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1、2022届高三英语下学期3月月考试题试卷说明:1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.请将所有答案填涂在答题卡上的正确位置。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What makes the girl study har

2、der?A. To get a toy.B. To be a model.C. To buy a car.2. What does the man intend to do?A. Stop to ask for directions.B. Drive to the tall building.C. Take down the address.3. Which skirt does the woman prefer?A. The yellow one.B. The white one.C. The orange one.4. What is the woman concerned about?A

3、. The mans memory.B. The house condition.C. The future reunion.5. What does the woman think of the mans life?A. Relaxing.B. Meaningful.C. Stressful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回

4、答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A foot injury.B. Floor cleaning.C. House keeping.7. Who is Brenda?A. The mans sister.B. The womans boss.C. The cleaning robot.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Brother and sister.

5、C. Father and daughter.9. What is the girl worrying about?A. The cold weather.B. The wool uniforms.C. The band performance.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How is the dog now?A. He is anxious.B. He is friendly.C. He is playful.11. When did the dinner party start?A. At 6:30 p. m.B. At 7:00 p. m.C. At 7:30 p. m.1

6、2. What do we know about the woman?A. She had a rough day.B. She is afraid of strangers.C. She doesnt like football.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How much did the waitress charge the man?A. $20B. $35.C. $45.14. What caused the mistake?A. The drinks.B. The main dish.C. The small plate.15. What does the man us

7、ually order?A. Vegetables.B. Seafood.C. Meat.16. Who does the man want to talk to?A. Jenny.B. The manager.C. The cook.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where is the speaker?A. On the playground.B. In the cafeteria.C. In the school hall.18. Who is Bill Wyatt?A. A school director.B. A football coach.C. A college

8、student.19. How can parents get the school lunch menu?A. By visiting the website.B. By receiving the e-mails.C. By listening to the broadcast20. Where can students keep their cellphones during class hours?A. In special lockers.B. At the school gate.C. In the teachers office.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共

9、15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每題所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Strongest Female Literary Characters of All TimeThere are some of historys most inspiring and great females who can be found on the pages of these novels.Elizabeth BennetCalled “Lizzie” or “Eliza” by her family and friends, Elizabeth Be

10、nnet is the stubborn and clever heroine from the 1813 Jane Austen novel Pride and Prejudice. Shes the second eldest of five daughters in the Bennet family and, like the rest of her sisters, she is expected to marry for status and money, not for love. To remain true to herself, she would rather remai

11、n single, a concept that was unheard at the time.Nancy DrewShe first appeared in the 1930s but remains one of the most iconic female characters in all of literature. Created by Edward Stratemeyer, Nancy Drew wasnt simply a pretty girl. Instead, the bold, physically strong, and fiercely intelligent N

12、ancy used her superior intelligencenot her looksto solve a series of mysteries.Josephine MarchJo March is the second eldest daughter in the March family and is a central focus in the novel Little Women, published by Louisa May Alcott in 1868. At 15, she is strong- willed, confident, and literary and

13、 unlike her sisters, she is outspoken and uninterested in marriage. Jo both struggles with and challenges societys expectations of how women in the 19th century should carry themselves, making her one of literatures most daring female characters.Hester PrynneRecognized by some critics as one of the

14、most important characters in female literature, Hester Prynne is the leading character in Nathaniel Hawthornes 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter. Married but separated by distance from her husband, Hester has an affair with a minister and bees pregnant.21. Why would Elizabeth Bennet rather remain singl

15、e?A. She is too stubborn.B. She doesnt want to cheat herself.C. She doesnt want to marry for love.D. She was the eldest daughter of the family.22. What is Nancy Drew like?A. Kind.B. Outspoken.C. Clever.D. Proud.23. Who created Josephine March?A. Jane Austen.B. Edward Stratemeyer.A. Louisa May Alcott

16、.D. Nathaniel Hawthorne.24. What is the right order of the time these females appeared in novels? a. Elizabeth Bennetb. Nancy Drewc. Josephine Marchd. Hester PrynneA. dcabB. adbcC. cdbaD. adcbBWith golden sunshine and a gentle breeze, autumn is the most beautiful season in the year. This is a great

