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1、好好学习 天天向上第五課时一、課时内容教科书第63页:B. Read and write Lets check.二、課时分析本課时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册第六单元第五課时,包括Read and write和Lets check.两个板块.经过前几个課时学习,学生们已经掌握There be句型疑问句式和一些描述景物单词.Read and write是阅读训练板块,是在学习A和B重点单词以及重点问答对话句型等两大板块之后,精心设置灵活运用升级板块,分为读短文和写句子两部分.阅读内容是让学生在图片帮助下阅读短文,通过Robin对屋外景物一一描述小短文让学生回顾了本单元重点句


3、己出题目,让学生自己做主安排所出合理又符合题意题目,体现了新課标以学生为中心原则,而学生自己出题,又对本单元核心句型进行了更进一步巩固和深化理解. Lets check.是一个听力训练,是对本单元所学内容检测,是由两部分组成.第一个是要求学生根据听到内容判断图片对错;第二个是要求学生重新听取录音内容,并且根据所听到内容回答问题.此题呈现四幅公园中景物图,学生在听力之前要仔细观察所给图片,从所给图片中推测听力句型考察点,做到有放矢去听录音完成这道题目.第二部分要求学生在听力活动结束后,对听力内容有一个整体上了解并所给问题答句.这也是对本单元重点句式能否灵活运用考验.这种听力板块题型设计,请师生们



6、据本单元重点句型等重要信息来独立完成听力训练,并根据听力内容完成问题.2.难点(1)能够灵活运用本单元所学知识,读懂与本单元相关阅读短文.(2)能够听懂与本单元相关对话内容,并完成相关训练.五、教学准备多媒体課件,录音机与录音磁带,自制PPT課件,課件内容包括与本单元有关两个听力训练,以及两个阅读短文训练.六、教学过程1.課前热身(1)把全班分成两大组,对译重点单词和句子.Ss1:forest, forest,Ss2:森林;hill,hill, Ss1:小山;mountain, mountain,Ss2:高山;river, river,Ss1:小河;lake,lake,Ss2:湖泊.tree,

7、 treeSs1:大树;building, building,Ss2:楼房;house, house,Ss1:平房;village, village,Ss2:村庄;bridge, bridge,Ss1:小桥;Is there a building in the village ? Ss2:村里有幢楼房吗?Is there a bridge over the river ?Ss1:河上有座小桥吗?Are there any houses in the village ?Ss2:村里有许多平房吗?Yes, there are . Ss1:是,有.Are there any trees in the

8、 village ?Ss2:村里有许多树吗?Yes, there are .Ss1:是,有. There is one lake on the mountain .Ss2:山上有一个湖.(2)Bingo 游戏热身.每个学生准备一张纸,纸上画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然后教师随便念九个学过单词,学生边听边将这些单词填入九宫格,随便填在哪里都行.学生填好后,教师再次打乱顺序念这九个单词.学生在听到单词上画圈,当画圈在无论横行、竖行、斜行成为一条直线时,学生就可以喊“Bingo!”并举起纸让老师检查.最先喊话且书写正确学生为胜利设计意图:本单元重点句型就是A和B两部分中重点词句,到现在为止已经全部学完

9、,本課时主要内容是运用、交流重点词句,解决实际问题,因此,在授課之前,复习重点词句非常必要.同时Bingo游戏安排,既让学生背写了单词,又不会让学生觉得如听写一般枯燥,而且在課程开始不久不适合太激烈活动,这个小游戏既新鲜,又不会打乱課堂气氛,使教师更好把握了課堂节奏.2.导入 (1)出示一副风景画,让学生试着描述画中景物,用上所学过重点句型. T: This is my hometown. Its beautiful . Can you see something about it ?S1:There is a long river in the village .S2:There are s

10、ome houses in the village .S3:There are some trees in the village .S4:There are some sheep in the village .T: Whats in the river ?S5:There are two boats in the river .S6:There are some ducks and fish in the river ,too.T: Can you write them down ?Ss:Yes, I can .T: OK. You can write them down after cl

