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1、中国2010上海世博会中英文对照简介Brief Introduction of World Expo Shanghai名称:中国2010年上海世界博览会简称:中国2010年上海世博会2010年世博会上海世博会类别:国际展览局注册类世界博览会时间:2010年5月1日至2010年10月31日主题:城市,让生活更美好Full Title:The world Exposition Shanghai China 2010Short Title: Expo 2010 Shanghai ChinaThe expositionThe ExpoType:A Registered International Ex

2、hibition to Bureau International des ExpositionsTime:From May 1, 2010 to October 31, 2010Theme:Better City , Better Life World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions hav

3、e attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future. With a long civilisation, Chin

4、a favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international communitys support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which

5、gives expression to the expectations the worlds people place on Chinas future development. So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be

6、a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations,

7、 developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme Better City, Better Life. For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full

8、 extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human b

9、eings. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovati

10、on, cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century. Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavour to attract about 20

11、0 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our

12、 best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world. In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture d

13、ialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition, a Shanghai Declaration will be issued. This declaration, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise the insights to be offered by the participants and embody peoples ideas for future cooperation and development and

14、 extensive common aspirations, thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world. The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditions and opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is:

15、 Keeping in mind the next 60 years development while preparing for the six months Exposition. We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries. 世界博览会是人们灵感和思想的展示区。自从1851年在伦敦举办的所有国家的工业盛展,世界博览会已达到日益突出,作为盛大活动,为经济、科技和文化的交流,作为一个重要平台,展示历史经验,交流创新的意念,发扬团队精神,展望

16、未来。 中国有着悠久的文明,促进国际交流并热爱世界和平。中国赢得2010年世界博览会,靠的是国际社会的支持和信心,对中国改革开放。博览会将会是第一个注册的在发展中国家举办的世博会,这也寄予了全球人民对中国未来发展的美好期待。 所以2010的中国上海世博会将会向世界呈现什么呢?毫无疑问中国人民将会呈现出一个成功,壮观而难忘的展览会。 2010年世博会是将21世纪的城市生活的潜力完全开发以及城市进展重要阶段的一项盛事。预计在2010年将有50%的世界人口会居住在城市。未来的城市生活,是全球关注的话题,与世界各国,开发或欠发达国家和人民。城市在作为第一个世界博览会的主题,在2010博览会将吸引政府和

17、人民,世界各国的关注的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。为其184天,参加各国将全力显示其在新世纪的城市文明程度,充分交流城市发展的经验、传播先进城市发展概念和城市人居环境探索新思路、生活和工作条件。他们将会学习如何创造一个生态社会和人类可持续发展的计划。 2010世博会的核心是创新和互动。创新是灵魂,而文化交流也是世博会的一项重要任务。在新纪元,2010世博会将致力于以人为本的发展,科技创新,文化差异以及双赢的未来合作,因此在新世纪高度的创新和互动将会是组成这一主旋律的重要音符。 2010年世博会也是一个宏伟的国际集会。一方面,我们要努力吸引大约200个国家和国际组织和7千万国内外的参观者来参加

18、世博会,以确保是史上最盛大的世博会。另一方面,我们要以全球视野来看世博会,尽力让更多的人参与,获得各国人民的支持和理解;为了使2010世博会成为全球各地人民的欢乐地大聚会。 此外,2010世博会使跨文化的对话成为可能。在对世博会总结之前,“上海宣言”会先发行。这份宣言,有希望成为世博会历史上的里程碑,会摘录参展国的见解也包含人们对于未来合作发展的想法以及广泛共同的愿望,因此给全球人们留下了一份宝贵的关于城市发展的精神遗产。 中国政府竭力使2010世博会成为一项盛世可延续的传统,替未来打开了新的展望。我们的口号是“在牢记接下来60余年的发展而准备六个月的博览会”我们会将寄希望于继续关注,支持,参

19、与的热爱世界和平的国家。1 What is the full name of Expo 2010? World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.2010年世博会的全称是什么?中国2010年上海世博会。2 Is that the Expo emblem? The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. 那是世博会的会徽吗?世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。3 How long will the Expo last? The Expo will last for six months.世博会持续多久?世博会

