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1、UNIT 5WORKING THE LAND第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AVenice, a small waterside city in northeast Italy, boils with happiness and excitement once every year. Between February 21 and March 4, carnival (狂欢节) hits the streets.For most people carnival mean

2、s large parties and feasting. But in Venice, it also means traditional masks and costumes.These costumes were originally meant to hide personal identities. Then, different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness. Along the waterway, people greeted each other with “Good morning, Mrs. Mask!”Tod

3、ay, people in Venice still dress up in the strangest ways as armed soldiers, butchers and fishermen, for example.Bars and cafes are filled with partygoers who come to show off their fancy costumes. Their designs and creations are made by special studios. Readymade costumes are not acceptable.“In the

4、 months before the carnival we work overtime to meet the demand,” said a maskmaker. “Many kilometers of silk and lace are made into costumes. For shopkeepers, carnival is the best time of year.”The Venice carnival dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time, the city was one of the wealthiest in Eur

5、ope.The tradition of celebrating with masks and costumes is thought to have been started by the “Stocking Companies”. These were groups of young men who organized parties and festivals and wore colorful stockings to distinguish_themselves.By the 18th century,the carnival had reached its peak. It all

6、 came to an end when Napoleon conquered (征服) Venice in 1797.But in 1979, local people brought the old tradition back to life.Now the Venice carnival attracts huge crowds from all over the world. This year, about 700,000 people are taking part in. Hotels were fully booked months in advance, bars and

7、restaurants overflow every day.The city certainly benefits a whole industry has been built up around the carnivals masks and costumes. “The Venice carnival is a magical time! Its such a great experience,” said one French tourist.1During the carnival _.Astudents of all ages also join in the activitie

8、sBpeople want to be dressed in the most beautiful clothesCpeople in the costumes and masks want to make others think they are richDpeople dressed in the strangest ways dont want to be recognized2That people at the carnival were greeted “Mrs. Mask!” shows that _.Aall the people at the carnival were w

9、omen at one timeBall the people at the carnival wore masksCpeople werent able to tell men from women at the carnivalDpeople at the carnival dont know each other3What does the underlined expression “distinguish themselves” most possibly mean?ATo make themselves up.BTo make themselves different.CTo wa

10、rm themselves up.DTo recognize themselves.【语篇解读】本文介绍了威尼斯狂欢节的特点。1D细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知选D项。其他选项不符合威尼斯狂欢节的特点。2B推理判断题。根据第二段可知,狂欢节人们会戴面具,由此可知狂欢节人们认不出面具内的人,就都成了“面具夫人”。3B词义猜测题。该句说年轻人组成的这个团体披挂五颜六色的袜子,组织各种晚会,其目的是为了显示自己的与众不同,所以选B 项。A 项“化妆”不妥,因为他们只是披挂袜子而已;C 项“暖和”之说与喜庆无关;D 项“认出自己”在此也不太准确,尽管distinguish 本身有这个意义。BIn Co

11、lonial days, farm families worked from sunrise to sunset and sometimes longer. People had little time for play. They did not have a chance to see other people as much as we do today. But sometimes they were able to turn hard work into good times and still visit with their neighbors.In Virginia, Indi

12、an corn was an important crop. In late autumn after the weather had turned cold, the corn was ready to be harvested. Each ear had a cover of leaves called the husk(壳) . The colonists pulled ears of corn from the dry stalks and stored the ears of corn. Later, they held a corn huskingparty. On a clear

13、 night in November, neighboring families gathered to husk(剥去的壳) the corn. They lit lanterns in a barn and piled the corn in high mounds(垛) on the floor. Then everyone went to work. Most of the corn was yellow or white. But from time to time, a red ear was found. The person who found it was supposed

14、to have good luck.As people worked together, they enjoyed each others company. There was cider(苹果酒) to drink and cakes and cookies to eat. Corn husking was a favorite with boys and girls because they liked the chance to have a party. 4When and where were corn husking parties held?AThey were held in

