2022年高考英语 第七套 Unit3-5(必修3)

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1、2022年高考英语 第七套 Unit3-5(必修3)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What􀆳s the woman doing?A.Meeting the man at the airport.B.Saying goodbye to the man.C.Seeing the man off.2.What time is it now

2、?A.1:32. B.2:02. C.2:32.3.What do we know about the man?A.He pleted the exam in one hour.B.He found the exam as easy as expected.C.He left the last question unanswered.4.What will the man do?A.Search the library for a dictionary.B.Borrow a book in the library.C.Make an appointment.5.Where are the tw

3、o speakers?A.In the cinema. B.At the airport. C.At the railway station.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why are the shoes on sale according to the man?A.They are out of fas

4、hion.B.Some sizes are out of stock.C.There are only black ones available.7.What do we know about the socks?A.They are on sale. B.They are beautiful. C.They have the man􀆳s size.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Why does the man e up to the woman?A.To find a missing tag.B.To ask the woman to iron his suits.C.

5、To collect his clothes.9.How much should the man pay?A.$16.50. B.$18.50. C.$34.00.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What did Jenny ask the woman about just now? A.The cafeteria food.B.The location of the cafeteria. C.The surrounding of the cafeteria.11.What does the woman think of cafeteria food? A.It􀆳s

6、just so-so. B.It􀆳s delicious. C.It􀆳s terrible.12.When does the conversation probably take place? A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the evening.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What will the boy do after school on Wednesday?A.Work at a store. B.Review his lessons. C.Play soccer.14.When will the

7、boy take an exam?A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Thursday.15.When will the speakers meet?A.At 4:00 pm, Thursday.B.At 5:30 pm, Friday.C.At 10:00 am, Saturday.16.What will the boy do after playing tennis with the woman?A.Eat with his family. B.Do his homework. C.Go to a science fair.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

8、17.When will they leave? A.At 6:15 am. B.At 8:15 am.C.At 6:15 pm.18.Where are the visitors probably?A.On a bus. B.At a tourist site. C.At a hotel.19.What does the speaker ask the visitors to do in the first place?A.Check and see if their cameras work well.B.Make sure they take their valuable things

9、with themselves.C.Write down the number of the coach.20.What should the visitors do during the trip?A.Follow the guide􀆳s instructions. B.Take as many photos as possible.C.Wander off with their valuable things.试题答案15BCCAA610BCCAB1115CBABC1620ACABA附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)W:Flight 426 is being annou

10、nced. I must be off. Goodbye. Thank you for all your kind help.M:You􀆳re wele. Have a good trip.(Text 2)M:The train hasn􀆳t e yet. It is half an hour late.W:Yes, it should have been here at 2:02 as planned.(Text 3)W:How did you do in the final exam?M:I was expecting it to be easy, bu

11、t at the end of the first hour, I was still on the first page. I had no time to get to the last question.(Text 4)W:I􀆳ve lost my dictionary.M:Why don􀆳t you take a look around the library?W:I􀆳m late for my appointment, so I must go right now. I􀆳m wondering if you co

12、uld help me.M:No problem.(Text 5)W:Wow, the special effects in this movie are great!M:I􀆳ll say, the way they made the ship sink with all those people on it is amazing.(Text 6)W:I need to get some new shoes. Where can I get them?M:There􀆳s a shoe store right here. Let􀆳s go i

13、n! Look, the shoes are on sale.W:Great. I think I􀆳ll try these black ones. Hmmm, only sizes five, five and a half, six . all small. They don􀆳t have my size.M:That􀆳s why they􀆳re on sale. No one wants them. Well, I􀆳m going to get these socks. Socks aren

14、49011;t on sale, but they have my size.(Text 7)M:Hello, I􀆳m here to pick up my clothes. I was having two suits cleaned. Are they all finished yet? Here is my tag for the clothes.W:Let􀆳s see . the tag says 34.Oh, I have just finished ironing them. That will be$18.50.How will you be

15、paying, cash or other ways?M:Wait a minute, these brown ones are not my suits. I hope you didn􀆳t give mine to someone else by mistake!W:Excuse me, sir. I misread the tag. I thought it said 34 but actually it says 43.Just a minute and let me get your real clothes. The total es at $16.50 then

16、.(Text 8)W:John, do you know where the cafeteria is? Jenny asked me seconds ago. But I don􀆳t know where it is.M:Does Jenny want to go there? Then she can go with me. I􀆳m on my way there now. By the way, what about you? Are you having lunch?W:Not at the cafeteria. I brought my lunch

17、 today. Besides, I don􀆳t like cafeteria food: I doubt whether the food at the cafeteria is OK.M:What do you mean? The food is OK. Besides, how can you say that if you have never been there before?W:Well, I don􀆳t know. It is just a bad memory. I got food poisoning during junior high

