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1、原文:Merger Policcy andd Tax CompeetitioonIn manyy situuationns govvernmeents hhave ssectorr-speccific tax aand reegulattion ppoliciies att theiir dissposall to iinflueence tthe maarket outcoome affter aa natiional or ann inteernatiional mergeer hass takeen plaace. WWe finnd thaat wheether natioonal o

2、or intternattionall merggers aare moore liikely to bee enaccted iin thee pressence of naationaally ooptimaal taxx poliicies depennds crruciallly onn the ownerrship struccture of fiirms. When all ffirms are oowned domessticallly inn the premeerger situaation, non-coopeerativve taxx poliicies are mmor

3、e eefficiient iin thee natiional mergeer casse andd smalller ssynerggy efffects are nneededd for this type of meerger to bee propoosed aand cllearedd. Theese reesultss are reverrsed wwhen tthere is a high degreee of foreiign fiirm owwnershhip prrior tto thee mergger.Mergerss havee playyed a promiine

4、nt role over the ppast ddecadee, andd inteernatiional mergeer activvity hhas grrown pparticcularlly fasst. Duuring the pperiodd 19811-19988 the annuaal nummber of meergerss and acquiisitioons (MM&A) hhas inncreassed moore thhan fiivefolld andd the sharee of crosss-bordder meergerss has reachhed moor

5、e thhan onne quaarter of thhe tottal byy the end oof this periood. Thhis inncreasse in mergeer acttivityy has lled too situuationns wheere a natioonal oor an interrnatioonal mmergerr have been in diirect compeetitioon witth eacch othher. AA receent exxamplee has been the bbiddinng racce forr the lea

6、diing Spaniish ellectriicity proviider EEndesaa, wheere thhe Gerrman-bbased E.ON compaany innitiallly compeeted wwith tthe Sppanishh-baseed rivval Gaas Nattural. The Spaniish auuthoriities favorred the nnationnal meerger and fformullated severre obsstaclees to an innternaationaal takke-oveer by E.ON

7、, whichh was one oof thee reassons wwhy E.ON eventtuallyy withhdrew its bbid. A diffeerent approoach hhas beeen taaken bby thee Brittish ggovernnment, whicch hass fullly libberaliized iits ellectriicity markeet in the eearly 1990ss. In this proceess, fforeiggn eleectriccity proviiders (amonng theem

8、E.OON ) ttook oover aa largge parrt of the BBritissh eleectriccity iindusttry. TThe Brritishh goveernmennt resspondeed to high profiits inn thiss and otherr privvatizeed indusstriess by iimposiing a one-ttime, sectoor-speecific wwindfaall prrofit taax inn 19977. Sinnce then, a reenewedd impoositioon

9、 of this tax hhas beeen reepeateedly ddiscusssed aas a ccompleement to thhe reggulatiion off pricces thhroughh the regullationn authhorityy Ofgeem (Offfice of Gaas andd Electtricitty Marrkets).The lasst exaample showss cleaarly tthat nnationnal goovernmments dispoose ovver addditioonal ppolicyy inst

10、rrumentts in an inndustrry wheere a mergeer or a forreign acquiisitioon hass takeen plaace. Pricee reguulatioon in privaatizedd nettwork indusstriess is one iimporttant wway too incrrease domesstic cconsummer suurpluss at tthe exxpensee of ccorporrate pprofits, whichh ofteen acccrue, at leeast iin p

11、arrt, too foreeign ssharehholderrs. Seector-speciific prrofit taaxes hhave vvery ssimilaar effectss, if theirr procceeds are rredisttributted too conssumerss in ccompennsatioon forr highher goodss pricces. OOn thee otheer hannd, thhere aare allso maany inndustrries wwhere subsiidies are grantted inn

12、 ordeer to improove thhe commpetittiveneess off domeestic produucts iin worrld maarketss. One sset off exammples are ddirectt subssidiess to sspeciffic seectorss, succh as mininng, shhipbuiildingg, steell prodductioon, orr airpplane consttructiion. MMoreovver, sseveraal of thesee secttors aand seeve

13、rall otherrs (e.g. aiir traansporrtatioon) allso reeceivee indiirect subsiidies by paaying reducced raates of exxcise taxess, in partiicularr mineeral ooil orr elecctriciity taaxes. To thhe exttent tthat tthese eco taxess reppresennt Piggouviaan taxxes thhat caause firmss to iinternnalizee the true

14、sociaal cost of thheir pproduccts, ssuch ttax reebatess alsoo reprresentt subssidiess to tthe innvolveed secctors and, imporrtantlly, too the electtricitty andd enerrgy seector itsellf. Inn all thesee casees, seector-speciific taax or subsiidy pooliciees cann be aadjustted byy natiional policcymakee

