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1、卢冠东编讲Henan University of Urban Construction|Teaching Plan Objectives1.Grasp the main idea(that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western learning styles)and structure of the text(introduction of the topic by an anecdote-elaboration by comparison and contrast-co

2、nclusion by a suggestion);2.Appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast,as well as different ways to compare and contrast(point-by-point method or one-side-at-a-time method);3.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4.Conduct a series of reading,listening,

3、speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit|Reading GuidanceClues for reading the text and the main contents 1.The text is an expositive about learning of Chinese learning style and American learning style,discuss different ways to accomplish a task,different attitudes to creati

4、vity and skills,and tries to strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.2.Like most essays,the text is made up of a beginning,a middle,and an end.Something about the beginning(Paras.15)The text begins with an anecdote:a little boy,Benjamin,tries to place the key to thei

5、r room into the slot and different attitudes toward this.Para.1.There are two sentences here:The first one tells us time,place,people concerned(author,his wife,their son Benjamin,hotel staff),their task-studing the ways of early childhood education in China.The second one introduces the topic-one of

6、 the most telling lessons they got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education.A.Something about the beginning(paras 1-5)Paras.2-3 The author tells the key-slot anecdote itself,why and how it happensPara 4 Two different attitudes toward the indent:1.happy to allow Benjamin to b

7、ang the key near the slot,let him explore and enjoy himself(his parents)2.attempt to assist him to insert it.(hotel staff)Para 5 Realizing its relevance to their assigned tasks in China,the author decided to work the key-slot incident into his discussions with Chinese educatorsThere are many ways of

8、 introducing a topic such as:I.States the topic directlyII.Begins with an anecdote or an incident(used in this text)III.Introduces a topic by posing a questionIV.Begins by quoting somethingV.Begins with an argument between two parties,etcB Something about the middle of the text(Paras 6-7)A middle is

9、 the main part of a text,and the text is developed here by analysis using comparison and contrast.Simply put,a comparison brings out the similarities between two or more things of the same the kind,while a contrast the differences between them.In a comparison and contrast essay,you spend more time e

10、ither comparing or contrasting,depending on your purpose.In the case of this text,the emphasis is on contrast.There are three topics in the middle-three passages under three subtitles.Topic 1.Two different ways to learn:The author organizes this section by using one-side-at-a-time method,examining o

11、ne subject thoroughly and then start another Para 6.Chinese way to learn:Why not show him what to do?Reason-(omitted);advantages happy,learn something sooner and then the child can proceed to more complex activities Para 7.American way to learn:We teach children to solve a problem effectively by one

12、self.Reasons(omitted),advantages likely to figure out oneself how to accomplish a task;likely to learn to think for oneself,to solve problems on ones own,and even to discover new problems Points in this section:1.The incident mentioned above was key in more than one sense.2.Teaching by holding his h

13、and is the best Chinese tradition3.That learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding is the extensive idea in China(eg:painting,calligraphy)This section serves as a further study of the preceding key-slot incident and a preparation for the following section,a contrary topic:cr

14、eativity.Topic 3.Creativity first(Paras 11-13)In this section,the author organizes comparision and contrast by using point-by-point method,examing two subjects(creativity and skills)at the same time,discussing them point by point.Para 11.attitudes to creativity and basic skills:a reversal of priorit

15、ies.Young Westerners making departures first and then mastering the tradition.Young Chinese inseparable from the tradition,but over time,the original.For your reference:We have many ways to develop a subject or a topic,which can be develop by analysis using cause and effect(as in text A,unit 8,book

16、1);with examples;by analysis using comparison and contrast(as in this text),and many others.C.Something about the end(para.14.)Can we gather a superior way to approach education,perhaps striking a better balance between?The end winds up the text with a suggestion in a form of a questionFor your refe

17、rence Many ways of concluding an essay:A conclusion or an end may be a restatement of the main points previously mentioned,a proposed solution,a question from some book or person,a prediction of future developments,a suggestion for further study(which is used in this text),etc.You should learn to va

18、ry your own writing by adopting various types of topic introduction.|1.-“teaching by holding his hand”-so much so that he would happily come back for more.(lines 67-69)译文:-手把手教,教得本杰明自己愉快的要求再来一次。So much so that:to such an extent that,甚至;到要,因为非常。例:Simons ill-so much so that he cant get out of bed.西蒙病了

