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1、专题限时检测(八)情态动词和虚拟语气(共3组,限时20分钟)1(2019无锡高三一模)According to the school rule, no child _ be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied by his own parents.Ashould BmustCshall Dcan解析:选C句意:根据校规,孩子不可以离开学校,除非有他自己的父母的陪伴。shall用于第三人称,在条约、规定、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,意为“应该,必须”。 2(2019无锡一模)I cant understand why he _ so ang

2、ry.I meant no offence.Its typical of him to be so sensitive.Amust have beenBshould have beenCmight have been Dcan have been解析:选B句意:“我不理解为什么他竟然会如此生气。我无意冒犯。”“他一向是个很敏感的人。”should此处意思为“竟然”。3(2019苏、锡、常、镇二模)Sherry rang to say she was too busy to come.Well, she _ say that. She is always making excuses.Amust

3、nt BwouldCneednt Dshould解析:选B句意:“雪莉打电话说她太忙了不能来。”“好吧,她老是那样说。她总是给自己找借口。”根据答语中的“She is always making excuses”可知,此处应用would,表示过去习惯性的动作。4(2019常州一模)Using AI, many companies are now conducting experiments that _ possible just a few years ago.Awould have beenBmight have beenCshouldnt have beenDcouldnt have b

4、een解析:选D句意:如今使用人工智能后,许多公司都可以做在几年前不可能做的实验。句意为否定,表示过去的可能性,故用could not have been。5(2019徐州、淮安、连云港一模)Its really great to have a computer to store my photos.Dont count on it too much.It _ break down and youd better make a copy of them.Amust BcanCshould Dwill解析:选B句意:“有电脑储存我的照片真的很棒。”“不要对电脑过分依赖。它有可能会发生故障,你最好

5、做个备份。”can表示可能性。6(2019徐州、淮安、连云港一模)What a pity! You missed my birthday party.Terribly sorry! _ my uncle not visited me unexpectedly.AShould BWouldCHad DDid解析:选C句意:“好可惜,你没有参加我的生日宴会。”“非常遗憾,要是我叔叔昨天没有突然来看我(我就不会错过你生日了)。”答句是一个省略句,省略了主句,而且还是一个倒装句。had my uncle not visited me unexpectedlyif my uncle had not vi

6、sited me unexpectedly。7(2019南京、盐城一模)Pele had bags of natural talent, but he _ without the determination to deal with all the problems life threw in his path.Awould never succeedBnever succeededCwould never have succeededDhad never succeeded解析:选C句意:贝利是很有天赋,但是如果没有处理生活中遇到的所有问题的决心,他是永远不会成功的。本句是由without呈

7、现的含蓄虚拟语气,再根据句中的第一个谓语动词had,可以判断此处是表示与过去事实相反的愿望,主句部分应该用“wouldhave过去分词”。8(2019镇江一模)I felt like giving up.I probably _, but my Dad whispered, “Come on! You can make it.”Awould have BwouldCshould Dshould have解析:选A句意:我想放弃。我可能会的,但我爸爸小声说:“加把劲!你可以做到。”but引导的并列句,表示隐匿的条件,根据谓语动词whispered,可知,此处表示与过去事实相反的愿望,所以主句中用

8、“would have过去分词”。9(2019泰州一模)Hope there will be an end to the trade war between China and the US.Indeed, otherwise both sides _ a lot.Amust suffer Bwere to sufferCsuffered Dwould suffer解析:选D句意:“希望中美之间的贸易战能够结束。”“是的,要不然的话,双方都会遭受很大的损失。”otherwise 表示隐匿的条件,根据句意可知此处表示的是与将来事实可能相反的愿望,所以主句部分用“would动词原形”。10(201

9、9扬州一模)If she _ make such a simple wish as not to be teased for disability last Christmas, Amy would still feel lonely now.Ahad dared not Bhadnt dared toCdared not Ddidnt dare to解析:选B句意:如果去年圣诞节她不敢许不被人取笑为残疾这么简单的愿望,艾米现在还是会感到孤独。由last Christmas可知是与过去事实相反,所以从句中用had done。11(2019南通一模)If it had not been for