20、将持续半年。4 What the theme of Expo 2010? Better city, better life.2010世博会的主题是什么?城市,让生活更美好。5 When will the Expo begin? The Expo will begin on May 1.世博会什么时候开始?世博会五月一日开始。6.When will it end? The Expo will end on October 31.世博会什么时候结束?世博会十月三十一日结束。7Where is the Expo Site? It along both sides of the Huangpu Riv

21、er.世博园区在哪里?位于黄浦江两岸。8Where are the theme pavilions? They ate in the center of the Expo Site.主题馆在哪里?位于世博园区中心。9Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn.上海在秋季最美丽。10It the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai.这是一年中最适宜来上海游玩的时间。11Do you want to take the Maglev or the shuttle bus to the airport?你是想坐磁悬

22、浮列车还是专线大巴去机场?12Where is the light rail station, please?请问轻轨站在哪儿?13Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left.笔直往前走,走到红绿灯的地方左拐。14You can go there through tunnels under the river.你可以走过江隧道。15Can I take a ferry to cross the river?我可以乘轮渡过江吗?16Excuse me. Where can I take Metro Line 8?请问,我在

23、哪里可乘坐地铁8号线?17There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.停车场对面就有一个地铁站。18How far is the airport from the Expo Village? About an hour by bus.机场到世博村有多远?乘公交车大概一个小时。19How often does the shuttle bus run? Every ten minutes.专线巴士多长时间一班?每十分钟。20Is the Expo Center still far off? You can walk there

24、 right down the sightseeing corridor.世博中心还很远么?沿着这条观光长廊走就可以到达。21.Can I help you? Yes, please. I looking for the Service Center.需要我帮助吗?是的,请问服务中心在哪里?22.Are you all volunteers for the Expo? Yes, we are. We want to do something for our city and the Expo. 你们都是世博会的志愿者吗?是的,我们希望为自己的城市和世博会做些事。23.Where shall w

25、e wait for the on-site bus? Over there. Please look for the road sign.我们应该在哪里等园内巴士?在那里。请注意看路标。24.Excuse me , my friend has a bad stomachache. Let me call the Emergency Center.对不起,我的朋友胃疼得厉害。我来拨打急救中心的电话。25.Is the Emergency Center open now? Yes, it is open round-the-clock.急救中心现在还开着吗?开着的,它全天24小时服务。26I h

26、ope to see you again soon.我希望不久能见到你。27How do you like Shanghai?你喜欢上海吗?28You can pay at the cashier over there.您可以在那边的收银台付款。29Can I use my credit card/ travelers checks?我能使用信用卡/旅行支票吗?30Heres your change/receipt.这是找您的钱/给您的收据。31Thanks for your good service.谢谢你的热情服务!32May I have a look at the menu/wine

27、list?请给我看看菜谱/酒水单。33Whats the specialty of this restaurant?这个餐馆的的招牌菜是什么?34The steak sounds good to me.听起来牛排不错。35Im full.I cant eat any more.我饱了,不能再吃了。36Bill, please.劳驾,结帐。37Keep the change.不用找零钱了。38When were you born? I was born in 1977.你哪年初生的?我1977年初生的。39Would you like to drink something, coffee, te

28、a or cola?您想喝点儿什么,咖啡、茶,还是可乐?40To our friendship!为我们的友谊干杯!41Where are you from?您是哪里人?42Im flying back on Sunday.我星期天坐飞机回去。43Goodbye then and all the very best!再见了, 祝你顺利!44Please say hello to your family. 请代问你的家人好。45I hope youll come back to China again!希望你能再来中国!46Id like a room on the upper level.我想要

29、楼上的房间。47Id like a room with a nice view /a balcony.我想要一间视野好/有阳台的房间。48Would you fill in this registration form?麻烦填写这张住宿登记表。49Could you keep my valuables?能代为保管贵重物品吗?50Its a pleasure.乐意为您效劳。51Can I have a card with the hotels address?是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片?52Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here?是否

