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1、英语短文写作方法范例,1原 因 篇 分析原因是英语议论文写作的一个常见题型。例如: Why do todays young people have difficulty in reading and writing? Why is the world getting smaller and smaller? Why has the divorce rate in China increased in recent years? 作文要求考生对这类社会现象或社会问题进行解释。按照十句作文模式,这种类型的作文的基本写法如下: PI S (l) Problem (general) S (2) Pro

2、blem (specific) PII S(3) Thesis S(4) Cause 1 S(5) Detail 1 S(6) Detail 2 S(7) Cause 2 S(8) Detail l S(9) Detail 2 . PIII S(10) conclusion,Sample 1 Why College Students Take a Part-time Job Outline: 1.最近几年越来月多的大学生加入打工队伍 2.为什么大学生要打工 3.大学生打工的意义 用数据和事实 (1) According to a recent survey, 引出将要讨论 about 25 p

3、ercent of Chinese college 的现实 students now hold a part-time or temporary job, compared with nearly none 10 years ago, and this figure increases to 72 percent during summer 形象化描写 vacation. (2) College students are seen waiting on tables, clerking in stores, advertising in streets, teaching in familie

4、s and doing whatever work they can find.,承上启下,引出解 (3)Why do they want odd 释/同位语 jobs-jobs usually requiring little skill 原因一/短句变化 and knowledge? (4) The primary reason, I think, is money.(5) Feeling the pressure of soaring inflation as books,movies and bus fares have all gone up in price, there is s

5、carcely a young boy or girl who does not want to 措词变化 earn a little money to help cover the increasingly higher college costs, and at best save enough to go traveling or buy things they have long desired. (6) In this way they hope to be economically independent and avoid the indignity of having to a

6、sk for money again and again.,原 因 二 (7) Besides they want to gain some experience in the ways of society. (8) Students growing up from nursery school to college only know about books and have 措词变化 trouble dealing with realities. (9) Working on a part-time basis can provide them with a rare opportuni

7、ty to know the outside world and prepare them for a future career. 总结全文, (10)The significance for college 指明意义 students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience: It will broaden their outlook and exert a profound influence on their personality and life.,评析 这篇作文主要是解释大学生打工这一社会现象。作

8、者谈了两个方面的原因。一是money.由于近几年的通货膨胀、物价飞涨和大学生本身经济独立意识的增强,他们需要有钱。二是experience。这是因为书本知识和现实世界之间的距离以及大学生今后工作和生活的需要。文章最后一段虽只有一句,但作者不仅总结了全文的两个原因,而且还进一步指出了大学生打工对于他们人生观形成所具有的深远意义。好的结尾能使读者加深认识,起到画龙点睛的作用。一般说来,总结全文要点,进一步点明、深化主题,或展望未来,指明前景、呼吁读者行动起来是结尾的常用方法。但在原因型议论文中,结尾大多是以提出建议或解决问题的方法为主,形成 Problem-Causes-Solution结构。,本

9、文的开头作者采用了两个写作技巧。一是引用具体的数据,二是运用形象化的描写,让读者实实在在感到大学生打工这一现象,这远比 Nowadays more and more students are doing different kinds of jobs丰富、生动、具体。 这篇作文也比较注意语言的变化。 要表达越来越的意思,除了more and more 还可用其他表达法。例如: Learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures have been understood. 一旦基本结构

10、掌握后,学习英语就似乎变得越来越难了。 There are indications that school cheating is on the rise. 有迹象表明学校的作弊行为越演越烈。 People in growing numbers prefer to stay at home and watch TV. 越来越多的人宁肯呆在家里看电视。 而本文在表达打工这一概念时,作者用了hold a temporary job,do odd jobs,work on a part-time basis,do whatever work they can find, do a part-time

11、 job 等,甚至用具体描写来表示打工的意思:waiting on tables,clerking in stores,advertising in streets,teaching in families.,这就避免了文章在表达上的累赘重复。再如,同样要表达得到,一个用 earn a little money, 一个用 gain some experience.,译文 大学生为什么要打工 根据最近一次调查,大约有25% 的中国大学生在打工,到了暑假,这个数字上升到72%,而与10年前相比,当时几乎没有这种现象。我们现在到处可以看到大学生在饭店里当服务员,在商店当营业员,在街上做广告,在家里做

