2022年高中英语 Unit4 Learning efficiently阅读课教案 新人教版

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit4 Learning efficiently阅读课教案 新人教版NSE Book 10 Module 4 Learning Efficiently 内容简析本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材选修10第四单元的Reading 部分,本单元的话题是语言学习策略,即通过如何改善听说读写的技能来使学习更加有效。 本节课是单元的阅读课,教材以典型的说明文的文体呈现,教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上, 结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动,旨在帮助学生有效地掌握阅读技巧, 形成有效地学习方法和阅读策略, 同时,了解说明文篇章结构和写作特点,为下一步进行说明文的写作教学做

2、好准备。目标定位本节课为高三上学期的教材内容,尽管学生通过高一、高二的英语学习已经掌握了一定的阅读方法和技巧,但对于不同文体和体裁的英语文章所应用的阅读方法和策略仍不够熟练,本节课的主要目的就是侧重训练学生应用恰当和有效地阅读方法及策略来培养和提升学生阅读说明文的能力。并在对文章充分理解的基础上,把握说明文的语言特点、篇章结构及写作技巧。 (一)知识目标1、初步理解、掌握课文中关于学习策略的等方面的词语,学习分析课文中的长难句子,初步感知课文中出现的的本单元要学的语法现象。2、了解英语空间性说明文的写法, 能运用已有知识和新学词汇,从地理、历史、人文方面介绍某一个区域。(二)技能目标 1、学会

3、运用课文中提到的有效的阅读方法2、能理解文章主旨大意,获取信息、处理信息、进行推理判断和表达的能力。 3、形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力4. 能根据说明文的基本篇章框架写出符合逻辑的文章。(三)策略目标1、能使用速读、 略读、查读、预测、猜测词义等阅读策略2、能利用每段的内容概括段落大意。3、利用联想、推理和归纳等手段分析和解决问题。(四)情感态度目标 通过阅读策略和方法的学习,增强学生的学习自信心和积极性 方法选择1、整体教学法2、体裁教学法 3、导、读、练的教学模式 教学流程 Pre-reading环节一:Leading-inActivity: Talking about Gau

4、ss The teacher presents the famous example of Little Gauss and get the students to discuss this example and then brings up the topic “How to Learn Efficiently?” 123100 ?C.F. Gauss(高斯), the great German mathematician(数学家) worked out the problem with an easier method in a few seconds at the age of ten

5、.1100 , 2 99,398,4952,5051 altogether 50 pairsSo : 101505050【设计意图】这个活动以具体的实例展示了有效学习的良好效果,学生们对这道著名的数学题都非常熟悉。配之以图片和具体的演算教师能够立刻吸引学生的兴趣,同时也不失时机的把话题导入到:How to Learn Efficiently上来。While-reading环节二:PredictionActivity: Predicting what the text will talk about before reading After writing “How to Learn Effic

6、iently” on the blackboard, the teacher gets the students to predict “What will the text say about reading” to arise the students interest and desire to make further exploration.【设计意图】这个活动旨在培养学生对话题的敏感性和根据文章题目文体等预测文章内容的能力。通过阅读文章的题目,判断文章的文体,根据文章的文体预期文章内容是一种很好的阅读策略, 高中学生在母语学习过程中接触到了很多不同的文体, 在英语教学中教师要考虑到

7、学生的认知水平,有效迁移到英语学习中。这对于学生有效阅读,乃至写作能力的培养很有帮助。同时,判断和预测能激发学生的探究动机, 使其产生强烈的学习期待心理,这种心理会促使学生带着浓厚的兴趣学习,学生借助于已有的语篇知识, 话题知识储备,进行判断、预测,然后通过交流, 讨论修正预测, 调整预测, 使思维层层跟进,阅读步步深入。 环节三:SkimmingActivity: Reading the text quickly and finishing Ex. 1 in prehending on Page 34.The students read the text quickly and silent