15、rs inn respponse to a changge in markeet strructurre cauused bby a mmergerr.we arguue thaat thee posssibiliity too levyy induustry-speciific taaxes oor subbsidiees in a natioonallyy optiimal wway haas impportannt reppercusssionss on tthe poositioon thaat nattionall regullationn authhoritiies taake v

16、iis-a-vis aa natiional or ann inteernatiional mergeer prooposall. At thhe samme timme, meergingg firms will incorrporatte a ppossibble chhange in poolicy when decidding aabout a merrger iin a pparticcular counttry. TTo anaalyze this interractioon bettween tax aand meerger policcies wwe sett up aa mo

17、deel wheere booth fiirms aand meerger regullationn authooritiees antticipaate thhat taaxes wwill bbe opttimallly adjjustedd in tthe hoost coountryy afteer a mergeer hass takeen plaace. MMore sspecifficallly, wee inveestigaate a settiing off Courrnot qquantiity compeetitioon bettween four produucing

18、firms wheree two firms are llocateed in each of twwo symmeetric counttries. Impoortanttly, tthese firms may hhave fforeiggn shaarehollders, thuss giviing ann inceentivee to eeach ggovernnment to emmploy profiit taxxes thhat caan be partlly expportedd to fooreignners. Startting ffrom aa markket sttru

19、ctuure off doubble duuopolyy, ourr focuus is on thhe compaarisonn betwween aa natiional mergeer in one oof thee counntriess and an innternaationaal mergeer bettween a homme andd a fooreignn firm.Our anaalysiss showws thaat thee relaative attraactiveeness of a natioonal vversuss an iinternnationnal m

20、eerger depennds crriticaally oon thee degrree off foreeign ffirm oownersship. When all ffirms are nnationnally ownedd prioor to the mmergerr, theen a nnationnal meerger will lead to moore effficieent taax polliciess as ccomparred too the interrnatioonal mmergerr. In contrrast, when the llevel of foo

21、reignn firmm owneershipp is hhigh iinitiaally, then non-ccooperrativee tax policcies iin thee hostt counntriess willl be mmore eefficiient uunder the iinternnationnal meerger. Exteendingg the modell to aallow for ssynerggy efffects of meergerss, we show that thesee welffare pproperrties transslate i

22、nto the nnationnal (iinternnationnal) mmergerr beinng morre likkely tto be propoosed aand addoptedd whenn the degreee of foreiign fiirm owwnershhip iss low (highh). Thhese rresultts impply thhat a more geogrraphiccally dispeersed ownerrship struccture of fiirms, in coombinaation with non-ccooperrati

23、veely chhosen natioonal ttax pooliciees, maay offfer onne expplanattion ffor thhe reccent ssurge in crross-bborderr mergger acctivitty.Our anaalysiss relaates tto twoo straands iin thee liteeraturre. Fiirst, theree is aa growwing rrecentt liteeraturre on mergeer polliciess in oopen eeconommies. This

24、 literraturee, howwever, typiicallyy regaards mmergerr conttrol aas an isolaated ppolicyy probblem ffor naationaal or interrnatioonal rregulaators. The literraturee thatt anallyses the iinteraactionn of mmergerr conttrol wwith oother policcy insstrumeents iis scaarce, and iit almmost eexclussivelyy

25、focuuses oon intternattionall tradde polliciess as tthe addditioonal ppolicyy variiable (Richhardsoon, 19999; HHorn aand Leevinsoohn, 22001; Huck and KKonradd, 20004; Saggii and Yildiiz, 20006). In coontrasst, thhe intteracttion bbetweeen merrger ppolicyy and natioonal ttax pooliciees hass not been

26、addreessed in thhis liiteratture sso farr. A ssecondd liteeraturre strrand oon whiich ouur papper buuilds is thhe anaalysiss of ooptimaal commmoditty taxxationn in ooligoppolisttic maarketss (Keen and LLahirii, 19998; Loockwoood, 20001; KKeen eet al., 20002;Hauufler et all.,20005;Hasshimzaade ett al

27、.,2005). Thiis litteratuure, hhoweveer, haas foccused mainlly on issuees of commoodity tax hharmonnizatiion annd thee choiice off commmodityy tax regimme undder ann exoggenoussly giiven mmarkett struucturee. It has nnot adddresssed thhe impplicattions for ttax poolicy that folloow froom chaanges in

