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1、2009机电工程技术年第38卷第08期物流车辆智能调度管理系统赖顺桥,肖熠琳(广州市光机电技术研究院广东省现代控制与光机电技术公共实验室,广东广州510663 收稿日期:2009-04-15,探讨了系统的工作原理,更好地满足企业JIT (Just In Time ;工厂智能系统文献标识码:B文章编号:1009-9492(200908-0019-031引言现代物流不仅要考虑从生产者到消费者的货物配送问题,还要考虑从供应商到生产者对原材料的采购,以及生产者本身在产品制造过程中的运输、保管和信息等各个方面,从而全面地、综合性地提高经济效益和效率。中国加入WTO 后,经济发展正面临着全球经济大融合的严

2、峻考验,在激烈的竞争环境下,各企业纷纷实行供应商管理库存(VMI 、JIT (Just in time 即时采购等先进的供应链管理,在生产方式上纷纷采用先进的生产管理方式准时生产方式(JIT 生产。这些先进管理方式的主要目的都是为企业能够实现“零库存”。然而,绝大部分的企业和工厂都忽视了一个重要环节材料装卸货环节(当材料从供应商出厂送到企业生产线上,必须经过装卸货,仍旧采用人工调度呼叫的管理方式。人工调度的方式大致如下:(1运货车辆到调度室用登记表登记;(2调度员通过对讲机询问在卸货区的工作人员是否可以调度该车辆进入卸货区,如果不可以,则叫该车到“待车区”等工作人员通知;(3得到卸货许可后,调

3、度员要去“待车区”寻找该车辆进入卸货区卸货。这种方式存在着出错概率大、效率低、易出现堵车、用工成本高等缺陷。本文介绍一套满足现代化生产需求的物流车辆智能调度管理系统,彻底解决人工调度方式存在的种种不足,实现货车全自动、智能调度呼叫的管理方式,大大提高货场车位的使用周转速度,减轻了人的劳动强度,提高了卸货效率,确保工厂外围送货车辆顺畅有序运作,从而大大地提高当前工厂物流的效率,对企业的增产和增收起着积极的作用。2系统组成与工作原理2.1系统组成系统组成如图1所示。硬件系统主要包括计算机系统、传感器及信号采集系统、通讯系统、LED 显示系统、语音广播系统、电源系统等;软件系统主要包括数据采集模块、

4、无线通讯模块、数据库模块、调度算法模块、指挥室车辆登记模块、参数设置模块、查询统计模块、打印模块、LED 显示模块、语音播放模块、待车超时提示模块、卸货超时报警模块及上位机界面设计模块等。2.2工作原理首先,每一个车位对应一个车位状态控制箱,即感应式IC 车位卡控制箱,能够实时监控该车位的使用情况。所有的车位状态控制箱都通过无线网络连接到服务器,服务器中的数据库系统同步记录了车位的当前状态。当货车到达厂区请求进入时,由指挥室将车牌号码等信息录入前台计算机。计算机通过网络系统发送登记信息并访问服务器数据库自动查询和检索,获得该车对应卸货的区域和可卸货的车位、相关车位状态等信息。计算机系统根据这些

5、信息,按预设的调度规则给出指令,提示该车能否立即进入相关的卸货区域卸货,如果不能,该车暂时在待车区等候。在待车区设有高亮度LED 显示屏和高音喇叭。当卸货车位空闲时,服务器根据系统调度策略,自动选中待车区制造业信息化2009机电工程技术年第38卷第08期图1系统组成示意图的某货车,负责调度呼叫的计算机通过无线网络将调度信息发送到待车区的室外高亮度LED显示屏,同时通过高音喇叭同步呼叫提示该货车进入相应车位卸货。当货车进入卸货车位进行卸货时,车位上的传感器感应到有车,对应的车位状态控制箱上红色指示灯亮,表示该车位忙。在规定的时间内司机必须先将IC卡插入该车位对应的车位状态控制箱的IC卡插卡槽内,


