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1、商务英语可行性陈述写作格局及需求一、商务英语可行性陈述写作需求挑选一个商务项目,对该项意图可行性进行调查研究与剖析,直至断定施行该项目并编撰项目方案,是工商安排常常进行的商务活动。二英语商务陈述的文体布局:一:Title (标题)二:Transmittals (陈述传达书,包含作者姓名和单位、呈送目标、日期)三: Contents (目录)四: Summary (总结、概要、摘要、概要)五: Introduction (导语、导语、导语、序文)六: Findings (body) (正文)七: Conclusions (定论)八: Recommendations (主张、定见)九: Refer

2、ences (参考资料)十: Appendices (附录、附件)三、商务英语陈述的写作口气通常来说,陈述大多由部属写给上司,运用的言语多为正式。此外,陈述的内容和篇幅也决议了其写作口气比商务信函要正式的多。在编撰商务英语陈述的进程中,能够恰当多运用一些能进步言语正式度英语语法布局。详细而言如下:运用被动语态,如:The e-Source message will be delivered to the target audience multiple times through multiple avenues.运用杂乱词汇,如:The training system incorporate

3、s (includes) many visual aids.运用长语句,如:The content and message of the kit will be similar to that sent to conventional outlets, but will be tailored to electronic media and will either be e-mailed to the Webmaster or sent in hard copy and on a diskette (软(磁)盘).运用名词短语,如:The rectification(纠正;改正) of thi

4、s problem can be achieved by insertion of a wedge(三角木).运用非人物主语,如:Putting a copy of this CD-ROM in the hands of editors of targeted publications will allow them to see for themselves the features of the State Computer Store.运用分词短语,如:Armed with this information, our customers will be able to identify

5、trends and make strategic decisions in accordance with their agencys goals.运用动词不定式,如:To streamline (使成流线型; 使功率更高) the internal approval process, we can e-mail our quote to our purchasing agent for budget approval.运用介词短语,如:With convenient access to Web Services in our online Electronic Product and Pr

6、icing Catalog & Order Tracking and Status System, customers can generate sales and service reports upon demand.四、商务英语陈述各构成有些写作介绍通常来说,商务英语陈述的常见构成有些有:摘要(Executive Summary)、标题(Title)、导语(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)、资料搜集办法(Methodology/Proceedings)、调查结果(Findings)、定论(Conclusions)、主张(Recommendations)、

7、附录(Appendices)等。以下就各个有些的内容及其写作办法别离解说。(一)摘要(Executive Summary)一份正式且篇幅较长的陈述通常在陈述的前面加上摘要。摘要通常不超越一页,是陈述的导语、调查结果、定论和主张的内容总结。这有些通常是在整篇陈述写好今后再写。非正式或篇幅较短的陈述则无需写陈述摘要。写摘要时,应注意以下几点: 尽量约束阶段的数量,通常可用三段式:陈述的意图、陈述的调查结果和定论、陈述的主张。 摘要写作的时态用通常现在时,由于陈述现已存在。如“This report shows”归于正确表达,而“This report will show”则不当。 陈述摘要中无需引

8、证详细数据。可用“by and large、the vast majority、only a few”等言语表达大约的数据或趋势。(二)标题(Title)陈述的标题应尽能够归纳陈述的内容,由于它是整篇陈述的信息浓缩,并且标题大概精确、客观,不该像报刊文章标题那样为了招引读者的注意力而独出机杼。此外,标题大概是名词短语或动名词短语。如以下几例:“Report on Improving the Training Methods of HDC、Report on the Proposed Incentive Scheme、Report on the Adoption of Flex-time Wor

9、king Systems”。(三)导语(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)在导语有些,扼要地阐明一下陈述的写作布景和宗旨。此外,还大概注明陈述提交给何人、何时提交的。如果是事情调查陈述应首要阐明事情的通过,包含事情发作的日期、时刻、地址、状况叙说等。以下是导语有些写作的常见句型: The report examines/explains. The purpose of this report is toinvestigate/evaluate/study The objective of this report is torecommend/analyze/gi

10、ve The aim of this report is tofeedback/estimate/assess Enclosed is a report about.(四)资料搜集办法(Methodology/Proceedings)陈述的这有些应阐明搜集信息或资料的办法和进程。在陈述中注明供给这一信息能够增强陈述的真实性和客观性,尤其是定见调查陈述。当然并不是一切的陈述都需求搜集资料,因而,并非每一种陈述都需求供给这有些内容。这有些内容在整篇陈述所占篇幅较短,能够写成一个阶段。以下是该有些写作的常见句型: A sample of workers was individually asked

