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1、第二单元测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:How much did you pay for the used television?W:200 dollars.M:200 dollars for a piece of junk like that?Thats a rip-off!1.What does the man mean?

2、A.What the woman bought isnt worth so much money.B.What the woman bought is really a bargain.C.What the woman bought is valuable.答案AM:Did you hear that?The drought conditions are severe!Theres a lot of death,dying,and suffering out there!W:I heard that,but its not surprising actually,because we have

3、nt had as much rain as normal this year.2.What are the two speakers looking forward to?A.Cool air.B.Rainy days.C.Flowers.答案BM:Im fed up with my roommate.Were supposed to share the groceries,but I end up feeding him three meals a day.I really cant afford it any longer.W:I know how you feel.Maybe you

4、just want to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.If he refuses to mend his ways,then ask him to move out.3.What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Have a talk with his roommate.B.Be honest and share the groceries.C.Ask his roommate to move out.答案AW:John,tell me about your day.What time do you wake

5、up?M:Well,some days I wake up early.Maybe about 6 oclock.But other days,maybe Ill sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00.How about you,Sarah?W:Well,I like everyday to be the same.So I wake up everyday at 8 oclock.First,I make coffee right away.Then we have breakfast together at about 8:30.4.When does the wom

6、an wake up?A.At about 6:00.B.At 8:00.C.At 10:00 or 11:00.答案BW:What sports do you like to watch?M:Nah.My favourite sport to watch is basketball.And I prefer playing sports,such as basketball,volleyball,boxing.What about you?Do you like watching sports?W:Yes.I especially love to watch football,somethi

7、ng about hot guys chasing after a football.Its very exciting to watch.5.What sports does the woman like to watch?A.Basketball.B.Boxing.C.Football.答案C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。M:W

8、hats going on between you and Gary?Did you guys have a fight or something?W:I cant stand him any more!He has such a bad temper that even a little piece of friendly advice sets him off.M:So what did you tell him?W:I told him that if he could be more patient and try not to lose his temper so easily,he

9、 would be more popular.M:No wonder he threw a fit.His popularity is really a sore spot.W:Well,I guess Ill just keep my mouth shut.Thatll teach me to give advice!M:Not unless you want to die!6.How does the woman feel now?A.Excited.B.Puzzled.C.Angry.答案C7.What does the man think of the woman?A.She shou

10、ld be patient with Gary.B.She will continue to give Gary advice.C.She will learn how to give advice.答案B听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。W:Are there plane tickets to San Francisco the day after tomorrow?M:Good afternoon,Miss.Ill have a look at the timetable for you.Im sorry,but there arent any direct flights available

11、.W:Are there tickets for Saturday then?M:Yes,there are.How do you want to go,first class or coach?W:Ill need a coach.Whats the fare?M:It is 260 dollars.W:What time will the flight put me there?M:The flight will get you there at six on Sunday morning.W:OK,Ill take three.Whats the flight number?M:The

12、flight number is 301 at Gate Two.8.When will the woman arrive at San Francisco?A.At six on Sunday evening.B.At six on Sunday morning.C.At six on Saturday morning.答案B9.How much will the woman pay?A.$780.B.$260.C.$520.答案A听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。W:We are on,kind of on the side of a hill in the forest but we h

13、ave a good view of Mount Fuji on the other side of the valley.M:Yeah.Its really nice here.Why are you in this forest right now?W:Well,Im currently teaching English up here at the campus.up here in the forest.M:Oh,nice.Do you take any walks in the woods?W:Yes,I enjoy taking walks in the woods.And som

14、etimes I even go for a jog in the woods.Theres a few paths around here and theres a nice golf course as well that you can run around.M:OK,great!Whats the best thing about being in nature?In the forest?W:Well,for me its the stress relief that it provides especially living in Tokyo which is of course

