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1、Module4 Music阅读训练(3)阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。【2013潍坊5月模拟】“Oh,you must have been a spoiled (宠坏的) kid.You must be really bossy.I wonder what youre going to be like to deal with?” Thats often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out shes an only child,she told ABC News.Despite

2、 such negative (消极的) remarks,Hult has decided to have only one child herself.And shes not alone.According to the US Office for National Statistics,women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average of 1.9 children in 2004,compared with 3.1 for their counterparts in 1976.The percent

3、age of onechild families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 to 26 percent in 2007.But even though only children are becoming increasingly common,the traditional view that theyre selfish,spoiled and lack social skills holds strong.Even parents of only children,like Hult,are made to feel gui

4、lty about having only one child.Worried that theyre being selfish and endangering their childs future,they flock to online discussion forums seeking advice.Soon,however,they ask themselves:is this social prejudice really reasonable?“There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show

5、 that only children are no different from their peers (同龄人),” Susan Newman,a social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US,told ABC News.This raises another question:why are only children still viewed with such suspicion?“There is a belief thats been around probably since humans first existed

6、that to have just one child is somehow dangerous,both for you and for the continuation of your race,” Toni Falbo,a professor of educational psychology,told the Guardian.“In the past a lot of children died.Youd have had to be crazy to only have one.”Times,of course,have changed and infant mortality (

7、婴儿死亡率) has largely reduced.So what do only children themselves say?Kayley Kravitz,a blogger for The Huffington Post,grew up as an only child and highly recommends the experience.“Being an only child taught me the most valuable skill of all:the ability to be alone,” she said.1Which of the following c

8、ould be the best title for the text?AAre only children lonely?BAre only children common?CAre only children dangerous?DAre only children different?2What does Susan Newman mean?A Only children are as good as their peers.BOnly children are more selfish and spoiled.CParents feel guilty about having only

9、 one child.DParents will endanger their only childs future.3What is the common belief since human existed?AThe infant death rate always stays high.BPeople are crazy to have only one child.CIts easy for only children to earn their living.DIts hard to continue the family line with only one child.4An o

10、nly child like Kayley_.Amust be difficult to persuade Bcan possibly learn to be aloneCshould value special skills Dneed ignore bad experience5Whats the authors attitude towards having only one child?ANeutral.BNegative.CPositive.DDoubtful.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。尽管在英国越来越多的孩子都是独生子女,但很多人对独生子女的看法却依然如故,认为他们自私、娇气、缺少

11、社交技能。对此,独生子女们有他们的看法。1解析:标题概括题。本文主要讨论了独生子女是否就是英国传统观念中的自私、娇气,缺少社交技能的人,所以D项最适合做文章的标题,故选D。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据第四段Susan Newman所说的话可知,成百上千的研究表明独生子女和别的孩子没有什么区别,故选A。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第六段中的“There is a belief thats been around probably.both for you and for the continuation of your race”可知,自从人类存在以来,人们就认为只生一个孩子不论对你

12、自己还是对种族的延续来说都是很危险的,故选D。答案:D4解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“Being an only child.the ability to be alone”可知,选B。答案:B5解析:观点态度题。文中提到不同人对于独生子女的不同观点,但并没有直接提到作者自己的看法,由此可知,应选A,中立的。答案:A。【2015高考复习】阅读理解Having good etiquette (礼节) at the workplace is very important to be a favorite in an office.However,its observed that many

13、 people arent aware of the workplace etiquette and this creates a very bad impression in the office.So its important to know some workplace etiquette tips.Among all the workplace etiquette guidelines,the most important is to be punctual to your office.Though going late due to an emergency is okay,ha

14、bitual late comers are never appreciated in any organization.By arriving at your office on time,you show that youre aware of your responsibilities and have respect for the organization.In case you feel that you would be late,call the concerned authority and report the matter to him or her.Also,a pro

15、per knowledge of the workplace email etiquette is a must.In the official emails,you need to mention the subject concisely,while at the same time include all the important details which are to be shared.You should use good and grammatically correct language while writing emails.A knowledge of telepho

16、ne etiquette in the workplace is very important as well.While talking on the telephone,be polite and listen to what theyre saying carefully.Only then should you say what you feel.Speak in a voice which would be heard clearly at the other end.The workplace guidelines are important even while youre di

17、ning or celebrating with your coworkers.If you get a call in between,receive it after youre permitted by the others by saying “excuse me”Dont talk loudly while eating.Greet people well and try to make them feel comfortable while being in your company.These guidelines will help you become the best em

