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1、8 things that make you a charismatic person有魅力的人具备的8个特点1. Be a good listener1. 做一个好的听众Charmers immerse and focus themselves in what the other person is saying. They arent busy thinking of a rebuttal or a response. They dont interrupt people while theyre speaking. Instead, they make people feel like

2、theyve been heard.有魅力的人会关注并沉浸在对方所说的话中,他们不会忙着考虑怎样反驳或 者做出回应,他们不会在对方说话时打断。相反他们会使对方感觉被倾听。2. Do speak clearly2. 表达清楚Charmers take their time to think about each sentence, avoiding any unnecessary fillers that will make them unclear. These good communicators speak confidently, precisely, and deliberately.

3、有魅力的人会花些时间考虑每句话,避免不必要的言语使自己表达不清。这 些善于沟通的人说话很自信、严谨并且是经过深思熟虑的。3. Ask others for advice3. 向别人寻求建议When someone asks for your advice, it shows that they value your opinion. Asking someone to share their area of expertise helps boost their confidence. And it will likely make them think of you more favorab

4、ly and memorably.有人向你寻求建议时说明他们看重你的想法。让别人分享专业的意见能帮他 们建立自信,也有可能使他们更喜欢你更能记住你。4. Be authentic and genuine4. 真诚坦率People seek someone who is real since they know theyre trustworthy. If youre likable, you know what makes you happy. And that makes you more interesting and appealing to people.人们都会找真实的人,因为他们知

5、道这样的人值得信赖。如果你很可爱,你 就知道什么能让自己开心,这也会使你更有趣,更迷人。5. Ditch your phones5. 放下你的手机In order to really make a positive impact on someone, you have to put your phone away. When someone is charismatic, he makes you feel like youre the mostimportant person in the world and uses the chat as an opportunity to learn

6、 about you.为了能真正给对方留下积极印象,你要放下手机。一个有魅力的人会使你感 觉你是世界上最重要的,并且利用和你聊天的机会了解你。6. Remember to use his/her name in conversations6. 聊天时会重复别人的名字Who doesnt like to hear the sound of their name? A charismatic person remembers peoples names and greets them with it.谁不喜欢听见自己的名字呢? 一个有魅力的人会记住别人的名字,打招呼时 就称呼对方的名字。7. Do

7、 not name drop7. 一定不要借名人来抬高自己A charismatic person may remember names but they dont squeeze in the name of celebrity they just met into every conversation. And that makes them even more likable.有魅力的人可能知道一些名人的名字,但不会每次聊天都提到自己刚见到的 名人,这会使他们更招人喜欢。8. Acknowledge others accomplishments8.认可别人的成就Who doesnt want to be recognized and appreciated for something they did that theyre proud about? Notice these good doings and youll be sure to be remembered favorably and positively.谁不想因为自以为傲的成就而得到认可和欣赏呢?注意到别人的成就,你一 定会顺利地被人们很好地记住。

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