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1、retirev.rta( retires; retired; retiring )双解释义vt. & vi.(使)退休; 退下; 撤退(cause to) stop working at ones job, profession, etc.; go away to a quiet or less control place; move back intentionally, without being forced tovi.就寝 go to bed基本要点1.retire作“退休”解时,指从公职生活中因年老而圆满退休,也可指由于不称职而被罢免官职,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物

2、动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。2.retire作“撤退”解时,一般是指军队从阵地上撤离,用作不及物动词,常与from连用。3.retire也可作“就寝”解,用作不及物动词。词汇搭配 +副词 retire early 提早退休 retire cautiously小心地撤退 retire compulsorily 强迫退休 retire decently光荣退休 retire forcedly 强迫退休 retire modestly慎重地撤退 retire timidly胆小地撤退 retire unwillingly不情愿地退休 retire voluntarily 自愿退休 re

3、tire back stage退居幕后 +介词 retire from从退休 retire from ones job退休 retire from the service辞职,退役 retire on old age因年老而退休 retire on a pension退休领养老金 retire to就寝,退到 retire to ones room回到屋里 retire to safer positions撤回到较安全的阵地 retire under the age of在年纪退休 常用短语retire from(v.+prep.)1.从退休,引退 stop working at (a job

4、 or activity) or for (an employer)retire from sth/v-ingWhen Jims uncle retired from the railway company, he was given a gold watch.吉姆的伯父从铁路上退休时得到一块金表。They had decided to retire from farming.他们决定不再务农。Gradually the shore retired from view. 海岸逐渐后退,最终从视野中消失。retire sth from sthThe government retires worn

5、 or torn dollar bills from use.政府将破烂的钞票回收停用。2.从撤退 move back from (a position)retire from sthThe officer ordered the troop to retire from the action.军官下令将部队撤出战斗。The soldiers received orders to retire from the positions that they had just won.士兵们接到命令从他们刚刚占领的阵地上撤退。retire from the world(v.+prep.+n.)归隐 e

6、nter a religious order, or live alone from principle, seeing no oneAfter a busy life teaching, he retired from the world and considered his own inner development.忙碌的教书生涯结束后,他隐居起来,修身养性。retire into oneself(v.+prep.+pron.)变得沉默寡言,不愿同别人交谈 become very quiet and unwilling to talk to peopleThe girl student

7、retired into herself.这个女同学不爱与人打交道。None of us know him well because he has a tendency to retire into himself.他不大和别人来往,所以我们大家都不怎么了解他。retire on(v.+prep.)退休后靠(生活) have a (income) at the end of ones working liferetire on sthPeople who retire on fixed incomes have the greatest difficulty with rising price

8、s.靠固定退休金生活的人最难以应付的是不断上涨的物价。retire to(v.+prep.)退到,去往 move to (a place) at the end of ones lifes workretire to sthHe retired to his bedroom.他回卧室去了。At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden. 吃完晚饭后,我们都到花园里去了。Many people retire to the country, where they can enjoy peace and fresh air.许多人退休后搬到乡

9、下去了,在那里他们可以得到安静并呼吸到新鲜空气。The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)Mr. Smith retired last month and now lives his ease.史密斯先生上月退休,现在过着平静的生活。Once people retire they automatically cease to be union members.人们一旦退休就自动不再是工会会员。Immediately after dinner they retired.他们吃完晚饭就回自己屋里去

10、了。My wife usually retires at 10 oclock.我妻子通常10点钟就寝。The house was shut up; everyone had retired.房门关上了,每个人都已回屋睡觉了。She retired early with a good book this night. 今天晚上,她拿着一本好书很早就上床了。用作及物动词S+n./pron.Well retire him the first chance we have.一有机会我们就要让他退休。It was found necessary to retire several generals wh

11、o lacked energy and enterprise.使几位缺乏精力和上进心的将军解职是必要的。 用于be ed结构Some of the older workers were retired early.有些老工人提前退休。词语辨异retire, retreat, withdraw这组词都有“撤退,离开”的意思。其区别是:retire指从公共场所移到私人场所,用法较为正式; withdraw与retire相似,为正式用语,现已较少使用; retreat多指从危险的处境中退出,也可能从一个地方移到另一个安静的私人场所。补充资料派生词 retiredadj.退休的;退职的;退后的retirednessn. 退休retirementn.退休,退职,退役

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