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1、2022-2023学年高一英语下学期课练16实验班I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier(收银员) 31 her by name and asked her how she was doing. The woman looked down, shook her hand and said, “Not so good. My husband just lost his job and my 32

2、son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is, I dont know how Im going to 33 the holidays.” Then she gave the cashier food stamps.My heart 34 . I wanted to help but didnt know how. Should I offer to 35 her groceries or ask for her husbands situation? 36 I walked into the parking lot, I spotted th

3、e woman returning her shopping cart. I remembered something in my purse that I thought might help her. It wasnt a handful of cash or an 37 of a job for her husband, but maybe it would make her life 38 .My heart beat faster as I 39 the woman. “Excuse me,” I said, my voice trembling a bit. “I couldnt

4、help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like youre going through a really 40 time right now. Im so sorry, but Id like to give you something.”I took a small card out of my purse and 41 it to her. When the woman read the cards only two words, she began to cry. And through her 42 , she

5、 said, “You have no idea how much this 43 to me.”I was a little 44 by her reply. Having never done anything like this before, I didnt know what kind of 45 I might receive. All I could think to respond was, “Oh! Would it be OK to give you a 46 ?”After we hugged 47 , I walked back to my car and began

6、to cry too.The words on the card?“You Matter.”A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave me a similar card as 48 for a project I was working on. When I read the card, I felt a 49 glow (喜悦) spread inside of me. Deeply touched, I came home and ordered my own box of You Matter cards and started 50 them. 31.

7、 A. chargedB. greetedC. recognizedD. heard 32. A. confidentB. independentC. hopelessD. stubborn33. A. think aboutB. give upC. go onD. get through34. A. achedB. failedC. beatD. paused35. A. send forB. provide forC. pay forD. beg for36. A. AsB. ThoughC. UnlessD. Since37. A. excuseB. offerC. experience

8、D. opinion38. A. harderB. wealthierC. simplerD. better39. A. touchedB. foundC. passedD. approached40. A. happyB. toughC. regularD. long41. A. handedB. showedC. spreadD. explained42. A. thanksB. fearsC. tearsD. beliefs43. A. bringsB. meansC. valuesD. contains44. A. worriedB. excitedC. movedD. shocked

9、45. A. reactionB. feelingC. expressionD. answer46. A. presentB. promiseC. hugD. ride47. A. wildlyB. tightlyC. anxiouslyD. eagerly48. A. progressB. effortC. encouragementD. praise49. A. warmB. richC. softD. fierce50. A. gatheringB. enjoyingC. preparingD. sharingAFrank Lloyd Wright was the champion of

10、 organic architecture, a style of building meant to harmonize with nature. But Im not sure harmonizing with chipmunks small American animals similar to squirrels with black lines on their fur was what he had in mind.During my years with the US National Park Service, I spent six months working in a v

11、isitor center designed by Wrights firm. Several other employees and I staffed the parks phone and radio system from a room in the basement.I was sitting at my desk when I first heard a sound in the suspended ceiling. Dark shapes moved fast across the light panel(光板) above my head. Moments later, the

12、y ran back in the opposite direction, leaving me with an impression of noses and tails, each tail followed by another nose. It was like watching a shadow puppet(皮影) performance, but with real animals.“Baby chipmunks,” a fellow told me. “They live in the ceiling.”After four summers working in the par

13、ks, I had grown accustomed to sharing indoor space with wildlife. Chipmunks in the workplace even seemed to be a joy; their behaviors provided a bit of stress relief on difficult days.As summer progressed, the shadows chasing each other across our lights grew bigger. Their movement across the light

14、panels had bee more of an athletic running.I had just answered a call one day when I heard a loud sound, and a ceiling panel fell down on my head. I dropped the phone as I fell out of my office chair, looking up just in time to see a brown tail disappear over the gap in the ceiling.I pulled myself o

15、ff the carpet, laughing with my co-workers, and noticed the phone hanging over the side of the desk. I picked up the phone, preparing to explain the crash, the scream, the dropped phone, and the laughing to the listener who was about to visit the park.“Im sorry, but youre not going to believe what j

16、ust happened.”I dont think he did.1. What does the author probably do?A. Hes a visitor. B. Hes a biologist. C. Hes an architect. D. Hes a consultant.2. What were the chipmunks doing when the author found them for the first time?A. They were chasing each other. B. They were making their home.C. They

17、were jumping onto the lights. D. They were climbing up to the ceiling.3. How did the author feel about seeing chipmunks in his office?A. Scared. B. Curious. C. Pleased. D. Shocked.4. What was the main cause of the accident when the author was making a phone call?A. The chipmunks were fighting on the