11、ass .设计意图:把今天要呈现阅读考察先用观察图画方式和学生进行对话交流,引导学生从全面到细节仔细观察,并用已学重点句式描述图中景物,先把阅读方法潜移默化教给学生,这种展示相类似内容方法值得借鉴.(2)语言导入T:Boys and girls, Do you know Robin? Ss:Yes , we do.T:Do you know where Robin went ?Ss:No, we dont.T:He went to Mr Jones house .Ss:Mr Jones house ?T:Yes, there is a nature park near Mr Jones hou

12、se . Do you want to have a look ?Ss:Great!设计意图:与学生们谈论接下来要学习话题,贴入点很贴近学生们心理需求,直接创设英语情境,瞬间调动起学生们积极性,激发学生们学习英语兴趣,这种导入方式深受学生们欢迎.3. 新課呈现 (1)听录音,完成短文大意理解播放短文录音,要求学生不能看书,完成预设填空.T : Lets listen to the tape and fill in the blanks .Robin is at _house. There is a _ _near the house . In the nature park there is

13、a _ _. In front of the mountain there is a small _. There is a _near the village .There are many _on the lake .设计意图:把短文设计成听力填空题是帮助学生在听音过程中理解短文大意.给出填空正好是短文中关键词,学生听录音填上所缺单词就会在听力过程中对关键信息加深印象,而如此设计也是因为听、说、读、写四位一体教学方法,让学生全方位提高英语应用能力.老师讲解短文中疑难问题.在上面听力过程中难免遇到不懂得地方,学生提问,教师答疑解惑Mr Jones中“”是名词所有格,解释为“琼斯先生”.英语中

14、许多名词主要指有生命名词可以加s表示所有关系.(1)大多数情况下,可把s直接加上去:Marys storybook 玛丽故事书 (2)原词已有复数词尾-s,则加“ ”号:The teachers desk.教师办公室 (3)如果原复数词不带-s词尾,也要加s: The Childrens Day. 儿童节(4)也可用于无生命东西名词之后:表示时间名词,todays paper.今天报纸.表示国家名词,Englands apple.英国苹果.near 表示在旁边,如:near the desk 在桌子旁边In front of 表示在前面 如:In front of the house 在房子前

15、面high 是“高”意思,如: high mountain, 高山;high school 高中设计意图:老师首先帮助学生们解决疑难问题,扫除困难障碍,化难为易,让学生们读起来没有太大心理负担,感觉阅读并不是很难事情,从而增强了自信心,为完成阅读训练做好铺垫工作.(2)朗读短文.再次播放录音,学生们跟读;教师领读,注意按正确意群及语音、语调朗读;同桌交替朗读.注:英语句子意群划分:意群可以是一个词,一个词组或短语,也可以是并列句一个分句或复合句一个主句、从句等,我们可用“”来划分句子意群.意群在句子中具有语义、语法和语调三种特征,例:There are / some apples / on t

16、he tree .树上有一些苹果.每个意群以短语为单位朗读时在意群之间稍作停顿.设计意图:听、说、读、写四位一体,听力是为朗读服务,听准语音语调,朗读才有据可循.多读又是为理解意义做铺垫.(3)请学生代表借助图片内容,把短文翻译成汉语,教师给以适当纠正.Robin is at Mr Jones house. There is a nature park near the house . In the nature park there is 罗宾在琼斯先生家里.房子附近有一个自然公园.在自然公园里有一座高山.a high mountain . In front of the mountain

17、there is a small village. There is a lake near the village .山前面有一个小村庄.小村庄附近有一个湖.湖里有许多鸭子.There are many ducks on the lake .设计意图:阅读短文时,首先要解决其正确汉语意思,把汉语意思都搞清楚了,再解答任何有关短文内容问题,都可以迎刃而解了.(4)学生回答问题,在短文中划出答案.再读短文,带着两个问题,并在短文中划出答案.1. Where is Robin ?2. Whats near the house ?3. Whats the nature park like ?参考答案

18、:Robin is at Mr Jones house. There is a nature park near the house . In the nature park there is 1._2 _ 3 _a high mountain . In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village ._There are many ducks on the lake ._巡视并及时指导.等到所有学生都做完了,老师请三名学生代表宣布自己完成划线及问题回答,请划线全部正确学生举手示