12、家教,只要有工作,什么都干。 为什么他们会干这种一般没有什么技术和知识的零工?我认为主要原因是钱。现在书价、电影票、汽车票的价格都上涨了,感受到通货膨胀压力的大学生无不想赚点钱来贴补越来越高的大学费用,或至少能积点钱可去旅游或买些他们一直要想买的东西。他们希望通过这种方式来获得经济上的独立,避免一再伸手要钱这种有损尊严的行为。除此以外,他们还想以此积紧一些社会经验。他们从幼儿园直到读大学,接触的都是书本知识。在如何应付现实生活上都存在困难。而打工使他们有了了解外部世界的难得的机会,为他们将来的工作作好准备。 大学生打工的意义还不仅在于钱和经验。打工使他们开阔了眼界,并对他们的个性培养和今后生活

13、都具有深远的影响。,Sample 2 A Boom in Adult Education Outline: 1.现在许多成年人都利用业余时间去大学或夜校读书 2.出现这种成人教育热的原因是 3.结论 用个别故事,引出 (1) Every Tuesday and Friday 全文要讨论的 evening sees Miss Li, my neighbor and a 普遍现象 secretary in a company rush home after a hard days work, gulp down her meals and then hurry out to catch the b

14、us for her English class. (2) Miss Lis case is not unique, and now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.,承上启下,引出解释 (3)There are a number of reasons for people to go back for their education. 原因一 (4)Some people, like Miss Li,are doing it

15、 to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.(5)To them more knowledge, or rather,more credentials means more opportunities for better jobs 原因二 and quicker promotion. (6) Other people, especially those who are laid off or out of employment go to vocational school to prepare to return

16、 to the job market. (7) They are eager for new skills so that they can be qualified for the jobs in retail trade, administration, education and other service categories to which they are strange,because most of them were blue- collar 原因三 workers in the factory (8) There are also people who come to t

17、ake such courses as Chinese traditional medicine, painting, calligraphy and photography. (9) As their working weeks decline people begin to have time to fulfill their old dream or their hearts desire. 归纳全文,指出意义 (10) Out of necessity or out of interest, people go back to school for the common goal 同位

18、语 to improve themselves, and this boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.,评析 这篇作文分析了成人教育热的原因 。作者是通过剖析三种成年人读书的动机来展开论述的 。第一种人是那些青年人,他们已有了文凭或学位,为了获得更好的工作或晋升的机会而读书 。第二种人是下岗失业者。他们大多数人已步入不惑之年,为了适应产业结构的变化,重新找到工作而学习新技术。第三种人纯粹是出于兴趣爱好来学习 中医、绘画、书法等。 原因型论

19、说文常可用这样的句型引出原因 : There are several (a number of, a variety of) reasons (causes) for (why ). First (For one thing; Perhaps the primary reason is) . Second (For another; Another reason is) . Finally 一般说来 ,有三个原因的话,可用 first, second, finally; 而只有两个原因 ,可用 for one thing, for another,因为它们表示其一、其二的意思。 有时还可用 S

20、ome people . Other people . There are also people .,译文 成 人 教 育 热 李小姐是我的邻居,在一家公司里担任秘书。每周二、五我们总能看到她下班急匆匆地赶回家,大口大口地吃完饭,叉匆匆地去赶汽车上英语课去。像李小姐这种情况并不少见,现在越来越多的成年人利用业余时间到学校或大学去深造。 人们回到学校又接受教育,有多种原因。像李小姐这类人,主要是想再取得一个学位或一张文凭,以增强自己在社会上的地位。他们认为知识越多,或说明白一些,文凭证书越多,找到好工作的机会就越多,提前晋升的机会就越多。另一些人,尤其是下岗待业或失业的人,到职业学校去学习,主