7、情况发生,从而发出警报声提示工作人员干预。货车离开厂区前将IC 卡交给保安或其他工作人员。对于以上发生的警报,指挥室计算机均能及时作出相应的提示,提醒调度员通过电话等手段进行管理。3软件设计设计的物流车辆智能调度系统软件模块流程图如图2所示。下面对系统的各个模块作简要的说明:(1车位状态采集模块,本模块主要负责监控和采集车位状态(有车或无车,并将此车位状态信息发送到上位机服务器(PC机;(2无线通信模块,本模块主要负责发送车位状态、车牌号码、系统控制指令等数据;(3数据库模块,本模块是系统的核心模块之一,是整个系统的数据中心,存储和记录整个系统的运行数据;(4查询统计模块,本模块用于查询和统计




11、试,目前该系统已经在某企业得到了很好应用,对企业的增产和增收发挥了积极的作用。相信随着市场竞争的日益激烈,自动化、信息化的日益发展及土地资源的日益紧缺等客观因素影响,物流车辆智能调度管理系统将会得到企业和工厂的广泛应用。参考文献:1冯耕中.物流信息系统M.北京:机械工业出版社,2009.2曹衍龙.Visual Basic系统开发实例精粹M.北京:人民邮电出版社,2005.3王丰.现代物流配送管理M.北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社,2008.第一作者简介:赖顺桥,男,1981年生,广西阳朔人,大学本科,助理工程师。研究领域:电子信息方向。(编辑:吴智恒图2物流车辆智能调度系统软件模块流程图制造业信

12、息化Abstracts09-08-13 Design of Injection Mould for DVD Door Panel Based on CAE Technology09-08-24 Computer Management of Mechanical Manufacturing IQC09-08-26 Hardware-in-Loop Simulation Research of Brake Performance of ElectroMechanical Braking System09-08-16 The Numerical Simulation of Process in La

13、ser Drilling09-08-29 Simulation System Design of Four Bar Linkage Mechanism09-08-19 Intelligent Scheduling Automotive Logistics Management System09-08-32 Cooperative Design of Automotive Electronics Product Based on Top-Down09-08-22 Construct Cooperative Design Terrace Based on Unitive Three-Dimensi

14、onal Digital Model09-08-35 Research of the Control Scheme of a Wide Format Ink-jet Printers Ziche-Servo-Motorprimary enterprises.Key words: dynamic enterprise modeling; Internet; cooperative 121design; terraceHUANG Gui-jian , HONG Jian-ming , LIANG Xiong , WU 33Xiao-yu , LI Ji-bin PENG Chong-jie Abs

15、tract: By analyzing the flow of Incoming Quality Control in Abstract: The structural feature and forming technology of the mechanical manufacturing company, the method setting up the DVD door panel were analyzed. By using Moldflow/MPI computer management system of IQC is put forward.software, the fe

16、ed system of the mould was ascertained. The Key words: IQC; ERP; quality management; PDCA; continual angle pin core-pulling mechanism was adopted and the improvementmechanism set inside the core-pulling slide preventing the plastic parts from adhering to the side core of the mould was designed, so t

17、he smooth demoulding of the plastic parts was realized. The structure of the injection mould and working process were discussed. The mould was already in mass production and the 12LIAO Jun-bo , WANG Jun plastic parts could meet the customers technical requirements.Key words: CAE; injection mould; fe

18、ed system; core-pulling; slide; demouldingAbstract: ElectroMechanical braking system (EMB is a new type of braking, this paper set up the hardware-in-loop simulation platform for EMB, and did the brake performance simulation of EMB with/without ABS control algorithm, and ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Qing-mao th

19、en analyzed the result compare with the requirement of national standard.Abstract: For the purpose of depicting the morphology of the Key words: ElectroMechanical braking; EMB; brake holes and the rule of temperature field during Nd:YAG laser performance; hardware-in loop-simulationdrilling, a three