18、. Ever since, I just don􀆳t go.M:Oh, yeah? Then you should go with me someday. A lot of things have changed.(Text 9)W:Hey, Peter, I want to invite you to play tennis this week.M:OK. Let me look at the calendar here. Hmm.When are you thinking about playing?W:On Wednesday after school.M:Well,

19、that􀆳s not going to work. I have to work at my father􀆳s store until 9:00.W:What about Monday?M:Monday is not good either. I haven􀆳t studied biology at all. I have an exam on Tuesday in the afternoon, so I have to catch up on that. And don􀆳t you have an essay due i

20、n your English class on Tuesday?W:Oh, I forgot about that. So, what about Thursday?M:Uh, I have soccer practice from 4:00 until 5:30, and after that, I have to do my homework.W:Ah, I can help you with that.M:Well, remember this science fair at school is on Friday, right? Is your project finished yet

21、?W:Um, what about Saturday?M:It works for me. Can we meet at 10:00 am in front of the gym?W:Yeah. Saturday 10:00 am?M:Right, don􀆳t be late. I will have lunch with my family at 12:00.W:Oh, my god!(Text 10)W:Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention for a moment, please? We􀆳r

22、e arriving at Cambridge now, and there are a few important things I need to say. First of all, please remove all valuable things from the bus, because we can􀆳t guarantee their safety. That􀆳s all cameras, bags of value, etc. Thank you. Now, it would be a good idea to make a note of

23、the number on the front of the coach, so that you can recognize it in the park. Turning to the tour, I􀆳d like to ask you all to stay with your own group. Please don􀆳t wander off. As the town is quite large and you can get lost easily, so please keep with your group. Thank you. Rega

24、rding photographsthese can only be taken at certain points in the town, so please obey your guide􀆳s instructions. That􀆳s photographsplease watch the rules.Finally, ladies and gentlemen, we will leave the place at 18:15that􀆳s 6:15 pmso please be on time. Have an enjoyable t

25、our. Thank you.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 ALast week I went to a different grocery store than usual, just to check it out. The person in front of me at the checkout was using a WIC card to check out and it kept telling her that it wasn􀆳t wo

26、rking. A manager came over and told her to e to a different register, maybe this one was the problem. After I checked out, I noticed she was still there, trying to get her card to work. It was obvious that the young woman was getting anxious about the purchase so I offered to pay for her purchase. S

27、he was shocked. She thanked me and I went on my way with a smile from her.Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes and you never know when it will be your turn. Today I found that it was indeed my turn.I went boating north of the city. It was a very hot, sunny day so I brought a large container of sp

28、orts drink, thinking it would be plenty to drink. I didn􀆳t have a clear expectation of the drain (消耗) the heat and humidity (湿度) would have on me. Before I got back to shore, I realized that I had finished the bottle. I still had to get back, load the boat on the car, and it would be at lea

29、st a 10-minute drive to somewhere to buy more to drink. When I got back to shore and managed to drag my boat to the car and get it tied, I was very hot and thirsty. So, I swallowed my pride and asked a family picnicking nearby if they had an extra bottle of water, which they gladly gave me. That bot

30、tle of water wasn􀆳t a big deal to them, but it made all the difference to me.The little things that can be done for others don􀆳t usually seem significant to the people doing them, but it can be huge to the receivers. Thank you to all the joyful givers who don􀆳t think twice

31、 about helping others!21.It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that . A.the author offered his own water to others B.the author had no idea his water had run out C.the family also boating there helped the authorD.the author wasn􀆳t well prepared for his boating22.How did the author mo

32、st probably feel when asking others for a bottle of water? A.Embarrassed. B.Proud. C.Frightened. D.Curious.23.What does the author think of little kind things? A.It takes great effort for people to do them. B.They must be done after careful consideration. C.They can make a big difference to the rece

33、ivers.D.They always mean a lot to people who do them.24.The passage is written mainly to . A.introduce two experiences of the author B.tell us not to be shy to receive others􀆳 help C.remind us to smile at others in our daily life D.encourage us not to hesitate to help others【答案与解析】本文是一篇记叙文。

34、作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉人们:举手之劳对他人来说会是莫大的帮助。21.D根据第4段第3句可知作者低估了炎热天气和湿度对人体水分的消耗。22.A根据第4段中的“I swallowed my pride”可知,向素不相识的人家讨水喝让作者感到很尴尬。23.C从最后一段可知,人们所做的善意小事对自己可能不算什么,但对被帮助者而言就是莫大的恩惠了。24.D本文主要通过叙述作者自己的两次经历告诉我们,每个人都有需要帮助的时候,举手之劳会是对他人的莫大帮助,而我们自己或许哪天也需要他人的帮助,所以我们要乐于帮助他人。BGive your students control over their own l

