广东省深圳市文汇中学2015届九年级英语上学期第8周周末作业(答案不全) 牛津深圳版

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广东省深圳市文汇中学2015届九年级英语上学期第8周周末作业(答案不全) 牛津深圳版_第1页
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《广东省深圳市文汇中学2015届九年级英语上学期第8周周末作业(答案不全) 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市文汇中学2015届九年级英语上学期第8周周末作业(答案不全) 牛津深圳版(13页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、广东省深圳市文汇中学2015届九年级英语上学期第8周周末作业一. Write down the English or the Chinese meanings of the words and phrases.根据提示写单词或写中文。(共10小题)1. gift_2. graduation_3. count_4. afford_5. present_6. knee_7. sign_8. search_9. n. 链子_10. n. 账单_11. n. 脚步声_12. v. 掏出_13. n. 梳子_14. v. 控告;控诉_15. n. 妻子_16. n. 笔记,记录_17. 集中目光、注意力

2、于_18. 递出_19. 被控告被指责_20. 用名字;以假名_二. Match the words and phrases with the meanings. 连线完成同义解释A B1. gift a record 2. afford b finally3. count c present4. search d look at or think about something with great attention 5. graduation e a woman whom a man is married to 6. draw f say that somebody has done s

3、omething wrong 7. fixon g try to find by looking carefully8. wife h a ceremony(典礼) that is held for finishing school 9. accuse i take something out10. at last j calculate the total number11. note k have enough money to buy 三: Choose the best answer according to the context. 根据语境选择最佳答案。( ) 1. He is m

4、ean. He seldom pays the _ when we eat together.A. goods B. bill C. clothes( ) 2. When Jim heard the _ of his father, he turned off the TV quickly.A. gesture B. smell C. step( ) 3. Can you see that _? That is a gas station. A. sign B. sky C. blackboard( ) 4. He wrote the short story _Mark Twain.A. ac

5、cused of B. under the name of C. instead of ( ) 5. Jane _ the key everywhere but she couldnt find it.A. looked at B. looked after C. looked for( ) 6.The young man_ murder(谋杀) and he was taken away by the police.A. was accused of B. was full of C. was afraid of( ) 7. To keep the dog from running arou

6、nd, the owner uses a _to tie the dog to a tree. A. chain B. crown C. chance( ) 8. The dress looks beautiful. However, I cant _it because its expensive.A. wash B. afford C. put on( ) 9. Every morning, I use the _ to make my hair tidy . A. toothbrush B. towel C. comb( ) 10. After finishing study in a

7、school or college, students will attend a _. A. graduation B. wedding party C. birthday party( ) 11. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. Thats why it is called _. A. purpose B. present C. pleasure四. Practice:1 He_ 3 years ago. But he stilllivedonhis parentsafter_ (graduate).2

8、. She tried _ (count) up to one hundred and backward. 3. The army have started _ the missing man. They have been in _ of him for a day.(search)4. These men _ of leaving rubbish everywhere. (accuse)5.He heard some _ . It seemed that someone was _ on the grass. (step)6.How many _ (cent) does a dollar

9、equal?7 The furniture is _ to me . So its possible for me _ it. (afford)8 Mrs Green is a housewife who only does housework at home. She is _ because she comes from _. (America)9 You cant _ “air”, so air is an _ noun. (count)10 Jenny is watching a magic show, and her eyes _ (fix) on the hands of the

10、magician.11. In my birthday party, I got a lot of _ (present) from my friends.12. A coffee cup might _ (present) as a memento (纪念品) of a business meeting.13. My little brother was happy to see me just now, and he _ (draw)some candies from his pocket to give me.14. Fresh vegetables have a lot of _ (g

11、ood) in them. 15. Please deliver the _ (good) to my house.五. Complete the sentence according to the context. 根据句意完成句子1.他昨天从单车上摔下来伤到左膝盖。He_ _ _ the bike yesterday and _ _ _ _.2. 他被解雇后马上开始寻找一份新的工作。He _ _ _ _a new job immediately after he was fired (解雇).3.他直接走进房间而不是对其他人说任何话He went straight into his roo

