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1、必修4 unit 5 Language points1.theme: Cn. 主题(论文、演讲、音乐、电影等) subject: 话题,主题; 题目; 科目; 课程;主语, topic (论文、文章等的)题目issue: 指有争论、议论,急需讨论研究的热点话题。theme music/song/tune/park 主题音乐、主题歌/主调/主题公园The theme of the poem is love and peace.Each student choose a theme on environmental conservation.What is the subject of his n

2、ew play?The topic for his lecture is Learn From Comrade Lei Feng.2.central: adj. centre n. v. centre on/upon. 以为中心,集中于central bank/government/heatingOur thoughts centre on the girl who had died. 我们的思绪都集中在已死的女孩身上。3.fun Un. 乐趣, 娱乐, 嬉戏 funny adj. 滑稽的, 有趣的, 可笑的 have fun with. 玩得愉快 a lot of fun/much fun

3、很有乐趣 for fun/in fun /for the fun of it 为了好玩/开玩笑似的/为了取乐好玩,消遣 have fun (in) doing sth. 做某事有趣 what great fun! 多么有趣呀! make fun of 取笑I have no fun in spending the evening doing nothing.我晚上闲着无事很无聊。I had great fun playing cards with them.我和他们玩纸牌玩得非常高兴。4. more than: 超过;不仅仅;很;十分 no more than. 仅仅,只不过 not more

4、 than 不超过 more A than B 与其说B不如说A more (of)+n. than +n. 与其说.不如说. no more+adj.(原级).than. (全否定)两者都不 not more +adj.(原级)than (部分否定) more than one +n.(单数) (谓语单数) =many a +n.(单数) (谓语单数) 不止一个.The stone weighs more than 10 tons.Bamboo is used for more than building.Peace is much more than the absence of war.

5、I m more than glad to meet you.The beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe.That is more than enough.He is more than our teacher; he is also our good friend.She is no more than an assistant.There were not more than seven men in the hall.He ate no more than a piece of cake for breakfast.Sh

6、e is more sad than angry.Li Yu is more (of) a poet than a king.She is no taller than her sister.(她和她妹妹都不高)She is not taller than her sister.(她没有她妹妹高)More than one person agrees with me.5.variety n.U. 品种, 种类;种种, 各种;变化, 多样化 various adj. vary vi.vt. 使不同,变化 a variety of 各种各样的= varieties of. = all sorts/

7、types/kinds of The subject may be viewed in various ways.这问题可以从不同的方面加以考虑。Beijing is filled with people from various parts of China.Everyone arrived late at the party for various/a variety of reasons.These sweaters vary in color.Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.This variety of dog i

8、s very useful for hunting.这种狗对狩猎很有用。a life full of variety 富于变化的生活6.sights 景点,名胜 an attraction/attractions a place of interest/places of interest The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world.长城是世界名胜之一。7.whichever/whatever/whoever/whomever 引导让步状语从句和名词性从句 no matter what/which/who/whom 引导让步状语从句 how

9、ever/wherever/whenever=no matter when/where/how 引导让步状语从句No matter which/whichever method you use, the result is much the same.No matter which /whichever plan you adopt, you will face difficulties. 不管你采取哪个计划,你都会碰到困难。No matter which /whichever of them you marry, youll have problems. 不管你跟他们哪一个结婚,你都会有问题

10、。Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中不管谁先到家,就开始做饭。Take whichever seat you like. 你要坐哪个座就坐哪个座位。I have three cars, and you may have whichever you like. 我有三辆车,你可以挑一辆你喜欢的。 No matter where he may be (=Wherever he may be), he will be happy. 他无论在什么地方都快乐。Whatever he said was right. 无论他说什么都是对的

11、。(引导主语从句)I dont believe whatever he said. 无论他说什么我都不信。(引导宾语从句)What he wants to get is whatever you have. 他想得到的是你所拥有的一切。Ill take whoever wants to go. 谁想去我就带谁去。Whoever wins can get a prize.Anyone who wins can get a prize.巩固练习:1._ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.A. No

12、 matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever2. _we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister.A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Whichever3. Doctor Godwin says that _what forceful arguments against cigarettes there are, many people insist on smoking.A. though

13、 B. however C. no matter D. even if4. In peace, too, the Red Gross is expected to send help_ there is human suffering.A. whoever B. however C. whatever D. wherever5. _, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late

14、he is6. The old tower must be saved, _the cost.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever7. Sarah hopes to become a friend of_ shares her interests.A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who8. You can eat food free in my restaurant you like.A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however9

15、. _much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do.A. How B. Whatever C. However D. What参考答案:15 DCCDD 6-9 BCAC8.whether.or. 不管是.还是.;无论是.还是.Whether we go to him or he comes to us, the result is the same.Ill buy some souvenirs, whether cheap or expensive.All people, whether they are old or

