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1、高考英语短文语法填空解题技巧短文语法填空口诀动词形、名词数,代词格、级形副,分析句子结构路,习惯用法要记住,逻辑关系连词突,介词、冠词各占一空。高考英语短文语法填空主要有两种形式的空:用所给词(v、n、pron、adj、adv)的正确形式填空;无提示词填空( prep 、conj、art)。说白了,高考就考四道 题:第一道题:动词变形题是指括号中给出了一个动词,需要对该动词进行形式变化才能符合句子要求的设题类型。此类设题主要有两个角度,其中的一个角度就是考查动词的自身变化【 动词的谓语形式 (时语态变化,甚至虚拟语气的变化 )及非谓语形式(动词不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词】;另一个 角度

2、是考查动词与名词、形容词、副词的相互变化【构词法知识】;第二道题:名词或代词变形题名词变形题指的是对所给名词进行自身变化(名词的单数变复数、名词变成所有格)或者相互变化(名词变形容词、名词变动词、名词变副词)【构词法知识】;代词变形题主要考查代词的格(主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词和反身代词的相互变化,甚至个别不定代词之间的变化:如: many 变成 much, both 变成 neither, other 变成 another, some 变 any, all 变 none , few 变 little);第三道题:形容词或副词变形题形容词或副词变形题主要考查它们的自身变化(级

3、的变化:原级、比较级、最高级)或者相互变化(形容词变副词、形容词变成动词、形容词变成名词、副词变成形容词)【构词法知识】;第四道题:无提示词填空题无提示填空题是一种在不给提示词的前提下,要求根据句意、句法或句子间逻辑关系而填空的设题。这里要填的主要是介词、连词、冠词、代词 it、关系代词/副词。由于不给提示词,实际上加大了解题的难度。解答此类题目(特别是要填的是连词)时,首先要从句意上1去考虑,看看句意是否通顺连贯。然后从句子结构上去考虑,看看所填句子是简单句还是复合句,如果是复合句,就要考虑从句连接词的选择。最后从句子间的逻辑上考虑,选择适合句子间逻辑关系的词进行填充。比如因果关系要考虑 s

4、o, because 等; 转折关系要考虑 but, though; 并列关系要考虑 and。如果是缺关系代词 /关系副词,则要根据定语从句的句子成分来定夺。而要填的是介词时,一定要关注空格前的动词是不是 vi,是 vi 要考虑其搭配,更要考虑空格后的词 /短语的含义,选择用合适的介词。冠词一般出现在名词或名词短语前, 特别是单数可数名词前要考虑 a/an。另外要注意习惯用法。一、高考语法短文填空题的解题步骤:1. 读首段首句,预猜文章大意;(若猜不出文章大意,就快速浏览全文)2. 边读边认边填 ;(看要填的空有无提示词,有,是哪些词?用以上的方 法去套用)3. 重读以检查核对。动词形(谓语形

5、式和非谓语形式)短文词形填空自身变化名词数(名词变复数和所有格)语法填空相互变化代词格( 代词主格、宾格、形容词性形容词、副词的三级互变)主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词) 级形副(构词法知识,n v. adj adv.)无提示词填空(介词、连词、冠词、代词)下面我们以 2020 年 1 月浙江省英语第一次高考试卷为例,讲解如何做题:阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,Something significant is happening to the world population -it is aging. The median(中位数的) age o

6、f an American in 1950 56_ (be) 30 -today it is 41 andis expected 57 _(increase) to 42 by 2050. For Japan, the 58_(number)are more striking22 in 1950, 46 today and 53 in 2050. In 2015, one in 12 people2around the world were over 65; by 2050, it will be one in six.This aging of the population is drive

7、n 59_ two factors. The first isdeclining birth rates: which means old generations are Large 60 _(compare) toyounger generations, and so, on average, the population becomes _(old) thanbefore. This is 62_(particular) true in the US. The second reason is that peopleare living longer. A child born in th

8、e US today has 63_ very realistic chance of living beyond 100 and needs to plan accordingly.People tend to focus on the first factor. However, greater attention should 64_(place) on longevity( 长寿). It isnt just that people are, on average, livinglonger. Its also that they are on average healthier 65

9、_ more productive forlonger. Therefore, they can work for longer, consume more and in general be boost to the economy.解答分析:这篇短文语法填空题,首先读首段首句,预猜文章大意:我们 读第一句就知道它是介绍“世界人口老化的问题”的。然后边读边认边填56 空是个动词 be, 分析句子结构我们知道 be 在这个句子作谓语,而时间 是 in 1950, 主语是单数名词,所以填 was;57 空也是动词,分析句子结构我们知道它作谓语动词 expected 宾语,所 以用非谓语动词 -不

10、定式 to increase;58 空是个名词且在句中作主语,根据后面的谓语 are, 这就考查了名词的 复数,答案是 numbers;59 空是无提示词,先分析句意“人口老龄化是由两个因素导致的。”由此得 出介词“由”,再分析句子结构,它包含在一个简单句里,前有谓语动词 is driven (被动语态),后有名词短语 two factors,所以答案显然是 by;60 空还是个动词,它在非限制性定语从句中作状语(非谓语动词) ,何况 compared to 是固定搭配,故答案是 compared;61 空是形容词,形容词考查“级”,且有标志词 than, 故答案是 older;62 空也是形

