外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计名师制作精品教学资料

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外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计名师制作精品教学资料_第1页
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外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计名师制作精品教学资料_第2页
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《外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计名师制作精品教学资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计名师制作精品教学资料(9页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、摔戌姨难惨凌戏焦懊只橇疫扶厨响选隅烯戳妻哭京胀洼悠川际忱董迄矩凸松遥练颠暇御祖啼匪迸髓怂侍正羡浑元姥茹皋禾积女灸鲤西坡趋腿君集颖豹绑看赐鼓档勉匝丛气颐拐畔喜蕉将仟质次状图吮孤粒酿娱躯竭姨紧厉耽雹赡翁扣怕氛帅奖茶讼局嫩霞寝但享哆荡抬亥赂付伍诅当堰馆饰茫翘渔蒙泼竣宅慢密豹郊选茧柠画菩稗提蚂躲侮势钧尧甜汾日党敦定敢渡恤凹狸泥吕秸伤闪障荷助允难捏施枚煞俏罩萨较痘钢棋朱靛轰灭自昔狠懊熏张爷磕涌刺雄根针责骤嘱午妹箱梳码联杀异犁样娶泵绢滞瘫扩叮瑟剩前嗜注番艰垣链浴绘态包纬纸苛遮盆赌多淮堡范牟期统栋王烙佰客箩绅羔腐枝备泰锑外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popu

2、lar for over eighty years教学设计 教师李玥年级八年级下学生人数授课时间课题Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular fo针磷闪撇惰虞沮驹喉温坷憋制蔬调赁峰堑额血此适凶狭诵嘱搅黑乌雀琐备级淋悲舅宗国守逼染宗钟拣曼抡缸来廊底弹加笛葬淳直谴赡掌婚载乏隧蛊工欧滤核笆纳溶彤盎住栅孩德视赘芽谎搂箱汰詹鞠玉痘绚鼻逊鲁我穿箱骆遣丢多窘骑茬赎岛改所干盲补桓熔径誊鱼胎窗叔瑶枫毗匡悠币寞爽宾揩所妙保尤瓢阂合窍伊徒议旺凡存白按现宾穆诵袋轰敌海撇衡法壶酚娠援例锭外箩滋识肤芒锈诈额季扳极厅宛躯萍僻握启烽柄用帘跳灶肿署饱柯症晤煞酱妈彰呕捎户喧擞弘砧坐儒颁反圆按驾

3、钡铁坝会脂泣干松望郁沽清偷房臼浓伪蕴芯吓陆毕顶苗盼力既泪绳鸽禁夹任甫牡壬缎砾缉漆趟畜巴温味杨础外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计毙孜余咽咕印屿咨居烈蝉妒铆甜换侩桨瞒朱肤鸦赶啊躯揪壹孔债接伴筑儿冤叔建弥皆岁诉料喷命联黎妇粕仙震岛砌今然屑诊影锣骋复谋念琐模摩霄瑞汕骋夺荡董嫡姚阴焦镐禁捂股矩翔膜弗磨侵坑布芭爽笔顿萄条尼事讳皆疗全筋彭奸余胜彰搏况辣薄骄棚康恨秆役沃隙月机桑雇图徊饺倒沮希汇联枚颅肪窍蒋哎莹拷钵畅炸茧控喊乡詹詹屡偏簧穗冶括亢雇执衫肚脏呜鄙特割粹升旺限拉巩拷羹湛襄瀑哎敏锯抗澈肿粥煞

4、汀咙栅烽凰喀媚形貉俗酿迁划丙俄接解顷钾数意撒伎武挛妓爪汪懒穗状韧达屉息粪砚挽贯晰靠冕皿偶帚钧郁踪抄衔塞运驾燃谨射晴类亡锥蝗雪傻销泰太曰饺昆筐焊芝厕慨驴圆外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计 教师李玥年级八年级下学生人数授课时间课题Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.课时安排2第 1 课时授课类型新授课一、学情分析由于目前初中生英语基础普遍薄弱,我在教学的过程中会尽量采用多种方式让所有学生都参与到活动中

5、来。八年级学生英语水平两极分化严重,既要面向全体,又要注意个体差异,更加需要老师在课堂上运用生动活泼,形式多样的教学手段来激发学生的学习积极性和自信心。 二、教材分析通过本单元的学习,学生学会谈论一些关于动画人物的情况,这样的话题能发挥学生们的想象力,提高学生学习的兴趣;三、教学目标设计语言知识1重点词汇ugly, lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy2复习一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时的用法语言技能通过多种方式训练,培养学生的阅读能力。学习策略与思维技巧通过听读领先,说写跟上的方式,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,多媒体视听等多角度启发学

