八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival Section D 教学设计 人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival Section D 教学设计 人教新目标版_第1页
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1、八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival Section D 教学设计 人教新目标版Section D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: balanced diet, in short, not only . but also2. Review parative and superlative forms o

2、f adverbs:Jane cooked more successfully.Jane cooks more successfully than she/her.I cooked the most successfully.3. Learn healthy eating and its importance:We need to have enough food, never too much or too little.Its very important for us to keep a balanced diet.We should eat regularly.We should no

3、t only eat enough, good and healthy food but also eat regularly. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板或多媒体课件/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习食品名称,导入新课。1. (头脑风暴:复习食品名称,为讨论健康饮食做准备。) T:Brainstorming: We have learned many different kinds of foods. Please speak out the names of foods

4、 that we have learned as many as possible. Then lets see who will be the winner. S1: S2: (学生说完之后,教师给予评价,并让学生完成1a中的表格。教学生词,并让学生理解unhealthy。) T: Nice work!/Excellent! Can you divide these foods into healthy or unhealthy food? First discuss in groups. Then plete the table in 1a.2. (学生完成表格后,核对答案并给予评价。教师

5、引导,话题转入健康饮食。) T: Well done! As we all know, there are all kinds of delicious foods and everyone wants to eat healthily. What do you usually have for each meal? Discuss in groups for two minutes and give me your suggestions. (学生讨论后,让准备充分的小组上讲台前汇报。) G1: G2: (教师引导思考方向,同时对学生的发言稍加总结,给予评价。导入下一步。)Step 2 Pr

6、esentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 13分钟)呈现本课1a。1. (教师出示一个肥胖男孩的饮食习惯图片,让学生讨论什么样的饮食才是健康饮食。) T:We have talked so much about healthy eating habits. Now please look at this picture and discuss if the boys eating habits are healthy. Then tell us. S1: The boy eats too much sweets and has no breakfast. I think his eating

7、 habits are unhealthy. S2: He has too much meat and seldom eats vegetables. Its bad for his health. T: Well done. If the boy keeps on eating like this, he must bee fatter and unhealthier. These eating habits are bad for him, so keeping healthy eating habits is very important. Can you tell me what is

8、 healthy eating habits? Please discuss in groups and report to the class.2. (学生分组讨论,教师总结并呈现目标语言及生词。) (出示小黑板。)1. We need to have enough food, never too much or too little.2. The food must be clean and we should cook it properly.3. Its very important for us to keep a balanced diet.4. In short, we shou

9、ld not only eat enough, good and healthy food but also eat regularly. (教师讲解目标语言并教生词,其中学生必须掌握:balanced diet, in short, not only but also;理解: properly, regular, freely;了解regularly。)3. (出示小黑板上的问题,让学生边读1a边思考问题,迅速找出答案。) T: Boys and girls, do you want to know more about healthy eating habits? Please read

10、the passage in 1a carefully, and find out the answers to these questions.Do we need fruit and vegetables to make us healthy?How to keep a balanced diet?Should we eat regularly?Do you think we may just eat our favorite food? Why? (让几名学生回答,或分组讨论。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 7分钟)巩固练习1b,完成2。1. (让学生再

11、读一遍文章,完成1b的判断题。)T: Please read 1a again, and finish 1b.(核对答案。)Now, lets check the answers.2. (根据本单元所学知识,结合中国饮食习惯,给美国女孩罗斯写一封电子邮件,完成2。) T: We know different countries have different eating habits. An American girl, Rose, is going to visit China. Please write an e-mail to her and tell her something abo

12、ut eating habits and how to eat healthily in China. (让学生准备34分钟。找12名学生读他们的电子邮件。) T: Who can try? Please read your e-mail. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 9分钟)练习本课3a和3b。1. (练习3a,复习巩固副词比较级。) T: Read “Grammer focus” and then make similar sentences using these words and expressions.(出示小黑板上内容。)cookpearcarefull

13、ypeelbeefslowlycut upmeatfinelyspreadcurrylightlyscoopbreadneatlyoniongentlymushroom(蘑菇)Example: Mary cuts up the meat finely.Alice cuts up the meat more finely.Tom cuts up the meat the most finely.2. (复习巩固3b中的重要表达方式。用这些内容编一个对话。选两组学生来展示。) T: Read the sentences in 3b carefully, and then make a dialog

14、. Ill ask twogroups to act out the dialog. (学生展示成果后,教师给予评价。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 11分钟)组织学生讨论完成4。1. (完成4。组织学生分组讨论,每组根据本节所学知识做个周营养食谱,并说明原因。推选几名学生当评委,评选出最合理的食谱。) T: In order to keep healthy and strong, we should eat different kinds of foods. We shouldnt just eat our favorite food. Delicious fo

15、od may be not good for health. Now, work in groups, first plete the table in 4, and then give reasons for your menu. Well decide whose menu is the best. (给学生三分钟准备。) T: Have you finished your menu? Lets see whose menu is the best. (引导学生给予评价,互相学习。培养学生学以致用的能力,树立健康饮食观念。)2. (小组活动。每小组34人讨论健康食品和饮料两分钟,然后各组派

16、一个代表汇报讨论结果。)T: Now, work in groups of three or four. Talk about healthy food and drinks.(给学生两分钟讨论。)T: Now stop. Please report your results group by group.(对学生及时给予表扬。)T: Well done! / Good job!3. (组织学生分组讨论世界各国不同的饮食习惯,并填写表格。用小黑板出示表格。) T: Work in groups. Discuss eating habits in different countries around the world, and plete the table. (出示小黑板上的表格。) CountryEnglandCubaChinaEating habits4. Homework: (从因特网、杂志、电视上等搜集更多世界上不同国家的饮食习惯资料。) Search more information about eating habits in different countries around the world from the Internet, magazine, TV

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