15、one of the worlds largest and most noisy cities.Its also nice to get back out into nature sometimes and just hear the insects very clearly,as well as some birds and you know its just nice to get back out into nature.M:I agree.OK,thanks a lot,Kevin.W:Youre welcome.10.What does the woman do?A.She is a

16、 teacher.B.She is a reporter.C.She is a sportswoman.答案A11.What can the woman jog around sometimes?A.A golf course.B.A lake.C.The campus.答案A12.What is the best thing about nature for the woman?A.The sounds.B.The view.C.The stress relief.答案C听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。W:Well,Im glad youre finally back.I was wond

17、ering what happened.M:We got lost coming back.I guess I dont really know this town yet.We took a wrong turn somewhere.And Joseph doesnt know the town at all.So I started giving him directions.But I didnt really know where we were.So we got seriously lost.W:You could have called.M:I know I could have

18、.But finally we asked someone where we were.Guess where we ended up.W:I dont know.Where?M:When we finally decided to ask someone,they told us we were in Grangerfield.W:Grangerfield!You were in Grangerfield?Thats a completely different town!How could you drive to a completely different town?M:I dont

19、know.The person we asked had to give us directions to the highway to get back here.W:Grangerfield is like a dozen miles away from here.M:I know it is.I dont know how it happened.W:Hmm,maybe I do.M:What?W:You were too busy looking at Joseph,and you werent paying attention to the road.Maybe the next t

20、ime you go out with him to buy groceries,youll get lost for even longer.Maybe six hours or so.Hah,hah!See?I guessed right.You werent watching the road at all.M:No,I wasnt.Its kind of hard to watch the road when Joseph is behind the wheel.13.What did the man do when he got seriously lost?A.He found t

21、he way himself.B.He called the woman.C.He asked someone where he was.答案C14.How did the man get lost?A.He and Joseph took a wrong turn somewhere.B.He didnt know the town at all.C.He had no sense of direction.答案A15.Who is driving the car?A.The man.B.Joseph.C.The woman.答案B16.Why was the man not paying

22、attention to the road?A.He was listening to music.B.He was talking with someone on the phone.C.He was not sure of the drivers driving skills.答案C听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。My first job was in Jessif,in the east of Poland.I was promised that I wasnt going to have to teach any beginners or any little children b

23、ecause it was my first job.I was promptly given the beginners.On my first day of teaching I was given a book which said,“Ah!Go into the classroom and say hello to the children and theyll all say hello back to you and wave.” I walked into a class of five four-year-olds,followed by all their mothers a

24、nd grandmothers and I said“Hello” and they all burst into tears.I spent half the lesson trying to get them to say “Hello” to each other and stop them from crying while all the grandmothers stood around and stared at me.I finally finished off my singing HappyPrincessSong,all on my own,with crying chi

25、ldren to accompany me.It was one of the worst days of my life.I could feel the same with all the children though,because I wanted to sit on the floor and cry with them by the end of it.Then I realized that teaching kids was never going to be my career.I had some other classes as well but quit soon a

26、fter that and moved onto adults who cry slightly less.Yeah,that was my first teaching experience.Not the best.17.Where did the speaker start teaching?A.London.B.Japan.C.Poland.答案C18.How old were the speakers students?A.3.B.4.C.5.答案B19.What did the students do at the start of the lesson?A.Laugh.B.Cry

27、.C.Sleep.答案B20.How did the speaker try to finish the lesson?A.By singing a song.B.By telling a story.C.By playing a game.答案A第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ABook:NoLookingBackAuthor: Shivani GuptaShivani had thrown a party one evening and awoke the next mor

28、ning in hospital because of a car crash.It took Shivani years of pain,struggle and determination to regain control of her life and her body.Then tragedy struck again.As the newly-married Shivani drove to Manali with her family,a truck crashed into her car.Shivani refused to give inshe wouldnt let he