21、要是准备重返工作岗位。他们迫切想掌握新的技术,使自己能够胜任商业买卖、行政管理、教育系统以及其他第三产业方面的工作。他们这些人过去都是工厂工人,因而对这些新的工作非常陌生。还有一些人到学校学习诸如中医、绘画、书法、摄影等课程。工作天数的缩短,使他们开始有时间去实现他们的旧梦,或去干他们过去一直想干的事。 不管是需要这样干,还是兴趣爱好,人们重返学校为了一个共同的日标,就是提高自己。而成人教育热反过来叉促进了整个国家的文化水平的提高。,2. 理由篇 叙述理由和分析原因是属于同一类型的英语议论文。所不同的是后者是解释某一社会现象或社会问题,而前者则解释写作者 我,为社么要干某事或不干某事。例如,w

22、hy do I prefer to spend most of my time reading ? Why is English my favorite subject in college studies? Why I chose teaching as my lifelong career? 按照十句作文模式, PI S (l) Topic S(2) Thesis; My attitude towards it PII. S(3) Thesis (more specific) S(4) Reason 1 S(5) Supporting detail S(6) Reason 2 S(7) S

23、upporting detail S(8) Reason 3 S(9) Supporting detail PIII S(10) Conclusion,第一段中S(1)引出文章要讨论的主题,如职业选择、交友、娱乐等。S(2)则是作者对这个主题的基本态度,如选A事物,不要 B事物,赞成或反对等。第二段中S(3)是一个承上启下的句子,既更具体地重复S(2)论点的内容,又简略地点一下为什么持这样态度的一般理由。S(4)、S(6)、S(8)是三个具体的理由;而S(5)、S(7)、S(9)则作为细节更具体地分别论述S(4)、S(6)、S(8)三句提出的理由。作后一段 S(10)是全文的总结。同样,如果只

24、有两个理由,当中一段可改成: P2 S(3) Thesis (more specific) S(4) Reason I S(5) Supporting detail 1 S(6) Supporting detail 2 S(7) Reason II S(8) Supporting detail 1 S(9) Supporting detail 2,3. 比 较 篇 比较型议论文实则是运用比较的手段来阐述自己的观点,例如: Where to livein the city or in the country? Do you prefer to live independently after m

25、arriage or continue to live together with your parents? Which is your pastimewatching TV and listening to music or taking part in sports and games? 显然,这种类型的作文,要求学生在比较所讨论的两个事物的优缺点时,有自己的观点,有自己的倾向。因此在具体写作时,对赞成的事物,其优点要多写详写,而对其缺点要少写,甚至略过;而对反对的事物,其优点要少写咯写,一笔带过,对其缺点则要不借笔墨,大写特写。这样处理,作者的观点才能得以体现。,根据十句作文模式,这种

26、作文可有两种写法。一种是A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 的整体比较法: PI S(l) Topic: The subjects to be compared S(2) Thesis; Your preference for B over A PII. S(3) Concede As advantages S(4) But As disadvantages 1 S(5) As disadvantages 2 S(6) As disadvantages 3 S(7) Illustrate Bs advantages 1 S(8) Bs advantages 2 S(9) Bs advantag

27、es 3 PIII S(10) Conclusion,第一段5(1) 引出要比较的两个事物,S(2) 是作者的观点:赞成哪 一个,反对哪一个。 第二段S(3) 先承认所反对的事物也有优点,然后在S(4)、S(5)、S(6)着重揭示其缺点。评完所反对的事物后,转去评论所赞成的事物。主要是详写其优点或作者赞成的理由。当然在S(7)、S(8)、S(9)三句中,可用半句或一句承认它也有不是之处。 比较型议论文的另一结构是 A1 B1一A2 B2一A3 B3 分项比较法: PII S(3) Concede As advantages S(4) But As disadvantage l S(5) Bs

28、corresponding advantage l S(6) As disadvantage 2 S(7) Bs corresponding advantage 2 S(8) As disadvantage 3 S(9) Bs corresponding advantage 3,Sample 3 How to Solve the Energy Problem Outline: 1. 有人认为解决能源危机的方法是厉行节约 2. 有人则认为开发新的能源是最好的办法 3. 我的看法 描写大多数人的 (1) When asked about one of the 心态,引出主题 biggest pro