11、for their opinions. A questionnaire was completed by those who were surveyed in thisproject. The information was mainly achieved with a number of telephone calls to manufacturers.(五)调查结果(Findings)陈述的调查结果有些是陈述主张的根据,其内容应当精确无误,布局明晰,言语流通、联接。这有些内容的每一个阶段都应当有一个明晰的主题句,通常放在段首,这样便于读者吸取这有些的信息。以下是这有些主题句写作的常见句型:

12、 The findings of the investigation indicate that It was proposed/found/ felt/discovered that It was generally the case that Most people thought/suggested that A number of people mentioned that Several changes were put forward. Several staff members expressed the view that若陈述中需供给图表统计数据或描绘行情走势,编撰人应当了解

13、这方面写作的常用句型,以下即是该方面写作的一些典型语句布局: The table/chart/graph/diagram/figure/statisticsshows/describes/illustrates that As it can be seen from the table/chart/figure It is clear/apparent from thetable/chart/graph/diagram/figure/statistics that The number ofincreased/jumped/rosesuddenly/rapidly/dramatically f

14、romto The number ofdecreased/dropped/fell greatly/significantlysharply fromto The number offluctuated slowly/slightly betweento The number ofremained steady/stable (stayed the same)betweento There was a (very) sudden/rapid/dramatic/significantincrease/jump/rise in the numberoffromto There was a (ver

15、y) sharp/steep/steady/gradual/slow/slightdecrease/drop/fall in thenumber offromto The monthly profit/figures peaked in December at 10%. The monthly profit/figures reached a peak/a high (point) inDecember at 10%. The monthly profit/figures bottomed out in December at 10%. Sales witnessed a great rise

16、/increase/drop/fall betweento(六)定论(Conclusions)陈述的定论有些是写陈述的人在陈述调查结果的基础上是对调查结果进行总结和解说。同一调查结果会由于编撰者的不相同而得出不相同的定论,但这有些不该当包含陈述前文中没有说到的新的信息。(七)主张(Recommendations)主张往往是许多商务陈述写作的最重要有些。一份陈述有用程度常常取决于陈述中所供给的主张的质量凹凸。主张有些主要内容为陈述编撰人在通过充沛的证明后以为应当采纳的办法或举动。陈述人有时也会描绘采纳办法后能够呈现的结果或景象。(八)附录(Appendices)正式的商务陈述为了增强陈述的说服力

17、或真实性往往会有一些附加资料,因其篇幅较长不宜放在陈述傍边,只能挑选放在附录中。这有些内容能够包含图表统计数据、实验室陈述、问卷调查等。当然,简略陈述若无此需求则不需添加附录有些。五、怎么进步商务英语陈述的可读性许多人在写完陈述之后往往会忘记或无视陈述写作的最终一个进程:对陈述进行修改排版,使之布局明晰,内容便于读者阅览。陈述中所添加的一些信息或符号好像公路上路标指引这司机开车相同为读者下降阅览难度,加速阅览速度,这一点对分秒必争的商业人士来说尤为重要。以下是一些供给陈述可读性的常见手法: 为陈述供给小标题; 运用小阶段,尽量做到每个小论题都用一个阶段来论述; 阶段与阶段之间空一行; 供给阶段

18、的小标题; 运用罗列符号罗列详细信息; 运用星号或下划线着重要点内容。下面为一份非正式陈述的两种方式,毋庸置疑,第二篇通过修改后的版别布局明晰、层次分明,内容明白、一望而知,其格局不论是对写正式陈述仍是非正式陈述都值得学习。Proposed Incentive SchemeMr. John Smith, Office Manager, has asked me to write this report ona proposed incentive scheme offering rewards, possibly financial, tomembers of staff for money-

19、saving ideas or ways to improve workpractices.A sample of workers was individually asked for their opinions. Thefollowing is the findings: most thought the incentive scheme was agood idea; most preferred financial rewards; some suggested time offinstead; A few thought this was a management area. In

20、general mostworkers were in favor of an incentive scheme offering financialrewards. It is recommended that the scheme be introduced.Richard Stewart http;/March 18, 20Report on A Proposed Incentive SchemeTerms of Reference:Mr. John Smith, Office Manager, has asked me to write this report ona proposed

21、 incentive scheme offering rewards, possibly financial, tomembers of staff for money-saving ideas or ways to improve workpractices.Proceedings:A sample of workers was individually asked for their opinions.Findings: Most thought the incentive scheme was a good idea. Most preferred financial rewards.

22、Some suggested time off instead. A few thought this was a management area.Conclusions:In general most workers were in favor of an incentive schemeoffering financial rewards.Recommendations:It is recommended that the scheme be introduced.Richard StewartMarch 18, 20-总归,在商务英语各类陈述的写作进程中若能捉住以上几点来写,不愁无从着笔。当然,这还要学习者平常英语常识和商务常识的堆集,才干到达非常好的作用。

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