29、r injury keep her from achieving her ambitions.Book:CourageBeyondCompareAuthor: Sanjay SharmaThe 10 sportspersons in the book are champions in diverse fields like athletics,swimming and badminton,who have brought glory to the country.They overcame their physical limitations to reach the top of their

30、 chosen fields.Book:FacetoFaceAuthor: Ved MehtaBlind since the age of four,the author led a lonely childhood in India until he was accepted to the Arkansas School for the blind,to which he flew alone at 15.America and the school changed his life,leading him to degrees at Oxford and Harvard and a fru

31、itful writing career.Book:ThisStarWontGoOutAuthor: Lori and Wayne EarlDiagnosed with cancer at 12,Esther Earl was a bright and talented,but very normal teenager.She lived a hope-filled and generous life.A cheerful,positive and encouraging daughter,sister and friend,Esther died in 2010,shortly after

32、turning 16,but not before inspiring thousands through her growing online presence.【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章介绍了几本书,书中描写了遭遇不幸或身有残疾的人意志坚强、与生命拼搏抗争的故事。21.The book NoLookingBack mainly talks about .A.a successful author who was blind during his childhoodB.10 disabled athletes who are champions in sports fieldC.an u

33、nlucky girl who experienced two car accidentsD.an inspiring teenager who died of cancer答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一部分可知,NoLookingBack这本书讲述的是一个不幸的女孩遭遇了两次车祸的故事,故选C项。22.In which book does the author tell of himself?A.CourageBeyondCompare.B.ThisStarWontGoOut.C.FacetoFace.D.NoLookingBack.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第三部分中的“Blindsinc

34、etheageoffour,theauthorledalonelychildhoodinIndia”可知,FacetoFace这本书中作者讲述了自己孤独的童年故事,故选C项。23.Which word can best describe the four books?A.Intelligent.B.Passionate.C.Pessimistic.D.Inspiring.答案D解析推理判断题。第一本书介绍了一个名叫Shivani的女孩经历了两次意外事故,拒绝让伤痛阻止她实现抱负的励志故事;第二本书介绍的是10名体育运动员克服种种困难,为国争光,取得优异成绩的故事;第三本书介绍的是自小失明的作者

35、本人到美国求学并获得牛津和哈佛大学学位,成为一名作家的励志故事;第四本书介绍的是一位名叫EstherEarl的青少年被诊断患有癌症仍然很积极乐观并鼓舞成千上万的人的故事。四本书都有激励他人的作用,故选D项。BMy wife Laura and I were on the beach,with three of our children,taking pictures of shore birds near our home in Alaska when we spotted a bear.The bear was thin and small,moving aimlessly.Just a f

36、ew minutes later,I heard my daughter shouting,“Dad!The bear is right behind us!” An aggressive bear will usually rush forward to frighten away its enemy but would suddenly stop at the last minute.This one was silent and its ears pinned backthe sign of an animal that is going in for the kill.And it w

37、as a cold April day.The bear behaved abnormally,probably because of hunger.I held my camera tripod(三脚架) in both hands to form a barrier as the bear rushed into me.Its huge head was level with my chest and shoulders,and the tripod stuck across its mouth.It bit down and I found myself supporting its w

38、eight.I knew I would not be able to hold it for long.Even so,this was a fight I had to win: I was all that stood between the bear and my family,who would stand little chance of running faster than a brown bear.The bear hit at the camera,cutting it off the tripod.I raised my left arm to protect my fa

39、ce;the beast held tightly on the tripod and pressed it into my side.My arm could not move,and I sensed that my bones were going to break.Drawing back my free hand,I struck the bear as hard as I could for five to six times.The bear opened its mouth and I grasped its fur,trying to push it away.I was a

40、ctually wrestling(扭打) with the bear at this point.Then,as suddenly as it had begun,the fight ended.The bear moved back toward the forest,before returning for another attack.The first time I felt panic.Apparently satisfied that we caused no further threat,the bear moved off,destroying a fence as it w