30、可在此购买观光巴士券?53Where is the nearest subway station?最近的地铁站在那里?54When is check-out time?何时需退房?55Could you bring my baggage down to the lobby tomorrow morning?明早你是否能帮我将行李拿到大厅?56Id like a wake-up call, please.我想设定早晨的呼叫铃。57The air-conditioner/T.V. /light doesnt work.冷气/电视/灯无法开启。58I enjoy my stay.我住的很愉快。59I

31、 have some laundry.我有些衣服需要洗。60Theres one piece missing.有一件遗失了。61Is there a beauty salon/barber shop? 那儿有美容院/理发院吗?62Id like to make an appointment for 5 p.m. today.我想要预约今天下午5点。63How would you like your hair? 你想要如何整理你的头发?64Haircut and shampoo/shave , please.请帮我剪头发和洗发/修胡须。65Please dont cut it too short

32、.请不要剪太短。66A little more off the back/sides/top.后面/两边/头顶请再剪一些。67Shanghai has acquired two additional names for short, und hen上海简称“沪”,别称“申”。68Shanghai is one of the world largest seaports .上海是世界上最大的海港城市之一。69The World Expo is held every five years.世博会每5年举行一次。70China will be the first developing country

33、 to host the World Expo.中国将成为第一个举办世界博览会的发展中国家。71Here you will see he world fastest means of land transportation, he maglev train, and the tallest tower in Asia, the Oriental Pearl Tower.这里有着世界上最快的陆地交通工具磁悬浮列车和亚洲最高的高塔东方明珠塔。72Shanghai provides direst flights to more than 60 cities in the world.上海的国际航班可

34、直达世界上60多座城市。- 73Shanghai is known as the xhibition of the World Architecture上海享有“万国建筑博览会”之美誉。74Shanghai welcomes friends from all over the world.上海欢迎各国朋友光临。75Welcome to Fudan University. This is the main campus of the university. We have three sub-campuses.欢迎各位参观复旦大学。这是我校的主校区,我们还有3个分校区。76Fudan Unive

35、rsity was founded in 1905, now known as one of China leading institutions of higher learning with the longest history.复旦大学创办于1905年,是我国历史最悠久的高等院校之一。77Fudan University is renowned as the best university south of the Yangtze River.复旦大学享有“江南第一学府”的美誉。78Let place our blessing on the brilliant future of Fu

36、dan University.让我们共同为复旦未来的辉煌而祝福吧。79Now, please follow me as we tour around the campus.下面请各位随我参观校园。80An old Chinese saying goes like ood is the paramount necessity of the people.中国有一句古话叫做“民以食为天”。81The three essential factors are olor, aroma and taste.中餐的三大要素,即“色、香、味”。82A typical dinner for a table of

37、 eight people consists of four courses of cold dishes, dour courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice. 8人一桌的标准晚餐含4道冷盘、4道热炒,外加汤和米饭。83Often beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet.中国宴席桌上的酒通常为啤酒、黄酒和烈性白酒3种。84Traditionally, at the Chinese dining tabl

38、e everyone has his or her own bowl of staple food, that is ,steamed rice, noodles or steamed bread, while the dishes are placed in the middle of the dinner table to be shared by all.为一种时代相袭的传统,中国人就餐时围桌而坐,人人手里都有一碗主食,炒菜放在桌子中央,大家一起食用。85. I an office worker.我是上班族。86. I work for the government.我在政府机关做事。

39、87. I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感。88.I hope our dreams come true.我希望我们的梦想成真。89.It took years of hard work to speak good English.讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。90.It looks very nice.看起来很漂亮。91.The show is supposed to be good.这场表演应当是相当好的。92.Would you tell me your phone number?你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?93.It sounds like yo

40、u enjoyed it.听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。94Expo economy will be a new growth factor for China economy.“世博经济”将成为中国经济新的增长点。95It will create over 1 million job opportunities.它将创造出上百万个就业机会。96It is impossible to work out a correct figure of the income that the Expo will bring to China.世博会带给中国的收入是无法准确计算的。97The Expo will h