18、 panel. B. The panel couldnt bear the chipmunks weight.C. Something hit the ceiling from high above. D. The suspended ceiling was not firm. 5. Who was the author talking to over the phone?A. One of his friends. B. Frank Lloyd Wright.C. A future park visitor. D. One of his colleagues. BBy trying to t

19、ickle(挠痒痒) rats and recording how their nerve cells respond, Shimpei Ishiyama and his adviser are discovering a mystery that has puzzled thinkers since Aristotle expected that humans, given their thin skin and unique ability to laugh, were the only ticklish animals.It turns out that Aristotle was wr

20、ong. In their study published on Thursday, Ishiyama and his adviser Michael Brecht found that rats squeaked and jumped with pleasure when tickled on their backs and bellies. These signs of joy changed according to their moods. And for the first time, they discovered a special group of nerve cells. T

21、hese nerve cells made this feeling so powerful that it causes an individual being tickled to lose control.To make sure that he had indeed found a place in the brain where tickling was processed, Ishiyama then stimulated(刺激) that area with electrical currents. The rats began to jump like rabbits and

22、sing like birds.“Its truly ground-breaking,” said Jeffrey Burgdorf, a neuroscientist at Northwestern University who reviewed the paper. “It takes the study of emotion to a new level.”Burgdorf has played a central role in our understanding of animal ticklin g. He was part of a team that first noticed

23、, in the late 1990s, that rats made special noises when they were experiencing social pleasure. Others had already noted that rats repeatedly made short and high sounds during meals. But the lab where Burgdorf worked noticed that they emitted similar sounds while playing. And so one day, the senior

24、scientist in the lab said, “Lets go and tickle some rats.” They quickly found that those cries of pleasure doubled.“The authors have been very adventurous,” said Daniel OConnor, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University who studies touch. To him, that finding was very surprising.“Why does the wor

25、ld literally feel different when you are stressed out?” he said. “This is the first step towards answering that question. It gives us a way to approach it with experimental rigor(严谨).”6.What contributed to humans being ticklish according to Aristotle? A. Their special skin.B. Their social pleasure.

26、C. Their nervous system. D. Their willingness to touch.7.Why did the researchers make use of electrical currents? A. To discover the special group of ner ve cells. B. To experiment on different animals. C. To follow the process of tickling. D. To prove their finding.8.Which of the following statemen

27、ts will Jeffrey Burgdorf agree with? A. The research process is full of risks. B. The finding of the study is surprising and unbelievable. C. The new discovery is beneficial for the study of emotion. D. The finding of the study actually contradicts modern science.9. The underlined word “squeak” in P

28、aragraph 2 may be explained by _. A. give a smile B. make a noise C. burst into tears D. watch with staring eyes10.What is the best title for the text? A. The Life of Rats B. How Rats Laugh C. A Wonderful ScientistD. A New Discovery about RatCAfter shopping for deals in stores on “Black Friday”, or

29、online on “Cyber Monday”, Americans and people worldwide are preparing for newly popular “Giving Tuesday”. Starting in xx, now the global event that is celebrated annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving is the brainchild of 92nd Street Y,a cultural center in New York City and the United Nations F

30、oundation. As the name indicates, Giving Tuesday is meant to restart the charitable season and therefore observed by raising funds for local nonprofits and schools, organizing food and clothing drives, and conducting random acts of kindness. In xx, 700,000 people from 71 countries came together to d

31、onate $116.7 million in cash. An additional $ 1.08 million was spent on gifts. While the easiest way to participate is by donating to your favorite charity, this day can be celebrated in many other ways too. You can give back by volunteering at your local shelter or food bank, or even by donating bl

32、ood. If all else fails, a purchase from the growing number of organizations that give a portion of their sales to charity will do the trick. But perhaps the best way to celebrate the day is those nearest and dearest to you. Assist a family member with a simple chore like folding laundry, cooking din

33、ner, or even reading to a younger sibling. No matter what you do, be sure to share your good deed on social media and inspire others to celebrate Giving Tuesday as well!11. Which of the following has the shortest history? A. Giving Tuesday. B. Black Friday. C. Thanksgiving Day. D. Cyber Monday.12. W

34、hats the main purpose of “Giving Tuesday”? A. To make Thanksgiving Day enjoyable. B. To encourage more people to do charities. C. To get voluntary work better known. D. To persuade more people to shop online.13. Why does the author advise sharing good deeds on social? A. To keep a record of ones exp

35、erience. B. To help people make new friends. C. To make Giving Tuesday more popular. D. To donate money to local schools.14. Which section of a website does the text probably e A. Lifestyle. B. Education. C. Culture. D. Business. DMy newlywed husband said the same thing every morning. “Youre beautif

36、ul today.”One glance in the mirror showed that it was far from the truth.“Liar,” I shot back with a grin.It was my usual response. My mothers first husband was not a kind man and his verbal (语言的) and physical abuse forced her and her two children to find a safe place. He showed up on her doorstep on

37、e day with roses. She let him in and he beat her with those roses and took advantage of her. Nine months later she gave birth to a 9 lb. 13oz. baby girl - me.The rude words we heard growing up took root. I had trouble seeing myself as someone of value. I had been married two years when I surprised m

38、yself. My husband wrapped his arms around me and told me I was beautiful.A lot of years have passed. My husband has grey in his hair. Im no longer skinny. Last week I woke up and my husbands face was inches from mine.“What are you doing?” I asked.I covered my mouth, trying to hide my morning breath.