15、barns at night.BThey were held in the fields at night.CThey were held on farms during the day.DThey were held on farms on moonless nights.5Why did boys and girls like corn huskings?AThey liked the chance to dress up.BThey liked to have parties.CThey liked to count the ears of corn.DThey liked to do

16、hard work.6What is the passage mainly about?AIt is about harvesting an important crop.BIt is about Indians during Colonial days.CIt is about dances held in colonial barns.DIt is about how to husk corn.7How would the person feel when he found a red corn?AHe would feel very happy.BHe would feel very s

17、orry.CHe would feel very worried.DHe would feel very satisfied.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了殖民地时期人们是如何庆祝丰收的。4A细节理解题。根据第三段中的第二句“They lit lanterns in a barn and piled the corn in high mounds on the floor. ”可知, 他们是晚上在粮仓里面庆祝。5B细节理解题。根据文章最后一句中的“because they liked the chance to have a party”可知, 他们喜欢聚会。6A主旨大意题。从总体上看, 文章主要

18、讲述了当地人们收获玉米的过程。7A推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The person who found it was supposed to have good luck. ”可知, 由于发现红色玉米的人将有好的运气, 所以他会很高兴。CDear Sir,There is a plan to build a new supermarket on the edge of the Whitefields housing estate(住宅区), on the land where the local library now is. I live at Whitefields, and I woul

19、d like to express my concern about this plan. It is not that I am completely against the idea of building a supermarket I just think that as a community we need to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages before committing ourselves. It is clear that the library is underused and in poor condition.

20、It is also clear that there are very few shops near here and a supermarket would be a good thing to have. But the people who want to build the supermarket seem to think that no one wants the library any more, and that it isnt a must because of the Internet and so on. Is this necessarily true, especi

21、ally for elderly people?What about young people who dont have the Internet at home and need to go to the library to do their homework?Where can they study if they have to share a room with a younger brother or sister?On the other hand, there is an argument that a new supermarket would not only bring

22、 more choice of shopping and more convenience for local people, but it would also bring some muchneeded jobs for younger people in the town and this is a good point. What we need to do is consider the effect a supermarket will have on our quality of life. Certainly local people, including me, will f

23、ind shopping a lot easier and more convenient. But there will also be extra traffic. In a few years from now, the roads in and around will be full of cars in the daytime and delivery lorries at night, and not only that we will have got used to it,_too. Are more jobs and more convenience worth such a

24、n influence on our daily lives?Perhaps, but this is what we have to ask ourselves. I believe that all the people of Whitefields, and the authority, need to discuss this question in an openminded way and I hope that by the time a decision is taken, we will have had a full and fair discussion of the i

25、ssues involved, and that the local authority will have really listened to everyones view. Is that too much to ask?Yours faithfully,Tom Watkins8The supporters of the supermarket probably think _.Athe library is no longer neededBthe library is too poor to be rebuiltCthe supermarket brings down goods p

26、riceDsupermarket increases local workers income9What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AShopping convenience.BJob opportunity. CLife quality.DTraffic condition. 10What is the authors attitude toward the plan?AApproving.BNeutral.CNegative.DConfident. 11Why is the letter written?AT

27、o promote effective public reading.BTo call for concern over an urban project.CTo discuss ways of improving life quality.DTo express dissatisfaction with public equipment.【语篇解读】这是一篇议论文。作者通过书信的形式向有关部门建议要谨慎考虑把图书馆改建为超市的计划。虽然超市能方便人们的日常生活, 提供就业机会, 但图书馆能丰富没有网络的人的精神世界, 帮助学生完成作业, 这一点是超市无法取代的。因此作者希望有关部门能够慎重考

28、虑。8A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But the people who want to build the supermarket seem to think that no one wants the library any more”可知, 支持建超市的人是因为他们觉得不再有人想要图书馆了。9D词义猜测题。it作代词时, 代表前文已提到过的一件事物。前文中提到“the roads in and around will be full of cars in the daytime and delivery lorries at night(这个住宅区的路白天会塞满车, 晚上有运输卡车)”可

