高中英语 Module 2 The Renaissance(第3课时)同步练习 外研版选修8

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1、高中英语 Module 2 The Renaissance(第3课时)同步练习 外研版选修8.选词填空1Hes_a boyyou cant expect too much of him.2His best music was_by the memory of his mother.3Man is the only creature that is _with speech.4The_was very grateful to us for directing him when he mistook his way.5Its our_principle to keep away from dish

2、onest men and make friends with honest men.6She has a great_for music from an early age.7The police have taken the_to the police station.8The government is taking_steps towards tackling the countrys economic problems.9This wounded soldier was unconscious from his_of blood.10You should_advice from yo

3、ur lawyer on this matter.答案:1.merely2.inspired3.gifted4.passerby5.fundamental6.passion7.suspect8.tentative9.loss10.seek.用所给动词的适当形式填空1_(give)more attention,the trees could have grown better.2If you wave your book in front of your face,you can feel the air_(move)against your face.3How about the two of

4、 us_(take)a walk down the garden?4The patient was warned not_(eat)oily food after the operation.5When_(ask)why he walked in without permission,he just stared at us and said nothing.6John was made_(wash)the truck for a week as a punishment.7The Olympic Games,first_(play)in 776 BC,didnt include women

5、players until 1919.8While shopping,people sometimes cant help_(persuade)into buying something they dont really need.9_(lose)in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.10He still remembers_(take)to Shanghai when he was very young.答案:1.Given2.moving3.taking4.to eat5.asked6.to wash7.played8.

6、being persuaded9.Lost10.being taken.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】Many people think teachers give pupils too_1_homework. They say that it is _2_(necessary) for children to work at home in their free time._3_, they argue that most teachers do not properly plan the homework tasks

7、 they give to pupils. The results are_4_pupils have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school.Recently in Greece many parents plained about the difficult homework_5_(give) to their children. The parents said that most of the homework was useless, and they wanted to stop it. Spain and Tu

8、rkey are two countries which_6_(stop) homework recently. In Denmark, Germany and several other countries in Europe, teachers cannot set homework at weekends. In Holland, teachers allow pupils to stay at school to do their homework. The children are free to help one_7_. Similar arrangement also exist

9、s in some British schools. Most people agree that homework is not fair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet and fortable room is in a much_8_(good) position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room with the television_9_. Some parents are ready to help their children with the

10、ir homework. But other parents even take_10_interest at all in their childrens homework.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1much这里是太多的家庭作业,homework是不可数名词。2unnecessary他们认为老师留的作业太多了,所以他们认为这是没有必要的。3Moreover此处表示他们还认为老师们没有好好地计划作业。4thatthat引导表语从句。5given此处是given过去分词做后置定语。6stopped此处是过去时态。7anotherone an

11、other互相。8better前面有much,修饰形容词比较级。9on指电视机开着用on。10no根据意义是“不感兴趣”。【辽宁卷题型】Mike:So how is_1_in the apartment? Is the bedroom air conditioner working well?Helen: Well, it cools pretty well now, but it_2_(sure)makes_3_awful lot of noise. It makes_4_hard to sleep sometimes.Mike:Oh, really? Ill have someone_5_

12、(take) a look at it. How about the refrigerator? You said it wasnt cooling properly.Helen: Oh, its working fine now, thanks.Mike:Good._6_ is the washing machine OK?Helen: Yes, since you had it_7_(fix) last year, I havent had any problems with the water leaking. I want to talk to you about the sofa,_

13、8_. Its really_9_(fort). Maybe its time to replace it. How old is it, anyway?Mike:Well, I admit its pretty old. About 20 years, I guess._10_it is time to think about a new one. Is the TV set working on all the stations?Helen: Not really. The reception is bad on some of the stations.Mike:OK. Ill have

14、 it checked out next week.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1everything考查不定代词。everything一切事物。2surely考查副词。修饰make。3an因为awful是由元音音素开头的单词,所以填an。4itit作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to sleep。5takehave sb.do sth.使某人做某事。6And此处用and表顺承关系。7fixedhave sth.done.使某物被做。8though考查副词。though然而。9unfortable此处应用形容词,且由下文知此处是贬义词,故填unfor