12、m _ _ saying anything to others. 4. 当李娜获得冠军时,所有中国人都为她感到自豪。All Chinese _ _ _ Li Na when she became the champion.5. 深圳的房价太高了以致很多年轻夫妇都无法买得起一个套间。The housing price in Shenzhen is so high that most of the young couples cant _ _ _ a flat.阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Chrissy had only been in heaven f

13、or a few days. She was a (n) _21_ angel there. Even though she was the newest angel, Chrissy had been given a very important task (任务). She was in charge of the _22_. Every Monday and every Thursday, she had to be _23_ that the clouds get together and spread their raindrops all over the world. Every

14、 living thing on the _24_ needed rain. Trees needed rain to grow _25_ and strong. Grass needed rain to _26_ green. All the animals had to have water to _27_ and to take baths in. And of course flowers needed the rain to look lovely and smell wonderful. So making the rain come was a very important _2

15、8_! But no one had told Chrissy how to make it rain, and she didnt know what to do at all. Chrissy asked one of the old angels if he could _29_ her. The angel that had the job before you used to tell sad stories to the clouds, and that made them cry, said the old one. But Chrissy was a very _30_ lit

16、tle angel and she didnt know any sad stories. So she didnt think that would work.( ) 21. A. unusual B. friendly C. new D. lonely( ) 22. A. wind B. sun C. snow D. rain( ) 23. A. sure B. worried C. glad D. surprised( ) 24. A. heaven B. earth C. sea D. grass( ) 25. A. long B. heavy C. tall D. wide( ) 2

17、6. A. feel B. keep C. seem D. sound( ) 27. A. drink B. wash C. play D. chat( ) 28. A. day B. lesson C. job D. project( ) 29. A. meet B. help C. protect D. appreciate( ) 30. A. smart B. foolish C. happy D. curious阅读理解(35分)i阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共25小题,每小题1分)AThomas Alva Edison is one of th

18、e greatest inventors of all times. One of his most famous achievements is the electric light. He tried thousands of times to make a long lasting light bulb (灯泡). Although the light bulb is not his invention, he is the only one to have made such a successful light bulb. Many people remember him for t

19、he invention of the electric light. He held a lot of patents (专利权) worldwide. Many of them were approved (批准) in USA. We can find his inventions in many fields. In fact, many of the advanced inventions were based on his ideas. He invented a phonograph (留声机), a film picture camera, a ticket recorder

20、and so on. Edison was not a good student at school. But he loved to do new experiments. When he was still a child, he built his first lab to perform his experiments. An amazing story of Edisons childhood is that he almost made his servant die. Edison used to think that birds ate insects and these in

21、sects might make them fly. So, he collected these insects and blended them to make juice. He then let his servant drink the juice. After drinking the juice, the girl lost her sense. But luckily, she was saved.( ) 31. Many of Edisons patents were approved _. A. all over the world B. in England C. in

22、America D. in Germany( ) 32. The _ is not one of Edisons inventions. A. phonograph B. film picture camera C. ticket recorder D. television( ) 33. Edison made insects juice and let his servant drink because _. A. he wanted to punish his servant for her mistakes B. he wanted to know if the juice could

23、 make her fly C. he hated insects and killed them D. his servant liked to eat insects and asked Edison to do that( ) 34. At last, the servant _. A. was saved B. lost her sight C. lost her life D. became an inventor( ) 35. Which of the following is TURE? A. Edison tried once to make the first light b

24、ulb. B. Edison was a very popular student at school and loved by his teachers. C. The light bulb is not Edisons invention, but he is remembered for it. D. Edison preformed his first experiment when he grew up.BAn Irish priest (牧师) loved going fishing. It was his favourite hobby. However, the weather

25、 was so bad this year that he didnt have a chance to go fishing. It was very strange that the weather was good every Sunday. But Sunday was the day when he had to go to work. The coming Sunday was good again according to the weather report, so he called another priest and told him that he lost his v

