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1、托福基础班口语课第三讲By Sally Yang,语音关注点(Pronunciation and Intonation),/ t r / treat train trip trick trace / t/ cheat chain chip chick chase / dr / drug dram dream drum drab / / jug jam jim jump jab,/aind/ find kind blind mind wind / / fire hire tired admire retire / / fear hear tear,复习长短音辨音练习i:& i关于“小便、方便一下

2、”的地道表达,I gonna pee/ take a leak/ take a piss/ I gonna wee-wee/ hit the john I gonna answer for the natures call Natures calling,复习a: 的长短音区别 “宝贝、亲爱的”的不同种地道表达 L: puppy, duck, duckling, Bunny rabbit, pony, doggy, pumpkin M: cookie, chocolate, sweet pie, sweet pea, baby cake, sugar,Situational Conversat

3、ion,Please refer to your textbooks.,Movie Studies,Check it out the movie clip and answer the questions: refers to the textbook Why do the boys come to Mrs. MCs house? Whatre they gonna do there? How old are the twins? How old is the little boy?,Do you think that Mrs. MC is 150 years old? Who is the

4、boy in the photo album? Where does he live? What did Mrs. MC say before the boys leave her home? What does the mother and Mrs. MC have in common? Do you think Mrs. MC and the boys mother are sworn enemies?,Sample Discussion For show and tell, please refer to the material,Sample 1: a card Key words:

5、club梅花 / spade黑桃 / diamonds方片/ Hearts红桃 suit花色/ Ace/ Joker/ Queen/ King/ two pairs 洗牌 shuffle/ 抓牌draw a card/ 出牌deal the card * Flush表示同花 / Straight表示一顺(56789)。/ straight flush是同花顺,Sample Training:第二类考题应对思路,题型1:preference 二选一(topic statement) 理由(supporting details) 观点(closing sentence)optional,题型2:A

6、gree or Disagree 赞同或是不赞同(topic statement) 理由(supporting details) 观点(closing sentence)optional,题型3:Comparison 二选一(topic statement) 支持理由(supporting details) 反对理由(opposing views) 说明利弊 观点(closing sentence),第二类考题分析Sample studies(1)Preference(P98U7),By car or by train? You have agreed to visit a friend wh

7、o lives about 145 km away. Would you prefer to travel by car or would you take the train? Include details and examples in your explanation.,解题路线,topic statement) Id prefer to go there by train. Id prefer to go there by car. supporting details First, second, Third. Firstly, secondly, finally. 3. clos

8、ing sentenceoptional,I prefer to travel by my car,Supporting tips: 舒适度、整洁度: it is cleaner and much more comfortable to travel by my car. 个人物品想带多少就带多少,无需担心背包过重:I can bring as much as personal stuffs with me without worrying about how heavy my bag is.,安全感无需担忧个人物品的被盗:Since I dont have to put my persona

9、l belongings in the public places, it gives me a sense of safety. 个性化空间:I can enjoy to stay in my personal space while driving. Listen to any music or radio programme I like and even sing along with the music.,自由掌控旅行的节奏:Driving is more relaxing than traveling by train, because I can adjust/set the p

10、ace of my trip. 驾车拥有更多的自主选择:Driving offers me more choices on my way. I have a freedom to choose the destination, or stop at any place at any time. (想去哪里去哪里) / When I drive, I can leave and arrive on my own schedule.(想走则走,想停就停),不受限制地享有最大限度的自由:I prefer the freedom from restrictions. 反例:If I travel by

11、 train, theres possibility that I may change the train on the trip. I guess I can hardly bear it (if it ever happens).,I prefer to travel by train,Supporting tips: 费用便宜:Travel by train is cheaper than by car. 省时:Its time saving (if I choose to go there by train) 省力:If I choose to go there by train,

12、I dont have to concentrate on driving. In this way, it saves my strength and energy.,避免交通堵塞:avoid to hit the traffic jam. 更安全:Its much safer to travel by train, cause I dont have to worry about the road condition and the car accident. 休闲方式多样:I could take a nap or read magazines, talking or even play

13、ing cards with other passengers on the train. 时间过的飞快:Therere lots of things I could do to distract my attention on the train. Its surprising that time flies really fast,第二类考题分析Sample studies(2)Agree or Disagree,Chores?(P100-U1) Children should be helping with chores in the house as soon as they are

14、able to do so. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Include details and examples in your explanation.,解题路线,topic statement I agree with the I dont agree with the supporting details First, second, Third. Firstly, secondly, finally. 3. closing sentenceoptional,Agree: I agree with the statement

15、 that children should be encouraged to help with chores,Supporting tips: it offers children a chance to learn responsibility. Children can learn new practical skills. Its helpful for children to develop some good habits in their daily lives.,It can help the children realize how much efforts their pa

16、rents had made to support the families. It gives children a sense of satisfaction. This will encourage the children to behave well and try to be helpful at home.,Disagree: I disagree with the statement that children should be encouraged to help with chores,Supporting tips: Children should focus on t

17、heir studies and school activities. Children should enjoy their innocent days instead sensing of bitterness of the life.,Children are too young to handle housework, they might be injured while doing chores. I would rather offer children a lovely world, or even fairy-tales to stay. So that when they

18、grow up, they will have a positive way of thinking.,第二类考题分析Sample studies(3)Comparison(P120-U3),Spring Cleaning Spring cleaning is a popular time for people to throw out things they dont need anymore. Some people sell these things. Others like to give things away to a charity where someone else migh

19、t be able to use them. Do you prefer to sell or to donate things you have no use for anymore? Include the advantages and disadvantages of your choice in your explanation.,解题思路,topic statement I prefer to sell rather than donate I prefer to donate rather than sell 2. supporting details 1+2+3 3. oppos

20、ing views However 4. closing sentence: In a word/ In brief, I do believe - selling old stuffs is a good idea. donating old stuffs is a good idea.,I prefer to sell rather than donate,对于自己没有使用价值的东西或许别人需要:Useless things for me might become the useful or valuable things to other people. 学生身份决定选择 Since I

21、 am a student, I dont have so much money. If I can earn some money from selling useless things, it can surely make my life much easier.,积少成多产生价值:Through this way, I could store up some money and buy the new things I want. 不以挣钱为初衷,关键在于享受整个过程,I dont mean to make out lots of money. Just enjoy the whole

22、 process of selling things, such as communicating with other people, and the like,I prefer to donate rather than sell,帮助别人的同时,自己感到快乐:It is wonderful to help others and donate things to people who really need them. 捐物可创造更多的工作机会:Donating things could create more working opportunities in charity organizations and 2nd hand stores. 不求回报的给予,给人带来满足感: Giving without any reward could always give me a sense of satisfaction.,比重关系,在Comparison中提及利弊的时候一定要注意二者的比重关系。Pro的一方多用笔墨,against的一方一下带过即可。最后再清晰表述一下自己的观点做为收尾:in a word,./ In brief,.,My Contact Information联系方式,杨思晴 (Sally) Y,THE END,

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