),适当形式填空:第二节,主要考查英语短语或词组在句子中的活用能力,写 作,写作话题的命题,要让不同层次学生都能有所发挥,测试应具层次性、难易梯度要合理。写作部分 “A Real Friend”, 对于基础相对不好的考生,也能根据friend来发挥一下,写写朋友之间的交往等,但要真正把real蕴含的韵味写出,也只有语言基础好,表达能力强,能在文中灵活运用各种句型、句子结构的考生才能做到,因此,写作既能让绝大多数考生有话可说,又能让优生脱颖而出。,2011年保山、大理、楚雄、临沧、怒江、迪庆、丽江高中

55、(中专)招生统一考试英语试卷(以下简称2011年试卷) 命题指导思想 命题依据 命题思路,指导思想:,3. 有利于促进初中教师的教和学生的学。(不出繁、偏、怪的试题,起好导向作用,体现基础教育课程改革的方向,符合初中教学实际,试卷源于课本,高于课本,以促进教学方式和学习方式的改革。,1. 全面准确反映不同初中毕业生在英语学习目标上所达水平,加强与社会实际和学生生活实际的联系的考查,注重在意境中考查,考查运用所学的基础知识和基本技能分析和解决实际问题的能力。,2. 有利于高中和中专学校招生(具有选拔功能,有必要的区分度),满足高中选择优质资源和社会需求。,命题依据,现行初中各种版本的教材考虑各地

56、所用教材版本的使用情况,不依赖、偏向某一版本的教材。 全日制初中英语课程标准(实验稿) 2011年云南省高中(中专)招生统一考试说明与复习指导课程标准的具体体现,初中英语要求掌握的基本技能,能听懂基本上没有造词、浅于所学语言知识的录音材料,语速90个/min。 读 能连贯地朗读课文,背诵部分课文;能独立阅读所学过的语言知识范围内的材料,生词率不超过2%,阅读速率为40-50个/min。,试卷结构,1. 题型、题量、分值分布、编排与2010年中考试题及2011年英语中考样题基本一致。 2. 难度系数在0.650.70之间。 3.易、中、难试题的比例为6:3:1.,命题要求-试题特色,1. 原创性

57、; (细目表定内容、布局) 2. 对经典试题的改编; 3. 对课本习题的改编; 4. 稳中有变,变中求新;不直接在市场上的资料上选题。(人选),总体复习建议,5.苦中有法,选材精干,防题海战术;“学生学习要有目标及要求达成的效果的程度。”,1.把记忆任务、记忆的重点贯穿于复习的每一个阶段,分配到每次的复习细节中。,3.优秀学生听力第二节;完形填空;写作如何使阅卷者知道你是一个优秀学生?,4.针对三层次的学生采取不同的写作要求和标准。,2.抓中下学生的基础单词;中等学生的单词、阅读、选择。,总体复习建议1. 不要用考试来代替复习;2. 不要用讲授、讲听式,(讲、记、练结合)。3.不要为赶进度、计划而忽略落实、实效。,Welcome to Dal i,Wish you a happy life!,

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