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1、翻译技巧之反译法Negation,Transfer of the Negative (否定转移),(1). 把主句的否定转移到that从句 think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine, fancy, reckon 引导的从句,在英翻中时应使用否定转移 E.g. We dont believe that our mother tongue is inferior to any other language in the world. 我们相信,祖国的语言并不亚于世界任何其他语言。 有些动词,如assume, surmise 和presume,引导的从句中,在

2、英翻中时主句的否定不能转移到从句当中 E.g. I cant assume that he came. 我不能假定他来了。 I assume that he couldnt come. 我猜想他不能来。,(2). 把谓语动词的否定转移到状语 E.g. Rome was not built in a day. 罗马非朝夕建成。 Just because she doesnt complain you should not suppose that she is satisfied. 你不可只因为她不抱怨,就以为她心满意足了。 (3). 把句子的其他成分转移到动词 E.g. He gave me

3、not even a moment to collect my thoughts. 他甚至不给我片刻时间去集中思考。,2. Conversion of the Affirmative in to the Negative (肯定形式译成否定形式 ),什么是肯定形式的英语句子? -英语句子中既没有否定词,如no, not, never, none, neither, nobody, nothing, nowhere , nowise, 也没有带有否定前缀或后缀的词,如dis-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-, -less. 中文的肯定句又是怎样的呢? -中文的肯定句,句子中不

4、含有“不”,“非”,“否”,“没(有)”,“未”,“别”,“勿”,“莫”,“休”,“甭”。,E.g. Take it or leave it. 买不买随你。 That time when we caught Molly I doubled up with laughter. 我们抓住莫莉那一回,我笑得直不起腰来。,3. Conversion of the Negative into the Affirmative(否定形式译成肯定形式),(1). Conversion of English Words with Negative Prefixes or Suffixes into Affirm

5、ative Forms,E.G. Yesterday the President gave an unprepared speech before a big audience. 昨天总统在大庭广众面前即席致辞。 Arent they fine, these three men are going off into nowhere like that? 这三人真行,前途茫茫,就这样去了。,(2). Conversion of Negative Sentences into Affirmatives,My overcoat would not wear out. 我的大衣十分耐穿。 If tha

6、t isnt what I want! 我所要的就是这个呀! Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. 谦卑的外表是最易使人上当的。,4. Translation of English Questions and Answers (英语问答句译法),( 1). Translation of Answers to Negative Questions,注意:在回答否定问句时,英汉间的差异。 Are you not prepared to do this work? 你不打算做这项工作吗? Yes, I am. 不,我打算

7、做。 No, Im not. 是的,我不打算做。,(2). Translation of Negative Questions,Look, some buses are coming this way, dont you see them? 瞧,有几辆公共汽车往这边开来了,你看见了吗?(cf. 你没看见吗?),I like Xiamen very much, dont you? 我很喜欢厦门,你呢? He wont go home, but will she? 他不回家,那她呢?,Some questions in English look like disjunctive questions

8、, but actually they are not. The statement and question have two different subjects covering different persons or things. In translation, the negation is generally not expressed.,(3). Translation of Answers to Disjunctive Questions,Its not going to rain, is it? 不会下雨,是不是? No. 是的,不会。 Yes. its going to

9、 rain. 不,会下雨的。,Silent Answers,“Youre not going to school today?” Mother shouted down the stairs to her little one. The child looked up and shook his head. “今天你就不上学啦?”母亲从楼上喊下来,问她的小宝贝。孩子抬起头来点了一下。,(4). Translation of Rhetorical Questions,There is hardly a clear-cut line between a rhetorical question an

10、d a general question. Context decides whether a question is rhetorical or general, except absurd questions such as “Havent you got eyes?”. A rhetorical question, which the speaker uses to gain an effect, does not expect any answer. Literary style:岂不 Modern or colloquial style:难道,Is this the part of

11、wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? 为争取自由而从事伟大而艰巨的斗争的明智人士,难道应该这样做吗?对于目前自救运动密切相关的事业视而不见、充耳不闻的人,难道我们甘心情愿与之为伍吗?,(5).