16、 young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.9. come true vi. 实现 realize vt.实现He has realized his dream.His dream has come true.His dream has been realized.10.fantasy C/U n. 想像, 幻想 fantastic adj.荒诞的, 奇异的, 古怪的;极大的, 异乎寻常的;极好的, 极出色的 fancy v. 想像, 设想; 想要, 喜欢f

17、ancy doing sth 想像做某事I can not fancy his doing such a thing . 我不能想象他做这种事。He lived in a fantasy world and never faced up to his problems. 他生活在一个虚幻世界里,从来不敢直接面对自己的问题。11.amusement: U.n娱乐, 乐趣;pl. 娱乐活动, 文娱活动 amuse v. amused adj. amusing adj. to ones amusement 令人发笑的是 with amusement 愉悦地;好笑地To our amusement,

18、the boy acted an old woman.使我们感到好笑的是那男孩扮演了一个老太太。They should not be treated only as amusements.不能把它们单纯看成是娱乐活动。12.ride n.(游乐场中供人乘坐娱乐的装置;(骑马、自行车、或乘车的)旅行,旅程;vt. 骑;乘坐 go for a ride 乘车去兜风,乘车外出 give sb. a ride 让某人搭车 take a ride 兜风The rides are exciting, but very expensive.Can I take/have a ride on your bik

19、e? 我可以骑你的自行车吗?Can you ride a horse?The boy liked to ride on a motorcycle.13.swing n.秋千;vt.vi.挥动;挥舞(swung;swung) His arms swung as he walked.The kids were playing on the swings.He took a swing at my head but missed.(挥手打)14.attraction n.爱慕;吸引(力);有吸引力的事物、特征或品质、人 attractive adj.吸引的;诱人的; attract vt. 吸引;引

20、起;引诱 attract/draw/catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 be attracted by. 被.所吸引The theme park is a great attraction to people.City life holds little attraction for me. 我对城市生活不怎么感兴趣。Summer Palace is a major tourist attraction.An attractive smile appeared on her face.What attracted me most to the job was the c

21、hance to travel.15.wonder n. 惊奇, 惊异, 惊诧;奇观, 奇景, 奇迹, 奇事 vt.vi. 对感到惊奇;想知道;with/in wonder 惊叹地,惊讶地a wonder/ wonders 奇妙的人或物It is a wonder that 令人奇怪的是no wonder 不足为奇(It is) no/small/ little wonder that 难怪work/do wonders 创造奇迹I wonder if/ whether 想知道是否wonder that/wh- 想知道wonder at. 对感到惊奇wonder about. 想知道; 对感到

22、奇怪; 考虑I wonder if/ whether it will rain tomorrow.I wonder at your ignorance.我对你的无知感到惊讶。The medicine worked wonders for cancer. 这种药创造了治疗癌症的奇迹He gazed at the diamond in wonder. 他惊讶地盯着那个钻石。Do you often wonder about the future of the world? 你时常考虑世界的未来吗?We were wondering about your being late.我们刚才还在为你的迟到

23、感到疑惑不解。I wonder at your courage in asking him directly! 你直接问他的胆量使我很吃惊!No wonder you cant sleep when you eat so much. 你吃这么多难怪睡不着。The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world.长城是世界上七大奇迹之一。Its a wonder that she is still alive.奇怪的是她还活着。16.unique adj. 独一无二的;独特的;不同寻常的;特别的 be unique to sth. .特有的

24、Each persons fingerprints are unique.This is a unique opportunity Ill get.The custom is unique to China.The koala is unique to Australia.17.preserve: vt.保护;维护;保留;保存;保养;储存; n.保护区 preservation n. 保护;保存;维护Efforts to preserve peace have failed.The organization was set up to preserve endangered species f

25、rom extinction.No hunting is allowed in the preserve.Few of his early paintings have been preserved(保存)18.length n.(尺寸)长度;时间长度 lengthen vt. 加长 70 meters in length=70 meters long 70米长 go to great lengths to do sth. 千方百计地做。 at length 长时间地;最后;终于I didnt want to be left alone with him for any length of t

26、ime.He is prepared to go to any lengths to get his daughter back.We have already discussed the subject at great length in previous meetings.“How have you been?” she said at length.19. deed n. 行为, 行动;事迹 do a good deed 做一件好事 a brave deedRemember that you are judged by your deeds.I was impressed by his

27、 brave deed.20.be modelled after/on 根据;模仿;仿造 She models herself after her mother.The model plane is said to have been modeled after a real plane.The painter modeled his style after that of Picasso.20.as it is 事实上,实际情况是;照现在的样子(句首,句中,句末均可)Leave it as it is.让它照现在的样子放在那儿。We were lucky not to be injured

28、in the train accident. As it was, the first and the last car were smashed.我们很幸运在火车意外事件中没有受伤,事实上,头尾车厢都撞得面目全非。Carry out the plan as it is.请按照原计划执行。And leave this scene as it is.还有,请将现场保持原状。21.available: adj. 可获得的;可利用的;可得到的;有用的 有空的,不忙的 My bicycle is not available, and it is being repaired.我的自行车现在不能用, 因