28、thhe undderlyiing maarket condiitionss as aa resuult off merggers.The plaan of the ppaper is ass folllows. Sectiion 2 descrribes the bbasic frameework for oour annalysiis. Seectionn 3 prresentts thee bencchmarkk casee of ddoublee duoppoly, wheree two firmss are locatted inn eachh counntry aand alll

29、fouur firrms coompetee in bboth mmarketts. Seectionn 4 annalyzees thee channges iin taxx poliicies and wwelfarre wheen a nnationnal meerger occurrs in one oof thee counntriess. Secction 5 carrries out tthe saame annalysiis forr an iinternnationnal meerger. Secttion 66 intrroducees synnergy effeccts

30、asssociaated wwith aa natiional and aan intternattionall mergger annd commparess the condiitionss undeer whiich onne or the oother type of meerger is prroposeed andd acceepted by meerger authooritiees. Seectionn 7 cooncluddes.In pracctice a corre mottivatiion foor firrms too undeertakee merggers, an

31、d aan impportannt reaason ffor reegulattion aauthorritiess to ppermitt themm, is that mergeers caan creeate ssynerggy efffects. We aanalyzze howw largge thee costt saviings mmust bbe forr a naationaal or an innternaationaal merrger iin ordder too be iin thee inteerest of booth thhe merrging firmss a

32、nd thhe reggulatiion auuthoriity off the host counttry. WWe deaal agaain wiith diiffereent owwnershhip sttructuures oof firrms. DDue too the compllexityy of tthe reesultiing exxpresssions, we cconfinne thee disccussioon in the mmain ttext tto thee polaar casses off fulll natiional ownerrship and cco

33、mpleete innternaationaal ownnershiip divversifficatiion We shouuld obbservee a poositivve andd systtematiic rellationnship betweeen thhe forreign ownerrship sharee and the sshare of crross-bborderr merggers iin a pparticcular indusstry. Theree is iindeedd somee firsst, suuggesttive eevidennce inn fa

34、voour off thiss proppositiion. IIn thee OECDD counntriess the sharee of ccross-bordeer merrgers in thhe tottal nuumber of M&A casess difffers wwidelyy acrooss diiffereent ecconomiic secctors and iis higghest in maanufaccturinng. Att the same time, manuufactuuring is allso onne of the mmost iinternna

35、tionnalizeed secctors with respeect too foreeign oownersship, at leeast iin Eurropeann counntriess. Simmilarlly, thhere aare seectorss withh a loow shaare off foreeign ffirm oownersship, such as coonstruuctionn, wheere thhe shaare off crosss-borrder mmergerrs in the ttotal numbeer of M&A casess is a

36、also llow. AA detaailed empirrical studyy woulld be needeed to rigorrouslyy testt whetther tthis ppositiive reelatioonshipp betwween fforeiggn ownnershiip andd the sharee of ccross-bordeer merrgers holdss moree geneerallyy, andd whetther iit cann be llinkedd to tthe innteracction of naationaally oop

37、timaal taxx poliicies and mmergerr conttrol.In manyy induustriees govvernmeents hhave ssectorr-speccific taax andd reguulatioon polliciess at ttheir dispoosal tto inffluencce thee markket ouutcomee afteer a cchangee in mmarkett struucturee has occurrred. In thhis paaper wwe havve sett up aa simpple

38、moodel tto anaalyze how nnationnally optimmal tax rrates will be addjusteed in respoonse tto a nnationnal meerger on thhe onee handd and an interrnatioonal mmergerr on tthe otther. Extennding the aanalyssis too incoorporaate syynergyy effeects oof merrgers, we hhave tthen sstudieed howw thesse chaan

39、ges in taax pollicy ffeed bback oon the iincenttives for ffirms to prroposee one or thhe othher kiind off mergger, aand foor thee mergger regullationn authhoritiies too acceept itt.Our anaalysiss showws thaat a nnationnal annd an interrnatioonal mmergerr leadd to ddifferennt inccentivves foor nattio

40、nall tax policcy. Onn the one hhand aan intternattionall mergger inncreasses thhe 24 incenntivess for non-ccooperrativee tax policcy to tax fforeiggn firm oownerss in eexcesss of tthe efficieent leevels. On tthe otther hhand, an innternaationaal merrger lleads to a largeer shaare off consuumptioon i

41、n each counttry beeing sservedd by llocal produucers and tthus iincreaases tthe incenntive for eeach ccountrry to grantt Pareeto effficieent suubsidiies. WWhich of thhese ttwo efffectss dominnates depennds crruciallly onn the sharee of fforeiggn firm oownersship iin thee pre-mergeer situaation. If a