29、blems today, many people say that an energy crisis is approaching and is threatening mankinds survival. (2) They are afraid that the world is likely to run out of oil and metals and to run short of food in the near future.,倒装句/承上启下 (3) To this problem, most countries 引出第一种方法 respond with the demand

30、for more (优点) rigid conservation of our natural resources. (4) Indeed, this is urgently needed, for the present waste of energy in industrial and personal consumption is so serious that it has become habitual and traditional. (5) If the natural resources are used economically, we can certainly slow

31、down the present drain on the limited 转折,承上启下, energy supply. (6) However, 引出缺点 conservation alone is not the answer. (7) It is obvious that even if we can save,much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis, but cannot solve the problem completely. (8) However abundant certain natural resources m

32、ay be ,they cannot reproduce themselves and are 提出另一种方法 bound to be used up ultimately. (9) So in the long run we must develop new sources of energy instead of merely conserving the known, limited supplies. (10) Man is highly adaptable and creative, and since he is able to tap such 以反问加强看法 resources

33、 as oil and metals, why cant he develop and harness solar energy, nuclear energy and other unknown energy resources?,评析 这篇作文的题目是如何解决能源问题,但实际上还是比较型议论文。比较是写作中一种常用的手段,它可用于 WHY 比较型议论文,即比较两种事物的优缺点,从而来说明作者为什么要选择甲而不是乙。它还可用于 HOW 比较型议论文,即比较两种解决问题的方法,比较它们的长处和不足,从而选定一种。这篇就是这种类型。 HOW 比较型议论文与 WHY 比较型议论文的写法基本相同,只

34、是开头略有不同,它不是要引出要比较的两个事物,而是引出要解决的问题。全文结构是Problem Solutions Conclusion。例如这篇作文第一句就是说能源问题,并点明能源问题的严重性。第二段针对这个问题首先提出第一种解决方法:节约,并详细地分析其优缺点。由于采取的是先说优点后说缺点的方法,就很自然地引出第二种解决方法。而这正是作者所推崇的,也就是全文的论点。,这篇文章的第三句,作者用的是倒装结构(Inversion)。正常的结构是:Most countries respond to this problem with the demand for more rigid conserv

35、ation of our natural resources。句型结构的变化(Variety in structure)是一篇好文章的重要因素。也就是写文章要避免句型单一,结构单一,要简单句、复杂句、主动句、被动句正常句、倒装句等交叉使用,而不是像现在许多考生作文里甩的都是S十V十O简单句。当然追求句型结构变化,并不完全为了变化。变化结构要有目的。例如用倒装结构一般有两个目的,一是强调,二是连贯。这篇作文中的倒装句就是为连贯目的的。因为前面一句是说能源短缺间题,这一句接上去也应先说能源问题,然后才引开,句子才连贯。也就是说要形成S(2)AB、S(3)B C (其中 B 是能源问题,C 是新的其

36、他信息)。但文中第三句如不倒装,就和上面第二句形成S(2)AB、S(3)CB,这样句与句之间的连贯就破坏了。因此采用倒装结构,把 B 信息的 to this problem 提前,问题就解决了。,译文 如何解决能源问题 当问起当今最大的问题是什么时,许多人说能源危机正在逼近,而且正威胁人类的生存。他们害怕在不远的将来世界将用完石油、金属,粮食将非常短缺。 面对这一问题,大多数国家都要求采取更为严厉的节约自然资源的措施。的确,这是迫切需要做好的事,因为现在工业和个人对能源的浪费非常厉害,己经成为习惯性的和传统性的。如果节约地使用自然资源,那么耗尽有限能源的速度就会放慢。然而,节约并不是唯一的方法