11、容词,这里没有“级”的意味,应该是相互变化(形容词变成3副词),的确它在句中修饰形容词作状语,故用副词 particularly;63 空又是无提示词,根据句意和结构,应该填个冠词 a,因为是泛指一个 ; 64 空仍是个动词,它在句中作谓语,句子主语 greater attention 和 place 之 间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,前面有 should,故答案是 be placed;65 空是无提示词,猜都要猜到是连词了,何况根据句意“而且他们平均来 说更健康,生产效率更高。”可知前后词是并列关系,所以用 and 连接。强化训练: 语法填空(共 80 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 120

12、 分) A阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。You see them everywhere: people walking with their attention 1(concentrate)on their smart phone(智能手机) screens on busy streets. But walking andtexting can be dangerous and cities in the United States and Europe havestepped 2their efforts to deal with it.In Honol

13、ulu, using the phones while crossing the street is forbidden. It has passed a law that says “No pedestrian( 行人) shall cross a street or highway while viewing amobile electronic device. In other words, do not look at a screen when you cross thestreet 3you could be fined. Honolulu is the first major U

14、.S. city 4 ( forbid)what is called “distracted walking”.People5text while walking are nearly four times as likely to have at leastone dangerous action. A lot of people do it themselves that it is important.6they know it is dangerous. They tellUsing phones while walking may lead to injuries and death

15、s, but it seems to be a global problem. Pedestrian deaths 7 (increase) as the use of cell phones rises in the past 5 years, and it is expected that the tendency will continue.Other cities have come up with creative ways to help protect those usingcellphones while walking. A small town near Amsterdam

16、 has set up special crosswalkswith flashing lights on the ground. When the traffic lights turn red or green,8do thelights on the ground, reminding pedestrians when its safe to cross. In a town of4Germany, similar lights were used after a teenager using her smart phone was hit andseriously9 (injure )

17、.If you still want to text while walking you could avoid being fined in Honolulu10using voice-controlled digital assistant( 数 字 助 手 ) like Siri or GoogleAssistant. Or you could just wait until you are again, safely, off the street.BDecorating with Plants, Fruits and Flowers for Chinese New YearChine

18、se New Year is a 11 (celebrate)marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. This is why decorating with plants, fruits and flowers 12 (carry)special significance. They represent the earth 13 (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.These are some of the most popula

19、r in many parts of the country: Oranges: Orange trees are more 14 decoration; they are asymbol of good fortune and wealth. They make great gifts and you see them many times 15 (decorate)with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.Bamboo: Chinese love their Lucky Bamboo plants and you will see th

20、em often in their homes and offices 16 (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. Bamboo plants are associated 17 health, abundance (充裕)and a happy home. They are easy 18 (care)for and make great presents.Branches of Plum blossoms(梅花):The 19 (beauty) long branches covered with pink-c

21、olored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. The plum trees are 20 first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化). They represent the promise of spring and a renewal of life.CChina has become the first country to land a spacecraft(宇宙飞船)5on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Change-4 probe (探测器)

22、 - the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 21 (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. Landing on the moons far side is 22 (extreme) challenging. Because the moons body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above th

23、e moon in a spot 23 it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side of the moon is of particular 24 (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形 山), more so 25 the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments on board Change-4 26 (fin

24、d) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. This really excites scientists, Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, says, because it 27 (mean) we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon 28 (construct) Data about the moons composition, such as how 29 ice and other trea

25、sures it contains, could help China decide whether 30 (it) plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical.DIn ancient China lived an artist , 31 paintings were almost lifelike. The artists reputation had made him proud. One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait (画像) done so he called allgrea

26、t artists to come and present their 32 (fine) work, so that he could choose the best. The artist was sure he would 33 (choose), but when he presented his masterpiece (杰作)tothe emperors chief minister, the old man laughed. The wise old man told him to travel to the Li Riverperhaps he could learn a li

27、ttle from the greatest artist in the world.Filled with 34 (curious), the artist packed his bags and left. 35 he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary ( 传奇的) artist, they smiledand 36 (point) down the river. The next morning he hired a boat and set out 37 (fi

28、nd)the well -known painter. As the small boat moved, 38 (gentle) along the river he was leftspeechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water. He passed milky whitewaterfalls and mountains in many shades of blue. And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds. 39

29、 (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears. The6artist was finally humbled (谦卑) by the greatest artist 40 earth, Mother Nature.EOn our way to the house, it was raining 41 hard that we couldn t help wondering how long it would take 42 (get) there. It was in the middle of Pearl City.We wer

30、e first greeted with the barking by a pack 43 dogs, seven to be exact. They were well trained by their masters 44 had great experience with caring for these animals. Our hosts shared many of their experiences and 45 (recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit. For breakfast, we were able to

31、 eat papaya ( 木瓜) and other fruits from their trees in the backyard.When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting 46 (compete) to watch, together with the story behind it. They also shared with us many 47 (tradition) stories about Hawaii that were 4