8、ly to conclude the main idea of each paragraph and understand the main idea. The teacher should give the students some guidance to help them use the proper skimming strategy.Answers:1. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT2. MAKE YOUR RADING PRACTICE ENJOYBLE3. LEARN THE TECHINIQUES OF GOOD READERSa Before reading

9、 in details, good readers preview the text.b A good reader reads actively not passively.c A good reader reads in different way depending on the purpose for reading.d A good reader doesnt need to understand every word in a text.4. SUMMARY【设计意图】本篇课文在每一自然段的开头都留出了一道空格让学生归纳和概括该段的内容。因此,教师要引导学生快速浏览文章, 通过对每

10、一段相关内容的理解,通过对每一段所提供的信息的粗略分析对文章的每一段大意形成大概判断和和理解。并进而理解全文。要求学生使用默读的方式, 注意信息处理的层次, 大体了解文章内容并概括出每一段的大意。环节四:Scanning Activity: Reading the text, focusing on some detailed informationThe students read the text again, based on what they have known of the whole passage, to obtain required specific informatio

11、n. The teacher gives some guidance on how to focus on what is necessary information, and ignore what is unnecessary information. Read the text and answer:1) Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. To read the first page is one way to test whether a text is at the right level to you.B

12、. Reading techniques are up to you, so it isnt necessary to read as good readers do.C. A good reader doesnt need to understand every word in a text.D. Before reading in detail, good readers preview the text.2) There are many pre-reading activities before many of the reading texts in Students Book. T

13、he reason is _.A. to let you know about the subject or the organization of the text.B. to ask you to recall your knowledge about the subject.C. to teach you some of the new words you will find in the text.D. to ask you to glance at the way the text is organized.3) What is the primary purpose of this

14、 passage?_4) What does “It” refer to in the sentence “It is the same with reading”?_5) According to the author, how to bee a successful reader?_Answers: 1) B 2) A 3) to tell us how to practice reading using right techniques4) If your reading technique was all wrong, even if you practised for a long

15、time, you would probably never bee really good at it.5) You need to have plenty of reading practice using the right techniques【设计意图】创设问题情景有利于培养学生的自主学习能力与探究能力, 几个问题围绕文章的中心内容设计, 学生带着问题有目的地阅读, 教师给予方法上的点拨, 学生在阅读的过程中不断的获取信息、分析信息、整合信息,形成阅读方法,提高阅读技能。同时,五个问题答案指向的信息, 为文章的主要内容,在信息处理的过程中, 学生对于全文必然更深层面的理解。环节五:F

16、urther readingActivity: Reading the text and understanding the text further The students read the text again and answer these questions in groups and voice their opinions bravely. 1) Why does the writer repeat the word “practice” many times in the text? 2) Which sentence in the passage can be replac

17、ed by the following one?in spite that natural talent is also of importance to great achievements, anyones performance will benefit from his correct techniques and practising. 3) What do you think is the most important to improve your reading ability? Why? Answers:1) To emphasize the importance of pr

18、actise.2) Natural talent also plays a part in high achievement, but learning the correct techniques and then practising them will improve anyones performance.3) The answers vary.【设计意图】在学生已经从整体上和细节上理解了全文后,教师再提供几个开放式的更深入的题目让学生进行深入的理解,从而培养学生对文章的深层分析和理解能力。这几个题目以阅读表达的方式呈现,就是为了培养学生的深入理解和独立思维的能力。Post-readi

19、ng环节六: Reorganizing informationActivities 1: Finding words and expressions to fill in the blanks The students fill in the blanks with words from the text and they can go back to the text again if necessary.plete the following passage according to the text. As we all know, _makes perfect. Learning co

20、rrect techniques and then practicing them will improve anyones performance. The same principle applies to petent readers.However, its important to make your reading practice _. Therefore, the text you choose to read should not be too difficult. Its a better way to choose the text, the subject of whi

21、ch interests you or you believe is useful. Also, you need to learn the techniques of good readers. Before reading in detail, you had better _ to know about the subject and the organization of it, which will help you understand the text better. While reading, you should read _ not _. You need to thin