26、oice and was in bed with the fever. He asked him to take over his work. The priest drove fifty miles to a river so that no one would find him. An angel in Heaven was keeping watch and saw what the priest was doing. He reported it to God. He thought God would do something about it. With the first thr

27、ow of us line, a huge fish bit down the fish food. For over an hour the priest was busy running up and down the river bank to fight the fish. In the end, he landed the large size fish. It was a world record a Salmon (鲑鱼). The angel did not know what was happening and asked God, “Why did you let him

28、catch that huge fish? I thought you were going to teach him a lesson. God replied, I did. Who do you think hes going to tell?( ) 36. The priest didnt go fishing this year because of _. A. his hobby B. the bad weather C. his illness D. his strict wife( ) 37. What did the priest say to another priest

29、on the phone when he wanted to go fishing? A. He was going fishing with his family. B. He was in bed with the fever. C. he would go to see the doctor. D. he would stay at home and do some housework.( ) 38. Why did the priest drive fifty miles away to go fishing? A. Because there were more fish there

30、. B. Because that was a quieter place. C. Because no one knew him there. D. Because there were many people fishing there.( ) 39. The underlined word landed means _. A. won C. collected B. dialed D. caught( ) 40. God said he had taught the priest a lesson, because _. A. the priest did not know how to

31、 take the huge fish home B. the priest was afraid to see such a huge fish C. the priest had understood he was wrong D. the priest couldnt tell anyone else that he caught a huge fishCSome American Indians grew corn, sunflowers, beans, and pumpkins in their gardens. To prepare a garden, they first kil

32、led trees. Some Indians put a dead fish into the hole where they planted the corn in order to provide food for the corn plant. The Indians made little progress (进步) during the thousands of years before the Europeans came. One reason for this was that horses, cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens were not

33、found in America. Without horses, the Indians had a hard time digging up the soil, and they could only get animal food by hunting. Another reason for their lack of progress was that they did not know how to use metals to make tools. Stones and flat bones do not make good tools. Indian hunters would

34、sometimes hunt for days without finding anything. They learned to follow animal tracks (足迹). They learned to listen. In order to get close to their prey, the Indians had to move quietly. When they were close enough, they could shoot their arrows. Often, the prey got away. The Mayas were Indians. The

35、y were much more civilized (文明的) than American Indians. The Mayas were great builders. They knew how to write down their words, and some of their books still exist.( ) 41. The dead fish in the story was used to _. A. kill trees B. provide food for the corn plant C. frighten animals D. keep the corn

36、fresh ( ) 42. What does the second paragraph tell us? A. Problems the Indians had. B. How poor the Indians were. C. Reasons for the Indians lack of progress. D. Indian farming and hunting.( ) 43. The Indians made tools out of _. A. metals B. glass C. the bones of horses and cows D. stones and bones(

37、 ) 44. The Indians moved quietly so that they _. A. would get close to their prey B. would not leave some tracks C. could look at wild animals better D. could follow animal tracks( ) 45. Whats TRUE about the Mayas? A. They couldnt find animals. B. They came to Europe years ago. C. They knew how to w

38、rite down their words. D. They were less civilized than American Indians.DSammy looked out of the classroom window at a bird in a tree. He saw a worm (小虫) in the birds mouth. Wow! he whispered as he looked at the bird eating the worm. Sammy! his teacher Mr Maxwell said loudly. Sammy jumped and knock

39、ed his science book off his desk. Everyone in the class laughed and Sammy blushed. This was the third time today he had been caught not paying attention to the science lesson. It was just so easy to get distracted (分心的) when people read aloud from the science textbook! It wasnt that Sammy didnt like

40、 science. He loved to learn about machines, Earth and animals. He even thought bugs and plants were great. He wanted to go outside and see how a snake lived. He wanted to watch plants growing from the ground as they did last month. He just didnt want to read about these things. Sammy thought Mr Maxw