29、知, 此处的it指的是交通情况。10C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I would like to express my concern about this plan. It is not that I am completely against”可知, 作者写这封信的目的是为了表达自己对于这个计划的担心, 而且作者希望有关部门能权衡利弊后再做出决定, 说明作者对这个计划的态度是消极的。11B目的意图题。文中第一段提到社区图书馆将被改建为超市的计划, 作者在信中表达了他的顾虑。根据“I just think that as a community we need to weigh up the

30、 advantages”可知, 作者希望有关部门能够权衡利弊后再做出决定, 故这封信的写作目的是呼吁关注这个项目。DIn the basement of a landmark 27story tower in Stockholm, Petterson is hoping to sow the seeds of an indoor urban farming revolution. He is the chief executive of Plantagon, a new urban farming factory set to kick off operations in the baseme

31、nt of an office block in the Swedish capital.He is by no means the first enthusiast for indoor farming, which has become increasingly fashionable in recent years. Claims for the practice of growing food in basements range from feeding people in desert environments to transforming the negative enviro

32、nmental effects of monoculture farming.Plantagons early promises reflect this new optimism. Petterson calls the farms approach “agritechture”: the combination of agriculture, technology and architecture hoping to revolutionize how we live and eat.The_term may be new, but the concept isnt. Indoor far

33、ming is made possible by agricultural technologies such as hydroponics (growing plants without soil) and aeroponics (in which plants are grown in air over containers) . Food can be produced without direct sunlight or soil.Plantagon plans to grow highvalue foods in a pumicelike material rather than s

34、oil. Water for the plants is measured precisely. It will also dehumidify(除湿) the air and reuse any extra water to ensure zero waste. Compared with conventional agriculture, it will need much less water to produce the same amount of crops. Energy is also a key issue for indoor urban farms, which have

35、 to create artificial sunlight. Although advances in the efficiency of LED lights have helped bring down energy consumption in recent years, plants use only about 1 percent of the artificial light produced. This leads to a great waste of energy, most of which disappears as heat. The basement farm wi

36、ll capture around 70 percent of this wasted heat and pipe it into the heating system of the office block above. Oxygen produced by the plants will be sent to office workers via the buildings air conditioners.12What does Plantagon plan to do in the basement?AGrow crops.BDo operations. COpen a seed co

37、mpany.DGive lectures about farming. 13What does the underlined phrase “the term” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AAeroponics.BHydroponics.CMonoculture. DAgritechture. 14What do indoor farms do with energy waste?AProduce oxygen.BRun air conditioners. CHeat offices.DCreate artificial sunlight. 15What is the t

38、ext mainly about?AA farming revolution.BPettersons achievement. CA watersaving farming project.DAn environmentfriendly system. 【语篇解读】在斯德哥尔摩一座地标性的27层塔楼的地下室里, 彼得森希望播下室内都市农业革命的种子。他将在瑞典首都的一座办公大楼的地下室开始运营。12A细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Petterson is hoping to sow the seeds of an indoor urban farming revolution. ”可知, 他

39、要在地下室内开办室内农场。13D词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“Petterson calls the farms approach agritechture: the combination of agriculture, technology and architecture hoping to revolutionize how we live and eat. ”可知, 此处的the term指的就是“agritechture”。14C推理判断题。根据第六段中的“The basement farm will capture around 70 percent of this wasted

40、heat and pipe it into the heating system of the office block above. ”可知, 地下室农场将捕获约70%的这种废热, 并将其注入办公大楼上方的供暖系统。15A主旨大意题。根据文章的主题句“Petterson is hoping to sow the seeds of an indoor urban farming revolution. ”可知, 本文主要介绍的是“农业革命”。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Anyone