39、 He reached down and kissed my face.“What I do every morning,” he said.What a man! My husband understands my past. Hes been beside me as Ive grown from an unsure young girl to a confident woman, mother, speaker and author.But Im not sure that he understands the part he played in that transformation.

40、 The words I heard growing up pierced(刺穿) my soul, yet his words pierced even deeper.This Anniversary Day I plan to wake early. I want to tell Richard how much I love him. He may look in the mirror and see an extra pound or two, or wish for the day when his hair was dark and curly, but all Ill see i

41、s the man who saw something in me when I couldnt see it myself, and who leaves butterfly kisses, even after twenty-three years of marriage.15. When the author looked into the mirror, she found herself _. A. beautiful B. confidentC. untidyD. unusual16. Why did the authors mother and her two children

42、have to move? A. Because their house was too small. B. Because they were not well treated by the husband. C. Because they were expecting another baby. D. Because her mothers husband wanted them to move.17. As a young girl, the author _. A. was married early B. had a happy childhood C. looked for roo

43、t everywhereD. lacked confidence in herself18. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. the authors husband had a positive influence on her life B. the author played an important part in the change C. they have been married for 23 years D. the authors husband has gained some weight19. The unde

44、rlined phrase “the words” in the last but one paragraph refers to _.A. her own wordsB. her husbands words C. her mothers wordsD. her fathers words语篇 Nowadays,the ice bucket challenge is among the_1._ (hot) news of a11It is an activity_2._(hold)by an American charity organizationIt not only helps the

45、 sick people to get the money to heal their disease,but also makes more and more people aware_3_the disease,so that they can give more care to the patients.Ice bucket challenge is like the epidemic(流行病),_4_bees popular around the world very_5_(quick)The starter holds the activity,_6_(hope)people can

46、 experience the ALS patients painIn the activity,people need to pour the ice water down from their heads,and then propose another three peopleThey can either choose to accept the challenge_7_ donate 100 dollars,or do the bothThe ALS makes peoples muscles bee hardIt is hard for the patients to moveSt

47、ephenHocking is one of the _8_(suffer)Ice bucket challenge is_9_great successUntil now,a big donation_10_(receive)改错(1)As is known to us, fewer and fewer students do sports regularly, that makes them weak and easily tired. There are many reasons about this. First of all, some of the student plain th

48、at they have too much homework, result in less time to take exercise. However, some of them think that it is very difficult for us to keep doing exercise, because it is very hard thing. Because of lack of physical activities, many students are in poor healthy. I suggest that our school must take mea

49、sures to encourage more students to take part in sports. For us students, no matter how busy we were , it is necessary to spare some time to do exercise.(2)Today was my former junior schools fifty anniversary. I attended to its Homeing Day. Early in the morning, followed some other former schoolmate

50、s of different age, I arrived at the school gate. We first went around the school and then visit the school museum to admire all the pleasant changes in recent years. Afterwards, several students had a tea party with some teachers or other students, talking about our old days and school life today.

51、Unknowingly, several hours passed. Before leaving, all of us were inviting to leave a message on a wall. I wrote serious that I was very grateful to my school for her giving me a happy and brilliant childhood. What great Saturday!完型:31-35: BCDAC 36-40: ABDDB 41-45: ACBDA 46-50: CBCADA Keys:DACBC B K

52、eys: ADCBD C: 2831 ABCC D: Keys: CBDAD(1)hottest held of which quickly hoping or suffers a has been received短文改错:As is known to us, fewer and fewer students do sports regularly, which makes them weak and easily tired. There are many reasons for this. First of all, some of the students plain that the

53、y have too much homework, resulting in less time to take exercise. Besides , some of them think that it is very difficult for them to keep doing exercise, because it is a very hard thing. Because of lack of physical activities, many students are in poor health. I suggest that our school must(should)

54、 take measures to encourage more students to take part in sports. For us students, no matter how busy we are , it is necessary to spare some time to do exercise.1. fifty fiftieth 2. attended to 去to 3. followed - following4. age ages 5. visit visited 6. or - and 7. our - their 8. inviting invited 9. serious seriously 10. great Saturday 前加a

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