17、time to go outside and have fun. Go to a valley to see red maple trees, go and pick fruit in an orchard or find an open field to fly your kite in.However, for many high school students, these great activities may be just a dream. With plenty of work to do, they spend all their hours indoors, struggl

18、ing for a high mark in their exams. Of course, study is one of the most important things for teenagers. But life is definitely much more than that.Sometimes we spend so much time studying that we forget how to make life wonderful. In doing so, we lose the real purpose of life to be a valuable and ha

19、ppy person. To enjoy just how great it is to be alive, we have to put down our books and pens and look around us. Students, take some exercise to improve your health, talk with your parents and friends for understanding and walk around outside to refresh your body and mind.Going out and enjoying the

20、 beautiful countryside often helps our creativity in our work. Chinese craftsman, Lu Ban, created a saw to help woodworkers. But if he hadnt walked outside, he would not have been inspired by a kind of toothed grass. We could also suppose if Newton hadnt rested under that apple tree, then he wouldnt

21、 have been hit by an apple, and his classic theories would not have e out.Going out is not only a break from hard work, but a chance to add to life experience. So e on, give your brain a good rest. Step out of the books and get your bag ready for an autumn outing. We are sure you will get much more

22、than knowledge from the exciting journey.25. In which paragraph does the writer make a summary about his opinion?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 5.D. Paragraph 4.26. Why is going out a dream for many high school students?A. They are unhappy to do so.B. Their parents dont allow them to do

23、so.C. They think study is the most important thing for them.D. They have too much work to do for getting high marks in the exams.27. The passage is developed mainly by .A. making predictionsB. reasoning and giving examplesC. describing the beautiful scenery in AutumnD. pointing out the present situa

24、tion of high school students 28. What message can you get from the passage?A. Nature is power.B. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.C. The author isnt happy with our education at all.D. Going out can make high school students get more.CSixty-four-year-old Pierre Deom has spent his entire lif

25、e close to the woods and fields that he loves. Twice a year, his magazine, La Hulotte, focuses on an animal or plant native to the French countryside.The 100th edition was published in November. The magazine counts more than 150, 000 subscribers in many countries, and is doing very well financially.

26、 Deom says it all began in January 1972, when he was teaching science in a one-room schoolhouse here. “It upset me how the forests and swamps were beginning to be ruined. The word ecology (生态学) didnt really exist yet. Some friends and I wanted to call attention to the issue. So we said, lets educate

27、 the kids. Theyre ready to hear our message.” So he took a step into the unknown, planning to publish his nature journal.Deom does all the research and writing and the illustrations (插图) of the magazine by hand. He bines science and humor in his writing and drawing to describe the daily life and suf

28、ferings of his creatures. Animals you might overlook or consider dull are magically and vividly brought to life in La Hulotte. “I try to write about animals and plants that are easy to find because I want kids to put on boots, take a magnifying glass, go to the woods and fields to observe and be ama

29、zed by what they find,” Deom says.And it seems to work. Biologist Jerome Fournier began subscribing to La Hulotte when he was just eight years old. “For me it was the first contact with nature when I was a child. And maybe its the beginning for my life of scientist. I think so.”Whats amazing is its

30、approach. The magazine has realistic drawings and also a little cast of cartoon creatures who ment on things and give a different views. You can read it as an adult or a child; it can be understood on two different levels. So scientists, regular people and children all get something out of it. “Its

31、extraordinary.” Fournier says, who works at the Museum of Natural History in Paris, where he says La Hulotte has a crazy following.29. What does the underlined word “subscribers” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Readers.B. Editors.C. Sellers.D. Collectors.30. Whats the purpose of creating the magazin

32、e?A. To make a lot of money.B. To finish the task of teaching.C. To enlarge the areas of forests.D. To promote peoples awareness of ecology.31. Which words can best describe the magazine La Hulotte?A. Scientific and interesting.B. Magical and dull.C. Vivid and unreal.D. Hard to understand.32. What c