12、 Translation of Indirect Negative Questions,Negation can be found even in indirect questions, which in our mode of expression should be in a tone of uncertainty, such as “是否可以”, “能不能”. A literal translation will confuse the reader.,I wonder if he cannot help me out of the difficulty. 我不知道他是否能帮我摆脱这个困

13、境。 I am writing to ask your help in seeing if the provisions of the agreement cannot be implemented in the next few weeks. 兹函请惠予注意协议条款是否可在今后几周内实施。,5. Translation of Various Kinds of Negation (英语各种否定译法 ),(1). Partial Negation 部分否定,Partial affirmative + not : Partial negative E.g. Some students are no

14、t here. Some students are here. 有些学生不在。 Not + full negative : Partial negative E.g. Not many people have nowhere to live. Most people have somewhere to live. 不是很多人没有地方住。,Notfor nothing: Partial negative E.g. All these investigations are not done for nothing. 这些调查并不是白做的。 Full affirmative + not / not

15、+ full affirmative: Partial negative E.g. A man of learning is not always a man of wisdom. 有学问的人不一定是有智慧的人。,Attention! “all the + noun + not” and “ not all the + noun ”: full negation E.g. All the money in the world wont make you happy. 即使你拥有了世界上所有的财富,你也不会快乐。 Not and VS Not or E.g. He did not speak c

16、learly and correctly. He did not speak clearly or correctly. 他讲得清楚,但不正确。 他讲得不清楚,也不正确。,(2). Full negation (全部否定) Full negative + affirmative predicate: E.g. Nobody succeeds. Full negative + words with negative prefixes or suffixes, or words implying negation. E.g. He was always unkind. Not any E.g. H

17、e cannot remember anything.,Some ways to deal with Frequently-used negatives “No” is much stronger than “not”. E.g. It is not a joke. 这不是开玩笑的。 It is no joke. 这是正经事。 I have not taken more than five courses this semester. 本学期我修的课程最多五门。(至多五门,也许不到。) I have taken no more than five courses this semester.

18、本学期我只修了五门课。(= only, 含“少”的意味。),“None” is much stronger than “not”. E.g. None will say so. 没有人会这样说。 One will not say so. 人不会这样说。,“None” can be used as an adverb: none the + comparative = in no way, not at all none too = not very E.g. He explained the sentences to me, but I am none the wiser. 他向我解释了这个句

19、子,但我仍然一点也不懂。 Im none too sure about him. 我对他这个人拿不准。,Attention! Any, anybody, anyone, anything cannot be used as subjects in negative sentences. E.g. 任何人都干不了这件事。 Anybody cannot do it. Nobody can do it. Any or Anybody, if post-modified, can precede the not in the sentences. E.g. Anybody who does that

20、isnt honest. 干那种事的人都不诚实。,(3). Double negation (双重否定) (a) with weakening effect E.g. 不能不表示遗憾 We cannot but regret 难免有错误 There might be some errors 未尝不可 It is not impossible 并不否认 do not deny He is not incapable. 他并非无能。 ( He is to some extent capable.),(b) with strengthening effect 双重否定常见句型: cannotwith

21、out; no (never)without; nothingwithout; nono; withoutno; withoutcannot; without nothing; nothingnothing E.g. No investigation, no right to speak. 没有调查就没有发言权。,A negative + but (but作为含有否定意义的关系代词,连词或介词) E.g. There is no child but knows him. (关系代词) 没有一个小孩不认识他。 No man is so old but that he may learn. (连词

22、) 没有一个人老得不能学习。 Not a minute passes but things change. 事物每时每刻都在变化。 He is nothing but a fool. (介词) 他不过是个傻子罢了。 He is anything but a fool. (=never) 他绝不是傻瓜。,曲言法:用否定对立的词语强调肯定 E.g. To my no small astonishment, I found the house on fire. 我发现房子着火,大为吃惊。,(4). Incomplete negation (不完全否定) 不完全否定常见词: few, little,

23、hardly, scarcely, barely, rarely, seldom E.g. I need hardly say that he did well. 他干得不错,这几乎不用我说。 There are few, if any, such men. 这种人即使有,也很少。,Negative words + hardly/scarcely = incomplete negation (hardly/scarcely的意思不变) E.g. They dont seem hardly able to help it. 他们对这件事情似乎不能有什么帮助。 “Hardlynot”: doubl

24、e negation (双重否定) E.g. There was hardly a moment when she did not guess her husbands wishes. 她几乎每时每刻都在猜测她丈夫的心意。,(5). Pleonastic Negation(多余否定) 多余否定实际在意思和结构上都是多余的。 E.G. What dirty means would he not resort to ! 什么卑鄙的手段他都使得出来!/ 什么卑鄙的手段他是使不出来。 街上人来人往,好不热闹! What a busy street it is, with so many people

25、coming and going! 见到她,我不觉又惊又喜。 Seeing her, I was surprised and delighted.,(6). Worlds and Phrases Implying Negation (含有否定意义的词语 ) 含有否定意义的词或词组,E.G. A truly great man is above flattery. 真正的伟人不喜欢阿谀奉承。,Words and Phrases Implying Excluded Negation(具有排除否定的词或词组),E.G. The evidence is beyond dispute, excluding all possibilities of doubt. 证据确凿,无可置疑。,Thank You!,

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