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1、茶,文,化,Chinese Tea Culture,中国历史传承不可或缺的 重要组成部分,茶之起源 The origin of Chinese tea,Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty.,origin 起源 referring to 关于 flourished 兴盛,谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐 代与宋代兴盛起来的。,“Tea was discove

2、red by Shen Nong and become popular as a drink in the state of Lu because of Zhou Gong.” Tea Classics “茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁国公。” 茶经,Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, at seventy case of drugs, have tea and the solution to. Shen Nong Herbs by “神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得茶而解之。” 神农百草经,神农氏画像,Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce

3、, vinegar and tea are the seven necessaries to begin a day.早晨起来七件事,菜米油盐酱醋茶,In China , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our body, then it is loved by many people.在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并且形成了中国的茶文化。与此同时,茶有助于我们的健康,因此受到了很多人的喜爱。,The events of tea

4、in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.,世界上其他国家直接或间接关于茶的事件,基本上都是从中国传播出去的。中国是茶的故乡,茶已成为国饮。,Categories of Tea茶之分类,绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 乌龙茶 oolong tea 黄茶 yellow tea 白茶 white t

5、ea 黑茶 dark tea (heicha) 饼茶 Compressed tea,Famous green tea 著名的绿茶,西湖龙井:Dragon Well 洞庭碧螺春:Spring Spiral 庐山云雾:Cloud one of the top ten chinese tea,十大名茶之一 more than 30 brands; the central government of china buy more than100kgs every year;,2.Dongting biluochun tea(洞庭碧螺春茶) green tea; one of the top ten c

6、hinese tea; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo;一个勤劳,善良的孤女,名叫碧螺; in 1954,premier Zhou attend the Geneva meeting, taking 2kgs;1954年,周总理出席日内瓦会议,携带2公斤;,3) Huangshan maofeng tea (黄山毛峰茶),One of the top ten chinese tea; the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan; health effect

7、s; tea gift of our country;,(4) Liuan guapian tea(六安瓜片茶) Green tea; Anhui province; piece tea; designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;被中国中央军事委员会指定为特殊茶,(5) Lusan yunwu tea;卢山云雾茶 (6) Xinyang maojian tea;信阳毛尖茶 (7) Tie guanyin tea;铁观音茶 (8) Wuyi rock tea;武夷岩茶,信阳毛尖,武夷山岩茶,铁观音,Custom in Tea Drinking饮茶之礼仪,To show respect 表示敬意 To apologize 道歉 To express thanks to the elders on ones wedding day 在婚礼上表示对长辈的尊敬 To pass on the tradition (Guangdong : custom of tea as bride -Price)(订婚时男方给女方)彩礼,聘礼。,Thank you !,

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