33、an we learn from the last paragraph?A. The magazine is a cartoon one.B. Adults find the magazine too easy.C. Many scientists are the fans of the magazine.D. The magazine is not fit for regular people to read.DIf some parts of a body are very sick or damaged, then doctors might need to remove them. A

34、nother way doctors can help is to grow new tissue to replace what is sick or damaged. This is called regenerative medicine (再生医学).Regenerative medicine sounds like something from a science fiction movie but it is not a new idea. Inside our bones, we have something called marrow, which makes our bloo

35、d and keeps us healthy. Doctors have been giving sick people the bone marrow from other healthy people for the last 30 or 40 years, and this is a kind of regenerative medicine.Newer developments in regenerative medicine include growing new skin in a laboratory and using it to help people who have be

36、en hurt in fires or accidents. Another example of regenerative medicine is a technique developed from studying frogs and mice. When cells are old, like in adults, they cant change what they do in our bodies. For example, a skin cell cant change into an eye cell. But when cells are very young, they c

37、an bee any cell type. These young cells are called stem cells, and doctors can use them to grow any type of tissue, such as skin, heart or eye. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the xx Nobel Prize for their studies in this area. Professor Fiona Watt, from the Centre of Regenerative Medicine at Kin

38、gs College, London, believes that regenerative medicine is so exciting because many different kinds of experts need to work together. 3D printers may be used to print new bones by experts, who need to work closely with university scientists and the surgeons who do the operations in hospitals.We can

39、not yet grow new arms or legs for people, but the science fiction dream of regenerative medicine may be closer than we think. Perhaps in the future, doctors will be able to grow whole new bodies for us.33. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. How to help very sick or damaged people.B. Regenerative

40、medicine and science fiction.C. We can grow our new bodies in the future.D. Regenerative medicine and its development.34. Which of the following is right according to this passage?A. Marrow can help grow new bones.B. Stem cell can be used to grow any type of tissue.C. Surgeons now use 3D printers to

41、 print new bones.D. Regenerative medicine is a new science in medicine.35. Whats the writers attitude to the development in regenerative medicine?A. Pessimistic.B. Optimistic.C. Doubtful.D. Indifferent.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What will man be like in 5,000 or

42、even 50,000 yearfrom now on? We can only make a guess, of course. However,we can be sure that he will greatly differ from what he is today. 36 Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. 37 Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, s

43、o we can imagine that man will continue to grow taller. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that often they bee weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that mans eyes will grow stronger.On the other hand, we make less use o

44、f out* arms and legs. 38 We cant walk farther. At the same time, however,our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modem life. What about our brain? As time goes on, we shall have to use our brains more and more and eventually we shall need larger ones! 39 Our head,

45、in particular the forehead, will larger.Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may be true. 40 He will still be a human being with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.A. For man is slowly changing all the time.B. As a result

46、, these are likely to grow weaker.C. Man will live in the earth for a long time.D. Now on average, man is about three inches taller.E. This is likely to bring about a physical change, too.F. What9s more, man is likely to have a wonderful life.G. All in all, in spite of all these changes, future men

47、will still have a lot in mon with us.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On a recent trip to California, I was introduced to Smile Cards. I promised myself to 41 an act of kindness before I felt California. I 42 thinking abou

48、t it but I didnt know what to do.I reached the airport and the 43 was about to begin when I saw an ice-cream store. I went in and told the guy at the store that I 44 to do an act of kindness. The guy, named Jose, looked confused. 45 I explained I had just attended a conference, where I was told Smil

49、e Cards and 46 to do an act of kindness. Jose showed 47 . I told Jose, “Whoever is your next 48 , treat them to some ice-cream and then give them this Smile Card.” Jose 49 read the card and agreed with a smile that was both grateful and 50 at the same time.Since this was my first time, I wanted to k

50、now the 51 of the receiver. “Jose, I have to catch a 52 , but here is my cell phone number. Would you be 53 enough to call me and tell me the persons reaction?” He 54 .I went to my gate, and as I was about to board, Jose 55 . “I did the act of kindness. The person was very 56 , and asked me to expre

