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1、学员编号: 学员姓名:授课类型星级教学目标授课日期及时段年 级:初二辅导科目:英语T Unit1(牛津 8 下)基础知识梳理1、使学生能够基本掌握本单元中的基础词汇及重要句型; 2、使学生熟练运用本节课所学的知识。T 同步-U1 基础知识梳理课 时 数: 学科教师:(建议 2-5 分钟)批注:根据图片和学生分享树的美,树是大自然中最常见的植物,反问学生,有没有想过为什么会种植这么 多的树呢?树除了能够带给我们视觉上的享受,还有什么别的特殊的功能吗?思考 ing-想知道你总结的完整与否?认真听完本节课,你就知晓了。接下来我们再来看一副图片1成的呢?思考 ing前面两种情况,你更喜欢哪种呢?看完这

2、幅图片,告诉我你的感受。这种情况是由什么原因造warn sb. to do / warn sb. not to do(建议 20-25 分钟)一、词汇 Words1. fighter 斗士;战士e.g. She wont give up easily; shes a real fighter. 她不会轻易放弃的,她是一个真正的斗土。Doctors and nurses are disease fighters. They always fight against all kinds of diseases.医生和护土是与疾病斗争的战土。他们总是和各种疾病作斗争。When the police

3、came, the fighters ran away. 警察到来时,斗殴的人溜走了。【知识拓展】 fight n. 打架,战斗,斗志e. g. The two boys had a fight. 两个男孩打了一架。fight v. (fought; fought)(常与 against,with 连用)打仗;战斗e. g. People often have to fight with the enemy. 人们往往不得不抗击敌人。批注:先让学生回顾 fight,然后在原有单词后面加上 er,就变成了其对应的人,类似的还有 work、think、 play 等等都是加 er 构成了相关的人,

4、为后面的词缀学习法做铺垫。2. suppose v. 推想,假设e.g. Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps. 科学家们猜想大型恐龙栖居于沼泽地中。 Suppose your father saw you now, what would you say? 假设你父亲现在看到了你,你该怎么说?批注:suppose(that),表示猜测,认为,若主句是否定形式,用法同guess/think/believe,应将否定前移到主 句e.g. Lets suppose the news is true.I dont suppos

5、e his answer is right.23. pure adj. 纯的,纯粹的,纯净的e.g. The water in mountain rivers is usually pure. 流经山间的河水通常是纯净的。She speaks pure French. 她讲一口纯正的法语。批注:让学生猜一猜 pure 的副词是什么?到底去 e 还是不去 e 呢?然后跟学生一起总结一下,哪些以 e 结尾 形容词变为副词的时候要去 e,哪些不去 e.归纳总结为:true-truly、possible-possibly、pure-purely、4. natural adj.自然的,自然界的e.g.

6、It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。Fire is one of the natural elements in nature. 火是自然界中的自然元素之一。【知识拓展】 nature n. 自然,自然界,大自然e.g. This phenomenon is unique in nature. 这种现象在整个自然界是罕见的。批注: naturally adv. 自然地 , 归纳总结名词以 re 结尾的变形容词为 ral ,归纳以 al 结尾的形容词, traditional/national/international 等等5. gas

7、 n. 气体e.g. There are several kinds of gas in the air, with nitrogen amounting to the most part.空气中有好几种气体,氮所占的比重最大。批注:gas-gases(一定要提醒学生 gas 是有复数形式的)oxygen 氧气6. release v. 释放,解放e. g. I released the horse and it ran away. 我放了这匹马,让它跑了。Four prisoners were released. 四名犯人被释放了。【知识拓展】 release n. 释放;解脱e.g. Sh

8、e can expect an early release from prison. 她有望早一点儿出狱。7. chemical n. 化学物质,药品e.g. The farmers use chemicals to kill the insects in the fields. 农民用化学药品来杀死地里的害虫。【知识拓展】 chemical adj. 化学的 chemistry n. 化学 chemist n. 化学家,药剂师批注:联想其它的学科,physics 物理 biology 生物 geography 地理 Chinese 语文 math 数学 history 历史 English

9、英语 psychology 心理学8. nasty adj. 令人厌恶的,令人不悦的e.g. Theres a nasty smell coming from that sewer. 下水道里发出一股很恶心的味道。Dont be so nasty! 不要发脾气啦!9. communicate v. 沟通,通信3e.g. My net-pal and I communicate with each other on the Internet. 我和我的网友通过网络保持联系。 The Minister for Foreign Affairs has already communicated on

