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1、PEP人教精通版五年级(下)Unit 1 Welcome to our school(Lets talk)教学设计学 段: 小 学学 科: 英 语执 教: 黄 新 英 单 位:西安高新第一小学一、教材分析: 本节课主体文本是PEP一年级起点精通英语(五下)Unit 1 Welcome to Our School第一课时内容。根据我校英语学科“文本情境化,体验真实化”的理念,在保持语轮不变的基础上,结合我校实际情况,将文本做了一些调整。二、学情分析:学生在四年级下册围绕“School”话题已经有所学习,初步了解的知识是 “句型Do you have .?”,“Is this.?”以及一些部室的名

2、称。五年级学生对于课堂有了更多的思考,课堂活动的设计要有效,有趣才能吸引他们持续的注意力。变“读”话为“说”话依然是本节课的重点。让孩子把语言技能为变成解决问题的能力是我们努力的方向。三、教学目标:(一).语言知识目标: 1.功能:谈论学校布局及部室并介绍给来访者,初步了解邀请函的作用。 2.语法:能够熟练掌握以下句型并正确使用一般现在进行时时询问, Welcome to our school. Ill show you around our school.This is our library.Do you often.?Yes, we often.3.词汇:能够听、说、认读单词和短语lib

3、rary, gym ,borrow, come, show.around全体学生能运用:library, gym ,borrow, come,部分学生能灵活运用:show.around4.语音:在能正确、流利地朗读对话的基础上,变“读”话为“说”话,语调自然;(二).语言技能目标: 1.听:全体学生在老师和图片的帮助下能听懂对话,获取关键信息; 2.说:大部分学生能灵活自如地使用好所学语言,在模拟情境中自如大方介绍学校的部室; 3.读:全体学生能正确朗读对话。(三)学习策略目标:在老师的引导下从半开放式学习模式逐步过渡到自主学习状态,在“对学”合作中和同伴互助学习,保持积极的学习态度。(四)文

4、化意识目标:适当了解图书馆里的制度,形成优秀的公共场合礼仪。能顾及他人感受,学会在公共场所遵守规则,做受欢迎的人。了解图书馆的基本用途,鼓励孩子们通过图书了解世界。5. (五)情感态度目标:了解迎客之道,用开放的心欢迎参观者的到来。在接待中做到礼貌、有序。热爱校园 ,热爱读书。四、教学方法:视听法,情景教学法五、教具准备:词条,PPTTeaching ProcedureTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPurposeStep1Preparation1. Greetings and free talkT:Nice to meet you. Im your new

5、 teacher Nancy. Actually I m a visitor to your school. Everything is new for me.What will you say to welcome me?T:Look !Most of them are visitors. What will you say to them?(Blackboard work: Welcome to our school. )And after class.You can show the visitors around your school. (Blackboard work: Show

6、.around. )2.OK. Lets sing a happy song to welcome them.3.Song -Do you like the song?T:Do you like this card?(Assessment)T: Look ! There are some words on it . Lets read it .T: This is an invitation card. You can invite your family or friends to visit your school.When you listen,speak well,ask and an

7、swer actively or get along well with your partners. You may get one card from the box. If you did super job, one more card from me.T: More cards ,more visitors.More visitors ,more friends.Try your best.Ss- GreetingSs: Welcome to our school.Ss: Welcome to our school.Ss- Listen to the music and try th

8、eir best to sing it.(clap the hands and move the body with lively rhythm)Ss: Yes, I like it.Ss: Yes, I like it.Ss:Dear friends,Welcome to our school.Well show you aroundour school.Yours Apr. 2019Ss-Listen to the teacher and try their best to get more information.通过课前聊天,快速建立师生关系,同时设定教学情境。用真实的语境服务于本课内

9、容。在情境中引导学生进行自主思维,真切理解主题Welcome to our school.借助欢快的歌曲缓解公开教学的紧张气氛,并直入主题。结合本课主题内容,以邀请卡的形式激励孩子们上课积极发言,和同学友好相处形成学习伙伴关系。渗透“共享”思维模式,开放的校园将迎接更多的参观者,同时也得到更多的朋友。Step2PresentationT: Today, one more visitor is coming. She is on the way. Lets watch the video. Focus on this question ,Wholl show the visitor around

10、 the school?Q1:Who is that young woman?Who is that girl?Who is that boy?Today ,Mary and Frank will show the visitor around the school.Q2 Where do they visit?ABCDA. libraryB .music roomD.gymQ3: What are they talking about in the library and gym?(ppt)T:Mary:says:_(3-5人的操练)T:The visitor says:

11、_T:Mary says:_T: We borrow books from the library. And we read them at home ,at school even in the park.Activity 1 T:Do you often borrow books from the library?What about him/her?(chain of questions)T: Who often goes to the library? Hands up.T: What do we often do in the library?When we borrow and r

12、ead books in the library. We should line up .The books are ours. T ake care of the books and bring the books back to the library on time,please.Sometimes we do homework and get information in the library. When we are in the library ,wed better be quiet. T: What shouldnt we do?How can we be a nice re

13、ader?Lets say Goodbye to them.T:Library is a collection of books.Its a very nice place. We can make friends with books and make friends with the children who likes reading.Read the word, Read the world.So go to the library more often.Ss: Listen to the teacher and try their best to get more informati

14、on.Ss answer the questions.S1: She is a visitor.S2: She is Mary.S3: He is Frank.Ss: They visit place A and D .(new words : library and gym)Ss: Work in pair:Mary and visitor1.T+S1-S2+S3-S3+S4Ss: (交互式提问并情境小段表演)Ss: Watch the picture.Know the activities in the library and rules of the library.(Chain of

15、questions)S1 :Do you borrow books from the library?S2: Yes, we/I often borrow books from the library.Ss : Watch the videoIn the libraryS1:We often.(read books, borrow books .)Ss:Be quiet.Ss: Dont talk loudly.Dont eat snacks.Dont run.Goodbye.借助直观的视频整体呈现文本设计梯度问题,让学生带着问题逐步学习文本共三个主场景,场景一 学校门口场景二图书馆场景三 体

16、育馆第二场景是新授的主体。通过具身认知,让孩子真实感受语言、习得语言。 遵循meaning-form-talking(reading)的科学认知规律。练习分两个梯度:一、师生合作示范,二、小组合作完成。控制式操练帮助孩子了解语言框架。半控制的练习为课堂生成做好铺垫。借助PPT图片呈现,设计问题接龙活动,突破“ borrow books from the library.”语言难点。两人为主的“对学”模式是大班额教学中最有效的小组活动形式。通过师+生, 生+生逐步从控制性学习到半控制性学习形式。文化熏陶和美德教育在情境中润物细无声的完成。通过视频呈现图书馆活动、礼仪以及规则, 内化文化意识以及礼

17、仪教育,鼓励孩子在公共场合做受欢迎的人。介绍图书馆功能,鼓励孩子们通过阅读了解世界。 Step3PracticeActivity 1T:Mary and Frank show the visitor around the school. Now, they leave the library. They are in the gym.Frank says:_Visitor:?Visitor says:_Frank says.Activity 2Role play Activity 3Read in roles.Ss listen to the computer and follow.They

18、ll guess what the visitor ask. Do you often.(Play sports: basketball football ,run, jump, badminton.Pair work:( T+S1-S2+S3,Switch the roles.Roles playBoys-FrankGirls-Mary Teacher -Visitor通过图书馆场景的学习掌握学习方法。体育馆场景进入半控制性学习-小组合作自主学习。以主动构建第三场景,灵活使用语言为主。激励孩子们把play sports 具体化,形象化。进一步熟悉文本以及角色划分,为课堂生成做准备。Step4

19、ProductionT:Finish the blackboard work with pictures. While retell the dialogue together.Show TimeActivity1:Textbook dramaActivity2: text-based DramaThere are many places besides library and gym.T:Where is computer room/music room/art room/playground.?Activity3T: Look! The visitor hope you can show

20、them around our school. Who is the the No. 1?Ss: Retell the dialogue.Show TimeActivity1:1 T+ Ss2 Ss+SsActivity2: Everyone in the group works together.Activity3Ssll invite the visitors in the meeting hall.通过完成板书,以及立体教具创设半真实情景,同时复述对话,再次熟悉文本,缩短课堂内生生差异。教室通过小组划分,用部室标牌自然营造半真实情景。拓展文本,丰富课堂。给孩子们搭平台,让他们学会小组合作

21、,小组成员人人参与,体验情景中的语言。邀请现场的听课老师(visitors)引导学生在情境中使用语言,延伸课堂。期待孩子们能活学活用。Step5SummaryT:You can invite your family or friend to visit our school. We have a happy school.Sing the song .T:Welcome to our school . Bye.Ss: show the cards.Sing the song Ss: Welcome to our school . Bye-bye.再次介绍邀请卡的功能,打开校门,欢迎参观者,互相学习,一起进步。学习语言,体验语言,使用语言。在音乐声中结束学习。Step 6 HomeworkUse the invitation card and invite your family and friends to visit our school.结合文本主题及课堂评价布置有效的家庭作业。Blackboard DesignHappy SchoolWelcome to our schoolGymIll Show you around.Library.Do you often.?Yes/No.

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