2022年高中英语阅读理解 第二部分 欧美习俗(六)练习

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1、2022年高中英语阅读理解 第二部分 欧美习俗(六)练习Money Wise. 1) Americans spend more than they have, so they are almost always in debt. Chinese spend less or equal to the amount they have, so they always have money left in the bank for emergency.2) American kids love to make money by themselves. Chinese kids almost alwa

2、ys ask money from their parents. 3) American parents think attending an expensive but prestigious college is useless. Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to good colleges even if it means that they have to sell everything they own.Relationship Wise. 1) American girls are usually

3、 very straightforward when expressing their love. They dont use wicked tricks to get their boyfriends. Chinese girls are subtler in their ways of expressing love. Usually, they wait for the other party involved for signs. Sometimes, Chinese girls would even spread rumors about the girl that the boy

4、likes in order to separate them so that she gets the boy for herself. 2) American girls dont tolerate any mistakes that their boyfriends make while Chinese girls always suffer silently. School Wise1) American girls are almost always involved in sports, dancing and singing groups while Chinese girls

5、are almost always involved in academic and instrumental groups.2) American students think that B is a gift while Chinese students think that B is a death sentence. American Parents VS. Chinese Parents 1) American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their boy or girl friends as long

6、as they e home at the certain curfew. Chinese parents usually dont approve of having relationship in middle or high school. 2) American parents support and encourage their children at all times while Chinese parents think that criticism is the best love in the world. 3) American parents only look at

7、 their childrens good side. Chinese parents seem to only see their childrens bad side. American Teachers VS Chinese Teachers 1) American teachers love everyone equally. Actually, they love bad students more than good students. Chinese teachers always favor the good students. 2) During a parents meet

8、ing, American teachers will always find good things to say to the parents, even to those with the worst grades. While Chinese teachers tell the parents every single mistake that their children made in school. 3) American teachers dont teach. They just sit there and make the students read on their ow

9、n. Chinese teachers teach things that are not even in the book. The above parisons are strictly based upon an observation for the past 10 years. It applies to the general population rather than specific cases. Therefore, any disagreement incurred is inevitable. prehension Questions: (True or False)1

10、. Chinese children like to make money by themselves, while American children do the opposite. ( )2. American girls expressed their love or feelings to their boyfriends directly while Chinese girls not. ( )3. Chinese parents would pay more attention to famous schools or colleges than American parents

11、. ( )4. At a parents meeting, the Chinese teachers will always say good things to the parents about their children. ( )(FTTF)中国的文化对美国的文化It cannot be judged which culture is better, for it is obvious that both American and Chinese cultures have their pros and cons.As the American peoples concept of b

12、eing polite is different from that of the Chinese, it is necessary to discuss the uses of “please”, “excuse me” and “thank you”. The Chinese people use “please” as often as they do on most occasions. But on some occasions they dont use this word. For instance, Chinese teachers rarely say “Please sit

13、 down” when their students have answered their questions and the traffic police are also not accustomed to using “please” when they are on duty. The Americans say “please pass me the salt” instead of stretching out their arms to reach for it. So dont forget to say “please” whenever the situation req

14、uires it if you are in the United States. The Americans say “excuse me” more often and on more occasions than the Chinese people. We say “Excuse me” when we need to pass in front of someone, to leave a party or the dinner table or when we want to excuse ourselves from pany or find ourselves late for

15、 an appointment and so on. “Thank you” means that you appreciate what someone has done for you, very often for very small and most ordinary things. So people in the West thank people all day long. prehension Questions: (True or False)1. According to the passage, both American and Chinese cultures ha

16、ve their advantages and disadvantages. ( )2. The expression “excuse me” is more often used by Chinese than by Americans. ( )3. In China, you will often hear teachers or traffic policemen say “please” to you. ( )4. “Thank you” is the most monly used expression in the Western countries. ( )(TFFT)28. D

17、ifferent Likes of Different Peoples不同民族有不同的爱好It is interesting to know what people of different nations like to do best.In France, love is the major pastime for ordinary people. When a woman enters a cafe or a restaurant she is freely discussed, not only about her appearance but about her past and f

18、uture as well. She invites looks in the street whether she is beautiful or plain. There is no better way for a woman to regain her self-confidence than a walk in the streets of Paris or Marseilles.In Italy, people love talking. They sit about in cafes, exchanging news and discussing politics. They d

19、o not hesitate to ask questions about the family, ine and private life of anybody who happens to be there.The Swiss eat as a pastime, ladies walk into a teashop, eat a couple of ice-creams and a large piece of chocolate cake, and then leave, plaining about their weights.For the Americans, the greate

