2022年高一英语《No Drugs》教案

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1、2022年高一英语No Drugs教案教学年级:高一课题名称:Module2 No Drugs -Listening and Vocabulary & Speaking教材版本:外研版 授课时间:45分钟一、学生分析 班上的学生刚从初三升入高一的学习时,由于进行全英教学,有些学生还不是很适应,特别是从镇、农村考上来的学生,在听说方面有比较大的困难。由于初高中对学生的要求不同,学生普遍的问题是词汇量比较少,用中文思维,不知如何用英语表达等,但学生对英语学习的热情还是比较高涨,兴趣较浓。学生对本课时的话题No Drugs有所了解,在前一课的Reading and vocabulary中对吸毒及其危

2、害的词汇接触了一些,但还是比较有限。因此在教此课前布置学生通过媒体网络上了解相关的背景信息。在课堂教学中,努力激发学生参与教学活动的热情,积极思考,相互讨论,共同协作。二、教材分析 本课时所教的是外研版高一上学期使用的必修Module2中的Listening and vocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时。要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关吸毒和犯罪的词汇,培养表达结果,作总结逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论抽烟带来的危害,为了与听力部分的内容衔接,我对Speaking中的话题作个修改,把讨论吸烟的危害改编成毒品的危害。在这节听说课之前,学生学习了R

3、eading and vocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分抽烟、吸毒及其危害的词汇,本课时由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对吸毒这一主题进行延伸和拓展。三、教学目标 本模块是通过学习表达吸毒及其危害的词语和其它语言形式,养成良好生活习惯,教育学生关爱社会,关爱他人,远离毒品。 语言知识目标:词汇有:burglary, connection, crime, criminal, illegal, ratio, shoplifting, treatment语言技能目标:听懂有关吸毒及其危害的话语并获取信息,学会抓住关键意见,进行summarizing,并用英语讨论,表

4、达吸毒的危害。情感目标:提高自我保护意识,养成良好生活习惯,珍爱生命,远离毒品。学习策略方面:通过组织学生预测问题、听辩问题,培养抓住和辨别信息要点的能力。通过拓展讨论问题,培养学生独立思考,自主学习的能力。以individual work, pair work, group work等形式加强合作学习,从网上或其它媒体了解吸毒危害,学会分析、归纳。文化意识方面:通过听、说,还有一些补充材料加强学生为毒品危害的认识,提高自我保护意识。四、教学策略 本课时主要以听说教学为主线,以导学式模式培养学生的听力理解策略。以听力技能训练和口语表达训练为主线,贯穿说、读、写综合技能的培养。针对学生听力理解障

5、碍,在教学中遵循“循序渐进”的原则,进行知识的输入、技能的培养,和文化意识的渗透,良好学习策略的培养。本课时采用多媒体教学,给予学生更直观的感受,也加快教学的节奏。课前从网上或其它一些媒体上下载些与毒品以及其危害的图片和资料。五、教学过程I Organization for classII Teaching of the new lessonPart one: Listening and VocabularyTask1:学习新单词,扫除部分听力障碍Step1:做Activity1,复习Reading and Vocabulary中有关Adam Rouse的内容,从而学习新单词,通过师生的问答方

6、式引入。T:What did Adam Rouse do when he didnt have money to pay for his addiction?S: He broke into a house to steal.T: We call it burglary. So was it legal or illegal?S: Of course it was illegal.T: Sometimes some other addicts will not only break into peoples houses to steal , but also in small shops o

7、r shopping centers we call it shoplifting.T: Do you think that burglary or shoplifting are good behavior, good for society and people?S. Of course not. T: They break the law when they do it. It is a crime and we call those people who break the law criminals. Step2:通过稍微改编一下练习,巩固听学的新词汇。领读单词让学生做下列填空练习:

8、l. _ are the large places where you can buy things.2. It is _ to take drug as it is against the law.3. _ are people who break the law.4. _ is the crime of stealing from a shop.5. _ is the crime of stealing from a house.6. _ centers can help people to stop taking drugs.Task2:听力练习,层层递进,获信息抓关键。Step3:设疑

9、、导读、预测:T: According to the given vocabulary, can you guess what the listening material is about?(启发学生的想象思维)T: Go through the questions in Activity 2 and predict the answers.(让学生讨论,培养学生的预测能力)Step4:导听、释题、听辩交流: T:For the 1st time, listen and try to get the answers to the 5 questions in Activity 2. Requ

10、ire that students should write down some related information.Questions:1. Is the woman in the studio a police officer?2. Is she sure about the number of people who steal to pay for drugs?3. Do drug users only steal from shops?4. Do all drug users attend treatment centers?5. Are most drug users young

11、 men?(在教师的引导下,学生开始听录音) (针对听力练习的具体任务、目标)T: For the 2nd time, listen and try to fill in the form below. name of the intervieweejob of the womannumber of the people who use illegal drugs in Britainnumber of the people who break the law to pay for drugsnumber of the addicts who go to treatment centerscr