32、8 (huge) popular with tourists. On the last day of our week-long stay, we 49 (invite) to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, 50 (listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals.FIf you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step

33、back and identify(识别)those of 50 (great) and less importance. Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of 51 (achieve). Leaving the less important things until tomorrow 53 (be) often acceptable.Most of us are more focused 54 our tasks in the morning than we are later in

34、 the day. So get an early start and try to be as productive 55 possible before lunch. This will give you the confidence you need to get you through the afternoon and go home feeling accomplished.Recent 56 (study)show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks 57 (regular). Give

35、your body and brain arest by stepping outside for 58 while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.If you find something you love doing outside of the office, youll be less likely 59 (bring) your work home. It could be anything, gardening, cooking, music, sports- but whatever it is, 60 (make )sure

36、 its a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.GYangshuo, ChinaIt was raining lightly when I 61 (arrive) in Yangshuo just before7dawn. But I didnt care. A few hours 62 , Id been at home in Hong Kong, with 63 (it) choking smog. Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with th

37、e rain.Id skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 64 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 65 (painting). Instead, I d headed straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, its only an hour away 66 car and offers

38、 all the scenery of the better-known city.Yangshuo 67 (be) really beautiful. A study of travelers 68 (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent,

39、 a travel company in Hong Kong, says it 69 (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people 70 (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.HThe University of Birmingham, UK, announces that it will accept the Gaokao exam for high-flying Chinese students (71) _ (wish) to join its undergraduate courses in 2020.

40、High school students (72) _complete the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, or Gaokao, with top grades can apply for direct entry into Birmingham degree programs (73)_ first completing a foundation year.Gaokao, which (74) _ (hold) across China in early June, is (75) _ (increase) accepted

41、 by universities in Australia, the USA, Canada and mainland Europe. Birmingham will only be considering high quality students who achieve a minimum 80% Gaokao score and meet additional academic and English language (76) _ (require).Professor Jon Frampton, Director of the University of Birminghams Ch

42、ina Institute said, “I am (77)_(delight) that the University is now accepting the Gaokao. This gives the (78) _ (bright) and best Chinese students (79) _ opportunity to move straight into the first year of our undergraduate programs and experience the benefits of studying at a (80) _ (globe) Top 100

43、 university.8IThe task of being accepted by a university begins early for some students. Long before (81)_ (graduate) from high school, these students take special courses to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations to test how well-prepared they are for the university

44、. In the final year of high school, they complete (82)_(application) and send them to the universities (83) _interest them most. Some high school students may be required to have (84)_ interview with people from the university. Neatly(85)_(dress) and a little bit frightened , they are determined (86

45、)_(show) that they have a good attitude and the ability to succeedIf the new students (87)_(accept), many universities will offer an instruction programme for them to get to know the procedures for students advising, university rules, the use of the library and all the other major services of the un

46、iversity.Beginning a new life in a new place can be very (88)_(confuse). The more knowledge students have about the school, the (89)_(easy) it will be for them to adapt to the new environmentHowever, (90)_ takes time to get used to college lifeJLaba rice porridge was first introduced to China in the

47、 Song Dynasty about 900 years ago.There is a 91 (touch) story. When Sakyamuni, the first Buddha and founder of the religion, was 92 his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment (佛教的觉悟), he grew tired and 93 (hunger). Exhausted from 94 (day) of walking, he failed a

48、way by a river in India. A shepherdess (牧羊女) found him there and 95 (feed) him her lunch-porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able 96 (continue) his Journey.After six years of strict discipline, he 97 (final)realized his dream of full enlightenment on the 98 (eight) day of the twelf

49、th lunar month. Ever since, monkshave prepared rice porridge on the eve and held a ceremony the following day, 99 they chant sutras (吟诵佛经) and offer porridge to Buddha.Thus, the tradition of eating Laba porridge was based in religion, though with the passing of time the food 100 (it) became a popula

50、r9winter dish especially in cold northern China.KPassengers boarded the packed ship of the Golden Gate Whale Watch tour on Saturday afternoon. Summer and fall are the most common seasons for the animals 101 (swim)into the bay for feeding, and San Francisco Whale Tours 102 (see)a significant increase

51、 of humpback whales in recent weeks.No one expected one humpback whale would surface just five feet away 103 a sailboat. At around 5 p.m., one passenger shot a video of thewhale pushing water out of its blowhole, and then quickly 104 (disappear )underneath the sailboat. Passengers can 105 (hear ) sc

52、reaming as the captain loudly instructed the sailboat to hold 106 (it)course. It narrowly avoided a crash with the whale, and fortunately no one was injured.But San Francisco Whale Tours naturalist Sydney minges, who has been researching the animals behavior, said the boater was 107 (actual) the irr

53、esponsible one. Safe boating practices require that you need to stop and float at a proper distance until the whale goes away, 108 clearly this person wasnt doing. she said, Naturally, whales choose not to move toward boats, 109 to go where the food is.Though she wasnt on the sailboat herself, Minges admitted, People just arent aware of how they should act around the whales. We want both animals and people to be safe and thats why we want to enhance peoples110 (aware)on how to safely sail around the whales.10

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