15、table。10Maybe此处表可能性。.完形填空One day I was sitting alone on a deserted park bench under an old willow(柳树)tree.I was_1_because I felt the world was unfair to me.All of a sudden,a young boy approached me,out of _2_.He was obviously tired from playing and,as he stood before me,he tilted his_3_towards me an

16、d said with great excitement,“Look what I found!”In his hand was a flower with its petals(花瓣)all worn _4_from not enough rain,or too little light._5_him to take his dead flower and go away,I_6_a smile and then turned my back to him._7_ leaving,he said,“It surely_8_nice and its beautiful,too.Here,its

17、 for you.”The flower before me was drying;it had no bright_9_,but I knew I must take it,or he might never_10_.So I reached for the flower,and replied,“Thats_11_what I need.”But instead of him placing the flower in my hand,he just held it out_12_for me to take it.It was then that I _13_for the very f

18、irst time,that this happy boy could not see:he was_14_.I heard my_15_trembling and tears rolled down my cheeks.I thanked him for picking the best flowers for me.“Youre wele,”he smiled,and then ran off to play.He was_16_of the impact hed had on my day.I sat there and wondered how he_17_to see a selfp

19、itying woman under an old willow tree.Perhaps from his _18_,hed been blessed with true sight.Through the eyes of a blind child,at last I_19_that the problem was not with the world;the problem was me _20_ I myself had been blind for all of those years.I vowed(发誓)to see beauty,and appreciate every sec

20、ond thats mine.1A.worried BexcitedCsatisfied Ddisappointed答案:D由于作者感到这个世界是不公平的,所以非常“失望”(disappointed)。2A.breath BcontrolCdate Dorder答案:A根据下文的 He was obviously tired from playing判断,由于玩得太累了,此时那个小男孩已“气喘吁吁”(out of breath)。3A.hand BbackChead Dside答案:C下文提到小男孩是个盲人,他想判断那位女士的位置,所以要侧着“头”(head)用听觉来判断。4A.neither

21、 BeitherCwhether Dboth答案:B小男孩手里捏着一朵花,惨淡无光,花瓣可能因为缺水或缺少光照全蔫了。either.or.“要么;要么”,为固定搭配。5A.Hoping BPersuadingCMaking DWanting答案:D作者“想要”(want)小男孩拿着花离开。6A.achieved BpreventedCforced Dprotected答案:C作者勉强冲他一笑,然后把头扭向一边。force a smile“强作欢颜”。7A.Because of BInstead ofCThanks to Ddue to答案:B根据下文判断小男孩没有离开。instead of“代

22、替,而不是”。8A.smells BtastesClooks Dgrows答案:A由于小男孩看不到,所以只能是“闻”(smell)起来很香。9A.designs BshapesCcolors Dpatterns答案:C由于花已经枯萎,所以也就失去了鲜艳的“颜色”(color)。10A.answer BleaveCreply Dcalm答案:B作者希望小男孩“离开”(leave),所以就接过了花。11A.just BonlyCalso Dstill答案:A作者接了花,跟小男孩说:“正是我想要的。”12A.waiting BbeggingCsending Dasking答案:A小男孩看不到女士的手

23、在何处,所以只能“等着”(wait)她来拿。wait for sb.to do sth.“等着某人做某事”。13A.watched BstaredCexamined Dnoticed答案:D由于小男孩没有把花递到女士的手里,所以女士才“注意到”(notice)小男孩看不见东西。14A.blind BcleverCalone Dhappy答案:A这个快乐的小男孩看不见东西,他是个盲童。15A.sound BnoiseCsong Dvoice答案:D作者听到自己的“声音”(voice)在颤抖,由此看出作者的心灵受到了震憾。16A.unaware BsureCafraid Dfamiliar答案:A

24、小男孩可能永远不会知道他带给作者的震憾。be unaware of“不知道”。17A.succeeded BconsideredCmanaged Dimagined答案:C本句意为:我坐在那里,想着:他是怎样看到坐在这里的一个自怨自艾的我的呢?manage to do sth.“设法做成某事”。18A.heart BmindCeyes Dguess答案:A与上文相呼应,由于他不能用眼睛看到,所以只能用“心灵”(heart)来感觉。19A.promised BadmittedCrealized Dpermitted答案:C通过小男孩的眼睛,作者才明白,有问题的是她自己,而不是这个社会。reali

