Unit8 Topic3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. SectionB 学案(无答案)

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Unit8 Topic3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. SectionB 学案(无答案)_第1页
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Unit8 Topic3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. SectionB 学案(无答案)_第2页
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《Unit8 Topic3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. SectionB 学案(无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit8 Topic3 He said the fashion show was wonderful. SectionB 学案(无答案)(2页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、初二学年英语学科学案课题:Unit8 Topic 3 Section B 课型:听说课 授课时间:学案编号:8-8-3B 主编: 审 核:【学习目标】: 1. Learn a new word:traditional2. Go on learning object clauses:I guess its a traditional Russian costume.She said Jane knew a lot about fashion.3. Learn useful expressions:The model in the center of the catwalk looks so be

2、autiful.Here come another three models.4. Learn about different national costumes.5. Talk about the fashion show.【自主预习与合作探究】【任务一】 请同学们运用工具书,以小组为单位查找以下词汇的用法。看哪组速度快,质量高。1. traditional (adj.) 词意: 传统服装: 传统的俄罗斯服装: 传统音乐: eg:Its a (tradition) dress for Chinese women with different Chinese features.2. minor

3、ity ( n.) 词意: 少数民族服装: eg : _.我认为少数民族服装比我们的色彩更鲜艳。3 .西藏: 西藏人: 西藏语: 蒙古: 蒙古人: 蒙古语: 韩国: 韩国人: 韩国语: 【任务二】 预习课文,翻译重点词句。1.模特们登场了!译: 注:这是一个倒装句。 (1)英语中以here和there 开头的句子要倒装,主句若是名词,动词要放在主语之前。 eg : 这是你的手表。译:_ Here is the teacher.= _(2)主句若是代词,主语和谓语的语序不变。eg : 她来了。 译:_ 它在这儿。 译:_给你。 译:_单选:( )Look! Here _!A the bus co

4、me B come the bus C comes the bus 2. T形台中央的模特看起来真美。译: in the center of the catwalk是 短语作定语,修饰 。介词短语作定语,一律后置。(1)形容词作定语一般位于被修饰词前。一本有趣的书: 介词短语作定语一般位于被修饰词后。桌子上的一本书: (2)形容词作定语也有几种情况必须后置:(a)形容词修饰由any,some,no,every构成的复合代词时,一般只能后置。eg: 我有一些重要的事要告诉你。译:_ _(b)用and 或or连接的形容词短语修饰名词时,形容词也要后置。eg: 所有的人,不论年轻还是老,都反对这个计

5、划。译:_ _ _(c)表示长、宽、高、深、厚和年龄的形容词修饰数词短语时要后置。eg: 这扇门有2米高。译:_ _3.另外三个模特登场了,他们都穿着少数民族服装。译: another 作形容词时,意为“又一个,再一个”,其结构为: (1)another+单数名词eg: 请再喝一杯茶。译:_ _(2)another+数词+复数名词=数词+more/other+复数名词eg: 他想再要三支蜡烛。译:_ _=_ _ _4.但是至于其他的,我不确定。eg: (1)至于sb./sth., 就sb./sth.而言译:_ _(用于连接前面所谈,转入新的话题)eg: 至于你,最好还是快点。译:_ _ _(2

6、)the others(三个以上之中)其余的人(或物),相当于the other+名词复数。eg: 这两个苹果坏了,可是其他的都是好的。译:_ _ _ =_ _ _ 请看下列图示:(1) one another (一个一个地连续)(2) one the other (两个东西中的一个是one,另一个是the other(3) one the others (多数中的一个,余下的全部)(4) some the others (一方为一些,另一方为余下的全部)(5) some others 一方为一些,另一方为余下的一部分)5.你真了解时装。译: (1)know 汉意: 后面多接表示人的名词。eg

7、: 我不认识康康。译:_ _(2)know of 汉意: 后接表示人或事物的名词。eg: 你是怎么知道这个地方的?译:_ _ _(3)know about汉意: eg: 有件事我想了解一下。译:_ _ _6.在领域: 高级时装领域:_7.中国女性: 8.观看一场精彩的时装秀: _ _9.一条普通的裙子_10签名 _11.至于 _【听、说的训练】任务一.Listen to the tape in 1a and answer the following questions .(看谁先找出正确的答案)(1) Whats the first model wearing?(2) Whats the se