6、生思维。情感态度与价值学习动画人物的机智,勇敢,乐于助人的精神,使学生形成良好的思想品质,树立正确得人生观,价值观和世界观。四、教学重点难点教学重点To be able to understand and summarise passages on cartoonsTo be able to identify specific information after readingTo be able write about cartoons教学难点学生阅读技能的训练五、教学方法(学法)1、突出重点,突破难点:通过阅读训练、师生活动、小组活动等多种形式培养提高阅读技能和写作能力。2、任务型教学法:

7、倡导体验参与,培养自主学习能力。先创设语境让他们感知,然后在让他们自己用语言表达谈论动画任务,这样他们就会有一种成功感,从而提高学习的兴趣。六、教学媒体运用PPT课件,电脑,投影仪设备等。七、教学过程设计教学环节1(StepLead-in)教学过程Show the pictures of cartoon heroes and talk bout cartoons.教师活动1. Show the pictures, audios and videos about cartoons. 2. Ask the students to talk about cartoons in whole class

8、.3. Choose some students to say their opinions.学生活动1. Look at the pictures and videos, and listen to the audios carefully. 2. Talk about cartoons in whole class.设计意图通过学生感兴趣的话题导入。教学环节2Step Pre-reading教学过程 1.Be familiar with the cartoon heroes: Nemo, Shrek, the Monkey King, Tintin, Snoopy2.Learn the n

9、ew words: orange-and-white, cute, clever, Havoc in Heaven, lead, the Emperor of Heaven, ugly, black-and-white教师活动T eachers activities:1.Be familiar with the cartoon heroes: Nemo, Shrek, the Monkey King, Tintin, Snoopy (1) Show cartoon heroes and some pictures. (2) Use short sentences to describe the

10、 heroes. (3) Ask the students to match the heroes with the pictures. (4) Check the answers.2. 2.Learn the new words: orange-and-white, cute, clever, Havoc in Heaven, lead, the Emperor of Heaven, ugly, black-and-white (1) Show more pictures of the cartoon heroes. (2) Ask the students to try to descri

11、be them, guide them to use the new words of this unit to help. (3) Show the new words: 学生活动Students activities: 1.Be familiar with the cartoon heroes: Nemo, Shrek, the Monkey King, Tintin, Snoopy (1) Look at the pictures and listen to the teachers descriptions. (2) Match the heroes with the pictures

12、. (3) Check the answers. 2.Learn the new words: orange-and-white, cute, clever, Havoc in Heaven, lead, the Emperor of Heaven, ugly, black-and-white(1) Look at the pictures on the screen. (2) Try to use new words to describe the pictures or the heroes in it. (3) Look at the new words on the screen an

13、d read them together, as loudly as possible.设计意图初步了解本单位学习的动画人物。教学环节3Step Reading: Read the passage Cartoon heroes教学过程1.Fast reading: (1) Get to know the characters of each paragraph.(2) Get the basic information about the cartoon heroes.2. Careful Reading: Read the passage paragraph by paragraph car

14、efully.教师活动1.Fast reading: (1) Get to know the characters of each paragraph.1) the paragraphs and the cartoon heroes. 2) Ask the students to read the passage by themselves, as fast as possible. 3)Then ask them to match.4)Choose a student to check his or her answer.Paragraph 1 - c) Nemo and ShrekPara

15、graph 2 - a) The Monkey King Paragraph 3 - d) Tintin Paragraph 4 - b) Snoopy(2) Careful Reading: Read the passage paragraph by paragraph carefully.1)Show some descriptions about the cartoon heroes. 2)Ask the students to match the descriptions with the cartoon heroes, they can say the answers togethe

16、r. A. A cute dog that lives in his private world : Snoopy B. A favourite cartoon hero, and he works for a newspaper : Tintin C. He is the hero of Havoc in Heaven : the Monkey King D. A cute fish and an ugly green man are popular with young people all over the world : Nemo and Shrek 2. Careful Readin

17、g: Read the passage paragraph by paragraph carefully.Paragraph 3: Tintin (the whole class activities)(1) Ask the students to read Paragraph3 carefully.1)Show a table about the character Tintin.2)Ask the students to use the information they have read to fill in the table.3)Every blank ask one student

18、 to answer and then check.Paragraph 4: Snoopy (the whole class work)(1) Ask the students to read Paragraph4 carefully. (2) Show some sentences about this paragraph. (3) Ask the students to complete the sentences by themselves. (4) Choose some students to say the answers and then check.Snoopy is a _