20、st fondness is said to be the push of buttons. You push a button in the lift; you push a button for cigarettes, chewing gums, and stamps even for a life insurance. You can even push a button and get married and another button to get divorced. In England, waiting in a line is a national passion. The

21、English will form a line whenever they have the opportunity. Long queues can be seen, for example, at stations when the train is practically empty and everybody can have a seat.prehension Questions:1. When a Frenchwoman enters a cafe or a restaurant _A. she doesnt mind being talked about. B. she doe

22、snt mind talking with young men.C. she will be talked about though it may make her angry. D. the waiter will be free to have a discussion with her about what she will drink or eat.2. The sentence She invites looks in the street whether she is beautiful or plain means _A. No matter how she looks, she

23、 asks passers-by to look at her in order to regain her self-confidence.B. Not knowing whether she is beautiful or plain, she asks someone in the street to look at her and tell her the truth.C. No matter how she looks, she tends to attract passers-by in the street.D. Beautiful or plain, she will not

24、be noticed unless she invites someone to.3. Italian people like to spend much of their time _A. reading. B. talking.C. shopping. D. plaining.4. In which of the following countries do people enjoy eating ice creams and chocolate cakes most? _A. France. B. Italy.C. Switzerland. D. England.5. Which of

25、the following statements is true according to the passage? _A. Whenever Americans see buttons they will push them. B. Whenever Englishmen have the chance they will line up. C. Whenever the Swiss pass by a teashop they will buy ice creams.D. Whenever Italians meet they will exchange news and discuss

26、politics.(ACBCB)29. Good Manners in China Are Good in America?在中国有礼貌的事情在美国也适用吗礼貌是有国别的,具有民族性。在一国看来彬彬有礼的举动,到了另一个国家可能就是不敬。相信你在看到这篇文章题目的时候,已经有了自己的回答。但具体的适用性如何?赶紧来看文章的具体内容吧,相信当中的细节会对你有益。for example, he might say, No, thanks. Ill take some orange juice if you have it. That is what an American will do. So

27、when you go to the United States, youd better remember the famous saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.prehension Questions:1. When a Chinese host kept putting more food onto the plate, an American would feel _A. very happy. B. sad. C. uneasy. D. angry.2. In the West, people consider it bad man

28、ners _A. to refuse an offer. B. to ask for something directly. C. to eat much at a dinner party.D. to keep asking someone to accept something.3. A guest at an Americans dinner party would show his politeness by _A. asking for things directly if he wants.B. not eating up all the food offered. C. putt

29、ing more food onto his plate as soon as he has emptied it. D. refusing the offer of food or drink though he is still hungry or thirsty. 4. When in Rome, do as the Romans do means _A. the Romans are people of good manners. B. people in the United States want to learn from the Romans.C. Americans alwa

30、ys do the same things as the Romans do. D. you should get used to the local customs wherever you go. (CDAD)30. Every Country Has Its Own Custom每个国家都有自己的习俗 “Where are you going?” This question is often asked by Chinese when two friends meet in the street. But if you ask Americans the same question, t

31、hey will be puzzled because they think that “going to some place” is quite a private business of their own. It has nothing to do with other people. In their eyes, only a policeman will ask such a question in the street.The same thing will happen to Americans if you ask, “Have you had your meal?” In

32、fact, to us Chinese, such questions do not mean anything but a greeting.In America when two friends meet in the street, they will say, “Hello!” or “How are you?” instead of asking him the questions mentioned above. If two friends meet at meal time and one asks the other, “Have you had your meal?” th

33、at means he wants to invite his friends to have a meal with him. Its quite different from what it means in Chinese.In England people like to talk about weather when they meet. As the weather changes very often in England, it bees the most important topic among people. If you go to England, you must

34、be good at discussing the weather, or you will find yourself stilted. There is a very important rule in discussing the weather: You must never contradict anybody when talking about weather. Should it rain and snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from sides of the road, and should someone remark

35、to you, “Nice day, isnt it?”- answer without hesitation: “Isnt it lovely?”So, you see, different countries have different customs.2. The sentence “Have you had your meal?” means _ to us Chinese.A. something like “Hello!” B. inviting somebody to dinner. C. caring for others. D. intending to eat somet

36、hing.3. The passage seems to tell us _A. people in England only talk about weather. B. the British care little about weather. C. the British have to know weather before going out. D. the importance of how to greet the people in different ways.4. Suppose that an Englishman met you on a rainy day and said to you, “What good weather!” You should answer him with _A. “I dont think so.” B. “No, it is raining.”C. “Yes, isnt it lovely?” D. “Oh, just so-so.”(BADC)

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