10、this event with the American President. 外交部长已经跟美国总统就此事件交换过意见了。This room communicates with the other room. 这个房间与那个房间相通。批注:communication n.通讯,信息,交流,沟通communicate with 交换(看法等) communicate to 传达10. hardly adv. 刚刚,几乎不e.g. I could hardly understand the theory. 我几乎不能理解这个理论。We had hardly begun when it began

11、 to rain. 我们刚一举步就下起雨来了。It was so dark that I could hardly see. 天那么黑,我几乎什么也着不见。It hardly snows here in winter. 这里的冬天几乎不下雪。【知识拓展】 hard adj. 坚固的,困难的 adv.努力地,剧烈地e.g. She found it hard to make up her mind. 她发觉很难下决心。It was raining hard last night. 昨晚雨下得很大。批注:hardly 表示否定,反义疑问句中的附加部分要用肯定形式;hardly any 几乎没有ha

12、rdly ever 难的,几乎从来不11. warn v. 警告【常用搭配】 warn somebody about something 警告某人某事e.g. warn somebody not to do something 警告某人不要做某事The government warned the people about the coming typhoon. 政府警告人民台风将要来袭。I must warn you not to go out. There is a storm. 我必须警告你不要出门,外面暴风骤雨。【知识拓展】 warning n. 提醒;警告e.g. Because of

13、 her warning, I was careful. 由于她的提醒,我很小心。批注:类似 to do 作宾语补足语的单词还有,tell / ask/ invite /order/12.living adj.活着的the living 活着的人们【知识拓展】lively adj.活泼的 life n.生命,生活批注:辨析 alive、living1)alive 意为“活着的”,只能作表语Was she still alive when you reached the hospital?2)Living 意为“活着的,有生命的”常作定语Who is the greatest living wr

14、iter in China?13. good n. 好处,益处【知识拓展】goods 商品批注:我们最初认识的 good adj.好的4well adv. 副词比较级 better,最高级 best14.pollution n. 污染【知识拓展】pollute v. 污染批注:联想 air pollution 空气污染, noise pollution 噪音污染,water pollution 水污染二、重要句型 Important Sentences structures1. be interested in 对感兴趣e. g. Peter is interested in playing

15、football. 彼得对踢足球感兴趣。指点迷津:interesting 与 interested(1) interesting 形容词,意为“有趣的”。e.g.We are going to show an interesting experiment. 我们将给大家做个有趣的实验。(2) interested 形容词,意为“对感兴趣”,短语 be/become interested in。e.g. They have become interested in science. 他们对自然科学感兴趣。Are you interested in history? 你对历史感兴趣吗?批 注 :

16、联 想 其 它 的 以 ing 和 ed 形 式 结 尾 的 形 容 词 , 例 如 , exciting/excited relaxed/relaxing surprising/surprised interesting/interested(ing 修饰物,ed 修饰人)2. on the end of在的末端e.g. Have you ever noticed the rubber on the end of a pencil? 你有注意过铅笔末端的那个橡皮头吗?批注:in the end 最后(可用于将来时)at the end of 在末(可指时间或空间)by the end of

17、到为止(用于时间)on the end of 在末端上3. thankfor 为而感谢e.g. He thanked her for the gift. 他感谢她的礼物。The manager thanked her crew for being so cooperative. 经理感谢她的同事们如此通力合作。批注:扩展知识点 thanks to 多亏,由于= due to=because of4. takefrom从中拿出e.g. When people take trees from the forests, have they ever thought about planting mo

18、re?当人们从森林中取走树木的时候,他们有想过要种更多的树木吗?5. releaseinto 将释放到中e.g. Look, that steel work is releasing black smoke into the air. 看呀,那家钢铁厂正在向空气中排放黑烟。5批注:6. as well as 也,还release oxygen into the aire.g. He as well as his sisters, is going to Canada. 他和他的姐妹们将要去加拿大。She is clever as well as beautiful. 她不仅聪明,而且漂亮。Pe

19、nguins can swim under the water as well as on the top of it. 企鹅不但能在水里游,而且能在水上游。 【知识拓展】 注意区别 as well as/not onlybut alsoThe teacher, as well as the students, wishes for a holiday.(重点放在前者)Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday. (重点放在后者)批注:as well as 常用于肯定句中,用来连接同等并列成分,相当于 and,

20、但是连接两个主语时,谓语动词要 和前一个主语的人称和数保持一致,除了 as well as 还有 together with、with 等,连接两个主语时,谓语动 词要和前一个主语保持一致。Eg. The teacher as well as her students plays the piano well.7. protectby doing sth. 通过保护e.g. The parents wanted to protect their children by locking them in the house.这对父母希望通过将孩子反锁在家中来保护他们的安全。批 注 : by 介 词

