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1、English-Chinese Translation (英汉翻译 ),Linda,本课件版权属于河北工程大学经管学院徐运红老师。版权所属,谨慎使用!,第七章 词类转换法(conversion),也叫转性译法,词的转换。 指在翻译中,将原文中的某一类转换为译文的另一词类。 英汉两种语言在词的分类,词的兼类,词类的句法功能以及使用频率等方面有所不同。 如:汉语多用动词,英语多用名词,代词,介词 英语有汉语无得词类有:冠词,引导词,关系代词,名词性物主代词,关系副词,分词,动词不定式,动名词等;汉语有而英语无的词类:助词,量词等。,一、各种词类的转换 (一)转译成动词 He admires the

2、 presidents stated decision to fight for the job. 他对总统声明为保证其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩,1.名词转译为动词或名词与动词的相互转换 由动词派生出来的名词 具有动作意义的名词 以-er结尾表示身份或职业的名词 作为习语主体的名词,由动词派生出来的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中出现较多 例1:One after another ,speaker called for the downfall of imperialism ,abolition of exploitation of man by man ,liberation of the opp

3、ressed of the world. 发言人一个接一个表示要打到帝国主义,消灭人剥夺人的制度,要解放世界上被压迫人民 例2:Adherence to the principle of One China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification. 坚持一个中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础和前提。,具有动作意义的名词转译为动词,在记叙文,描写文体出现较多。 例1:As the week drew to a close, the enemy rout was complete. 一周快结束时,敌人彻底溃退了。 例2.他精通英语。 He

4、 has a good command of the English language.,以-er结尾表示身份或职业的名词,如含有较强动作意味 例1:他能吃能睡。 He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 例2.Talking with his son, the old man was. the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings. 在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。,作为习语主体的名词往往可转译为动词 They took a final look at the city. 他们最后看了一眼

5、那座城市。 除了以上情况外,像动名词,不定时等在适当情况下也可译为动词。,2.形容词转译为动词 适用于英语中表示知觉,情欲,欲望等心理状态的形容词,在系动词后做表语时,可转移为动词,如: Confident, certain, careful, cautious, angry, sure, ignorant, afraid, doubtful, aware, concerned, glad, delighted, sorry, ashamed, thankful, anxious, grateful ,able等 例1: Employers by and large are resistant

6、 to mediation. 在总体上说,雇主是抵制调解的。 例2.他热爱科学研究,但对提升职称不感兴趣。 She is keen on scientific researches but indifferent to promotion.,还有一些形容词短语,在句子中作表语或定语,也常译为动词。如: Absent from, inferior to, superior to, fraught from(充满), free from, adjacent to(靠近), analogous to(类似于), empty of 我们缺乏原材料。 We are short of raw materi

7、al.,3.副词转移为动词 做表语或宾语补足语的副词可以以为你动词。如in, over, out 等 Spring is in. 春天来了。 太阳下去了,月亮出来了。 The sun is down while the moon is up.,4.介词转译为动词 没有动作意味仅表示时间,地点时的介词,汉译时往往采用省略法,而当介词或介词短语 或有动作意义时,往往采用转译法,转译为动词,如: across, past, toward 例1: President Lincoln proposed to establish a government of the people, by the peo

8、ple and for the people. 林肯总统主张成立一个民有,民治,民享的政府。 例2: Are you for or against the proposal? 你赞成还是反对这一提议。 例3: 这篇文章我看不懂。 This article is beyond my comprehension.,(二)转译为名词 1.动词转译为名词 英语中有很多由名词派生出来的动词以及由名词转化的动词,当翻译时,若不易找到对应的词,也可转译为名词。 The film Hero impressed me deeply. 英雄这部电影给我留下深刻的印象。 The earth on which we

9、live is shaped like a ball. 我们居住的地球,形状像个球。,新词的构成法(word formation)主要有: Affixation(词缀):占新词30%-40%,包括prefition (前缀), suffixation (后缀) Compounding(复合):占新词28%-30%,也叫composition,是多个词干构成,如n+n, n+v,v+n,n+ving 如:end product(制成品) frostbite (冻疮), tell-tale (告密者),blueprint(蓝图),outgoing(开朗的),conversion (转化):26%,

10、即各类词形的转换,vn, n v, 如:doubt 是由动词转换成名词,shelter是由名词转换成动词 shortening(缩略法),包括clipping and acronymy, 占8%-10% Clipping(截短法):取单词某个部分做为新单词,例:perm (permanent-wave)烫发,lunch (luncheon)午餐 acronymy (首字母缩略法): 每个单词的第一个字母组成形成新的单词,也叫initialism, 如:c/o (care of), p.c. (postcard), 需一个字母一个字母的发音,但NATO (the North Atlantic T

11、reaty Organization ) 要作为一个单词发音。,Blending(拼缀法):1%-5%,一般是由一个或两个单词的部分+另一个单词的某个部分。head+tail, head+head, head+word,word+tail 如: cremains (cremate +remains)骨灰 Comsat (communications + satellite) 通信卫星 Sitcom (situation + comedy) 情景喜剧 Medicare (medical +care) 医疗保险 lunarnaut (lunar + astronaut) 登月宇航员 workfar