19、意,老师可以了解有那几个个别学生划线有误.请两名划线有误学生讲一讲自己错误原因及感悟,以作警示.设计意图:设计问题并划线目是让学生对短文内容有一个进一步认识和了解.(5)完成补画任务.教师出示PPT 課件,采用学生们都熟知“开心建农场”方法出示画图步骤,也对短文内容有了更直观展示.学生分成若干小组,每5人一组,合作画图.把绘画优秀作品通过幻灯片展示,让学生共同评价.设计意图:在学生们完全理解阅读短文内容基础上,采用小组合作学习方法,以学生为中心,学生在一起绘画交流作品,其中不乏优秀作品,学生可以借鉴,取长补短,相信绝大多数学生是可以顺利完成这样训练,如果有个别接受新知比较困难学生,老师再另做个

20、别辅导安排.(4)根据短文内容提出三个问题.Write three questions about the nature park .Give the answers.学生认真阅读读短文,还以小组合作方法完成问题.在每一小组找出代表发言,说出自己问题,大家讨论.Ss1:Is there a park near the house ?Ss2:Yes, there is .Ss1:Is there a village in front of the mountain ?Ss2:Yes, there is .Ss1:Is there a mountain in the park ?Ss2:Yes,

21、there is .Ss1:Is there a lake near the village ?Ss2:Yes, there is .Ss1:Are there any ducks on the lake ?Ss2:Yes, there are .Ss1:Are there any boats on the lake ?Ss2:No, there arent .设计意图:之前学生们只知道依据题目来做题,出什么题目就做什么,当学生有了一定学习能力之后,教材中就安排让学生自己出题目,让学生自己做主安排所出合理又符合题意题目,体现了新課标以学生为中心原则,而学生自己出题,又对本单元核心句型进行了更进

22、一步巩固和深化理解.4.操练 (1)完成听力训练Lets check .T:Boys and girls. Do you want to do some listening exercises by yourself?Ss:Yes!T:OK. Lets finish the listening exercises, together.Ss:Great!听力材料:1. Amys aunt : Its quiet here in the park . Amy : Yes, Aunt . There are many birds in the forest. Listen . Amys aunt :

23、 Is there a lake in the forest ? Amy : Yes, there is a big one. Amys aunt :OK. Are there any tables beside the lake? Im hungry . Amy : Yes, there are . Lets go there and eat !答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 设计意图:告诉学生们,通常训练都是朗读两遍,老师一定要叮嘱好自己学生,当听完第一遍录音时,如果学生自己没有听明白,请学生们不要着急,一定要静下心来,认真听第二遍,在听录音时候,还可以练习在稿纸上做听力速记.(2)“各就各

24、位”小游戏教师读一段自己编写小短文,并出示課件图片帮助学生理解,多读两遍,再找同学担任短文中景物角色.教师在讲第三遍时候,每提到一种景物,扮演该角色学生就马上站起来,如:教师讲到“my home ”角色是home 学生就大喊“My home is near school.”教师讲到“closet”,角色是closet 学生就大喊“There is a closet near the bed.”材料:Hello! My name is Mike. My home is near school. I have my own room now. There is a bed in my room.

25、There is a closet near the bed. There is a computer on the desk, there is a mirror on the wall. There is not an air-conditioner in my room. I like my room very much. What about your room? Can you tell me?设计意图:将朗读和听力相结合,学生自身也是听力内容中一员角色,非常有积极性,不但让学生熟悉了本单元重点句型,又锻炼了学生们听力中抓关键词能力.而且学生们在枯燥训练过后能有一个表演机会,让他们积

26、极地动起来.也防止学生进入疲劳状态,让整节課有张有弛.(3)分组练习听力训练.将全班分成若干小组,每小组五人,老师把課前打印好听力材料和训练题卡分发给每一组,小组学生合作完成题目,等学生们全部完成之后,老师再请学生代表汇报完成听力训练过程与结果.第一套听力材料:根据听力材料,在正确选项上打对勾. I like my village . The clouds are white .The trees are green . I often play under the trees .There are some houses in my village .In front of the vill

27、age there is a big lake .There are many ducks in the lake . Its so beautiful .第一套听力题卡: I like my village . The _are white .The_ are green . I often _ under the trees .There are some_ in my village .In front of the village there is a big _ .There are many _in the lake . Its so beautiful .参考答案:clouds