51、ss thanks to the person who paid for them!” I again thanked Jose and boarded the flight feeling 57 .I really want to 58 this practice of kindness. I am a professor and I love my work 59 it makes a difference in the lives of others. And now, I realize that I can do that everywhere. The whole world is

52、 my 60 .41. A. startB. findC. proveD. explain42. A. practisedB. enjoyedC. triedD. kept43.A. checkingB. boardingC. shopping.D. booking44. A. managedB. choseC. wantedD. forgot45. A. ThenB. AgainC. YetD. Anyhow46. A forcedB. orderedC. allowedD. inspired47. A. reliefB. interestC. satisfactionD. delight4

53、8. A. visitorB. assistantC. customerD. friend49. A. curiouslyB. calmlyC. politelyD. nervously50. A. annoyedB. tiredC. frightenedD. confused51. A. replyB. reactionC. expressionD. decision52. A. busB. trainC. flightD. taxi53. A. kindB. braveC. wiseD. reliable54. A. refusedB. agreedC. sighedD. failed55

54、. A. arrivedB. shoutedC. appearedD. called56. A. happyB. activeC. specialD. clever57. A. safeB. luckyC. proudD. energetic58. A. introduceB. describeC. exploreD. continue59. A. onceB. becauseC. ifD. though60. A. homelandB. battlefieldC. playgroundD. mainroad 第II卷注意事项:用0.5毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。

55、 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Have you ever been to London? Which famous sites did you visit? Or, if it is the first time that you 61. (be) there, which one will you check out?Some world famous 62. (culture) sites may already be on your list: Bucking

56、ham Palace, Big Ben and the London Tower. However, a tour of London would be inplete 63. checking out the London art scene. As a guidebook Londons Secrets: Museums & Galleries put it, Londons art is a lot like 64. city itself “diverse, vast, and in a constant state of changes. From old masters to st

57、reet art and everything in between, London has it all.”In fact, according to The Telegraph, museums and galleries were the most 65. (visit) attractions in Britain last year. The British Museum, 66. celebrated its 225th anniversary this year, had the most visitors, at 6,701,036.According to The Art N

58、ewspaper, the British Museums increased 67. (popular) is down to its exhibitions, particularly its Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum show ( March-September xx ).There are more than 7 million artifacts(文物) in the British Museum. Not all of them are on display, but much of the collection 68. (

59、constant) rotates(轮换), so youll see something new with each visit. So, 69. youre an art lover or just looking for a fun time, youre sure 70. (find) inspiration in London.第四部分写作(共两节;满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏

60、字符号(), 并在其下写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;(3) 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Jack lives in a smaller town in England. He usually stayed in his own country during the holidays. Last year, he decided to go to Russia and stayed there for a few day. One day, he went out f

61、or walk. In England, people drive on the left side of the road. And in Russia, they drive on the right, which Jack forgot. When crossed a busy street, she was almost knocked down by a car. Jack stood here for a moment, full of fear. Shortly after he recovered from himself, he said: “Where am I?” An

62、old man which sold maps nearby ran to Jack at once and said: “Maps of the city, sir?”第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Lucy发现中国人很喜欢红色,但是她不确定中国人在什么场合下会使用红色。请你给她写一封信,告诉她中国人对于红色的理解和使用。要点如下:1. 中国人对于红色的理解;2. 使用红色的场合;3. 使用红色的一些禁忌。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Lucy,Im glad to receive

63、 your letter.Best wishes!Yours,Li hua英语试题答案第一部分 听力(共两节;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 15 CABBC 610 BACBA 1115CCCBA 1620 ACBBA第二部分:阅读理解(共二节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)21-25 BCCDC 26-30 DBDAD 31-35 ACDBB第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)36-40ADBEG第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 45 分) 第一节 4145 ADBCA 4650 DBCAD 5155 BCABD 5660 ACDBC五、语法填空:(每小题1.5分,共10小题,满分15分)61.have been 62.cultural 63. without 64.the 65.visited66.which 67.popularit

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