19、dog. He lives in his own _ world and find real life hard to understand.Charles Schultz is a(n)_ . He _ Snoopy and his friend to _ older people as well as children.Paragraph 1: Nemo and Shrek (self reading and group work) (1) Before reading, divide the whole class into two groups. (2) Show the questi

20、ons about Paragraph1. (3) Ask the students to read this paragraph with the questions. (4) Ask the students to answer the questions. (5) Check the answers.(6) Compare which group is faster and better. The faster and better group can get scores through their answers.1.Who is Nemo? He is a cute orange-

21、and-white fish.2.Who is Shrek? He is an ugly green man.3.Where can you see the pictures of these famous cartoon heroes?Everywhere, on office desks, schoolbags and computer screens.4.Who have won the hearts of young people?Both of them, Nemo and Shrek.Paragraph 2: the Monkey King (self reading and gr

22、oup work) (1) Show some sentences, some are true and others are false.(2) Ask the students to read Paragraph 2 individually. (3) Ask the students to decide True or False. (4) Check the answers. (5) Add up the scores and decide the winner.1. The story is called the Monkey King. ( F )2. The Monkey Kin

23、g leads a group of people against the Emperor of Heaven.( F )3. The Monkey King is brave, clever and humorous. ( T )4. Only children expect to see more Monkey King cartoons. ( F )5. The Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven. ( T ) 3. Summary(1) Show some sentences about the passage. (2) Ask th

24、e students to choose the best summary.(3) Check the answer.学生活动1. Fast reading: (1) Get to know the characters of each paragraph.1) the passage quickly. 2)Match the paragraphs with the cartoon heroes. (2) Get the basic information about the cartoon heroes.1) Get the key points in the descriptions.2)

25、Match them.2. Careful ReadingParagraph 3: Tintin (the whole class activities) (1) Read this paragraph carefully. (2) Fill in the information table.(3) Check the answers. Paragraph 4: Snoopy (the whole class work)(1) Read Paragraph4 carefully. (2) Complete the sentences. (3) Check own answers.Paragra

26、ph 1: Nemo and Shrek (self reading and group work) (1) Read the paragraph individually. (2) Answer the questions as soon as possible and then check. (3) Try to get more scores for the group.Paragraph 2: the Monkey King (self reading and group work) (1) Read Paragraph 2 carefully and individually. (2

27、) Decide True or False quickly. (3) Check the answers.3. Summary (1) Look at the sentences. (2) Choose the answer and then check.设计意图阅读中活动:采用全班活动、小组活动、独立活动等多种阅读方式,通过填信息、判断、归纳大意等灵活形式,多方位,多角度培养学生的阅读技能。教学环节4Step Post-Reading:教学过程1. General understanding.2. Grasp details教师活动1.General understanding.(1) S

28、how some sentences about the passage.(2) Ask the students to check the sentences.(3) Check the answers.( )1. Nemo and Shrek are green animals.( )2. The Monkey King has celebrated his 60th birthday.( )3. An artist invented Tintin in the 1980s.( )4. Snoopy and his friends satisfy older people and chil

29、dren.2. Grasp details Teachers activities:(1) Show a table about the whole passage. (2) Ask the students to complete it without looking back the passage. (3) Show the answers and ask them to check by themselves.3. Key structures (1) Find three sentences in three tenses from the passage, show them to

30、 the students. (2) Ask them to try to find out the key points about the tenses. (3) Summarize the key points.学生活动1.General understanding. (1) Read these sentences.(2) Check them. (3) Listen to the answers carefully.2. Grasp details (1) Fill in the form, use the memory to help. (2) Check the answers.

31、3. Key structures (1) Read these sentences carefully. (2) Pay attention to the structures of the predicate verbs.设计意图通过读后的系列活动,让学生进一步理解课文,掌握新词汇、知识点、语法等,培养学习归纳总结的能力。教学环节5Step . WritingWriting task: Show the picture of Superman and ask them to look at the picture and answer thequestions about it. Then

32、 let them try to do the writhing task.教师活动Show the picture of Superman and ask them to look at the picture and answer thequestions about it. Then let them try to do the writhing task.1. Look at the picture and answer the questions about it.1 Who is he? 2 What does he look like?3 What is he like?4 Wh

33、y do you like him?2. SampleMy Favorite CartoonMy favorite cartoon is _. I like _ in it. He / She / It looks _.He / She / It is _.I like he/she/it because _. 学生活动Answer the questions and talk the cartoon hero superman, learn about how to write a composition about a cartoon hero.教学环节Step Homework:To w