19、,病的下不来床了。|2.In terms of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priorities(line 79)译文:从对创造力的态度来说,优先次序 似乎是颠倒了。in terms of:依,据,从方面,用的词句;there seems to be 似乎是,仿佛是,看起来是;(是there be 句型的变体)。reversal n.颠倒,倒转。reverse v.a.|本课出现的同义词或近义词练习(见下面两个图表)1.找到他们各自在本文中出现的位置,2.比较相同,对比差异 3.有的可替换,有的不可,有的需要调

20、整 后可替换:表格1tender,gentle outcome critical point,key purpose,gain situation,settingcraft,skill may well situation,setting is likely to produce,work on investigate rear,foster exploresee,find by oneself,for oneself overstate on ones own,himself exaggerateexamine,observe think,figure out harbor,havenote

21、,realizecritical,principal learn,study innovation,originalityimportant pick up break throughextreme,pole approach,solve get,achieve,pick up acquireapparent,clear develop,state assuming that so long asstyle,manner love,like accomplish,take place realize表格2 because,because of come,emerge also,as well

22、sinceprobably,perhaps turn in,hand to also,as well aspossible performance,behavior place,insert,fit(into)value,idea find its way(into)throw light on,explain success precisely,exactly give thought on achievementattempt,try lack,incomplete point to throw light on teacher,educator assist ,help soon,bef

23、ore longguide,teach display,show,model anecdote,incident 反义词反义词:initial-ultimate adult-child uncertainly-exactlyold,tender,young past-present几个连词:notbut eitheror neithernor|我们过去,现在和将来所阅读的每一篇课文中都有不少的同义词,近义词及反义词,要注意学习及研究。|1.这是英语写作的一个特点,|2.避免词汇重复,使得语言活泼,多彩,准确,|3.同义词,近义词,反义词的联想记忆是一个有效的记忆方法,|4.寻找,比较这些词及短

24、语也是养成细读习惯,认真学习和检查知识掌握程度的一个有效手段。|因为我们的课堂教学时间有限,教师没有时间在课堂上处理这些问题,这里我仅以本单元作个示范,希望每个同学能够自立坚持每篇都这样做。如此,你将获益匪浅。|Text Analysis An essay is usually made up of three parts:a beginning where the topic is introduced;the body part where the topic is elaborated on,and a conclusion.Besides stating the topic direc

25、tly,there are many other ways to introduce a theme.In this text,an anecdote or an incident is used.The author of Text A,Unit 6,Book1(what animals really think)introduces his topic by posing a question:”Do animals all have thoughts,what we call consciousness?”Text B,Unit3,Book1(How to make sense out

26、of science)begins by quoting newspaper headlines:“New Drugs Kill Cancer Devastation by E1 Nino-a Warning 6:30 pm.October 26,2028:Could This Be the deadline for the Apocalypse?”Text B of this unit,Children and Money,begins with an imagined argument between a child and his parent over the control of p

27、ocket money.Discover other forms of introduction as you read on.However,the more important point is that you should learn to vary your own writing by adopting various types of topic introduction.Without a conclusion,an essay lacks a sense of completeness.A conclusion may be a restatement of the main

28、 points previously mentioned,a proposed solution,a quotation from some book or person,a prediction of future developments,a suggestion for further study,etc.Text B,Unit3,Book I ends by giving a simile,comparing scientific research to mountain climbing,“a process filled with disappointments and rever

29、ses,but somehow we keep moving ahead,“In this text,Howard Gardner makes a suggestion in the form of a question.|第一课:Language Study|1.attach:fasten or join(one thing to another)(used in the pattern:attach sth.to sth.)系,贴,连接|Examples:Scientists discovered they could measure wind speed by attaching a w

30、ind meter to a kite and sending it up.|Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the document you asked for.|2.to position the key just so:to position the key carefully fit into the narrow key slot|3.not in the least:not at all一点也不(in the least,一点点儿,很少)|Examples:1 am not in the least touched b

31、y the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty.|Ann didnt seem in the least concerned about her study.|4.find ones way:reach a destination naturally;arrive at到达,进入,流入|Examples:Shanghai is not an easy city to find your way around.|Drunk as he was,Peter still found his way home|5.phenomenon:(pl.phenomena)sth.tha

32、t happens or exists and that can be seen or experienced现象|Examples:Hurricanes are a relatively common phenomenon in the Caribbean.|Stress-related illness is a common phenomenon in big cities.|Thunder and lightening are natural phenomena|6.initial:of or at the beginning,first(adj.,used only before n.