22、k about the content and ask questions or make ments in your minds. Besides, you should read in different ways depending on _. You can read every word of the text if necessary, or just look for the key words and slow down to read carefully only when you see a sentence that might be relevant to the ta

23、sk. Finally, there is no need for you to _ in a text. When you meet some unknown words while reading, dont look them up as long as your purpose can be achieved. In a word, we can all improve our reading. All it requires is plenty of _ using the _. Answers: practice; enjoyable; preview the text activ

24、ely; passively; the purpose for reading; understand every word; practice; right techniques; 【设计意图】在学生理解了文章的主旨大意,把握了文章的相关细节信息,并进行了深入理解后,再对信息进行再整合,根据自己对文章的理解概括全文的主要内容。环节七:Analyzing the passage Activity: Discussing and analyzing the passage to get some writing skills1. What is the literary style of the

25、 text?A. Narration (记叙文) B. Exposition (说明文) C. Argumentation (议论文) D. Practical writing (应用文) Answer: B 2. How is the text organized? OrganizationPart 1: Strategy 1Part 2: Strategy 2 Part 3: Strategy 3Part 4: Summary【设计意图】该环节是学生对全文的内容从知识层次、理解层次、到结构层次的认知跨越。是为了让学生了解相关文体知识及材料组织策略,是为了培养学生的写作能力而作的必要准备。环

26、节八:Thinking Activity: Discussing The teacher offers the students the discussing topics, gets them to work in teams, and encourages all of them to voice their opinions and finally chooses two teams to report their opinions to the whole class.Topic to discuss:How to be an efficient listener?【设计意图】在学生充

27、分阅读文章之后, 设计这个读后活动,目的就是学生再接受了一系列的语言输入后,进行语言输出的练习。而语言输出,除了有必要的知识储备外,更需要有着活跃、独立、创新的思维, 此活动让学生通过小组活动培养学生的合作精神和独立思维的能力。环节九:Assignments1. Read the text again and underline the important phrases and sentence structures.2. Finish Exercise 1 & 2 on Page 35 in Learning about language.3. Take the quiz on Page3

28、6 and Page 37 in Using language to find out what kind of learner you are. 【设计意图】在通过学生运用各种阅读策略阅读并理解全文后,需要让学生借助文章的理解处理文章中的相关语言知识,包括重点单词、短语、句型及长难句等。教有所思本节课的设计最大的特点是充分抓住了说明文的文体特征,选择了适合说明文阅读的恰当的教学策略进行教学。学生在阅读的过程中充分运用了各种阅读策略和技巧。通过层次分明的推进,学生在上完这节课后不仅对文章的内容理解地很透彻,也对说明文的文体特征、语言特征、篇章结构等有了深入的了解。这样学生在以后的说明文阅读中就

29、不会再犯怵。教学设计从学生的实际需求出发,充分尊重学生的认知特点、年龄特征、心理需求,充分调动学生的内在学习动机, 激活已有学习经验, 并以此为生长点, 构建新的知识, 让学生感知、体验知识的生成过程。在导入环节,教师恰当的选用了一个有效学习的例子,并运用图片直观展示,立刻引起了学生的学习兴趣并激发了学生的学习动机,同时,也自然的引出本节课的话题。不仅如此,在读前让学生根据文章题目,阅读预测说明文期待读到的内容等,都体现了这个特点。另一个特点是教学环节的设计层次分明,衔接流畅自然。整个的教学活动清楚地划分成读前、读中、读后3各阶段,9个环节,并且,每个阶段的设计思路明确,读前活动体现背景知识的激活和语言准备,读中活动突出阅读技能、阅读策略的训练,读后活动指向语言的应用和话题的拓展。整个环节的设计由浅入深,由表及里,层层深入,步步为营,使阅读活动从整体到部分最后回到整体,理解的层次也由读懂到读深最终到读透。

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