六年级英语下册 Lesson 12(2)教案 陕旅版

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1、六年级英语下册 Lesson 12(2)教案 陕旅版教材分析:本课谈论的主要话题是大自然的草草木木。赞美了花的美,草的绿,树的高,从而涉及到了一个更高的话题:人们要爱护这美丽的大自然:“We must take care of them!”教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会写和植物相关的一些名词和动词短语。2能用英语表达自己所看到的美丽景色,描述美丽的花,可爱的草,高大的树3培养学生热爱大自然,爱护花草树木的良好行为习惯。4“四会”词句:a lily, grass, dig a hole, plant trees, pick flowers, cut a tree.We cant pick flow

2、ers, cut a tree.We must(should) take care of them.教学重难点:1.掌握“四会”词句。2.学习如何用英语描述美丽的大自然。教学用具:教具:录音机、磁带,多媒体课件。学具:多媒体课件教法设计:兴趣激励法、情景教学法、精讲精练法学法指导:复习旧知引出新知学习单词练习巩固听录音学课文培养情感。教学过程:一、复习导入1老师课件出示一些动物的图片,学生齐说英语单词。2出示课件Lets chant,老师和学生打着节拍齐说。Panda panda panda, its lovely.Kangaroo kangaroo kangaroo, it has a ba

3、g.Elephant elephant elephant, its fat.Giraffe giraffe giraffe it has a long neck.3 师复述课本上的内容,让学生听后提问:Do you like animals? 学生齐说:Yes,I do.师接着问:What should we do? 学生齐说:We should take care of them.师说:The animals are our friends. We should take care of them! We should take care of nature!板书We should (mus

4、t) take care of, 教师说:动物是我们的好朋友,我们的生活因为有了它们而变得生动而有趣,因此我们要保护它们,保护它们赖以生存的环境,保护树木,和学生齐说:We should take care of trees! 引出课题,板书课题,解释并教读。二、新授1.学习新单词(1)课件出示百合花的图片,问:Do you know what flower it is? its a lily. Its my favourite flower. Its pure.It looks very nice. 板书lily, 解释lily,并教读,引导学生用所学过的句型自由描述百合花的美丽。(2)课件

5、出示玫瑰花的图片,问:Do you know what flower it is? its a rose. Its very beautiful. 板书rose, 解释rose,并教读,引导学生用所学过的句型自由描述百合花的美丽。(3)师说:The flowers are very beautiful! So we should take good care of flowers, we cant pick flowers. 板书pick flowers, 解释pick flowers,并教读。(4)课件出 示一幅美丽的有草有书的图片,问:What can you see on the pic

6、ture? 生齐声说:我看到了绿绿的草和高高的树。师说:Yes, you can find green grass and many tall trees. 板书grass,解释并教读,后引导学生看着这幅美丽的图片自由说话。(5)师俯下身子,做出挖坑的样子,生看后,问:“guess, what am I doing?学生齐声说:挖坑。课件出示植树的图片,师自问自答:Look! What is he doing? He is digging a hole .He is going to plant trees. 师板书dig a hole 和plant trees, 解释并教读。(6)师说:Th

7、e trees are peoples friends. We must take care of them. We cant cut the trees. 板书cut a tree.解释并教读。(7)师教读学生新单词两边,指明几名学生读新单词。2.巩固练习新单词(1)课件出示练习一,指明学生补充单词中所缺字母。l_ly pl_t trees gr_ss p_ck fl_w_rs d_g a h_le c_t a tree(2)课件出示练习二,指名学生找出新词汇的汉语解释。lily 摘花plant trees 挖坑grass 砍树pick flowers 百合花dig a hole 植树cut

8、 a tree 草;草地3.学习课文(1)播放课文录音两边,让学生听。(2)引导学生互相读课文第一部分给对方听。(3)课件出示练习,学生齐声补充所缺课文内容,然后学生比赛读和齐读。(4)引导学生小结本课看,教师归纳。 4.作业(1)听录音,跟读所学内容。(2)用所学内容,编写一篇小短文。板书设计Lesson 12 Take care of the trees!lily rosepick flowers grassdig a hole plant treescut a tree We should (must) take care of 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson 1