35、earning experience at the Natural History Museum with the self-led activities.School bookingsAll school activities must be booked in advance. To book, please call our school bookings line between 08:3016:00, Monday to Friday during term-time, or 10:0013:00 during the school holidays. This activity h

36、as curriculum (课程) links appropriate for KS3, KS4 and post-16 students.Bury yourself in the Cocoon experience, a brand new journey through the Darwin Centre. This interactive and visually stunning experience will inspire your students to look at the variety of life in a different way.Find out how we

37、 store, care for and use our 20 million insects and plants specimens (标本) and discover some of the stories behind the scenes.*Who were the first collectors and how did their methods differ from modern day scientists?*How do scientists organize, classify and name specimens?*Why is our collection so v

38、aluable for research and how do we share it with the world?*What do molecular (分子的) techniques tell us about our specimens and how is this helping in the fight against malaria (疟疾)?Discover the answers to these questions and more through a series of interactive (交互式的) exhibits, which allow you to co

39、llect information to look at later online. Duration: 45 minutesCapacity: 30 students at a timeDates: 6 times dailyBooking: book in advance by calling the Museum booking team on +44 (0)20 7942 5555, or on the day of your visit.A Day in the Life of a Scientist activities Secondary school students can

40、try our A Day in the Life online activities, based on the Cocoon experience. You can start them before your visit. 25.What do we know about Cocoon experience?A.It helps students to learn science. B.It is for students who love insects. C.It is suitable for people of all ages. D.It is not open during

41、school holidays. 26.At the Darwin Center, students are able to find out . A.how those specimens are well kept B.how scientists fight against malaria C.why insects should be well protected D.where the collectors found the specimens27.After finishing the Cocoon experience, what would secondary school

42、students probably do? A.Leave the Natural History Museum. B.Write a report about their new experience. C.Get on line to collect some information.D.Try some online activities based on their visit. 【答案与解析】本文介绍了自然历史博物馆中的达尔文中心的一个名为Cocoon experience的活动情况。25.A根据第2段最后一句可知,Cocoon experience与学校的课程有联系,可帮助学生学习

43、自然科学。26.A根据第4段可知,参观者可以了解那里的动植物的标本如何被妥善保存。27.D文中指出,在the Cocoon experience之后,中学学生很可能去上网参与A Day in the Life of a Scientist 的有关活动情况。CAfrica is a large and varied continent containing some of the oldest civilizations on earth. It is home to a wide diversity of religions and cultures, and this colorful di

44、versity is reflected in its diverse and colorful wedding traditions. An African wedding is, more than anything, the bringing together of two people as a single family, or the bining of two families. The concept of family is one of the uniting ideas of the African continent. There are more than 1,000

45、 cultural units in Africa and each culture, each tribe having its own wedding and marriage traditions, many of which can trace their origins back hundreds or even thousands of years. There are also many different religions represented in Africa. Many northern Africans, especially, have been influenc

46、ed by Muslim traditions, while further south there are more Christian, Hindu, and even Jewish traditions with more ancient traditions. In many places in Africa young girls are trained to be good wives from an early age. They may even learn secret codes and secret languages that allow them to talk wi

47、th other married women without their husbands understanding what is being said. Depending on which part of Africa you are in, wedding ceremonies can be extremely distinguishing, some lasting many days. Often huge ceremonies are held during which many couples are united at the same time. In Sudan and

48、 in other areas along the Nile a man must pay his wife􀆳s family in sheep or cattle for the loss of their daughter􀆳s labor in support of the family. A wife may cost a man as many as 30 to 40 head of cattle. In Somalia a man is allowed to have as many as four wives if he can support

49、them all, and it is not unmon for a girl to be engaged before she is even born. Bright festive colors, song, dance, and music are vital elements of many African wedding ceremonies. mon to all wedding ceremonies is the concept of changing between childhood and adulthood.28.What can we learn from the

50、second paragraph?A.All the tribes in Africa have the same belief.B.Africa witnesses varieties of marriage traditions.C.Most of Africans are believers in Islam.D.People in South Africa are all Christians.29.Young girls learn secret languages .A.to have a good munication with their husbandsB.to give t

51、heir children a good education in the futureC.to gain the ability to talk with other married women D.to master the skills about having munication30.What does the underlined word “distinguishing” mean in the passage?A.Similar.B.Familiar. C.Difficult.D.Different.31.It can be inferred from the passage