8、cond model wearing?(3) Whats the third model wearing?任务二.一读.Read 1a on page95.(组长负责每组的组员,要求全部会读,先完成的小组加10分)二读Check the answers.三读: Finish 1b on page 95.(小组合作,迅速完成)任务三 Look at the pictures in 2 and then ask and answer between the teacher and students.任务四Finish 3.【知识点拨】1 The model in the center of the

9、 catwalk looks so beautiful.T形台中央的模特儿看起来真美。In the center of the catwalk是介词短语,修饰 the model 。He bought a house of five rooms.他买了一套有五个房间的房子。【链接】(1)形容词作定语一般位于被修饰词前;介词短语作定语一般位于被修饰词后。如:An interesting book 一本有趣的书(形容词修饰名词)A book on the desk桌子上的一本书(介词短语修饰名词)(2)形容词作定语也有几种情况必须后置:形容词修饰由 any,some,no every 构成的复合代

10、词时,一般只能后置。如:I have something important to tell you.我有一些重要的事要告诉你。.用 and 或or 连接的形容词短语修饰名词时,形容词也要后置。如:All people,young and old,are against the plan.所有的人,不论年轻还是年老,都反对这个计划 表示长,宽,高,深,厚和年龄的形容词修饰数词短语时要后置。如:The door is two metres high.这扇门有2米高。2.Its a traditional dress for Chinese women,and its becoming popul

11、ar in the world of high fashion. 它是中国妇女穿的一种传统服装,而且它在高级时装领域内正逐渐流行起来。(1)a traditional dress传统服装, traditional adj.传统的。如: traditional Chinese medicine 中医traditional music传统音乐 in the world of 在领域。如:in the world of football 在足球界3.Here come another three models,and they are all in minority costumes.又过来三个模特

12、,而且她们三人都穿着少数民族的服装。(1)Here come another three models是一个倒装句。英语中以 here 或there开头的句子要倒装,主语若是名词,动词要放在主语之前。如: Here is your watch 。这是你的手表。Here comes the bus !车来了!Here she comes 她来了!Here it is.它在这儿。Here you are.给你 Another 作形容词时,意为“又一个,再一个”,其结构为:another + 单数名词another+数词+复数名词=数词+more/ other+复数名词。如:Please drink

13、 another cup of tea请再喝杯茶。Where shall we be in another ten years/ten more(other)years?再过十年我们将在哪里? Minority costumes少数民族服装 I think minority costumes are more colorful than ours.我认为少数民族服装比我们的色彩更鲜艳。4.But as for the others,Im not sure.但是至于其他的,我不确定。 As for sb./sth.至于某人、某物,就某人、某物而言(用于连接前面所言,转入心的话题)。如:I enj

14、oy going to the movie.But as for the theatre,I prefer staying at home. 我喜欢看电影。但要是去看戏,我宁愿留在家里。As for you,youd better be quick.。至于你,最好还是快点。【随堂检测】 I根据所给单词的适当形式或汉语提示填空1. Here _(come )another train.2. Its a _(traditional)dress for Chinese women with different Chinese features.3. The girl _ _ _ _(在 中央)the

15、 room is a famous model from Beijing.4. Jenny is a top designer _ _ _ _(在 领域)high fashion.5. Tom wanted to watch the car show ._ _ _ _(至于其他人),they chose the flower show.II.单项选择( )1.Jane said that she _a nice watch in Beijing. A.buy B. buys C.bought ( )2.A young man _Hong Zhanhui saved a child from t

16、he river. A.called B. is calling C. call ( )3.We need _people to do the job. A.another five B. more five C. other five ( )4.Bill didnt learn _Ben about Chinese history. A.as much as B.as many as C.as little as ( )5.Look!Here _! A.the bus come B. come the bus C.comes the bus 突出展示检测学法指导明确学习目标预习展示预习效果听力训练合作探究知识点理解展示巩固 2

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