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1、员工敬业度调查(2018)EmployeeEngagement Survey (2018)亲爱的同事Dear colleagues:敬业度调查是公司衡量和了解员工对于敬业度和绩效观点的重要工具,通过了解您 对我们的领导力及愿景,我们的客户和我们的价值观的看法,我们能更好地实施战略并 实现我们的企业目标,您对本次调查问卷的参与将会是我们针对这些话题展开积极讨论 时不可或缺的重要一部分。EmployeeEngagement Survey is an important tool for companies to measure and understandemployees views on en

2、gagement and performance. By understanding your views onour leadership and vision, our customers and our values, we can betterimplement our strategy and achieve our business goals. Your participation inthis questionnaire will be an indispensable part of our active discussions onthese topics.我们将一如既往地

3、对您的个人回答严格保密;报告提交过程中将遵守匿名规则,敬 请花几分钟的时间来完成此份保密调查问卷。Asalways, we will keep your personal answers strictly confidential. Anonymityrules will be observed in the submission of reports. Please take a few minutesto complete this confidential questionnaire.1、年龄Age (单选) * A30 岁以下 under 30 yearsold B30-39 岁 30

4、-39yearsold C40-49 岁 40-49yearsold D50 岁及以上 over 50yearsold2、学历Education *(单选,必填)A研究生及以mas ter and aboveB 本科 bacheloC 专科 diplomaD 专科以下 below diploma3、入职年限Service years *(单选,必填) A 3 年以下 under 3 years B 3-5 年 3-5years C 6-10 年 6T0years D 10 年以上 over 10 years4、所属序列Channel *(单选,必填)A 管理职务 management chan

5、nelB 管理职称 managerial ChannelC 技术职称 technical ChannelD 技能序列 skills channelE 营销业务 sales channel每题选项分为5个量度,“A”代表强烈赞同,“B”代表赞同,“C”代表既不赞同也不 反对,“D代表反对,“E代表强烈反对。On a five-point scale, where 5 means stronglyagreed and 1 means strongly disagree.一、员工价值观 Par t 1: EmployValue5、我很自豪为公司工作。I am proud to work for my

6、 Business Entity. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对6、总体上说,我对为公司工作感到非常满意。Overall, I am extremely satisfied to work for my compan y. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对7、我很乐意将我所在的公司作为一个很好的工作地点推荐给其他人。I would recommend my company as a great place to work. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对8、

7、我很少考虑在以外的其它公司寻找新工作。I rarely think about looking for a new job with anot her company out side of Lingong. *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对二、领导与愿景 Part 2: Leadership & Vision9、公司高级领导团队描绘的未来前景令我深受鼓舞。The senior leadership team has communicated a vision of the future that motivates me. *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同 B赞同

8、 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对10、我的部门领导描绘的未来前景令我深受鼓舞。My department leader has communicated a vision of the future that motivates me. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对11、我深信高级领导团队能够为公司做出正确的决策。I have confidence in the senior leadership team to make the right decisions for my company. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不

9、赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对12、我充分了解我所在公司的策略、方向和目标。I have a good understanding of my companys strategy, direction and goals *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对13、我所在公司的领导/经理是我们核心价值观的积极典范。The leaders/managers at my company are *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对*(单选,必填)14、领导/经理表示,员工对于公司的成功至关重要。The leaders/managers

10、 demonstrate that employees are important to the success of my company. A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对15、公司的领导/经理有能力应对我们所面临的各种挑战。The leaders/managers at my company have the ability to deal with the challenges we face. *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对16、我对公司的领导/经理的沟通方式感到满意。I am satisfied with the way

11、 leaders/managers of my company communicate *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对17、在我所在的公司,沟通是开放、真诚和双向的。In my company, there is open and honest two-way communication (单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对三、我们的责任 Part 3: Our Responsibility18、公司具有社会责任感并且关注环保。Lingong is socially and environmentally respons

12、ible*(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对19、我相信公司开展业务时遵守了商业道德。I believe that the company conducts its business in *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对20、我所在公司的领导/经理真正致力于吸引、发展和保持多样化的员工队伍。The leaders/managers of my company are genuinely committed to attracting, developing and keeping a diverse work

13、force. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对21、我所在的公司拥有良好的氛围,不同的观点都能够得到重视。My company has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对22、公司通过开展丰富的活动、提供各种选择,来改善员工的身心健康状况。My company promo tes activities and choices that improve employee health and well-being *(单

14、选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对23、在我工作的地方,领导/经理致力于提供安全的工作环境。Where I work the leaders/managers are committed to workplace safety *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对24、我对工作环境的硬件条件(空间、采光、噪音等)感到满意。I am sa tisfied wi th the physical environment (e.g., space, lighting, noise) where I work *(单选,必填)A

15、强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对四、客户关注 Part 4: Customer Focus25、我所在的工作小组/团队定期讨论客户的需求和挑战。In my work group/team we regularly discuss *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对26、流程和程序让我能有效地满足客户需求。Processes and procedures allow me to effectively meet customers needs *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对27、客户的问题能迅

16、速得到解决。Customer problems get corrected quickly *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对28、我的直接经理时刻以客户为中心行事。My Immediate Manager always acts with the customer in mind *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对五、质量 Part 5: Quali ty29、在我工作的地方,日常决策中可以体现出质量和改进是我们工作的重中之重。Where I work, day-to-day decisions demons trat