42、all fiirms aare loocallyy owneed iniitiallly, thhen thhe nattionall mergger iss the dominnant aalternnativee, in the ssense that it reequirees fewwer coost saavingss in oorder to bee propposed by thhe merrging firms and tto be clearred byy the regullationn authhorityy. In contrrast, if thhe sharee o

43、f fforeiggn firm oownersship iis larrge, tthen tthe innternaationaal merrger wwill bbe prooposedd and ccleareed forr a wiider rrange of coost saavingss.One impplicattion oof ourr modeel is that a risse in interrnatioonal pportfoolio ddiverssificaation will favouur crooss-boorder mergeers, oother thi

44、nggs beiing eqqual. When, as iit is oftenn arguued, aa risee in fforeiggn assset hooldinggs is one oof thee conssequennces oof ecoonomicc inteegratiion, tthen oour annalysiis proovidess an eexplannationn for the rrisingg sharre of crosss-bordder meergerss. In princciple our aargumeent iss compplemen

45、ntary to otther rreasonns forr crosss-borrder mmergerrs fouund inn the literraturee, in partiicularr the argumment tthat tthey aallow firmss to ssave aaggreggate ttranspport ccosts. It iis intterestting tto notte, hooweverr, thaat thiis altternattive aargumeent caannot explaain a risinng shaare off

46、crosss-borrder mmergerrs oveer timme, ass it bbecomees lesss impportannt wheen ecoonomicc inteegratiion prroceedds andd trannsportt costts acccordinngly ffall.Our anaalysiss coulld be extennded iin sevveral direcctionss. Onee posssibiliity woould bbe to indiggenizee the sharee of fforeiggn firm oown

47、ersship, and rrelatee thiss sharre expplicittly too the forcees of econoomic iintegrrationn. In such a settting interrnatioonal pportfoolio ddiverssificatiion wouldd leadd to ggains in thhe forrm of higheer retturns or loower aaggreggate rrisk, but iit wouuld also causee highher innformaation or trr

48、ansacction costss. If econoomic iintegrrationn reduuces tthe latteer, thhe linnk bettween globaalizattion aand thhe risse of crosss-bordder meergerss coulld be expliicitlyy modeeled. We doo not expecct, hooweverr, thaat ourr concclusioons woould bbe funn- demenntally aaltereed by this extennsion. An

49、otther mmodel extennsion wouldd be tto connsiderr conseecutivve merrgers, or mergeer wavves. In suuch a settiing itt woulld be possiible tto derrive equillibriuum marrket sstructtures for aany giiven sset off exoggenouss modeel parrameteers (aas in Horn and PParsonn, 20001). IIn priinciplle thiis ex

50、ttensioon couuld bee incoorporaated iinto oour modell, butt the analyysis mmust aaccounnt forr bothh the changge in markeet strructurre andd for the cchangee in ttax pooliciees folllowinng eacch merrger. We leeave tthis ttask ffor fuuture reseaarch.Source: Andreeas Hauflle, 2007.”Mergeer Pollicy aan

51、d Taax Commpetittion”, Muniich Diiscusssion PPaper No.399 P25-35.译文:合并政策和税收收竞争通常政府有特定定部门的税收收和管理政策策来处理国内内并购或者跨跨国并购中产产生的市场问问题。我们发发现国内并购购或跨国并购是否否为国内最佳佳税收政策所触发,主主要取决于公公司的所有权权结构。当企企业在合并中中为纯粹国内内企业时,非非合作税收政政策在国内企企业合并中就就更有效,同同时协同效应应很少。当在在合并前企业业的外资股份份很高时,结结果正好相反反。在过去的十年当当中,合并的的作用十分显显著,跨国并并购的发展也也很快。在11981-119












63、外国公司司的市场份额额本土化,并并且明确地将将市场份额与与经济一体化化的力量联系系起来。这种种国际证券组组合多样化的的环境将会导导致以更高的的回报或更低低的总风险形形式来获得收收益。但是,它它也可能会产产生更高的信信息获取和交交易成本。如如果经济一体体化缩减了后后者,那么全全球化和跨国国并购之间有有了更好的联联系。无论如如何,我们不不希望结果因因这种延伸而而产生基础性性的改变。另一一个模式的延延伸是考虑连连贯合并或“合并浪潮”。在这种环环境下,对任任何一个外源源模式因素来来说,都会得得到市场结构构的平衡(霍霍恩和帕森,22001)。原原则上这种延延伸会被纳入入我们的模式式当中,但分析析报告一定既要说明明市场结构的的改变,也要要说明随着各各个企业合并并而产生的税税收政策的改改变。我们将将把这个问题题作为今后的的研究任务。出处:安德烈 哈夫.合并政策策和税收竞争争.慕尼黑工作论论文,2007(339):P25-355。

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