28、, trees , play , houses , lake , ducks ,第二套听力材料: I have a new classroom .Its on the second floor .There are many desks and chairs in it . There are four lights and five windows .There is a big blackboard in the front of the classroom . There are beautiful pictures on the wall . Its clean. I like it

29、.第二套听力题卡: I have a new classroom .Its on the _floor .There are many _and _ in it . There are _lights and_ windows .There is a big blackboard in the _ of the classroom . There are beautiful pictures on the _. Its clean. I like it .参考答案:second , desks , chairs , four , five , front , wall,设计意图:这两道听力题考

30、查是学生对听力内容中关键词掌握和领会能力.小组合作方法照顾了大多数同学较好完成任务,先从较容易题目开始练习,同时完成对空白中单词书写检查,为以后练习做好铺垫.(4)阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案.Hello, Im Bob . Im from a small village .There are many houses and rivers in my village .The houses are very beautiful .The water is clean . And you can see many fish in the river .There is a mountain

31、 near our village .There are many trees on the ,mountain . The trees arent green . Because its winter now . I like my beautiful village .(1). Where is Bob from ? A . He is from a small village B . He is from a small city.(2)Are there any houses and rivers in the village? _ A. No, there arent. B. Yes

32、, there are.(3)What can you see in the river? _ A. ducks B. fish(4)There are many _on the mountain. A. trees B. pandas(5)The trees on the mountain _ green .A. arent. B. are.参考答案:(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)A设计意图:在課堂上,给学生们更多练习机会,帮助学生们熟悉有关阅读理解题型,让学生们自我感知熟能生巧道理,逐渐学会阅读理解技巧,逐步掌握自己根据语境,排除干扰抓关键词等方法,快速提高自己英语应对能力

33、.5.課堂小结 让学生谈谈本节課收获和不足.七、課堂作业 .听录音,选出你所听到单词.( ) 1. A. bridge B. village C. fridge( ) 2. A. lake B. like C. make( ) 3. A. river B. forest C. hill( ) 4. A. mountain B. hill C. tree( ) 5. A. house B. many C. building .听录音,选出你所听到句子.( ) 1. A. There are many trees on the mountain. B. There are many flowers

34、 on the mountain.( ) 2. A. Are there many trees near the house ? B. Are there many trees in front of the house ? ( ) 3. A. There are beautiful pictures on the wall . B. There are beautiful pictures on the desk .( ) 4. A. The clouds are white .The trees are green . B. The clouds are white .The trees

35、are not green .( ) 5. A. Is there a big lake ? B. Is there a big river?.听录音,判断你所听内容是否与图片相符合.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .听录音,根据图片出现先后顺序给图片标号. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F).My new friend , come and look at my new village .There is a forest near my village . There are many trees in the forest .There is fresh

36、 air and green grass everywhere .There are no tall buildings .But there are many small houses .Look , that is my house , it is in the mountains .The mountains are so high . There is a small river in front of the mountain . There are many fish in it .There are many boys in the river ,too .( ) 1. Ther

37、e is a forest near my village .( ) 2. There are many tall buildings .( ) 3. My house is in the mountains .( ) 4. There is a small river behind the mountain .( ) 5. There are many fish and many boys in the river . 答案:. 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C. 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 1. (3) 2.(2) 3 .(1) 4.(

38、4) 5.(5). 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T附:听力材料:. 1. bridge 2. lake 3. forest 4. tree 5. building.1. There are many trees on the mountain. 2. Are there many trees in front of the house ? 3. There are beautiful pictures on the wall 4. The clouds are white .The trees are not green . 5. Is there a big river?.1. Th

39、ere is a bridge over the river . 2. There are many students in the classroom .3. There is a high mountain in the picture . 4. Is there a river ? Yes, there is . 5. There are many houses in the picture . I live in a small village .There is a big lake near my village . In the lake , there are many fish .This is my house ,Its not big .And there is a tree in front of my house .八、板书设计第五課时1.阅读训练答题要领:认真阅读数遍,解决疑难词句,理解整篇文章大大概意思,对照短文内容,抓住关键信息, 根据语境,进行推断.2.听力训练答题要领:集中注意力,听力之前,学会预测,认真聆听录音内容,迅速捕捉与题干相关信息和关键词,并联系学过重点知识,果断答题. 12

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