41、who knows me well would see me as an optimist._16_ This was the case for me on a particularly cold January day.I felt exhausted by the painful challenges I was dealing with in my personal life._17_ The gray sky blocked even a single ray of sunlight.About midway through the day, I left work to get so

42、me lunch. Still feeling negative, I noticed that the sun had come out for a moment. I began to think about my negative attitude and reminded myself that I was responsible for choosing my state of mind._18_ Even though I reminded myself of this truth, I couldnt make the change.As I stopped at a red l

43、ight, I looked at the car in front of mine. The personalized license plate caught my eye It read “SUNZOUT”. This brought an immediate smile to my face._19_ And in the midst of the longest, darkest, coldest winter, this in itself was a blessing. But then my eyes moved to the car that was next to the

44、SUNZOUT vehicle. The license plate on that car read “GROUCH”. This brought more than a smile to my face as I laughed out loud! Seeing the two opposite license plates at that exact moment in time strengthened my previous recognition of my ability to choose my attitude. _20_I returned to work and shar

45、e my story with several coworkers who responded with warm laughter at what I refer to as my “message from beyond”. I learned that day that when were feeling too discouraged to bring ourselves out of an active state, relief is only a prayer away!AThe weather seemed to match my mood.BPessimists think

46、the opposite way, however.CHowever, even optimists can temporarily lose hope.DIt felt like a reminder that the sun was shining after all.EDo you think that the sunshine will spread throughout your life?FI felt my spirit lift as I made the decision to choose a positive attitude.GWhile I could not ign

47、ore the pain I was going through, I could choose to think positively.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文, 作者讲述了自己有一天情绪低落, 当看到两个截然相反的个性车牌时心情转变的故事。16C前一句说“任何了解我的人都会认为我是一个乐观主义者”, 后一句又说“在一个寒冷的一月里我就是这样”。由此可知, 此处需要一个承上启下的过渡句, C项“即使是乐观主义者也可能暂时失去希望”符合语境。17A根据本空后的“The gray sky blocked even a single ray of sunlight. ”可知, 灰暗的天空甚至没

48、有一缕阳光, 故A项“天气似乎很合我的心情”符合语境。18G根据本空前的“I began to think about my negative attitude and reminded myself that I was responsible for choosing my state of mind. ”可知, “我”开始思考我的消极态度, 并提醒自己, “我”有责任选择“我的”心态。G项“虽然我不能忽视我正在经历的痛苦, 但我可以选择积极地思考”可承接上文。19D根据本空前的“This brought an immediate smile to my face. ”可知, 这使“我的”

49、脸上立刻露出了笑容。 D项“这感觉就像在提醒自己: 阳光毕竟是灿烂的”符合语境。20F根据本空前的“Seeing the two opposite license plates at that exact moment in time strengthened my previous recognition of my ability to choose my attitude. ”可知, 此处承接上文, 讲的是积极的态度对自己的影响, F项“当我决定选择一种积极的态度时, 我感到精神振奋”符合语境。第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面

50、短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。If you were given one final wish, what would you wish for? Would you wish to visit a _21_ place important to you? Perhaps wish to talk to someone very dear to you? For the 70yearold Peter Robson, it was a(n) _22_ question he wanted to see his pet dog, Shep, one l

51、ast time. Peter was dying because of a serious lung disease. Due to his _23_, staff at the hospital asked his family if he had any last wish to make him at least comfortable.Peters last wish was to see his dog for the last time._24_, its almost impossible for his wish to be granted(准许) because bring

52、ing pets of any kind is strictly _25_ by the hospital due to possible issues with infection that may _26_. Peters family knew that the dying mans last wish wouldnt be granted._27_, Peters nurses went out of their way to make Peters final wish come true. Just 20 minutes after Peters _28_ told the sta

53、ff about his last wish, they _29_ the goahead they didnt expect to come:they can now bring Shep to the _30_.Peter and Sheps reunion was both_31_ and heartbreaking to watch. Peter was very _32_ to meet Shep again, and it was obvious that Shep _33_ the same way. Just hours after the two were _34_, Pet

54、er passed away. Ashley Stevens, Peters granddaughter, said that Shep has been with Peter for eight years now. Peter _35_ the pet dog after his wife died.The efforts of the nurses in charge didnt go unnoticed. Ashley posted on a social website about her entire familys gratefulness for the nurses.21A.