52、that .A.the cattle are well worth a lot of moneyB.there are more men than women in SomaliaC.wedding ceremonies are full of happiness D.Africans prefer dancing to anything else【答案与解析】非洲是地球上古老的、人口众多的大陆,其宗教和文化多样化。文化的多样性反映在婚礼习俗上。28.B由第2段第3句可知,非洲有一千多个部落,每个部落都有自己的文化,也有自己的婚姻传统习俗。29.C依据文章第3段可知,非洲女孩学习秘密代码和秘密

53、语言是为了和已婚妇女交流。 30.D依据文章第3段介绍各地婚礼的不同,可知在非洲婚礼仪式是各有千秋。 31.C依据文章最后一段可知,婚礼上满是鲜艳的颜色、音乐、舞蹈等,充满了欢乐的氛围。 DWe came around the corner of the rutted dirt track, and saw him standing proudly in the dusk by the lake. “A rhino,” I said, but then, “what happened to his horn?” The ranger (护林员) quietly replied, “He was

54、 dehorned (锯角) to stop poachers (偷猎者).” We asked no more questions and continued our driving. Later, in the gift shop, I spotted glass and silver earrings for sale, labelled “Rhino Tears”. The packet told how the poaching of two rhinos inspired a crafter to make jewellery and offer what he could to

55、fight this evil crime. Turning the packet over I saw the cardboard was a part of a recycled grain packet. That afternoon, we drove in bright sunlight on furrowed tracks, through streams and across grass plains. We spied a leopard tortoise, alert by a river bank, stepped down to the water then change

56、d his mind and tugged on grass instead. A hoopoe (戴胜鸟) in a tree sang to his mate. My son spotted a hippo􀆳s eyes as we passed a tranquil lake, the only sign of the massive animal hidden under the water. As we approached a small group of rhino, our ranger paused and turned to us. “I must exp

57、lain,” he said. “the face of the female rhino.” He paused again. “Our rhino were poached two years ago, and their horns hacked out of their faces. One was killed but two survived. The bull died a few weeks later from his injuries, but the female survived. Her face looks strange.” The rhino turned to

58、wards us. The great flat scar stretched across her face but she pulled contentedly on the grass. A young rhino stood nearby. “Six months after the attack, one of the females had a baby. We didn􀆳t know she was pregnant. The father must be one of the dead bulls.” The herd browsed calmly befor

59、e moving off in the early evening warmth. 32.The crafter made glass and silver earrings labelled “Rhino Tears” to .A.make the earrings more popularB.ask people to fight rhino poachingC.remind people to be careful of rhinosD.tell people an interesting story about rhinos33.Which of the following best

60、describes the scene in Paragraph 3?A.Mysterious. B.Peaceful. C.Unusual. D.Funny. 34.What do we know about the female rhino mentioned in the last paragraph?A.She lost her horn. B.She avoided a poacher.C.She survived a poaching. D.She looked fierce and terrifying.35.Which of the following could be the

61、 best title for the text?A.A Lucky Rhino and Her BabyB.A Trip to See wildlifeC.Meeting with RhinosD.Tears of a Rhino【答案与解析】本文是记叙文。作者和儿子来到非洲草原,所见所闻使她对犀牛的境况和遭遇有了深刻的了解。32.B从第2段可知,这位手工艺者制作耳环并写上“犀牛的泪水”,目的是号召人们跟偷猎行为作斗争。33.B作者描述了这样的情景:乌龟进出湖水、戴胜鸟在歌唱、河马隐藏在宁静的湖中,一切都很祥和。34.C从文章最后一段可知,这只雌犀牛从偷猎中死里逃生,并且生下了自己的孩子。3

62、5.D文章叙述了作者了解到的关于犀牛的遭遇,它们仍旧遭受猎杀,因此用D项作为文章的标题最佳。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Americans waste energy every year, from electronics using too much power, leaking tap, uneaten foods and many other preventable causes. 36 And it will make you feel good to know you are helpi

63、ng to make the earth a better place for the future. In the KitchenYou can easily save energy in the kitchen by changing the way you use appliances. First, the dishwasher. Forget the “Dry Cycle”. Open the dishwasher door and allow dishes to air dry. 37 In the BathroomYou may love your hot shower, but

64、 it is no good for the environment. Try taking baths instead of showers to conserve water. Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth, washing your face, or shaving in order to keep from wasting the water. 38 In the GardenGreen living has no better place than in a green garden. Instead of wa

65、tering your lawn with water you pay for, purchase a rain barrel to capture the natural falling rain water. 39 posting (堆肥) will break down leftover vegetables and paper products and turn them into a usable, rich soil. The soil will e in handy when you start growing your own vegetables. At the OfficeGreen living does not have to stop when you go to work. Change your typical work routine by walking, riding your bike or taking public transportation to the workplace. 4

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