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1、话题语篇专攻练30新闻媒体(二)(建议用时35分钟). 阅读理解APaparazzi is an Italian word referred to photographers who take pictures of famous people when they are not at the center of public attention. It is also called“paps”. Paps are different from professional photographers or journalists because they never take ordinary

2、photos. The goal for paparazzi is to get pictures that no one else will get and then sell the pictures to the buyer who offers the most moneynormally a small newspaper, magazine or website. There is no law against paparazzi taking pictures in public places. However, there are laws that protect certa

3、in individuals. For example, child protection laws stop improper pictures of anyone under 16 from being published. There is also no law that stops paparazzi from following celebrities(名人)and taking their pictures either. However, if paps are secretly following them and taking pictures of their faces

4、, they could get into trouble. Most paparazzi hang out on streets and hot spots for celebrities, waiting for the opportunity to take a picture of a star. Many stay on the streets until the early hours of the morning when celebrities are leaving nightclubs and looking a little worse for wear. However

5、, some have other ways to make sure they get pictures. Many paps are in contact with“informers”who know the locations of celebrities at any given time. They then pass the information on to paparazzi. An informer could be anyonefrom a restaurant waiter to a salesman. Most of the time, paparazzi get a

6、 bad reputation for following celebrities. But sometimes stars or their managers will contact paps themselves and tell them exactly where and when they will go. What a love-hate relationship between paparazzi and celebrities! 【文章大意】本文讲述了狗仔队可以做什么事, 不可以做什么事, 又告诉我们狗仔队是怎样得到消息的以及狗仔队和名人的关系。1. Which of the

7、 following things paparazzi might do would be against the law? A. Taking pictures of famous people in public places. B. Hanging out at the places where celebrities often appear. C. Getting unsuitable pictures of a 10-year-old actress published. D. Following a famous woman singer secretly and taking

8、her pictures. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段child protection laws stop improper pictures of anyone under 16 from being published, 可知答案为C。2. In order to earn a large amount of money, a pap has to_. A. know the locations of celebritiesB. make friends with famous peopleC. sell the pictures to a big newspaperD. get

9、 the only first-hand pictures of celebrities【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段The goal for paparazzi is to get pictures that no one else will get and then sell the pictures to the buyer who offers the most money, 可知答案为D。3. The fifth paragraph mainly tells us_. A. how paparazzi contact informersB. how dangerous papa

10、razzis job isC. how paparazzi get the pictures of famous peopleD. how much paparazzi pay for the pictures of celebrities【解析】选C。段落大意题。通读这一段, 不难看出, 本段主要写了狗仔队是如何拍到照片的, 故选C项。4. What can we infer from the passage? A. Informers might get paparazzi into trouble. B. Stars hate paparazzi and dont want to be

11、followed. C. Paparazzi always take pictures when famous people are tired. D. In some cases, paparazzi and famous people rely on each other. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知名人和狗仔队相互依存, 故选D项。BOver decades of studying the oceans fishes, some species have been found to have partial warm-bloodedness. But scientis

12、ts say the moonfish circulates heated bloodand puts it to a competitive advantage. “Nature has a way of surprising us with clever strategies where you least expect them, ”according to NOAA Fisheries biologist Nicholas Wegner, “Its hard to stay warm when youre surrounded by cold water but the opah ha

13、s figured it out. ”The moonfish is not a small animal; its roughly the size of a car tire and often weighs more than 100 pounds. In the past, it was often viewed as a fairly content dweller of water thats hundreds of feet deep. Now researchers say the moonfish also uses internal warmth to help it mo

14、ve quickly and efficientlyand kill prey such as squids and smaller fish. As the researchers describe, the fish relies on an internal heating system that seems to have been developed in frigid waters. “Satellite tracking showed opah spend most of their time at depths of 150 to 1, 300 feet, without re

15、gularly surfacing. Their higher body temperature should increase their muscle output and capacity, increase their eye and brain function and help them resist the effects of cold on the heart and other organs, ”Wegner said. “Fatty tissue surrounds the gills, heart and muscle tissue where the opah gen

16、erates much of its internal heat, insulating them from the frigid water. ”Heat is generated from the moonfishs large wing-like pectoral fins, which were previously thought only to help it swim fast enough to catch prey. The agencys researchers say they found an unexpected design twist in the moonfis

17、hs gills that sets it apart from other fish: a counter-current heat exchange in which blood vessels carrying warm blood are twined around vessels that are bringing oxygenand cold temperaturesfrom the gills. The design helps the opah maintain warm-bloodedness. “The fish had an average muscle temperat

18、ure about 5above the surrounding water while swimming about 150 to 1, 000 feet below the surface, ”NOAA says. 【文章大意】一直以来人们都认为, 大自然中除了鸟类和哺乳动物是恒温动物, 其他都是变温动物。然而据美国报道, 研究人员发现, 一种名为月亮鱼的鱼类也是恒温动物。5. What Wegner said in Para. 2 suggests that_. A. moonfish have clever ways to keep warmB. it is no surprise t

19、o feel cold in waterC. people never thought moonfish warm-bloodedD. nature has its own way to surprise humans【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段的“Nature has a way of surprising us with clever strategies where you least expect them, ”可知, 人们原先并没有想到月亮鱼会是恒温的热血鱼类。6. What do we know about the moonfish? A. It has to return

20、 to the surface to keep warm. B. It has a body shape of a car tire. C. It is slow and lazy in pursuing its prey. D. It can circulate heated blood throughout its body. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。结合第四段的the fish relies on an internal heating system that seems to have been developed in frigid waters可知, 月亮鱼有一种内在的热量系统。