37、。很清楚,即使我们能节约下来很多资源,我们也只能推迟能源危机的到来,而不能彻底解决这个问题。不管某些资源如何丰富,它们不会自行繁殖,它们最终要使用完的。所以,从长远观点来看,我们应开发新的能源,而不只是仅仅节约已知的有限能源。 人具有很强的适应力和创造力,既然他能利用石油、金属这些能源,为什么他不能开发和利用太阳能、核能和其他未知能源呢?,Sample 4 How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic Outline: 1. 为解决交通难,有人建议多造马路 2. 有人则建议限制自行车和小车 3. 我的看法 以描写问题严重性 (1) Nowadays, he

38、avy traffic has 开头 / 抽象表达 become the source of greatest complaint in many big cities. (2) As it has seriously influenced peoples daily life and economic development, the highest priority of governments has been given to the problem and many experts have been called in for advice.,承上启下,列出比较 (3) A gre

39、at number of solutions / 方案一(优缺点) are being offered. (4) Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be constructed. (5) The 冒号引出具体内容 advantage is obvious:it can reduce / 抽象表达 traffic density and hence speed up the flow of buses and cars. (6) But traffic flows constantly rise to fill what

40、ever scale of roads and highways are provided for them. (7) And in a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be 方案二 extravagantly used for traffic. (8) So others argue that the number of,bicycles and cars should be limited while more bus routes should be opened up because buses can a

41、ccommodate more passengers. (9) But the decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems, such as inconvenience to people. 总结全文,提出 (10) Since neither of the suggestions can 看法 effectively solve the problem of heavy traffic, 名词化 there is an increased awarenes

42、s that the two solutions may be combined with other possible solutions to produce the best effect.,评析 这篇作文也是 HOW 比较型议论文。也就是说要通过比较解决交通间题的两种方案,来决定一种最佳的方案。第一段是指出问题,说明问题的严重性和解决间题的迫切性,以便第三段提出和比较解决问题的方案。第二段中作者采取的是A1 A2 A3 一B1 B2 B3 的整体比较法。先评论第一个方案的优缺点:多造马路能够分流车辆,从而加快车速,但城市土地有限。接着评说第二个方案: 多辟公交线路,限制自行车和小汽车的

43、数量。优点是公共汽车载客量大,可相应减少马路上的车辆。但限制自行车和小汽车会给一部分人带来不便。两种方案各有优缺点,作者就在结尾段提出建议,把这两种解决方案,结合起来,加上其他方法,实行综合治理。一般说来,这种比较型议论文的中心论点是在结尾处。 这篇作文段落之间衔接自然,思想前后顺畅,毫无牵强附会之感。究其原因,不仅仅是过渡句、过渡词用得好,而且内容的安排对连贯起了很大的作用。例如,文章是以间题开始的。有了间题,而且是严重影响人民生活的问题,必然引起政府的关注,必然要想办法解决。解决方案有好几个,一个一个分析比较。每一个都是以分析优点开始,以指出缺点结束,因为一个方案不行,就自然引出另一方案。

44、由于每一个方案都有长处,又有不足,就引出综合治理的建议,整篇文章的内容安排、布局一环扣一环:S (l) A一B,S(2) B一C,S(3) C一D,S(4) D一E,S(5) E一F, S(6) F一G, S(7) G一H, S(8)H一I,S (g) I一J, S(l0).I一K, 句句相联,浑然一体。 如果考生将第二句这样写: It has seriously influenced peoples daily life and economic development.而紧随着它的第二段第一句还是: A great number of solutions are being offered

45、. 显然这两句之间并没有什么语义联系。在修改时就在第二句后面加了半句: the highest priority of governments has been given to the problem and many experts have been called in for advice. 这个细节一加,就和第二段第一句连接起来了。请来专家 提出方案。所以连贯不仅靠过渡句、过渡词,还要注意内容的安排和细节的设计。,译文 如何解决交通拥挤问题 现在,许多大城市里的人们都不断地抱怨交通问题。交通问题己严重地影响到人民的日常生活和经济发展,所以解决这一问题已成为政府优先考虑的事情,他们请来