29、为正在修理。The season ticket is available for three months.季票有效期为三个月。The doctor is not available now.医生现在没空。The library is available during summer vacation.There is only a little money available for the trip.22.minority: Cn. 少数;谓语常用复数C.n.少数民族majority 多数 a minority of+Cn.pl. 少数。 be in a/the minority 占少数 O

30、nly a minority of students receive the scholarship.Only a minority support these new laws.The nation wants peace, only a minority wants the war to continue.The Chinese nation includes 55 national/ethnic minorities besides Hans.Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class.The interests of th

31、e minorities should be protected.少数民族的利益应该得到保护。23.cloth: Un.布料;纺织品;Cn.桌布;用于特定目的的布 clothing U.n.衣服;衣着 clothes n.pl 衣服;衣物a piece of cloth 一块布 a piece/item/article of clothing 一件衣服She wiped the floor with a damp/wet cloth. Two yards of cloth will be enough for a skirt.Id like cotton cloth, please.24. d

32、eep adj.; adv. deeply adv. deepen vt.vi. 变深,加深 depth n. 深度deep into the night 深夜be deep in thought 陷入沉思We went deep into the wood.There is a pond 6feet deep/in depth.deep in the forestI was deeply moved by the story.He is deeply interested in history.Well have to deepen the well if we want more wate

33、r.如果我们想要更多的水, 就得把井加深。25.experience: C.n 经历;Un。经验 vt. 体验;经历;感受 have experience in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面有经验 learn from experience 从经验中学习 be/get/become experienced in/at doing sth. 在方面经验丰富。Getting caught in the flood was a terrible experience.He is a teacher with ten years experience.They have experien

34、ce in studying.He is much experienced in teaching.He experienced great hardships for the first time in his life.26.create v. 创造, 创作, 创建; 引起, 产生 creator C.n. 创造者,创作者 creation U. n. 创造, 创建;C.n. 创造物, 作品, 产物 creature n. 生物;动物A novelist creates characters and a plot.小说家塑造人物并设计情节。His arrival created a ter

35、rible confusion.他的到来引起一场大乱。the creator of a work of art 艺术品的创作人The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.新游戏场的建立将有益于当地的儿童。The crocodile is a strange-looking creature.鳄鱼是一种模样古怪的动物。27.advance n. 前进, 发展, 改进, 进步vt.vi. 使前进, (使)发展; 促进; 提高, 提升; 提前 advanced adj.超前的, 先进的; 高级的, 高等的in adv

36、ance/ahead of time 提前, 预先, 事先;在前头in advance of. 在之前, 超过She walked 2 yards in advance of her husband.她走在她丈夫前面两码远的地方。Copernicus ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.哥白尼的思想远远超过了他所生活的时代。She was in advance throughout the race.在整个赛跑过程中, 她一路领先。Everything was fixed in advance.一切都是预先安排好的。S

37、he advanced greatly in her knowledge.她在学识上大有长进。The soldiers advanced to/toward the town.(向前进)Scientific knowledge has greatly advanced since the 16th century.(进步)He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.(提升)We advanced the date of the meeting.(将.提前)Time passed rapidly and th

38、e work didnt advance at all.(进展)Theyre going to start an advanced course in English at that institute.那个学院要开一个英语高级班。An advanced country/teacherThe disease was too far advanced to be treated.28.get close to sb./sth. 接近 be close to sb./sth come close keep a close watch on. 严密监视Come close so that I can

39、 see you.e to life 苏醒过来;活跃起来;变得生动有趣 come to sth. 苏醒;达到;共计;突然想起 come to oneself 苏醒 when it comes to (doing) sth. 当谈到的时候I love to watch everything coming to life again in the spring.我爱看万物在春天复苏。The city comes to life at night.夜晚, 这座城市又恢复了生气。When the man came to (life/himself), he found himself in bed.T

40、he match finally came to life in the second half.After much talk they came to an agreement.经过多次商谈, 他们达成了协议。Ask the waiter what our bill comes to.问问侍者我们一共应付多少钱。I was already on my way when it suddenly came to me that I hadnt hung out my washing.我上路以后才想起我没有把洗完的衣服晾起来。30.admission n. 准许进入;入场费, 入场券;承认, 供

41、认 admit vt.(-ted) 承认;许可进入;容纳(=hold/contain/seat)gain/obtain admission to sth. 获准进入/加入.admission (fee/charge) 入场费;入学费make an admission 承认admit doing sth. 承认做某事admit sb. to be. 承认某人是。be admitted into/to sp. 被.录取;允许进入.He gained admission into the association.他获准加入这个协会。Admission to this school is for bo

42、ys only.Admission to the lecture is $2.Children under 18 didnt gain admission to the film.You have to pay 2 admission.你须付2英镑入场费。He made an admission that he was the thief.他承认他是贼。She admitted having done wrong.她承认自己做错了。He was admitted to Beijing University last year.Did you admit having broken the window?This hall admits 1200 people.

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