21、 , 通 过 , 所 以 后 面 用 v-ing 形 式 。 联 想 用 法 : protect from 保 护 远 离 stop/keep/preventfrom8. jointogether 将连在一起e.g. The trees nearby can join their roots together. 周围的树木可以将它们的根系交织在一起。批注:join 还有“加入,参加”的意思,加入组织,团体,人群;联想take part in 参加具体的活动;enter for 报名参加;take 参加考试;attend 参加会议9. communicate with one another 相

22、互联系,相互沟通e.g. Nowadays, people usually communicate with each other through the Internet.如今,人们常常通过因特网相互联系。指点迷津:one another, each other一般来说,在表示两个人之间的相互关系时用 each other,表示两人以上的相互关系时用 one another,但在 实际运用时两者皆可。e.g. Students should help each other. 学生们应当相互帮助。6Stuttents share their ideas freely with one anot

23、her. 学生们可以自由地交换他们的想法。10. in danger 处于危险中e.g. He is in danger, please inform him as soon as possible. 他处于危险之中,请尽快通知他。The people in the burning house are in danger. 房子着火了,里面的人正处于危险中。批注:提问学生 danger 的词性,以及词性变化 dangerous,相关用法 in trouble,反义词 out of danger11. protect sb. by/from/against 保护e.g. The man rais

24、ed his arm to protect his face from the blow. 这个男人抬起胳膊挡住他的脸部免受拳击。 Please wear a hat to protect your head against the sun. 请戴好帽子,免得头部遭到暴晒。12. What else?还有什么?e.g. What else do you want to buy? 你还想买些什么?批注:联想 else 的其它用法,something else/somebody else/anyone else/everyone else13. They make streets more bea

25、utiful and less noisy.“more”和“less”用于多音节和一些双音节形容词和副词之前。“more”表示“更加”,“less”表示“不如,较差”。 e. g. Jane is less beautiful than Susan. 珍妮没有苏珊漂亮。Susans more beautiful than Jane. 苏珊比珍妮更漂亮。14. And, I suppose you also enjoy breathing pure, cool air.enjoy doing 意为“喜欢做事,享受做事的乐趣”。e.g. I enjoy reading books at home

26、on Sundays. 周日我喜欢在家看书。批注:总结表达喜欢的动词及动词词组:be keen on doing/ be fond of doing/like doing/ love doing15. produce enough oxygen to keep your whole class alive and healthy for a whole year.enough+n. +to doe.g. I have enough time to finish the work.我有足够的时间来完成这份工作。adj. /adv. +enough+ to doe.g. Its warm enou

27、gh to swim. 天气足够暖和,可以游泳。He didnt run fast enough to catch the train. 他跑得不够快,没有赶上火车。批注:给学生出一道关于 enough 的句型转换题目,总结出 adj. +enough to do/ too+adj. +to do /so that 的用 法(建议 4-7 分钟). Read and choose the best answer.( )1. The boy was interested chess and volleyball.7A. playing B. in play C. in playing D. of

28、 play( )2. I could believe that my son worked so .A. hard; hard B. hard; hardly C. hardly; hard D. hardly; hardly( )3.You can communicate _ us by radio .A. in B. for C. at D.with( )4.John can hardly understand any Chinese , _ he ?A .cant B. doesnt C. can D. Does( )5. Tell the children _ so much nois

29、e ,please?A .dont make B.not making C. not make D.not to make . Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1.Trees reduce sound _ for large urban areas . (pollute)2.Many animals are in _ (dangerous)3.I dont like this song . Because its not _ (interest)4.In Grade Nine , we will lea

30、rn a new subject _ (chemical)5. His father is a hero . He is the only person _ in the war.(live)III. Rewrite the sentences as required.1.Trees are in great danger. (改为反意疑问句)Trees are in great danger, ?2.We can save our earth by planting more trees. (就划线部分提问)we save our earth?3.He was nervous . He co

31、uldnt go on with the job interview.(合并为一句)He was_ nervous _ go on with the job interview.4.They build the new factory to deal with the rubbish.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they build the new factory ?5.It is possible that he will work out the problem .(改为同义句)It is possible _ him _ work out the problemKeys:.C C D C D.pollution danger interesting chemistry aliveIII.arent they How can tooto Why do for toscore:_ (15 小题,共 20 分)(建议 2-5 分钟)批注:跟学生一起回忆本节课主要学过的内容,本节课的主题,还有新单词和句型,以问答的方式进行复习, 遇到学生不是很熟练的地方,再讲解一遍,监督学生课后复习,整理笔记的工作。8Step 1. 思考回忆所学知识点,并将所学知识点列在下面 形容词变副词的规则:新单词:重点句型:Step 2. 错题回顾9

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