20、-dimensional physical model of laser drilling has been made. Programmed by APDL, the load of Gauss laser heat flux is imposed on the area of laser drilling, the temperature field of Nd:YAG laser drilling is simulated and calculated by ANSYS WANG Wen-ming, ZENG Cong-min, GAO Ying-minsoftware, and the

21、 result shows that the morphology of the holes are conical, and the highest temperature is about 5.617103 at the spot and the temperature declines gradually along the radius Abstract: The mathematic model of four bar linkage mechanism with the center of the spot. Compared with the actual drilling is

22、 constructed by means of complex vector, and the trajectory, results, we find that simulation results and experimental results displacement, velocity and acceleration of the four bar are coinciding.mechanism have been analyzed . At the same time, based on VB, Key words: ANSYS; laser drilling; temper

23、ature field; numerical the simulation system of four bar linkage mechanism is simulationestablished. This study may provide a method for the design and application of four bar linkage mechanism.Key words: computer application; four bar linkage mechanism; simulation systemLAI Shun-qiao Abstract: In o

24、rder to solve the problems of the artificial scheduling call management in logistics enterprises vehicle ZHANG Yong-bo, MU Bin, ZHONG Jin-jin scheduling, and meet the requirements of the JIT (Just in Time production modes better, the paper introduces a logistics vehicle Abstract: Aiming at the short

25、age and application problem of the intelligent scheduling management system. The working skeleton used Top-Down design, a technology of Top-Down principle of the system is discussed, and the hardware and design based on the skeleton and the layout is put forward. software are designed. It can improv

26、e production efficiency and Combine with the concurrent engineering and cooperative design management level.of an automotive electronics, the building and issuance of the Key words: automotive logistics; scheduling management; product control construction and the transfer of the restructure factory

27、intelligent systemsinformation is summarized and discussed.Key words: Top-Down; cooperative design; layout; automotive electronicsCAO Bing1121Abstract: There are more than 900 enterprises in Deyang, which LIAO Qiang , YAN Wei , XIA Yang , XIE Qian-taois an important technology and equipment manufact

28、uring base of China. But the enormous discrepancy in the technical level of numerous enterprises restricts the development of whole heavy Abstract: Choosing S12 single chip microcomputer as the core technical equip base. Construct technical indraught terrace, to realize a new kind of rare earth brus

29、hless DC motor system, technical cooperative terrace and public design terrace consisting the hardware and software design are offered. The system is of enterprise public portal, by cooperative design system based simplified and control efficiency is enhanced without special on unitive three-dimensi

30、onal digital model, cooperative manage control chip. Application of optical coupler ensured the correctly system of ASP and internet website of enterprise cooperative transmitted the signal. Incremental PID algorithm is used in the portal. Construct the bridge between primary and subordinate motor s

31、peed-control, the electric current and velocity double enterprises. The subordinate enterprises share in talent, technical closed-loop control is also used to enhance the motors stability.resource, tester and so on, improving their capability of serving(1. College of Mechatronics and ControlEngineer

32、ing, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen518055, China; 3. Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced (Guangdong Foshan Pump Factory Co., Ltd, FoshanMould Manufacturing Technology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 52800

33、0, China518060, China(1.Guangzhou Automobile GroupCo.,Ltd. Automotive Engineering Institute, Guangzhou 510640, China; 2.Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China(Laboratory of Laser ProcessingTechnology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006,China(Department of Mechanical and

34、Electrical Engineering, Xingtai Polytechnic College, Xingtai 054035, China(Guangzhou Research Institute of O-M-E Technology, Guangzhou 510663, China(ECRIEE, Hefei230000, China(Department of Computer Science, Sichuan Engineering Technical College, Deyang 618000, China(1.Mechanical Engineering Department, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; 2.Haijing Printing and Advertisement Co.,Ltd, Chongqing 400010, China

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