33、)开始的,最初的|Example:If a car suddenly pulls out in front of you.your initial reaction may include fear and anger.|Their initial burst of enthusiasm died down when they realized how much work the job involved.|7.assist:help(used in the pattern:assist sb.to do sth.,assist sb.with sth.)|Examples:The profe

34、ssor was assisting his students to prepare their project.|The college student decided to assist the boy with his study.|8.insert:put,fit,place(in,into,between)|Examples:Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before inserting the thermometer.|The doctor carefully inserted the needle into

35、 my left arm.|9.somewhat:to some degree,a little|Examples:It is reported that conditions in die village have improved somewhat since November.|-Are you concerned about your exam results?|-Somewhat.|10.await:(fml)wait for|Await is a fairly common word in formal writing,but you do not usually use it i

36、n conversation.|Instead you use wait for.|Examples:We must await die results of field studies yet to come.|After 1 sent die letter asking for a job,I had nothing to do but await the answer.|11.on occasion:now and then|Examples:I was usually die only foreign participant,although on occasion I brought

37、 other Americans in as guests.|Steve spent almost all his time doing his research,but,on occasion,he would take his son to see a film.|12.neglect:give too little attention or care to|Examples:He gave too much attention to his career,working long hours and neglecting his wife.|Their investment mined

38、out to be a failure and the manager was accused of neglecting his duties.|Cf.:ignore:pay no attention to sb./sth.on purpose,or as if sth.has not happened|Examples:I said Good morning to her,but she just ignored me and walked on.|13.relevant:directly connected with the subject(followed by to,opposite

39、 irrelevant)|Examples:Only a few people feel the debate about the cloning of human beings is relevant to their daily lives.|While writing my term paper I was able to borrow all the relevant books from the school library.|14.investigate:try to find out information about(used in die pattern:investigat

40、e sth.,investigate+wh clause)|Examples:Police are still investigating how the car accident happened.|We can assure you that your complaint will be fully and properly investigated|15.exception:sb./sth,that a comment or statement does not apply to|Examples:Normally,parents arent allowed to sit in on t

41、he classes,but in your case we can make an exception.|We feel that all the students in this class,with one or two exceptions,support the educational reforms.|Without exception all our youngsters wanted to leave school and start work.|When you are mentioning an exception,you often use the expression

42、with the exception of.|Examples:We all went to see the film,with the exception of Otto,who complained of feeling unwell.|16.on ones own:1)without anyones help|Examples:You neednt give me any help.I am able to manage on my own.|There are jobs your child can do on her own.|2)alone|Examples:The child w

43、as left on her own for hours as her morn had to deal with the emergency.|Id rather not go to dance on my own.I do wish youd come with me.|17.accomplish:manage to do(sth,)|Examples:actice youll accomplish nothing,|Considering their capacity,the possibility of accomplishing the task is not high.|If I

44、work hard,I think I can accomplish my goal of getting 6 As at the end of the semester.|18.in due course:at the proper time;eventually|Examples:Your book will be published in due course.|Be patient.Youll get your promotion in due course.|19.critical:I)very important|Examples:Environmentalists say a c

45、ritical factor in the citys pollution is its population.|How well you accomplish this task will be critical to the success of your career.|2)very serious or dangerous|Examples:In yesterdays car accident,ten people were killed and five people are still in a critical condition.|As the situation in Afg

46、hanistan became critical,the UN Secretary-General appointed a special representative to tackle it.|20.principal:(rather fml)main,chief|Examples:The couples principal concern is to earn enough money to send their children to school.|Her principal interest in life was to be a world-renowned pianist.|n

47、.The principal of a school or college is the person in charge of it.|Example:Complaints from the students began arriving at the principals office.|Cf.:principle(see Confusable Words)|21.make up for:repay with sth.good,compensate for|Examples:1 didnt travel much when I was younger,but Im certainly ma

48、king up for lost time now.|Her husband bought her a present to make up for quarreling with her the day before.|22.in retrospect:on evaluating die past;upon reflection|Examples:The young man knew in retrospect that he should have married his first love Emily.|In retrospect,I wish that I had chosen bi

49、ology as my major.|23.extreme:very great|Example:The girls were afraid of snakes and walked along the mountain trail with extreme caution.|n.die furthest possible limit,an extreme degree|Example:I know I always say that you eat too much,but there is no need to go to the other extreme.|(phrase:go to