10、the heroes contributions and sacrifices, we _ such a happy life now.Awouldnt have led Bwouldnt be leadingChavent led Dare not leading解析:选B句意:要不是英雄们的贡献和牺牲,我们如今不会过上如此幸福的生活。本句是混合条件句,从句与过去的事实相反,用的是“had动词的过去分词”。但是主句是与现在的事实相反,所以用“would动词原形”。此处是与现在正在发生的事情相反,用了进行式。12(2019南通七市二模)I would not be seeing the fil

11、m Green Book now _ me up in time.Awere Kathy not to pickBhad Kathy not pickedCif Kathy hasnt pickedDif Kathy did not pick解析:选B句意:要是Kathy没有及时的接我,我现在就不会在看绿皮书这部电影了。该句是混合条件句。从句部分是表示的与过去事实相反的愿望,所以应该用“had过去分词”。此处省略了if,将had提至句首。had Kathy not picked me up in timeif Kathy had not picked me up in time。13(2019

12、苏、锡、常、镇二模)The accident which left 15 people on board dead _ if both the angry female passenger and the bus driver had kept calm.Ashould have avoided Bshould be avoidedCcould have avoided Dcould have been avoided解析:选D句意:如果愤怒的女乘客和巴士司机都保持冷静的话,这起导致车上15人死亡的事故本来是可以避免的。根据从句中“had kept calm”可知本句是表示与过去事实相反的愿望

13、,所以主句中必须用could/should/wouldhavev.ed。又因为“事故”与“避免”之间是被动关系,所以用被动式。14(2019盐城三模)If the new security system _ into effect, such accidents would never have happened.Awould be put Bwere putCshould be put Dhad been put解析:选D句意:如果新的安全系统已经得以实施,这种事故本就不会发生。根据主句中的谓语动词“would never have happened”可知该句表示的是与已经发生的事情相反的愿

14、望,所以从句中用“had过去分词”。15(2019苏、锡、常、镇三模)The explosion in the chemical plant _ avoided had the county authorities, aiming too much at shortterm interests, performed their duties from the beginning.Ashould be Bmight beCmust have been Dcould have been解析:选D句意:如果县政府从一开始就履行职责,不是过分着眼于短期利益,那么化工厂的爆炸就可以避免。“had the

15、 county authorities, ., performed their duties from the beginning”是省略了if的条件状语从句。正常的语序是:if the county authorities had performed .;由此可见本句表示与过去事实相反的愿望,主句中应该用“would/could/mighthave过去分词”。1(2019苏、锡、常、镇二模)Ann said whenever her father was unhappy he _ go out and buy something, usually something large and us

16、eless.Ashould BcouldCwould Dmight解析:选C句意: Ann说无论何时,她爸爸不开心的时候,总是出去买点东西,通常是一些大而无用的东西。表示过去某种倾向或习惯性动作,用would。2(2019南京三模)Excuse me, do you mind if I open the window?Well, if you _.I can put on more clothes.Acan BmayCmust Dshall解析:选C句意:“对不起,我打开窗户你介意吗?”“好吧,如果你非得打开的话。我可以穿更多的衣服。”must表示“非得,一定要”。3(2019苏、锡、常、镇三

17、模)Mum, little Ray broke his toys again!It doesnt matter.You see, accidents _ happen.Ashall BshouldCmust Dwill解析:选D句意:“妈妈,Ray又弄坏了他的玩具。”“没事的,意外总会发生。”will表示“可能”。4(2019南京三模)Held inside for too long, regret_ affect the immune system.Amust BcanCshould Dshall解析:选B句意:后悔在心里憋得时间过长,可能会影响到免疫系统。can“可能”,符合语境。5(20