41、elp to improve Shanghai environment.世博会将促进上海环境的改善。98By the mid-21st century, the city will become a first-class modern international metropolis in the world.21世纪中叶,上海将成为世界一流的现代国际化大都市。99.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Shanghai New Oriental School? The address is No.1805, Siping Road, Yangpu Di

42、strict.劳驾,请问新东方学校怎么走? 杨浦区四平路1805号。100. The World Expo 2010 needs many qualified interpreters.2010世博会需要很多合格的译员。2010世博会英语作文:上海世博会介绍中英文对照资讯简介: Return to the World Exhibition Thereafter. war restricted Chinas attendance at World Exhibitions. It was not until the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition t

43、hat China returned to the World Exhibition circuit. China sent delegationsReturn to the World ExhibitionThereafter. war restricted Chinas attendance at World Exhibitions. It was not until the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition that China returned to the World Exhibition circuit. China sent dele

44、gations to the following World Exhibits: the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition. the 1984 New Orleans Rivers World Exhibition. the 1985 Tsukuba Science and Technology World Exhibition. the 1986 Vancouver Transportation World Exhibition. the 1988 Brisbane Relaxation World Exhibition. the 1990 Os

45、aka World Gardening Exhibition. the 1992 Spain Seville World Exhibition. the 1992 Genoa Ship and Ocean World Exhibition. the 1993 Taejon World Exhibition. the 1997 Quebec Follows World Exhibition. the 1998 Portugal Lisbon World Exhibition. the 1999 China Kunming World Gardening Exhibition and the 20

46、00 Germany Hannover World Exhibition. The charm and spirit of China again received world-wide attention. The history of Chinas participation in the World Exhibition reflected the ups and downs of China from decline to rejuvenation. However. modern Chinese believed that the universal exhibitions were

47、 too competitive. and not entirely without reason. This was almost true in an age of human pride. In the second half of the 20th century. especially after World War II. the humans reviewed their existence. hoping to set up new beliefs on the ruins of war. This is no longer an age of Human Pride. ins

48、tead we are becoming increasingly modest as we determine our place in the eternity of nature. People are calling for all races to share the power and intelligence of mankind to resolve the issues of existence. Humanity needs to make a concerted effort to address the hole in the ozone layer. the incr

49、easingly serious desertification of land. environmental pollution. unsustainable use of resources and weapons of mass destruction. Humanity must unite to remove the threats to human existence. While it started as an arrogant display of national wealth. the World Exhibition now looks to global unific

50、ation. a common dream of all human beings. Thirty-five years ago. Martin Luther King Jnr. a great American. expressed his visionary faith in the future: I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted. every hill and mountain shall be made low. the rough places will be made plain. and the

51、crooked places will be made straight. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. This is the dream of the World Exhibition.中国申办2010年世

52、博会新中国从1982年首次参加世博会.并与主管组织国际展览局(BIE)建立联系.1993年5月3日.国际展览局通过决议.接纳中国为其第46个成员国.同年12月5日.在巴黎召开的国际展览局第114次成员国代表大会上.中国被增选为国际展览局信息委员会的成员.1999年12月8日.在法国召开的国际展览局第126次会议上.中国首次当选为执行委员会成员. 改革开放以后.国际社会看好中国.中国也对世博会极感兴趣.从1982年到1998年先后多次参加世博会.中国馆是历次世博会上展出规模盛大的国家馆之一.观众排起长龙.中国馆还被评为五星级展馆和最佳外国馆. 1999年在昆明举办园艺博览会其间.上海市人民政府就