56、ceptedBsoughtCadmittedDreceived30A.shelterBhouseChospitalDcompany31A.funnyBbeautifulChorribleDstrange32A.happyBsadCinterestedDdisappointed33A.gaveBmadeCtookDfelt34A.combinedBunitedClinkedDtrapped35A.leftBsacrificedCheldDgot【语篇解读】70岁的Peter生命最后的愿望是看到与他相处了八年的狗Shep, 按医院规定这一愿望是不可能实现的。但在医护人员的努力下, 他得以在离世前的

57、几小时与Shep团聚。21A根据下文的“important to you”可知, 这里指“一个对你来说很重要的特定的(specific)的地方”。22C根据“he wanted to see his pet dog”可知, 这是一个很简单(easy)的问题。23D由于他的状况(condition), 医护人员问他的家人他是否有最后的遗愿。24D根据下文提到的“医院禁止宠物进入”可知, 此处应为“不幸的是(unfortunately), 他的愿望要得到准许几乎是不可能的”。25C根据下文提到的“due to possible issues with infection”可知, 任何种类的宠物都被

58、医院严格禁止(forbidden)。26C因为可能会发生(occur)传染问题。27A然而(however), Peter的护士们尽最大的努力让他最后的愿望得以实现。28B根据下文的“told the staff about his last wish”可知, 这里指Peter的家人(family)。29D根据上文提到Peter的家人告诉了护士他的最后愿望可知, 此处意为“他们就接到(received)了他们没料到会到来的批准”。30C根据上文可知, 这里指“他们现在就可以把Shep带到医院(hospital)来”。31BPeter和Shep的重聚看上去既美丽(beautiful)又令人心碎。

59、32APeter的最后愿望是看一眼Shep, 所以自然很高兴(happy)。33D很明显Shep也有同样的感受(felt)。34B就在他俩团聚(united)几小时后, Peter就去世了。35D妻子去世后, Peter就买(got)下了这只宠物狗。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分) 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I have just received a letter from my old school, 36._(inform) me that my former head master, Mr. Stuart Page, will

60、be retiring next week. Pupils of the school, old and new, will be sending him a present to mark the occasion. All those 37._ have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will 38._(send) to the headmasters home. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his 39._(patient) an

61、d understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so 40._(willingly) to school. A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honor next Thursday. 41._ is a curious coincidence(巧合) that the day before his retirement, Mr. Page will have been teaching 42.

62、_ a total of forty years. After he has retired, he will devote himself to 43._(garden). For him, this will be an 44._(entire) new hobby. But this does not matter, for, as he has often remarked, one is never too old 45._(learn)【语篇解读】前校长斯图尔特佩奇先生将于下周退休, 这所学校的新老学生将送给他一份礼物来纪念这一时刻。所有人在一个相册中签名并把它送到校长的家里,感谢

63、他给予大家鼓励。36informing考查现在分词。逗号后面应该用非谓语动词, inform与前面的letter构成逻辑上的主谓关系, 因此用动词ing形式。37who考查关系代词。先行词是those, 定语从句引导词用who。38be sent考查被动语态。album与send是被动关系。39patience考查名词。形容词性物主代词后面应该用名词。40unwillingly考查词性转化。根据语境“当我们不愿意上学去的时候, 老校长鼓励我们”, 因此应该是willingly的反义词。41It考查代词。It作形式主语, 后面that引导主语从句。42for考查介词。空格后面 “a total of forty years”是一段时间, 因此答案用for。43gardening考查动名词。 “devote himself to”固定结构, to是介词, 后面应该用动词ing形式。44entirely考查副词。修饰形容词new, 应该用副词

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