12、imes they mitAfter listening, check the answers.(在教师的指导下,学生边听录音斩作摘记,养成边听边记边理解的良好习惯)Step 5:浏览原文,检查核对,扫除疑问。再播放一次录音,把录音材料编成完形填空的形式,让学生复习,核对检查所听内容)(individual work - pair work)I=Interviewer P=ProfessorI: Good evening, and wele to the show. With me in the studio is Professor Marion Smith, who is an exper

13、t on the _ between _ and _. Good evening, Professor Smith.P: Good evening.I: First of all, how many people use _ drugs in Britain?P: Possibly four million people.I: Really? Four million?P: Yes.I: How many of them _ in order to pay for their drugs?P: Its possible that a hundred thousand people _ in o

14、rder to pay for their _.I: A hundred thousand?! Thats incredible. And what kinds of _ do they mit?P: Mainly _- in other words, stealing from shops- and _. Stealing from houses.I: I see.P: And theres another problem. Drug users get into trouble with the police for other reasons as well.I: What kinds

15、of reasons?P: Well., you often see drug users in public places, -_ , railway stations, for example- and some of the them behave so badly that members of the public _. Some people feel so _ when they see drug users that they call the police anyway.I: This is a really bad problem, isnt it?P: Absolutel

16、y, but the good news is that drug users who go to _ usually stop their _ activities.I: How many addicts go to treatment centers?P: Last year, about 30,000 people went to drug treatment centers.I: Thirty thousand? Thats amazing.P: Yes, there are such a lot of people that there isnt time _.I: What kin

17、d of people are they?P: Well, the majority are young people in their twenties. And about 75 percent of the young people are men.I: And do all these people live in cities?P: Oh no. The _ of drug users in society is the same in cities and in the countryside. But they all have something in mon. I: What

18、 is that?P: Drug users are more likely to _ at school.I: Professor Marison Smith, thank you very much.P: Thank you.(发放录音材料,让学生核对检查所听内容)Step 6: 给关键词,概括大意The connection between crime and drug addictionThe illegal drug use-the resultThe public s attitude towards drug usersThe way to help drug usersT: S

19、uppose you are the interview ,after you finish your interview with the professor, you realize that you still have got 2-3 minutes to end your program, now you are required to give a summary of your interview and call on the people to say no to drugs.(Ask students to discuss with his group members fi

20、rst and later check.)Part II Speaking 在学生完成听力的基础上,适当对听力材料进行拓展,通过提问引出相关的话题,让学生分组的讨论。Task3:设置话题,组织讨论,交流信息。Step7:教师根据听力材料,结合Speaking部分的内容略作调整。给出以下话题:1. Has anyone been to your school to talk about the danger of drugs? What are the dangers of using drugs?(to the drug addicts themselves, to the family an

21、d the society)2. What do you think of those drug addicts? What is your attitude to those drug users? 3. What do you think are the reasons for those people to bee drug addicts? What can the society do to help them?Step8:学生分组讨论、自由讨谈,由每组的group leader负责记录信息,组织活动。Step9:由教师主持,由各组代表发言、信息交流,用集体的智慧达到信息交流,解决问

22、题的目的,培养学生口语表达能力。Step10:Homework:(课后练习,延伸巩固)1、口语练习(组成一个interview)group work。Suppose you are going to have a program to make people realize the danger of taking drugs and you are going to interview the following people-a drug addict, a police officer, a clerk in the treatment centre. Give the proper q

23、uestions to each of them and make them interested in your topic. And of course the interviewee please be co-operative and give the proper answer. The whole team should try to make the interview go smoothly. The interviewA police officerA drug addictA clerk in the treatment centre2、作文:My idea about d

24、rugs。3. Evaluation about your performance in class. Make your marks out of ten1. How attentive were you?2. How much did you contribute to the lesson?3. How much did you learn?4. How much did you co-operate with your group members?30-40 very good2030 okbelow 20 not very well and need improving六、课后反思这堂课所实施的听力教学策略,打破传统“测验式”听力教学模式(即教师放录音、学生听做答案、教师公布答案、学生核对):遵循“循序渐进”的原则,由单词教学的引入听力预测细听找细节再听扫障碍口语训练的引导拓展,在潜移默化中培养听力理解和口语表达的策略。以听为主线,兼顾其它技能的培养。在技能训练的同时,输入相关的语言知识,进行情感教育,“珍爱生命,远离毒品”。在课堂教学中,激发学生的兴趣和学习积极性,共同参与,体验并协作完成任务,培养学生的合作学习态度。在听说教学的课堂教学中,需要教师良好的课堂驾驭和调控能力,预测学生可能出现的困难和错误,并对症下药,予以解决。

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