41、ell would surely understand. There was a bird with a worm in its mouth . Sammy began. Then he saw the furious look on his teachers face. Sammy decided that he had better stop talking before Mr Maxwell became any angrier.( ) 46. The bird was _ when Sammy looked at it. A. eating B. flying C. falling D

42、. thinking( ) 47. Mr Max well was Sammys _. A. English teacher B. science teacher C. uncle D. father( ) 48. We can know from the fourth paragraph that _. A. Sammy didnt like science B. Sammy liked to learn from others C. Sammy liked learning science in other ways D. Sammy didnt know about science at

43、 all( ) 49. What does the underlined word furious mean? A. Friendly B. Angry C. Special D. Foolish( ) 50. The writer wrote this passage to _. A. introduce to us a new student B. show us a science class C. introduce to us a beautiful bird D. encourage us to listen carefullyEThe Blacksmith I am a blac

44、ksmith. I am important because I make everything that is needed such as shoes for horses and other animals. I can also be considered a dentist, because I pull the tooth out if someones tooth hurts.The Miller (磨坊主) My neighbor is a miller. The mill that he owns and runs is extremely important. The mi

45、ll is part of the reason we live here. The miller grinds (磨) grain for farmers. Instead of getting money from the farmers, the miller takes a percentage of the grain for a payment. The Cobbler The cobbler makes my shoes. He is a very busy man because we walk a lot. The cobbler fixes old shoes and ma

46、kes new ones. Its very expensive to get a new pair of shoes, so I make sure my shoes are well worn before getting a new pair or getting them fixed! The shoes arent very beautiful. In fact, the cobbler uses the same pattern (模式) for every shoe, and it makes no difference whether its left or right! Ea

47、ch shoe is exactly the same.The Town Crier The town crier is how we get our news in the town. He travels from town to town ringing a bell to get everyones attention. When he tells the news, he doesnt give much detail, just words like: War began today.( ) 51. What can the writer do? A. He can make sh

48、oes for animals and pull the tooth out. B. He can grow crops. C. He can make shoes for people. D. He can grind grains for the farmer.( ) 52. The miller _ from the farmers for a payment. A. gets money B. takes a few of books C. takes a percentage of the grain D. takes a percentage of the flour ( ) 53

49、. The shoes that the cobbler makes are _. A. very beautiful B. the same C. very cheap D. different( ) 54. From the passage, we know people can get _ from the town crier.A. news B. moneyC. attention D. books( ) 55. The writer wrote the passage to _. A. tell us how to save money B. explain why he is a

50、 blacksmith C. introduce some people to us D. tell us a funny storyii选择下列词汇完成下面对话。(共5小题,每小题1分)A. on B. read C. many D. name E. much F. educationalTim: Excuse me. I am looking for a book written by Mark Twain. Can you help me?Mr White: Sure. Whats the (56) _ of the book?Tim: The Adventures of Huckleb

51、erry Finn.Mr White: Its an interesting book. At the same time it is very (57) _. Many people love it.Tim: Yeah. I have (58) _ all of his other books. Where can I find it?Mr White: Its (59) _the shelf on your right side.Tim: How (60) _is it?Mr White: 35 yuan.Tim: Here you are. 选择下列句子完成下面对话。(共5小题,每小题1

52、分)A. How about next Sunday?B. How was your last Friday?C. you havent told me the address of your new house.D. Then, is next Friday OK?E. Its far from your house.F. Juliet will pick you up at six twenty.G. What time?David: Hello, Mary. Would you like to come to our new house for dinner?Mary: Yeah. Wh

53、y not?David: (61) _Mary: Im sorry Ive promised to visit my parents that day.David: (62) _Mary: No problem. (63) _David: At six thirty in the evening. .Mary: By the way, (64) _David: Dont worry. (65) _Mary: Thank you.II. 21-25 CDABC 26-30 BACBCIII. 31-35 CDBAC 36-40 BBCDD 41-45 BCDAC 46-50 ABCBB 51-55 ACBAC 56-60 DFBAE 61-65 ADGCF13

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