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1、走过三米作文走过三米莎搬来这个社区已有一年多了,然而到今天,自己连一个邻居也没结识。一个人住着连个说话的人都没有,莎感到很孤独、无聊、压抑。同事建议她买只宠物狗养养。尽管她一直讨厌照顾别的东西,不过现在看来,她确实很需要一个“别的东西”为伴了。Sha has been in this community for more than a year, but to this day, she doesnt even know a neighbor. There was no one to talk to when living alone. Sha felt very lonely, bored

2、and depressed. Colleagues suggested that she buy a pet dog to keep. Although she has always hated taking care of other things, now it seems that she really needs a companion of other things.一个星期日,莎又准备去宠物市场挑狗。下楼梯时,竟看见一只雪白的牧羊犬立在楼梯口,链子被随意地绕在把手上。那狗很温顺,见到陌生人也不叫唤,只是好奇地打量着。莎不由地上前去抚摸,那狗倒像挺喜欢莎似的,一个劲地摇尾巴。这时只听

3、“蹬蹬蹬”一阵急促的下楼脚步声,“喂,你在干什么?”莎回头一看,只见一个和自己年龄相仿的女孩正狐疑地看着她。One Sunday, Sha was going to the pet market again to pick out dogs. When I went down the stairs, I saw a white shepherd dog standing at the entrance of the stairs. The chain was randomly around the handle. The dog was so docile that he didnt shou

4、t when he saw a stranger. He just looked at him curiously. Sha couldnt help but come forward to touch her. The dog seemed to like Sha very much. She wagged her tail vigorously. At this time, just listen to the pedaling and pedaling a rush of footsteps downstairs, Hey, what are you doing? Sha looked

5、back and saw a girl of her own age looking at her suspiciously.“哦,不不不不,你别误会,我不偷狗的。”莎紧张地摆着双手。“那你是偷什么的啊?”那女孩说完“扑哧”一声笑了出来。莎本觉很难堪,现在见女孩笑了,才放了心:“这是你的狗?”“嗯,”说着女孩过去解下了绕在把手上的狗链子,“我准备带狗去散步,刚刚想起忘了东西,就回去拿了。”Oh, no, no, no, no, dont get me wrong, I dont steal dogs. Sha put her hands nervously. What did you stea

6、l? The girl said Puchi and smiled. She felt embarrassed. Now she saw the girl smile, and then she was relieved: this is your dog? Well, she said, removing the dog chain from her handle. Im going to take the dog for a walk. Just thinking of forgetting something, I went back to get it.说完,那女孩要走,莎也准备离开。

7、可那只狗却死活蹲在楼梯口,半步不移。女孩拍着手半蹲身子对着狗喊“仔仔,仔仔,我们走啊!”狗轻轻应了两声,不走。“仔仔,妈妈要带你去散步,你不去吗?妈妈要生气了!仔仔!仔仔!”女孩一个劲地和她的“仔仔”说话,仿佛“仔仔”真能听懂似的。莎愣愣地站着看着这对”母子”。女孩急了,轻轻地扯起了链子,似乎要拖着狗走。With that, the girl is going, and Sha is going to leave. But the dog squatted on the stairway, not moving. The girl clapped her hands and squatted

8、half to the dog and shouted, zazai, zazai, lets go! The dog answered twice softly and did not go. Zaizai, my mother will take you for a walk, wont you? Moms going to be angry! Zai Zi! Zai Zi! The girl talked with her Zai Zai as if she could understand her. Sha Leng stood looking at the mother and so

9、n . The girl was in a hurry and gently pulled up the chain, as if to drag the dog.女孩的努力再告失败,她站直了身子,双手叉腰,喘了一口气,无意中看见呆立着的莎,撇撇嘴很无奈地笑了笑。莎想,自己反正也没什么事,不如帮她一下。她试着让女孩和自己同时向前跑,指望狗也能跟上来,狗不理。她到社区门口买了根火腿,指望狗禁不住诱惑,狗仍不理The girls efforts failed again, she stood up straight, hands akimbo, took a breath, inadvertent

10、ly saw the standing Sha, curled her mouth and smiled helplessly. Sha thought that she had nothing to do with her, so she might as well help her. She tried to let the girl and herself run forward at the same time, expecting the dog to follow her, and the dog ignored her. She bought a ham at the gate

11、of the community, hoping that the dog could not resist the temptation. The dog still ignored it累了,两人坐在楼梯上闲聊了起来。莎一个劲地询问着养狗的一些方法,买狗的技巧等,女孩以过来人的自豪热情回答。闲聊中,两人惊奇地发现,彼此竟是邻居,真是相见恨晚啊!而那只狗呢?直到傍晚时分,才被两人用一只玩具狗引回了家。Tired, they sat on the stairs chatting. Sha asked about some ways to keep a dog and how to buy a

12、dog. The girl replied with pride and enthusiasm. During the chat, they were surprised to find that they were neighbors. How late they met each other! And what about the dog? It was not until the evening that they were led home with a toy dog.从此,这层楼的三米走道不再清冷,两扇铁门不再冰凉。走过三米,我们最需要的陪伴者就在这三米之外!Since then, the three meter walkway of this floor is no longer cold, and the two iron doors are no longer cold. After three meters, the company we need most is just three meters away!

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