25、ze“意识到”。20A.though BuntilCunless Dbecause答案:D根据语义判断,下文是原因,所以用because。因为作者的心盲了这么久,作者发誓要发现生活中的美,好好享受自己的每一分钟。.阅读理解Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player.He was one of the most honored musicians in the world.He was an international cultural ambassador.He was a major supporter of the arts in Ame

26、rica and in other countries.He was a teacher and activist.Isaac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine.His parents moved to San Francisco,California the following year.His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the ins

27、trument.Later,he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory(音乐学院)He progressed quickly.When he was 16,he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.The next year,he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics. During World War II ,Mr.Stern played for thousands of Am

28、erican soldiers.It was the first time many of them had heard classical music.After the war,he was the first American violinist to perform in a concert in the Soviet union.He also supported young musicians and cultural organizations in Israel. In 1979,Isaac Stern visited China.He met with Chinese mus

29、icians and students.He taught them about classical Western music.His visit was made into a film,which is called From Mao to Mozart:Isaac Stern in China.It won an Academy Award for best documentary film. In 1984,Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture th

30、rough music.He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life.He said he believed that music makes life better for everyone,especially children.Mr.Stern supported and guided younger classical musicians.They include violinists Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman,cellist YoYo Ma,and pi

31、anist Yefim Bronfman.Isaac Stern died in xx at the age of 81.He was a major influence on music in the 20th century.He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.【文章大意】本文详细介绍了小提琴家艾萨克施特恩的生平以及他在音乐方面和国际文化方面的贡献。1Which of the following statements is TRUE about Isaac Stern?AHe was born in California

32、in the 1920s.BHe had visited many countries to advertise his recordings.CHe played less than one hundred concerts in all.DHis excellent music life lasted over 60 years.答案:D细节理解题。根据上下文可知,他从16岁的时候就开始表演,81岁的时候去世,所以他的音乐人生经历了60多年,所以D项是正确的。2The underlined word“cellist”in Paragraph 6 may refer to_.Asomeone

33、 who supports young musiciansBsomeone who wants to be a musicianCsomeone who has a gift for musicDsomeone who plays a certain kind of instrument答案:D词义猜测题。根据前文的violinists“小提琴家”和下文的pianist“钢琴家”可以猜测是演奏某种乐器的人。3From the passage,we can infer that_.AIsaac Stern influenced the culture in the 20th century a

34、lotBIsaac Stern was one of the most active musicians of his dayCIsaac Stern was so busy that he couldnt spare time to educate the youthDIsaac Stern led a rich life in his later life答案:B推理判断题。根据文章中他的音乐经历可以推知他是他所在的年代里最活跃的音乐家之一,因此B项符合文意。4What will be the best title for the passage?AIsaac Stern and the

35、Awards He GotBIsaac Sterns Life of Pursuing MusicCIsaac Stern:One of the Most Honored MusiciansDIsaac Sterns Visit to China答案:C主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第二句He was one of the most honored musicians in the world.(即主题句)以及全文所述可知C项最适合当标题。A、B、D三项所表达的都是片面的。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误

36、涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Do you read reviews before you see a movie?I use to do that,but I usually wished I didnt.I used to read so much about a movie in the advance that often I ended up not goi

37、ng to see it.The writers point out everything what is wrong with the film,and seldom mentions anything good about it.They also tell we the important things and even the ending of the movie.I think they have seen such many movies that they have forgotten what is like to enjoy watching one.Late I have

38、 changed the way I choose movies to watch.Now I never read reviews after seeing a movie.答案:Do you read reviews before you see a movie?I to do that,but I usually wished I .I used to read so much about a movie in the advance that often I ended up not going to see it.The writers point out everything is

39、 wrong with the film,and seldom anything good about it.They also tell the important things and even the ending of the movie.I think they have seen many movies that they have forgotten what is like to enjoy watching one. I have changed the way I choose movies to watch. Now I never read reviews seeing a movie.

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