21、7. According to the text, being warm-blooded makes moonfish_. A. swim faster than its cold-bodied preyB. stay deep near its food source all the timeC. have the ability to stand the pressure on its organsD. react quicker to avoid the sight of its prey【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段的Now researchers say the moonfis

22、h also uses internal warmth to help it move quickly and efficientlyand kill prey such as squids and smaller fish. 可知, 这种热血的月亮鱼可以比它们的冷血猎物游得更快。8. The last paragraph is mainly about_. A. what role of gills play for moonfishB. how the moonfish can keep its body warmC. where cold temperatures of moonfish

23、 goD. why moonfish dont lose heat to the environment【解析】选B。段落大意题。根据最后一段的The agencys researchers say they found an unexpected design twist in the moonfishs gills. . . The design helps the opah maintain warm-bloodedness. 可知, 这一段主要介绍了月亮鱼是怎样做到保持自己的体温的情况。9. What is the best title for the passage? A. Moon

24、fish are unique in their body temperatureB. Moonfish feel warmer than their surrounding waterC. Fully warm-blooded moonfish swim in the deep seaD. Moonfish can circulate their blood quickly【解析】选C。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了月亮鱼能够通过全身血液循环维持身体温度, 从而在冰冷的深海里捕食时保持活力以及人们第一次在深海鱼里发现恒温动物的情况。. 阅读填句(2017郑州模拟)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中

25、选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。Question: My 14-year-old son is very disrespectful(不尊重)to my husband and me, and we dont know what to do about it. We tell him to get home before dark, but he is often late, and then we wait, worry and sometimes get close to calling the police. And so what happens when he

26、does come home? We have a big argument. Can you help us? Answer: Your son should, of course, come in before dark, not because you say so, but because it is his responsibility and because you would worry about him if he didnt come home when he promised. _1_Just tell him that he has to be home on time

27、 if he wants to go out next timeand that this is his choice, not yours. His disrespect is part of a bigger issue. Your son desires independence because the young always do when they hit puberty(青春期), somewhere between 13 and 16. New hormones(荷尔蒙), a new ability to think in abstractions(抽象)and a new

28、need to pull away from their parents all contribute to this desire. _2Your son may also be acting up because your discipline hasnt kept up with his growth. A child hates to be corrected when his parents use the same words and sametone of voice they used when correcting him a year ago. _3He wont even

29、 argue with you too much, as long as you listen to his rants(咆哮)and consider his reasons when you have to say no. These are all signs that you know that your respect is as important to him as his respect is to you. _4_This doesnt achieve anything and will worsen your relationship. Your child not onl

30、y needs your respect, he also needs you to encourage his dreams, no matter how strange they are. _5_Now is the time to lower your expectations, give as few orders as possible(but stick to the ones you give), pay more attention to your sons good behavior than his bad, and give twice as many smiles as

31、 you get. A. But dont worry. B. He wants you to react to him at the age he is today. C. But dont argue about it. D. If you dont listen and consider, he wont hear a word you say. E. So boys and girls are so eager to spread their wings. F. They need your sympathy for him when things go wrong, rather t

32、han fix them or tell him what he should have done. G. He is growing physically, mentally, emotionally and even morally. 【文章大意】本文就孩子不尊重父母这一问题给出了一些解决办法。1. 【解析】选C。下句提到仅仅告诉他要按时到家, 如果下次他想外出的话。可知作者建议不要和孩子争论。2. 【解析】选E。前面提到孩子渴望独立, 可知选E。句意: 因此男孩和女孩渴望张开翅膀, 自由飞翔。3. 【解析】选B。前面提到孩子不希望父母以一年前的口气教训自己, 他们想让爸妈以他现在这个年龄

33、为依据对待他。4. 【解析】选D。前面提到只要你听孩子讲, 并考虑他给出的理由, 孩子就会感觉到你对他的尊重。因此D项符合语境。本句句意: 如果你不听, 不考虑他所说的, 他也不会听你说。5. 【解析】选F。前句提到父母应该鼓励他的梦想, 无论梦想多么奇怪。可知F项符合语境。本句句意: 当事情发展不顺利的时候, 他们需要你的支持, 而不是纠正或告诉他们本应该做什么。. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

34、删除: 把多余的词用斜线(/)画掉。修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mr Green, Im very exciting to learn that you will start a magazine together. That sounds great and I definitely agree you on that. Some of the columns you mention in the letter are really my cup of te

35、a. “Cultural Express”give us a better understanding of the world. Since people from different part of the world have different values, its necessary to learn from each another. Besides, it is pretty good for Chinesestudents to learn English idioms and improving oral English. “Entertainment”is also c

36、ool! The popular singers, actors and celebrities are so attractively that you absolutely cant miss this part. Teenagers are fond of popular things, either. Well, I really cant wait but to read this magazine. Yours, Li Ming答案: 1. 【解析】第一句excitingexcited。修饰人一般用excited。2. 【解析】第二句agree后加with。agree with s

37、b. on sth. 在某事上赞成某人。3. 【解析】第三句mentionmentioned。句意: 你在信中提到的专栏很适合我。此事已经发生, 故用一般过去时。4. 【解析】第四句givegives。“Cultural Express”作主语, 谓语动词用第三人称单数。5. 【解析】第五句partparts。different后面用名词复数。6. 【解析】第五句anotherother。each other彼此, 固定短语。7. 【解析】第六句improvingimprove。improve与learn是并列关系, 故形式与learn保持一致。8. 【解析】第八句attractivelyattractive。作表语, 用形容词。9. 【解析】第九句eithertoo。肯定句用too, 否定句用either。10. 【解析】第十句wait后面的but去掉。cant wait to do sth. 是固定搭配, 意为: 迫不及待做某事。public attention公众注意jounalist n. 记者professional adj. 职业的publish v. 出版contact v. 联系disrespectful adj. 无礼的

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