18、ployee of a company.All the best!【语篇解读】在工作中要想成为办公室里受欢迎的人,有好的礼节是很重要的。本文介绍了在工作中应注意的一些礼节。1Why should you try to be punctual?ATo prove you are not a habitual late comer.BTo respect the rules of the organization.CTo show that you are a responsible worker.DTo win other workers respect.解析细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,准

19、时上班一是表明你意识到了你的责任,二是表明你对这个团体的尊重,因此应选择C。答案C2How should you write an official email?AWrite the subject clearly and simply.BInclude all the details in the email.CMake the language as beautiful as possible.DMake emails as brief as possible.解析细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,电子邮件应主题简洁并包含所有重要的细节,因此选择A。答案A3Which of the foll

20、owing is considered NOT acceptable about making phone calls in the workplace?AUsing polite language.BListening with patience and care.CSpeaking clearly.DAnswering a call whenever it comes in.解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句可知,无论什么时候来电话都接是不被接受的行为。答案D4In the writers opinion,workplace etiquette_.Ais easy to masterBi

21、s considered important by all employeesCcan be helpful in doing your work wellDwill bring you good luck and good salaries解析推理判断题。综合全文尤其是第一段和最后一段内容可知,工作中的礼节有助于做好工作。答案C。【辽宁省葫芦岛市2014一模试题】In India, most of the women wear a red dot between their eyebrows. While it is generally taken as an indicator of th

22、eir marital(婚姻的)status, the practice is primarily related to the Hindu(印度教的)religion. The dot goes by different names in different Hindi dialects, and “bindi” is the one that is most commonly known. Traditionally, the dot carries no gender restriction: Men as well as women wear it. However, the trad

23、ition of men wearing it has faded in recent times, so nowadays we see a lot more women than men wearing one.The position of the bindi is standard: center of the forehead, close to the eyebrows. It represents a third, or inner eye. Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes: The two outer

24、ones are used for seeing the outside world, and the third one is there to focus inward toward God. As such, the dot means piety(虔诚)and serves as a constant reminder to keep God in the front of a believers thoughts.Red is the traditional color of the dot. It is said that in ancient times a man would

25、place a drop of blood between his wifes eyes to seal their marriage. According to Hindu beliefs, the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple. Today, people go with different colors depending upon their preferences. Women often wear dots that match the color of their clothes

26、. Decorative of sticker bindis come in all sizes, colors and variations, and can be worn by young and old, married and unmarried people alike. Wearing a bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom.28. Why did people in India start wearing a red dot on their forehead?A. To st

27、ress their family background.B. To indicate their social rank.C. To show their religious belief.D. To display their financial status.29. What is the function of the third eye in Hindu tradition?A. To help the other eyes see better.B. To look to the distance.C. To see the outside world.D. To pay resp

28、ect to God.30. Why was red chosen as the original color of the bindi?A. The word “bindi” means “red” in some Hindi dialects.B. Red was believed to be a lucky color for husband and wife.C. The red dot represented the blood of God.D. Red stood for a wifes love for her husband.31. Which of the followin

29、g statements is true about bindis today?A. Bindis are now used to make people look better.B. Bindis are worn anywhere on the face now.C. Most Indian women do not wear bindis anymore.D. More men than women wear bindis in India.【参考答案】2831 CDBA阅读理解。Engineering students are supposed to be examples of pr

30、acticality and rationality (理性),but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. In high school I wanted to be an electrical engineer and, of course, any reasonable student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department, many famous professors and

31、lots of good labs and research equipment. But thats not what I did.I chose to study engineering in a small liberal-arts (文科)university that doesnt even offer a major in electrical engineering. Obviously, this was not a practical choice; I came here for more noble reasons. I wanted a broad education

32、that would provide me with flexibility and a value system to guide me in my job. I wanted to open my eyes and expand my vision by communicating with people who werent studying science or engineering. My parents, teachers and other adults praised me for such a wise choice. They told me I was wise and

33、 grown-up beyond my 18 years, and I believed them.I headed off to the college and sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering factories where they didnt care if you had values or were flexible. I was going to be a complete engineer: technical expert and exce

34、llent humanist all in one.Now Im not so sure. Somewhere along the way my noble ideas crashed into reality, as all noble ideas finally do. After three years of struggling to balance math, physics and engineering courses with liberal-arts courses, I have learned there are reasons why few engineering s

35、tudents try to reconcile engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.The reality that has blocked my path to become the typical successful student is that engineering and the liberal arts simply dont mix as easily as I supposed in high school. Individually they shape a person in very different

36、ways. The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.文章大意:本文作者以自身的经历说明很难做到文理兼顾,共同发展。因而自己当初想要成为通晓人文科学的杰出工程师,是不切实际的。36. At present, the writer is studying _.A. Engineering at a college with a large engineering department.B. Engineering in a small liberal-arts university.C. Literature i