46、许多专家商量对策。 许多解决方案被提了出来。有的人建议应多造马路。其优点是这样会降低马路上的车辆密度,从而加快车速。但车辆在不断地增加,不管马路、高速公路修建到什么程度,车流总会把它们挤得满满的。而在一个工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能大块大块地用于交通。所以另一些人认为应当限制自行车和小汽车的数量,同时开辟更多的公交线路,因为公共汽车载客多。但是自行车和小汽车数量减少会造成一些新的问题,例如一些人会感到不便。 由于这两种建议都不能有效地解决交通拥挤问题,所以人们开始意识到把这两种解决方法结合起来,加上其他方法,以得到最好的效果。,4.分析篇 分析型议论文主要是判断和分析所讨论的事

47、物或观点的性质。具体地说就是阐述其重要性,正确性,必要性或荒谬性,危害性等。例如:The benefits of making friends of different kinds; The importance making cities greener; The harmful effects of heavy exposure to TV。按照十句作文模式,分析型议论文基本结构如下: P I S (l) Topic S(2) Thesis (My attitude towards it) PII S(3) Thesis (more specific) S(4) Benefit (or E

48、ffect) I S(5) Detail_ S(6) Benefit (or Effect) II S(7) Detail S(8) Benefit (or Effect) III S(9) Detail1 PIII S(l0) Conclusion,第一段5(1)是引出要讨论的主题,如离婚率上升、体育锻炼热等。5(2)是作者对这些问题的基本态度和看法,是赞成还是反对。第二段5(3)把为什么赞成或反对的基本理由先扼要地提一下。接着5(4)、5(6)、5(8)从三个方面来阐述赞成或反对的理由,即阐述事物的重要性或危害性。5(5)、5(7)、5(9)则用具体的事例来论证5(4)、5(6)、5(8)

49、提出的重要性或危害性。最后一段是总结。有时分析不一定从同一方向进行,也可以从正反两个方向逆行。例如: 在一篇提倡体育锻炼的文章中,当中一段可以先说体育锻炼的重要性,然后说如不进行体育锻炼可能带来的后果。此时的第二段结构为: PII S(3) Thesis (more specific) S(4) Importance (with it) S(5) Detail_1 S(6) Detail 2 S(7) Consequence (without it) S(8) Detail 1 S(9) Detail 2,Sample 5 The Growth of College Athletics Out

50、line: 1. 大学里体育活动的现状 2. 开展大学体育活动的重要性 3. 结论 以分析现状,提出 (1) In recent years there has been a big 全文中心论点 growth in the area of college athletics. (2) Sports are so popular on campus that they have become an indispensable part of college education. 承上启下,前后照应 (3) College athletics contribute both to student

51、s physical -well-being and to 重要性一 /名词化 their mental well-being. (4) There is a new appreciation of the importance of sports as students bodies are increasingly weak and vulnerable to disease because of inactivity.,(5) School authorities, as well as students themselves, have realized that sports are

52、 especially necessary to a person who works 重要性二 with his brain most of the day. (6) Besides, sports offer a healthy form of escape from their monotonous routine studies. (7) Taking part in swimming, jogging and ball games can make their academic life richer and fuller 重要性三 (8) And most importantly,

53、 sports help to promote the development of a students personality. (9) Such traits of character as competitiveness, self-discipline, teamwork 同位语 and endurance the things much needed in their later career and lifeare encouraged 再点全文论点, and cultivated in sports. (10) College athletics 形成首尾呼应 plays a

54、vital role in a students life, and it,deserves further attention from colleges and universities. 评析 最近几年我国的大学体育运动蓬勃开展。不少院校不仅每年有运动会,还自办运动队。如何看待这一现象,本文就是阐述作者的看法。作者第一段用的是factsopinions的开头法。第一句描写近几年中国大学体育运动的现状(facts),接下来一句是作者对这一现状的看法(opinion),也即全文的中心论点。在第二段正文中,作者首先更具体地阐明自己的观点,大学体育运动对学生的physical well-bein