17、e that qual ity and improvemen t are top pri orities*(单 选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对30、我所在的公司建立了提供优质服务与质量所必需的结构和体系。My company has developed the structu res and sys tems necessary to provide excellen t service and qual ity*(单选,必填)强烈赞同 赞同 既不赞同也不反对 反对 强烈反对31、在我工作的地方,我们按照描述的流程/方式工作。Where I work we follow t

18、he described processes/ways of working *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对32、为确保能够交付优质服务,我有权采取必要的行为。I have the authority to take actions that are needed to ensure good quality in our delivery *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对33、在我的工作小组/团队中.我们定期评估我们的绩效。In my work group/team we regularlyreview ourperfor

19、mance *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对六、变革管理 Part 6: Change Manageme nt34、我所在公司的决策流程行之有效。The decision making processes within my company work in an efficient manner *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对35、我认为公司的决策执行速度非常快。I believe decisions are implemented quickly enough at my company *(单选,必填)强烈赞同

20、赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对36、在我工作的地方,我们为了能够提高竞争力,正在进行必要的改变。Where I work we are making changes necessary to compete effectively *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对37、公司鼓励我提出更新、更好的方法来处理问题。I am encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对38、在做出重要变革后,公司的领导/经理能够很好地解释变革背后的原因。

21、The leaders/managers in my company do a good job of communicating the reasons behind important changes that are made *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对39、在重要变革进行当中,我的直接经理能很好地解释变革背后的原因。My Immediate Manager does a good job of explaining the reasons behind important changes that are being made *(单 选,必填)

22、A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对七、我的领导 Part 7: My Manager40、我的工作小组/团队管理秩序并然。My work group/team is well managed *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对41、我的直接经理尊重我。My Immediate Manager treats me with respect and dignity *(单选, 必填)A强烈赞同B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对42、我的直接经理会及时告诉我应该如何高效完成工作。My Immediate Manager keeps

23、 me informed about the things I need to do my job effectively *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对43、我的直接经理凭借其个人的领导力激发员工取得高绩效。My Immediate Manager inspires high performance through his/her personal leadership *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对44、我的直接经理抽出个人时间帮助我成长和发展。My Immediate Manager has ma

24、de a personal time inves tmen t in my grow th and developmen t *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对45、我的直接经理对我表示出真正的关心。My Immediate Manager shows genuine care for me as a person *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对八、我的同事 Part 8: My Colleagues46、公司内部不同的事业部/职能部门之间能够开展良好的协作。There is good collaboration across

25、 different Divisions/Functions within company *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对47、公司的不同部门之间协作良好。There is good collaboration across different departments.*(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对48、与我一起工作的同事对我们所作的一切都充满热情,而且积极投入。The people I work with are passionate about and committed in everything we d

26、o. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对49、我和同事共同努力完成工作。The people I work with cooperate to get the job done. *(单 选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对50、我感觉我的工作小组/团队的成员对我很尊重。I feel respected and valued by members of my workgroup/team. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对51、我的工作小组/团队工作环境开放而值得信赖。The

27、re is an environment of openness and trust in my workgroup/team. *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对52、我的工作小组/团队不存在给我们的工作带来负面影响的冲突。My work group/team is free from conflicts that negatively impact our work. *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对九、我的贡献 Par t 9: My Contribu tion53、我清楚地了解我的角色对达成公司的任务和目标所起的作用。I have a cl

28、ear understanding of how my role contributes to my companys goals and objectives. *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对54、我能够及时收到和我工作有关的信息。I receive timely information relating to my work.*(单选,必填)A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对55、公司重视我的想法和建议。My ideas and suggestions count. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反

29、对56、当我表现出色时,常能获得相应的认可。I regularly receive appropriate recognition when I do a good job. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对57、我适当参与了影响我工作的决定。I am appropriately involved in decisions that affect my work. *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对58、我的工作让我的技术和技能得到充分的利用。My job makes good use of my skills a

30、nd abilities. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对59、我可以承受我的岗位工作量。The workload in my job is manageable. *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对十、我的发展 Part 10: My Development60、针对我的工作表现,我会收到及时且有帮助的反馈。I receive timely and helpful feedbackon my performance.*(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对61、我感觉我的绩效面谈非常有用。

31、I feel that my PBP dialogs are useful. *(单选,必填)强烈赞同 赞同 既不赞同也不反对 反对 强烈反对62、我可以获得有效工作所需的培训。I have the training I need to do my job effectively.*(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同也不反对63、我正积极地培养能力/技能,为将来获得成功做好充分准备。I am actively developing competencies/skills to be successful in the future. *(单选,必填)强烈赞同赞同反对强烈反对既不赞同

32、也不反对64、我对自己的职业晋升机会感到满意。I am satisfied with my opportunities for career advancement. *(单选,必填)A强烈赞同B赞同C既不赞同也不反对D反对E强烈反对十一、调查跟踪 Part 11: SurveyFollow-Up65、我的工作小组/团队根据上次员工满意度调查的反馈采取了行动。My work group/team has t aken action based on the feedback from the last survey. *(单选,必填) A强烈赞同 B赞同 C既不赞同也不反对 D反对 E强烈反对

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