50、extremes:do sth.so much,state sth.so strongly,that people consider your actions unacceptable and unreasonable|Examples:John went to such extremes to get his promotion that everyone at the office hates him now.|The film is not very good,but some critics have gone to extremes,saying it is the worst of

51、 the decade.)|24.performance:1)the standard achieved by a person or group of people in carrying out a particular job or activity|Examples:The athlete was awarded$10,000 for his good performance in the Olympics.|After several bad performances,die soccer team found their form again.|2)sth.performed in

52、 front of an audience,e.g,a play,a dance or other entertainment|Examples:Stevie Wonder fought back from the shadow of death and went on to give more performances.|His performance in die new production of Hamlet received much praise.|25.so much so that:to such an extent|Examples:Americans treat their

53、 children as separate individuals,so much so that someone who remains dependent on their parents longer than the norm may be thought to be immature.|Some parents spoil their children,so much so that they never ask them to do any studying.|26.continual:happening again and again,repeated|Examples:The

54、construction of the airport continued despite continual complaints from local residents.|The dogs continual barking disturbed the whole neighborhood.|Cf.:continuous(see Confusable Words)|27.apply:1)be relevant(to sb./sth.);have an effect(used in the pattern apply to sb./sth.)|Examples:The new pensio

55、n arrangements wont apply to people born before 1960.|The advice given by the professor only applies to some of the college students.|2)write a letter or fill in a form in order to ask formally for sth.(used in the pattern:apply for sth.,apply to d o:th.)|Examples:How many jobs had you applied for b

56、efore you were offered this one?|We went to the sports club so often that we decided that we might as well apply to join.|28.work on/at:try hard to achieve or improve(sth.)|Examples:Sophia needs to work at/on her typing speed.|John came back ahead of time to continue working on his thesis.|29.priori

57、ty:1)sth.that one must do before anything else|Examples:Being a qualified teacher is her first priority.|Earning enough money to maintain his family is a high priority.|2)sth.that holds a high place among competing claims|Examples:The school will give priority to English and computer studies.|The pr

58、oposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.|30.evolve:(cause to)develop gradually(followed by into/from)|Examples:The story evolves into a violent tragedy.|Popular music evolved from folk songs.|As knowledge of genetic engineering evolves,beliefs change.|If you want to be

59、 a poet,you must evolve your own style of writing.|31.summarize:make a short account of the main points of(sth,)|Examples:Basically,the article can be summarized in three sentences.|The workers demands can be summarized as follows:shorter hours and more pay.|32.contrast:compare(two people or things)

60、so that differences are made clear(used in the pattern:contrast A and/with B)|Examples:Carrie contrasted the situation then with the present crisis.|Students were asked to contrast Ernest Hemingway with Mark Twain.|n.action of contrasting|Examples:I was always reading when I was a kid,but my daughte

61、r,in contrast,just watches TV all day.|In contrast to the hot days,the nights are bitterly cold.|33.on the one hand.on the other hand:to introduce two contrasting circumstances|Examples:On the one hand her temper was likely to cause trouble,but on the other hand we needed her expertise.|On the one h

62、and,we have good reason to feel pleased with our progress.On the other hand,we mustnt get complacent.|34.promote:help to grow or develop|Examples:You dont have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.|Regular exercise will help promote physical and mental health.|35.emerge:c

63、ome out(followed by from)|Examples:The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.|The magician emerged from behind the curtain.|n.emergence(Tell the difference between emergence and emergency to Ss)|36.pick up:gain,learn|Examples:He picked up quite a lot of English during his one-year stay in

64、America.|I had picked up a bit of data-processing from my son.|37.enormous:extremely large(same as huge,immense)|Examples:Catherine inherited an enormous fortune from her parents.|The New Years concert was an enormous success.|38.exaggerate:make(sth.)seem larger,better,etc.than it really is|Examples

65、:In her resume,she has clearly exaggerated her talents a little.|-l am bleeding to death!|-Dont exaggerate-its only a little cut.|Peter says hes seen Titanic at least 20 times but I think hes exaggerating.|39.assuming(that):|You use assuming that when you are considering a possible situation or even

66、t,so that you can think about the consequences.|Examples:Assuming that we all work at the same rate,we should be finished by January.|Assuming that this painting really is a Van Gogh,how much do you think its worth?|40.valid:based on truth or sound reasoning|Examples:They put forward many valid reasons for not building the skyscraper.|It is valid to consider memory the oldest menial skill.|Scientific theories must be backed up with valid evidence.|41.worthwhile:worth doing,worth the trouble take

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