37、n a liberal-arts university.D. Communicating and technology.【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。根据I chose to study engineering in a small liberal-arts (文科)university作者选择了小的文科学院上学的工程专业,故选B。 37. Why did the writer choose his major in a different way from ordinary students?A. because he wanted to be an electrical engineer

38、 in high school.B. Because he didnt like studying in labs.C. Because he intended to turn out a technical expert.D. Because he expected to get improved more iii humanities.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据I was going to be a complete engineer: technical genius and sensitive humanist (人文学者) all in one.”,因为他希望提高人文学科这就

39、是作者选择在一所很小的文科院校学习的根本原因。38. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?A. No noble idea can be out of touch with reality eventually.B. The writers noble ideas are practical.C. Noble ideas have nothing to do with reality.D. The writer considered his noble ideas as valuable as oth

40、ers.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据这句话我们不难推断出作者原先的想法是不切实际的,故选A。39. What problem has the writer found in his study at college? A. He cant get used to the engineer factory.B.Math, physics and engineering courses are too difficult to learn.C.Its hard to combine engineering with the literal arts.D.He has made no prog

41、ress in the literal arts.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.把工程学与人文科学联系起来很难。故选C。40.How has the writer felt about his choice?A.He felt proud at the beginning but a bit doubtful at present.B.He has been feeling positive all the time.C.He has decided to give

42、 up.D.He shares the same opinion with his parents and teachers.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据I am an idealist 及The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.作者起初感觉很骄傲但是目前感觉有点怀疑,故选A。阅读理解-。When it comes to making a good career in the business world, being honest and getting along well with colleag

43、ues gives a person a solid competitive advantage, claims a new research.Dr.jon Bohlmann has found that project managers can expect better performance by far from the members of their team if treating them with honesty, kindness, and respect. According to another study , the Gross-functional product

44、development teams, can achieve a great quality and better cost benefits from socializing and interacting with individuals who work for their suppliers.The first, Dr. Bohlmanns study analyzed cross-functional product development teams, which combine together engineers, researchers and business person

45、nel. The point to involve people with various backgrounds was to show that there was a focus on finance, marketing, and also on a design and functionality, right from the start of the product-development process. In addition to all this, this diversity also helped to make communication more effectiv

46、e in order to ensure that all members of the team were socializing and cooperating, and not just working at cross-purposes.As a result, it indicated that interactional fairness awareness indeed had an effect on a cross-functional communication. In other words, all the team members who thought that t

47、hey had been treated well and respected, showed a great increase in their commitment to the success of the project they had been working on in cooperation with other team members, and, in particular, when they realized their project manager or supervisor to be a kind, nice and honest guy.According t

48、o Dr. Bohlmann, the increase in such commitment is very essential and important because it could improve performance that would result in the achievement of team goals. And if Bohlmanns study comes to the conclusion that nice and honest guys are the first to finish, the second research by Dr. Rob Ha

49、ndfleld shows us that cooperating and socializing well with others can give a team, and even a company an edge, when it comes to product development.41.According to the passage, being a successful project manager, you should havethe following qualities except _.A. honesty B. kindness C. desire for p

50、ower D. respect【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。根据Dr.jon Bohlmann has found that project managers can expect better performance by far from the members of their team if treating them with honesty, kindness, and respect.如果想做一个好的项目经理需要诚实、善良及尊敬,没有提到对权利的欲望,故选C。42. What does the underlined word they refer to in Paragraph

51、 4?A. managers B. team members C. colleagues D. researchers 【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据all the team members who thought that they根据上下文可知这里指的是队员,故选B。43 What effect can the commitment mentioned by Dr. Bohlmann have on our work?A.ensuring great quality of productB.giving a team, and even a company an edgeC.makin

52、g communication effectiveD.helping us perform better【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据According to Dr. Bohlmann, the increase in such commitment is very essential and important because it could improve performance that would result in the achievement of team goals.能够帮助我们办事效率的提高,故选D。44.What will the author most possi

53、bly write in the next paragraph?A.Dr. Rob HandfielcTs study.B.Dr. Jon Bohlmanns new findings.C.The importance of cooperating and socializing.D.How to cooperate with others.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据the second research by Dr. Rob Handfleld shows us that cooperating and socializing well with others can give a

54、team, and even a company an edge, when it comes to product development.这里下文要谈的是Dr. Rob Handfleld的研究,故选A。45.The best title for the passage might be _.A.Team work is essential and important.B.How to develop a successful business careerC.Honest and kind people make better business careerD.Socializing and cooperating【答案】C【解析】标题归纳题。根据短文的内容及文章的开头可知诚实和善良能够使生意做地更好,故选C。

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