41、ent.My arm was injured,but the outcome for us could hardly have been better.Im proud that my family remained clear-headed when panic could have led to a very different outcome.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述和家人一起在海滩拍摄鸟时遇上一只饥肠辘辘的熊的惊险历程,幸好全家人在遇到危险时保持镇定,最终熊一无所获地走开了。24.The whole text is mainly arranged in.A.result a

42、nd inferenceB.cause and effectC.space orderD.time order答案D解析细节理解题。阅读全文可知,作者在海滩拍摄鸟时遇上一只饥饿的熊,然后作者对抗熊,最后熊一无所获地走开,是按时间顺序讲述的。故选D项。25.When did the bear finally go away?A.After it felt safe.B.After it got injured.C.After it found some food.D.After it took away the camera.答案A解析推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第三句,熊对作者没有给它造成进一

43、步的威胁感到很满意,然后走开了,所以熊是在感到安全后离开的。故选A项。26.The writer and his family survived mainly due to their .A.calmnessB.patienceC.prideD.cautiousness答案A解析细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,作者对家人在当时保持镇定感到很自豪,因为惊恐有时能导致一个非常不同的结果,由此可知,家人临危不惧很冷静,这是幸存下来的主要原因,这里clear-headed对应calmness。故选A项。27.When the bear moved back towards the forest,

44、how did the family feel?A.Excited.B.Threatened.C.Relieved.D.Puzzled.答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,作者的胳膊受伤了,但是对作者来说这个结果是再好不过的了,故家人们应感到如释重负。故选C项。CEnglish is full of colourful phrases to describe shyness.Someone shy might be called shrinking violet or a wallflower,while for especially nervous types we have

45、the curious expression: they wouldnt say “boo” to a goose.None of these are traditionally seen as positive descriptions,even if you like geese.In a culture of go-getting high achievers,shy people dont come first.Or thats what the self-help industry would have you believe.Bookshops are filled with vi

46、tal tomes(大部头书籍)that promise to help beat social fears and find success in life,love and business.That is why one book,ShrinkingViolets: AFieldGuidetoShyness,bucks the trend.It became a sudden success across English-language media recently for its new take-on shyness.Author Joe Moran says that despi

47、te struggling with shyness and longing for loneliness all his life,being shy can also be “a gift”.Freed from the constant urge to participate and compete in social situations,people are liberated to look at the world in new ways,and gain fresh insights.Indeed,many of the worlds great thinkers and ar

48、tists are introverts(内向的人).Scientists Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein preferred their own company;actress Keira Knightley often finds herself tongue-tied at parties;and HarryPotter author J.K. Rowling claims she used to be too nervous to even borrow a pen.Moran told BBCFuture, “I think shyness pr

49、obably does turn you into an amateur anthropologist(人类学家),reallyyou are more likely to be an observer.”So,while extroverts make all the noise,they dont necessarily have the best ideas.If youre shy,youve probably known this for a long time.You just dont shout about it.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。作者通过畅销书和大量实例说明害羞不一定

50、是坏事,它和成功没有必然联系。害羞是洞察世界的一种新方式。28.When someone is being called a wallflower,he is being .A.praised for his graceB.admired for his characterC.laughed at for his shynessD.told off for his nervousness答案C解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Someoneshymightbecalledshrinkingvioletorawallflower”和第二段中的“Noneofthesearetraditionally

51、seenaspositivedescriptions”可知,被称为shrinkingviolet或wallflower都不是积极的褒义的称谓,是别人在嘲笑自己的害羞,故选C项。29.What does the underlined phrase “bucks the trend” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Goes against the trend and succeeds.B.Changes the public idea completely.C.Becomes unpopular and unaccepted.D.Becomes the major

52、concern of people.答案A解析词义猜测题。由画线词所在句的上句可知,书店畅销的都是帮助克服恐惧,在生活、爱和商业方面成功的巨著。下句说明ShrinkingViolets:AFieldGuidetoShyness这本书与畅销书内容不同,却很成功。所以画线词语“bucksthetrend”指与社会潮流相违背却很成功,故选A项。30.Why did the author mention many famous shy people?A.To point out the harm shyness brings.B.To disconnect shyness and success.C.