53、决定申请承办2010年世博会.很快获得国务院的同意.国务委员吴仪任2010年上海世博会申办委员会主任委员.吴仪热情洋溢地说:举办2010年上海世博会.是13亿中国人民共同的心愿.中国政府将全力以赴申办2010年上海世博会.同样.中国政府将竭尽全力.为世界奉献一个完美的令人难忘的世界博览会. 2001年5月2日.我国驻法大使吴建民正式向国际展览局递交了申请函.是世界上第一个正式申办2010年世博会的国家.除中国以外.申办2010年世博会的还有俄罗斯.韩国.波兰.阿根廷和墨西哥.2002年1月30日驻法大使吴建民代表中国政府.向国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯递交了中国政府申请2010年在上海举办世界博览

54、会的报告.其中包括中国国家主席江泽民和国务院总理朱?基致国际展览局领导人的申办信. 2010年上海世博会的场地将选在上海中心城区的黄浦江畔.计划举办时间为183天. 2010年上海世博会可展示的内容有城市发展.城市生活.城市交通.城市产业.城市环境.城市文化.未来城市7个大类.预计2010年上海世博会的客源数可达5000万人次. 在700多年前.上海只是一个小渔村.在近代.上海迅速崛起.成为远东著名大城市.新中国成立后.特别是90年代以来.上海人重新塑造了一个新上海.上海已经成为中国经济最发达和现代化程度最高的城市之一.五座黄浦江大桥.两条过江隧道.两条地铁以及轻轨.高架环路构筑了一个巨大的立

55、体交通网络.2010年的上海.将成为环太平洋经济带的国际经济.贸易.金融中心.聚集信息.交通.运输功能的国际港口.是科技和人才的高地.是天蓝.水清.地绿的东方生态乐园.上海完全有能力举办中国首次综合型的世界博览会. 上海人民期盼着2010年世博会能在上海举办.中国人民也同样热忱地渴望上海举办世博会.2010年的世博会将使全世界朋友大开眼界上海是中国的窗口.上海也将是世界的窗口.2010年上海世博会英语作文(中英完全版)shanghai will host the 2010 world expo.the world expo in 2010 shanghai will host the 2010

56、 world expo. the world expo has a long history but it has never been held in asia. so the 2010 world expo is an honor for all of the asians. ()ur government -has promised that it will be the best one. and shanghai. as a host city. will have more chances to develop quickly. as a student in shanghai.

57、i should learn english well so that i can be a volunteer in the expo to help foreigners know more about to be a lovely citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)great changes have taken place in shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on shanghai now. as a citizen

58、 of shanghai. i feel i must spare no efforts to do my bit. first. i decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. second. i should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. third. i should study hard so that i can do something better for my city in the future.译文: 2010年世博

59、会的脚步离我们越来越近。文明和谐的呼唤更是犹在耳边。中国上海获得2010年世博会举办权。中国2010年上海世博会将是世界的盛会。是上海新一轮发展千载难逢的大好机遇。更是我国民族精神的重要体现。世界博览会是一项具有巨大影响和悠久历史的国际性活动。也是人类的盛大聚会。人们从世界各地汇聚一处。展示各自的产品与技艺。夸耀各自的故乡和祖国。世博会集人类文明之大成。因而具备了无与伦比的感染力。使人心情激荡。世博会(奥运)是平台。我是主人。它为我们搭起了平台。让世界了解我们, 它为我们建造了桥梁。让我们与世界更好地沟通。这个平台可以让我们尽情展现自己。我是这里的主人。我要尽地主之谊。让来宾感受到热情与欢乐。我要努力成为世博会的光荣志愿者。人人都在为世博做贡献。我也不例外。作为一个生活在浦东这块热土上的小学生。我们倍感骄傲与自豪。在憧憬美好明天的同时。我们也要为世博会的精彩尽自己的一份力。我们也要通过我们的双手。至诚至热的心和实际行动。来实现上海对全世界的承诺:城市。让生活更美好!等到了2010年世博会的时候。我已经是一个中学生啦!到那时。 我希望成为一名光荣的志愿者。向外国朋友介绍我们日新月异的上海和历史悠久的中国。为世博会贡献自己的力量。我将期盼世博的巨大热情转化为迎接世博的实际行动。我将与世博共成长。与城市共发展。为上海的发展奉献自己的努力。与上海携手共前进。我乐客栈: 欢迎转载

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