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1、 U712词汇拓展复习+阅读第一部分一、阅读理解。阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join“environment club”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.Here are some things students often do.No garbage (垃圾)

2、lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school.No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a carn

3、either the students nor the teachers. Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike, or run! Use your legs! Its lots of fun!Turn off the water! Did you know that toilets can waste twenty to forty tons of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In the environment club

4、s, students mend those broken toilets.We love our environment. Lets work together to make it clean. ( )1. Environment clubs ask students .A. to run to school every day B. to take exercise every day C. not to forget to take cars D. not to throw away lunch bags( )2. From the passage we know the studen

5、ts usually have lunch . A. at school B. in shops C. in clubs D. at home( )3. On a no-car day, will take a car to school. A. both students and teachers B. only students C. only teachers D. neither students nor teachers( )4. After students mend toilets, they save .A. a small river B. a club C. a lot o

6、f water D. a toilet( )5. The writer wrote the passage to ask students to . A. clean school B. make less pollution C. join clubs D. help teachers参考答案15、DADCB 二、首字母填空。阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981.At that time,they decided to stop s_1_ Spanish at

7、home and only communicate in English. This was b_2_ they were now living in an Englishspeaking country.Now the Vieira children are adults,and they sometimes travel to Spain to v _3_ their family and friends. But they cant communicate with them. Unfortunately this is common. When people move to new c

8、ountries,they often leave their o_4_ customs and mother language behind. This is a mistake because there are many benefits to knowing more than one language.One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate with more people a_5_ the world. You dont have to depend on others

9、 to talk to you,so you are more independent. People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.Furthermore,speaking the second language a_6_ allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively. Local expressions,vocabulary,and even jokes can have a powerf

10、ul effect on a persons understanding of o_7_ cultures. So knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.Finally,having more multilanguage speakers improves relationships b_8_ countries. If people from different countries can communicate well,the world can become closers.C

11、ountries will then have more respect for each other and better u_9_ each others problems.The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear. In fact,there are no disadvantages. It is very sad that many people dont try to learn another language. Its e_10_ worse when people let themselves forget

12、 their mother language and become silenced.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._【参考答案】1.speaking 2. because 3.visit 4.own 5.around 6.also 7.other 8.between 9. understand 10.even三、复习。(词汇拓展)(该部分单词主要为动词、名词或形容词等的变形,常在单项填空、完形填空和短文填空题型中进行考查,标单词的变形尤其要重点掌握。)1. country n国;国家 _(pl.) 2. cross n横过;越过 _adv. &

13、prep.过,穿过 _ n十字路口 3. potato n土豆;马铃薯_(pl.)4. nature n自然 _adj.自然的_adv.自然地5. mouse n老鼠_(pl.)6. worry n. & v担心;担忧_adj.令人担心的;令人担忧的_adj.担心的;担忧的7. spend v花(时间、金钱等) _(过去式/过去分词)8. sing v唱;歌唱_(过去式)_(过去分词)_n歌手9. excite v使兴奋_ adj.激动的;兴奋的_adj.令人兴奋的;令人激动的10. grow v种植;生长;发育_(过去式)_(过去分词)11. hear v听到;听见_(过去式/过去分词)12

14、. tire v使疲劳_ adj.令人疲倦的;令人疲劳的_adj.疲倦的;疲劳的13. wake v. 弄醒;醒_(过去式)_(过去分词)14. surprise n惊奇;差异; v使吃惊_ adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊讶的_adj.惊奇的;惊讶的15. bad adj.坏的 _(比较级)更坏的,更糟的,更差的 _(最高级)最坏的,最糟的,最差的16. hot adj.热的 _(比较级)较热的 _(最高级)最热的17. little adj.小的_(比较级)更小的;更少的_(最高级)最小的,最少的18. different adj.不同的_n不同_adv.不同地参考答案:1. countries

15、2. across; crossing3. potatoes4. natural; naturally5. mice6. worrying; worried7. spent8. sang; sung; singer9. excited; exciting10. grew; grown11. heard12. tiring; tired13. woke; woken14. surprising; surprised15. worse; worst16. hotter; hottest17. less; least18. difference; differently第二部分完形填空阅读下面短文,

16、掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Have you ever taken a tour of a zoo? If so, it likely that the person who led you through the zoo helped you to learn a lot about the _1_Amelia Rinas is a high school student who lives in OhioOne day Amelia _2_ the Cleveland Metropark ZooThe moment she saw the goril

17、las there, she left _3_ about themShe wondered if they were getting the right foodsAmelia read all she could about gorillas and learned what they like to _4_Then she started a “gorilla garden”She grows the fruits and vegetables that gorillas love to eatSome of those foods are tomatoes, carrots, and

18、strawberriesAmelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their _5_ time to help America and the gorillasWhen they take the food to the zoo, the gorillas are thrilledthey look so excited!Who is responsible for Amelias interest in animals? Amelia is a member of Roots & ShootsIts members

19、 are young people who _6_ animals and the environmentThey helped Amelia understand that animals need our care, tooThe slogan on the Roots & Shoots Website is “Inspire, take action make a difference” These words tell _7_ the group is all aboutThe group urges(力劝) kids and grown ups, including parents

20、and teachers, to do what they can to make a _8_ where they liveWhen interviewed about her project, Amelia said, “I joined Root & Shoots _9_ I wanted to make a difference in the world”There are many _10_ to make a difference in the worldAmelia Rinass gorilla garden has helped make gorillas happier an

21、d healthier1Agardens Bfoods Cplants Danimals2Aopened Bbought Cvisited Dstarted3Abored Btired Cworried Drelaxed4Aeat Bbite Cfight Dkick5Apaid Blast Cextra Dlost6Acare about Blook for Crun after Dlaugh at7Awhen Bwhat Chow Dwhere8Aliving Bmistake Cnote Ddifference9Abecause Bbut Cthough Dunless10Aways Bmysteries Ccourses Dinventions参考答案110、DCCAC ABDAA

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