53、To show the reasons for shyness.D.To prove shyness contributes to science.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第四段第一句和下面列举的CharlesDarwin,AlbertEinstein,KeiraKnightley和J.K.Rowling几个成功人士曾经也很害羞的例子,目的是说明成功和害羞没有必然的联系,故选B项。31.What is the authors attitude towards shyness?A.Opposed.B.Indifferent.C.Supportive.D.Critical.答案C解析推理判断题。

54、根据第三段可知,害羞是看世界的一种新方式。由第四段中的“Indeed,manyoftheworldsgreatthinkersandartistsareintroverts(内向的人).”可知,许多害羞的人很成功。最后两段内向和外向进行了对比。由此可知作者对害羞不是反对和批评的,而是支持和赞成的。故选C项。DA mother,Carrie Cort,51,from Sussex,and her nine-year-old son have been named the UKs most environmentally friendly family after winning an award

55、 for their environmental achievements.Now every aspect of her life is environmentally friendly,from her son Adams birthday parties to her clothing,and she recycles everything from empty pens to milk bottle tops.“Changing our family lifestyle to green has saved us around 11,000 every year,which has g

56、iven us more financial stability,” Carrie says.“Living green has made us healthier and I feel younger now.It is fun seeing what you can make with unwanted or broken things.Growing your own food is great exercise,good for wildlife,and the food is much more nutritious and tastier.”“My concern for the

57、way we humans are treating the planet was really roused when Adam was born.When he arrived,I suddenly had this huge,greater awareness of the kind of planet were bringing our children into though I learnt something about it in university.” She began going to talks,reading books,watching documentaries

58、 and attending green meetings in order to educate herself in the details of green living.Carrie set up the local campaign group Sussex Green Living six years after her sons birth.Later,she gave up her high-powered job,as she ran a video company with her brother,to do her job full-time.Today,she orga

59、nizes talks and workshops.She runs a repair cafe,where people can bring everything to be fixed.Her recycling program helps people reuse wastes.Toothpaste tubes,for example,which Carrie sends to the Philippines,are turned into purses by an organization.“My goal is to inspire more people to lead green

60、er,more environmentally friendly lives,to enable us to live in greater harmony with nature,now and for future organizations.I achieve this using various Sussex Green Living communication programs and working with other organizations who have the same goals and values.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。英国51岁的母亲CarrieC

61、ort和她9岁的儿子因在环保方面取得的成就而获奖,他们被评为英国最环保的家庭。文章讲述了她的成就以及成就是如何取得的。32.How did Carrie feel about her environmentally friendly lifestyle?A.Unwanted.B.Unhealthy.C.Expensive.D.Economical.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Changingourfamilylifestyletogreenhassavedusaround11,000everyyear,whichhasgivenusmorefinancialstability.”可知

62、,绿色生活方式让Carrie家每年节省了大约11000英镑,这使她们的经济更加稳定,故Carrie的环保生活方式是节约的,选D项。33.Which of the following is true about Carrie?A.She made good preparations for living green.B.She recycled what people ignored for fun.C.She does daily exercise by growing food.D.She majored in planet protection in university.答案A解析推理判


64、备。故选A项。34.When did Carrie begin to form her environmentally friendly lifestyle?A.After winning an award.B.After giving birth to her son.C.After being stuck in poverty.D.After attending green meetings答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“MyconcernforthewaywehumansaretreatingtheplanetwasreallyrousedwhenAdamwasborn.”(我对人类对待地球的方式的担忧在Adam出生的时候就被唤醒了。)可知,Carrie生完儿子后开始养成她的环保生活方式。故选B项。35.What

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