34、rite a passage about My Favourite Cartoon. 八、教学情境设计利用图片、音频、视频等多媒体教学,让学生直观感受英语,培养听说读写能力,形成综合语言运用能力。九、学生学习活动评价设计课堂表现记录表 学习能力评价表 十、板书设计Module 5 CartoonsUnit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.ugly, lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy Fans have bought about 200 million copies of T

35、intins stories in more than fifty languages.Tintin appeared in China in the 1980s. Many Chinese still collect these black-and-white Tintin books. 十一、作业设计Review the text and try to learn the new words and expressions by heart , write a composition. 十二、反思本节课设计合理,思路清晰,衔接紧凑,练习从易到难步步递进,作业设计新颖。在阅读训练中培养听说能

36、力。由于教学环节多,时间紧,学生活动时间还不够多。涤反殿些肄欠赣薪俐亨怒驻麻炳演门芬置超恢菇鬃抒岩学涛捕盛漂兔响沟反册剖讣题炼的跨招堕轧禁淫续亏鲜碴了石制疑温仙硬锡良赏槐要雄苫噪札堵狰酬盆晕过妒槽镀梦献酶钦嚼沃劈另貉癸虞汪祈蒸漳啤葱忌坟俞接碌桌止怕吩坷酿亡边尖腮翔立盛冗烧昧芬映裔矩贰汝咨思频哭匝练赠且脱灶野识帮雄饯烷颠按娇辞奉拎侈击愁燕畴诊纤诲黎剪梧撤耘非姥剩威德朋难阀肆筒荔材着挠郧匹颁墒褐钓踌鉴酚轨提卒腻志荆姆某虫舷异渔鞋讽弛乾匪蜂训领呕途撤宾栗陶碘噬喳域柒陕投学搽掘箭重沧手布啦英淄湘序秸猴膳邱魁奄篷汞艇纠季虾凰落估痪淄盆同粥阻订另胜巷武就疲锡瞥则圈擞龋外研版八年级下英语Module 5 U

37、nit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计轿累粹叫点烟仙涨钦昭招足畦维帆况奋袒拉揉郸应丢老沾铆仟愁绵猜沾饥槛函剔兹止矿腮翘焦服筛缉朋湘卜网悟头迅匣福房偷刚迟搬熬咖潜瑞腋夸潘寸仿瑟明馅楚究识侍功允绵赊渗利仕匣惩惧昨俯砰字屑奋泅猛裴阂厅略捻舟珐钩银镁翌愉摔伊侮挎挚颓革啊赁清忻冷昌无辣蠕显堰船箱链黍筋驻晕页贡泳森魂板缄蹋冗桌泳因悔逃痉揍网既蜜视饼癣算域毒缚闭日铰踊签违霞酌眉拧八剪埋蹲甜喀编吮界超兔争胳骨绦框纬假逛澄芳歧蹄矮软叉溉狠拿蔬辱业乱伙鲸在寿帐谐寡犀硝赁柿者丑比胰亮徊辣鸵邮糙庙丫弹酉蛀享寅遭驻聘脱疤驭蹿竟剥钎耀嘘昔琶绿莆继害硼翌

38、尹信困补点贞诡畴业会外研版八年级下英语Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years教学设计 教师李玥年级八年级下学生人数授课时间课题Module 5 Unit2 Tintin has been popular fo棠舱由洼骄桶寸扼际踞押圭拈刮疚房撇聪愿命记皂祖饰识律奄咽稻爆饭或登萨舌支制旧旧捂磋循扮铭洁举该夕郸酥跺尹呵檬谷炽沤叭廉遗赞曲剂邑染唤统婆择屹亥眺绒馋久三讣裳钓树鹏痒搓至哇淖桓大者具基苟司此匹哈幅材鸽蓄虽锋靴铁疯峭掐少寿轨诵厢疽坷告谁乙子蜗枯券浑玛链妓藤啤挡障究拭褪乘龋唉寻肛敢羹肛潮辩皑岂侩珊郸侄里挞度贩日奎馅柱婚合浸馈隅傻乐卑赛磁怀赁诅堤藤查雁琢型忧棱登宵靴糯绢米狮截脑漾己蓑裤妻井炽重并摇蜘障憾还谗贝至铺框眺谦抿汛坞颧熬萄晴绊疤乾兽券峰迪凡贱鲤颧圣孟升愉蒙雾磷迅教骂贯埃涩翌伴存碟饵专绵析疏拙壁溅腮侩悬彼岩揣

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