18、19苏、锡、常、镇三模) Its so cold here! Why havent you turned on the airconditioner?Well, it_ turn on.Ashouldnt BcantCwont Dshallnt解析:选C句意:“这里这么冷,你怎么不把空调打开?”“就是打不开。”wont表示“偏不,不愿意”。6(2019金陵中学、海安高级中学、南京外国语学校四模)I know the furniture is expensive but it will last for years.I_ hope so too.Acan BmayCmust Dshould解析:

19、选D句意:“我知道这些家具贵,但是比较耐用。”“我希望如此。”should“应该, 将会”,符合语境。7(2019扬州高三一模)During my first year at university, I was so busy studying and meeting new people that I did not write to my family as often as I_.Acould have Bwould haveCmight have Dshould have解析:选D句意:在大学的第一年里,我忙于学习和结识新朋友,并没有像我本来应该那样经常给家人写信,should hav

20、e表示“本应该做却没有做”,符合语境。8(2019常州高三一模)Why didnt you move to another city when you finished your further study abroad?I wanted to, but she simply_ let me go.Acouldnt BwouldntCshouldnt have Dmustnt have解析:选B句意:“你出国完成你进一步研究时为何不去另外一个城市。”“我想去的,但是她不愿意我去。”wouldnt “不愿意”,符合语境。 9(2019盐城三模)Can you give me some advic

21、e on how to deal with that tough customer?I_ to her instead of trying to explain over the phone if in your shoes.Awill write Bwould writeCwere to write Dwould have written解析:选B句意:“如何对付那个难搞的顾客,能给我点建议吗?”“如果我是你的话,我会给她写信而不是尝试在电话里跟她解释。”对现在的虚拟,主句中谓语动词用would do。10(2019苏、锡、常、镇二模)There_ a slight decrease in

22、his weight but he eats too much.Awas Bcould have beenChad been Dcould be解析:选D句意:他的体重本来可以减轻不少的,但他吃得太多了。根据后文的“eats”可确定主句表示与现在事实相反的愿望,故用could动词原形。11(2019通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿二模)What a relief! We would still be wandering aimlessly in the woods_ to bring a compass with you.Ashould you forget Bhad you forgottenCyou

23、 should forget Dyou had forgotten解析:选B句意:真的是松了一口气。如果你忘了带指南针的话,我们可能还在树林里漫无目的地徘徊。本句是混合条件句,主句是与现在事实相反,而从句与过去事实相反。从句中应该用过去完成时。had you forgotten是虚拟条件句if you had forgotten的省略形式。12(2019苏、锡、常、镇三模)I cant believe it.Tom failed the test again!He would not be so upset now_ your advice.Awould he follow Bshould h

24、e followCdid he follow Dhad he followed解析:选D句意:“我不敢相信。汤姆又没通过考试!”“要是他听取了你的建议现在他就不会这么懊恼了。”对于过去的虚拟,从句中动词用had done,这里是省略if的用法。13(2019金陵中学、海安高级中学、南京外国语学校四模)It is hard to believe that the heartbroken couple separated in World War could meet again on the same day that they_their fifth wedding anniversary.A

25、should celebrate Bmust have celebratedCwas celebrating Dwould have celebrated解析:选D句意:很难相信在第二次世界大战中分离的心碎的夫妇会在他们要庆祝第五个结婚纪念日的同一天再次见面。根据上文中的“separated in World War ”可知这对夫妻因为战争离别了,没有能庆祝他们的第五个结婚纪念日。所以该句是与过去事实相反的愿望,主句中用“would have过去分词”。14(2019苏州高三一模)The rain is coming down so hard!_ my umbrella this mornin

26、g, I wouldnt be trapped here now.ADid I take BHad I takenCWere I to take DWould I take解析:选B句意:“雨下得好大啊!”“如果我今天早上带了伞,现在就不会被困在这里了。” 对过去事实进行虚拟,从句中用“had过去分词”。此处省去if,将had提到了句首。15(2019通、泰、淮、连、扬、徐、宿三模)Trains to Nantong now only come to the outer city limits, because building the railway tracks into the city