55、g和mental well-being非常重要。然后从三个方面来说明。5(4)、5(5)是说大学体育运动对提高大学生身体素质的作用;5(6)、5(7)是说对丰富大学生业余生活的作用;最后S(8)、S(9)则说对培养大学生的优秀品质的作用。 在英语十句作文模式中,三个位置非常重要,即5(2)、5(3)和S(l0),它们分别表示 Thesis (general),Thesis (specific) 和 Conclusion. 如果这三句所表达的内容是一致的,那它就如一条主线贯穿全文,把所有句子串起来,组成一个意义完整、统一的篇章。例如本文中的这三句: S(2) Sports are so popu

56、lar on campus that they have become an indispensable part of college education.,S(3) College athletics contribute both to students physical well-being and to their mental well-being. S(l0) College athletics plays a vital role in a students life. 这三句的内容几乎完全一致。因此学会用不同的表达形式来表达同一内容十分重要。本文中名词化的运用也令人称道。请比

57、较: S(1) a. There has been a big growth in the area of college athletics. b. College athletics has grown greatly. S(4) a. There is a new appreciation of the importance of sports. b. People now have appreciated the importance of sports. 名词化的目的并不仅仅是为了虚实结合,它主要还是为了求变化(Variety)。中国学生作文中用人称名词和代词作为主语的频率相当高,文

58、章中以 I,We,He,People开头的句子相当多。这不 是英语的表达习惯。那么如何改变这种情况呢? 名词化可能是办法之一。例如,下列各句中的 a)是名词化句: 1.人们对人口的迅速增长越来越关注。,a) There is a growing concern over the population growth. b) People are increasingly concerned with the population growth. 2. 家长一直要求对色情出版物进行打击。 a) There is a persistent demand on the part of parents

59、for an attack on pornographic publications. b) Parents continuously demand an attack on pornographic publications. 3. 人们都有一种感觉,现在的人没有以前老实了 。 a) There is a general feeling that people are no longer honest than they once were. b) People feel that people are no longer honest than they once were. 4. 如果我

60、们比较一下这两种交通工具,就会发现骑自行车更方便。 a) Careful comparison of the two forms of transport will show riding bicycle is more convenient.,b) If we compare the two forms of transport, we will find riding 5.我们应当认识到染上抽烟习惯的可怕后果。 a) There should be an awareness of the dreadful consequences of taking up the smoking habi

61、t. b) We must be aware of the dreadful consequences. 6如果我们不认识这个问题的严重性,就会犯大错误。 a) Our failure to recognize the seriousness of the problem will lead us to a big mistake. b) If we dont recognize the seriousness of the problem, we will make a big mistake. 7. 老师走了后,激烈的争论才告结束。 a) The departure of the teac

62、her brought the heated discussion to an end. b) After the teacher had left, the heated discussion then ended.,译文 大学体育运动的发展 大学体育运动的发展最近几年在大学体育运动方面有了很大的发展。校园里的体育活动非常普遍,体育已成为大学教育不可缺少的一部分。 大学体育运动元论对学生的身体健康,还是精神健康都有很大的积极作用。由于学生不大参加体力活动,身体素质下降,易患各种疾病,因此在大学里人们对体育有了新的认识。学校领导,甚至学生自己也都认识到体育活动对于一个整天用脑的人说来非常必要。

63、除此以外,体育活动为学生单调枯燥的学习生活提供了健康有益的调节方式。参加游泳、慢跑、球类活动使他们的学习生活变得更丰富,更充实。更重要的是,体育活动会促进学生性格的发展和完善。在体育活动中,像竞争性、自我约束性、互相配合性以及意志力和忍耐性等品质,得到了锻炼和培养,而这些品质在他们将来的工作和生活中是十分需要的。 大学体育运动在学生的生活中起着很重要的作用,应当引起大学教育部门更多的关心和注意。,5评 论 篇 评论型议论文也称为开放型议论文,因为文章只是客观地分析 和评论某一事物的正反两方面,或在某一间题上反映出来的两种不 同看法,并不下结论说这个事物对或不对,这个看法正确或错误。 这种作文形式尤其适用于评论电视、电脑、小汽车、安乐死等这 类很难绝对说好或不好的主题。根据十句作文模式,它的基本结构 如下: PI S(1) Topic: the issue to be commented S(2) Thesis

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