12、e (work + welfare) 慈善事业 back formation (逆生法) :是后缀的反过程,如greed (n)来源于greedy (adj.),除此之外,英语被动式句子中的动词,可以译为“受(遭)到+ 名词” ,“预(加)以+ 名词” 词类结构 例1:He was snuffed by the top-ranking officials there. 他受到那边高级官员们的冷遇。 例2:Satellites, however, must be closely watched, for they are constantly being tugged at by the gra

13、vitational attraction of the sun, moon and earth. 由于经常受到太阳、月亮及地球引力的影响,卫星活动必须加以密切的观察。,2.形容词转译为名词 某些表示事物或人的特征的形容词作表语或定语可以转移为名词 Steven was eloquent and elegant but soft. 史蒂夫有口才,有风度,但很弱。 They were considered insincere? 他们被认为是伪君子。,而汉译英时,可以用be+名词或名词+of结构 他们用热情的款待来遮盖自己的窘态。 He covered up his embarrassment w

14、ith th4e enthusiasm of his hospitality. 有些形容词+the表一类人,转译为名词 We should try our best to help the sick and the wounded. 我们应该尽最大努力来帮助病号和伤号。,(三)转译成形容词 主要是指名词转译为形容词 1.形容词派生的名词,转译成形容词 The puppet-show was performed with great regularity and decency. 木偶戏的演出井然有序,也很规矩。 2.有些名词+不定冠词作表语时,可转译 The blockade was a su

15、ccess. 封锁很成功。 她是一名医生的女儿,有才华,又漂亮,但有点脾气。 She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a doctor.,(四)其他词类选择 以上三种是最常见的转译,除此之外,还有 1.形容词与副词的相互转译 形容词转译为副词 例1:The modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology. 当今世界科学技术正在迅速发展。 例2:太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大地影响。 The s

16、un affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man. 除此之外,由于英汉语言表达方式不同,还有一些英语形容词可译为汉语副词。 This is sheer nonsense. 这完全是胡说。,副词转移为形容词 The film Hero impressed him deeply. 英雄这部电影给他留下了深刻的印象。 The president had prepared meticulously for his journey. 总统为这次出访作了周密的准备。 除此之外,还有一些副词可转译 例如:Traditionally, there

17、had always been good relations between them. 他们之间一直有着传统的友好关系,2.名词与副词的转译 名词转译为副词 Its our great pleasure to note that our shipbuilding industry is developing vigorously. 我们很高兴地看到,我国的造船工业正在蓬勃发展。 副词转译为名词 They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally 他们的思想工作没有组织工作做得好,二、句子成分的转译 句子

18、成分的转译是随着词性的转译而变得。 例1:Care must be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and damp. 应当始终注意保护仪器,使其不沾染灰尘和受潮。 例2:As the match burns, heat and light are given off. 火柴燃烧时,发出光和热。 例3: The world has witnessed different roads to modernization. 世界上已有了不同的现代化道路。,Exerses:,1. An acquaintance of the

19、 world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. 2. His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph. 3. On the walk through the city they saw breadlines. 4. A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here. 5. He was a regular visitor. 6. There were various possible players for the ro

20、le. 7. He has already made mention of the matter in his speech. 8. The judge sat in the dining-room amid the morning mails . 9. Up the street they went, past stores, across a broad square, and then entered a huge building. 10. They were suspicious and resentful of him.,11. I would be usually with ca

21、mera on to see if a fleet was being assembled there. 12. Because he had struck a boss, he was blacklisted and lost his job at the fertilizer works. 13. A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car. 14. His image as a good student was badly tarnished. 15. M.Gorky(高尔基 )

22、had deep sympathy for the insulted and the injured. 16. I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries. 17. Warm discussion arose on very corner as to his achievement. 18. They regarded him as a potential adversary. 19. The sun rose thinly from the sea. 20. He had the kindnes

23、s to show me the way.,Suggested answer:,1.读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。 2.无论什么事情,只要他一露面,就算是成功了。 3.在走过市区的时候,他们看见领救济事物的人排着长队。 4.从这里可以看到富士山。 5.他经常来。 6.可能扮演这种角色的有好几个人。 7.他在演讲中曾提到过这件事。 8.法官坐在餐厅里处理早上到的邮件。 9. 他们沿着大街走去,经过许多商店,穿过一个大广场,然后进入了一座大厦。 10.他们不信任他,讨厌他,11.我总是打开摄像机,侦察在那儿是否有舰队集结。 12.由于打了一个工头,他被列入黑名单,不能在肥料厂工作了。 13.一个穿着讲究的人上了车,他的外表和谈吐都像一个美国人。 14.他作为一个好学生的形象,已遭受到很大的玷污。 15.高尔基对于受侮辱的人和受伤害的人有深厚的同情。 16.我认识到,通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。 17.到处在热烈地讨论他的成就。 18.他们认为他可能是他们的一个对手。 19.淡淡的太阳从海上升起。 20.他好意地给我指路。,

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