27、 _many old buildings.Awould have damaged BdamagedCshould have damaged Dhas damaged解析:选A句意:到南通的火车现在只到城外,因为在市内修建铁轨会损坏许多旧建筑。该句是隐匿条件句,条件是“如果当时铁轨建到市里去的话”,表示与过去的事实相反,所以主句部分用“would have过去分词”。1_ me of the companys current situation earlier, I wouldnt have signed the contract with it.AYou informed BDid you i

28、nformCYou had informed DHad you informed解析:选D句意:要是你早些告诉我这家公司的现状的话,我是不会和它签合同的。根据句意及分析句子结构可知,本句是一个虚拟条件句,且根据主句中的“wouldnt have signed the contract with it”可知,此处表示与过去事实相反的假设,故从句的谓语动词应用had done结构;又从句省略了引导词if,故从句需用倒装结构,将had置于主语前面,故选D。2No wonder some people dont show sympathy for the victim of the accident.

29、 She _ have observed the traffic rules.Amust BshouldCneed Dwould解析:选B句意:难怪有些人对这次事故的受害者不表示同情。她本来应当遵守交通规则的。根据“dont show sympathy”可知,人们对事故的受害者不表示同情,她可能做了她本不应该做的事情。should have observed意为“本来应当遵守”,符合语境。3France has recently passed a law that says all supermarkets _ donate all of their unsold produce to cha

30、rities.Amay BshouldCwill Dshall解析:选D句意:法国最近通过一项法律,该法律规定所有的超市都要把它们没卖掉的商品捐献给慈善机构。在法律、条约、协定等文件中,shall可以表示义务、规定、命令等。根据题干中的“a law”可知,shall符合语境。4They are said to have been familiar with each other.But they _. They were introduced only hours ago.Amay not have been Bcouldnt have beenCmustnt have been Dneedn

31、t have been解析:选B句意:“据说他们以前很熟悉。”“但是,那是不可能的。他们只是在几个小时前刚刚经过介绍认识彼此。”couldnt have done在此处表示对过去事情的否定推测。5Mr Frank Smith truly stands out as the best friend and teacher combination. Absolutely! When I look back on what he did, Im not sure whether I _ the same in his position. Awould do Bwould have doneCmust

32、 have done Dcould do解析:选B句意:“弗兰克史密斯先生既是老师又是我们最好的朋友,他真的很杰出。”“绝对是!当我回顾他所做的一切时,我不能确定,假如我身处他那样的位置能否做到同样的地步。”该句表达的是对过去事情的假设,故选B项。6The measure of a mans real character is what he _ if he _ he would never be found out. Awould do; knew Bmay do; knewCmight do; knows Dshould do; had known解析:选A句意:对一个人品格的真正衡量是看

33、他在没人发现的情况下会做什么。此处考查虚拟语气,是对一般情况的假设。7But for the help of my English teacher, I _ the first prize in the last English Writing Competition.Adidnt win Bwouldnt winChavent won Dwouldnt have won解析:选D句意:要不是我的英语老师的帮助,我也不会在上届的英语写作比赛中获得一等奖。分析句子结构及句意可知,But for在句中引出了虚拟条件,即隐含虚拟,相当于If there hadnt been the help of

34、my English teacher,而空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,应用would have done结构。8Angela reasoned with Simon patiently and tried to persuade him to change his mind, but Simon _ not listen to her, insisting on doing that.Awould BmightCought to Dcould解析:选A句意:Angela耐心地与Simon讲道理并试图说服他改变主意,但是Simon不愿意听她的,坚持要那样做。根据句意可知,此处应用would表示一

35、种意愿。9Water _ to our planet during the first two million years after the birth of the solar system, a study has found.Amight be broughtBmay have been broughtCcould be broughtDshould have been brought解析:选B句意:一项研究发现,水可能是在太阳系形成后的头200万年里被带到了我们的星球。此处表示对过去情况的可能性推测,故要用“情态动词have done结构”。根据语境可知,此处表示“过去可能做了某事”,故用might/may have done结构。

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