9、3(1)教案 陕旅版这一课的主要话题是谈论一个的兴趣爱好,以及将来打算要从事什么样的职业。于是,涉及到了我们本课要学习的重点句型: I like enjoy doing I often do. I want to be in the future.教学目标及重点难点分析:1. 理解会说会用会写以下短语 An actor, make me happy, a pop star.2. 会说会用以下一般现在时态的句型 I likeenjoy doing I often do I want to be in the future.3. 熟练掌握课文每幅图下面的文字内容,并且能根据文字内容进行自我介绍。课

10、前准备: 教师准备录音机,磁带和各种职业的人物图片。 学生准备自己家人的照片。教学过程:1.热身(Warming up)教师和学生做一组TPR活动来活跃课堂气氛。然后和学生一起进行复习,教师引导学生用英语说出自己最喜欢的动物或植物,还可以谈论自己在生活中喜欢做的事情,并且和别人进行交流。A: What do you like best?B: I like horses best.C: Which is your favorite flower?D: Lily is my favourite flower.E: What do you like doing?F: I like singing p

11、op songs very much. What about you?E: I like playing football very much. And I also like swimming.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师就本课的重点单词和重点句型进行讲解。教师讲解:In this lesson, we will talk about our dreams and jobs in the future and explain the reasons.本节课我们将谈论将来梦想和职业的话题,以及阐述理由。Everyone has his own dream about j

12、obs. 每个人都有自己关于未来职业的梦想.所以当我们想要告诉别人我们的梦想时,我们可以用want to be的短语来表达。For example,What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a farmer in the future.我们还可以用将来时态来表达这一说法。For example,What are you going to be in the future?Im going to be a farmer in the future.What will you be in the future?Ill be a farmer

13、 in the future.教师拿出准备好的职业照片,和学生一起学习有关职业的单词。教师可以用不同的体态来传达不同的职业特点,让学生来猜。教师还可以邀请学生来做动作,让别的同学来猜。For example, A (做出敬礼的姿势) B:You are going to be a policeman. A: (做出踢足球的动作) B: You are going to be a footballer. A: ( 做出打篮球的动作) B: You are going to be a basketballer. 教师还可以通过语言描述来让学生猜出是哪种职业。For example A: She w

14、orks in the hospital. She wears in white. She gives injection to the patients. (教师做出打针的手势) B:She is a nurse.A: He is handsome. He can sing beautiful songs. He always have concert. (教师做出唱歌的姿势)B: He is a singer.教师快速出示职业图片,学生拼读复习巩固。 A farmer- 农夫 An actor- 演员 A singer- 歌手 A football player a footballer-

15、 足球运动员 A doctor- 医生 A nurse- 护士 A teacher - 老师 A policeman - 警察 A driver - 司机 A pop star- 明星 教师将两个句型写在黑板上,I want to be a I am going to be a 教师和学生之间进行互动,互相询问对方以后想要从事的职业, 对上面的句型和单词进行巩固练习。 教师讲解:当别人询问我们喜欢这个职业的原因时,我们可以用 I like I enjoy的句型进行解释. like和 enjoy后面的动词和动词短语应该加-ing. For example, I want to be a farm

16、er. I like enjoy watering flowers and planting trees. I want to be an actor.I likeenjoy seeing films.3. 小结本节课我们学习了自我介绍,尤其是表达自己以后想要从事的职业,用一般将来时态来描述,以及自己喜欢的原因。4. 巩固练习教师引导学生用以上学过的句型来进行对话,并把它改编成一个简短的人物介绍。A:What do you want to be in the future?B: I want to be a farmer in the future.A: Why?B: Because I li

17、ke trees, flowers and grass. What about you?A: I want to be an actor in the future.B: So you enjoy singing songs.A: Yes, I also like dancing very much.I like trees, flowers and grass. So in the future I want to be a farmer. But she wants to be a singer in the future. She likes singing and she can si

18、ng beautiful songs. She also likes dancing very much. So she can be a good singer and a good actor.5. Listen to the tape and then answer the questions. 听课文录音回答问题。 (播放课文录音)A:What does the first girl want to be in the future?B: She wants to be a farmer in the future.A: Why?B: Because she likes trees,

19、flowers and grass.A: What is the second girl going to be?B: She is going to be a singer because she likes singing pop songs.A: What about the third boy and the fourth boy?B: The third boy will be an actor because he enjoys seeing songs. The fourth boy will be a footballer because he likes sports ver

20、y much.6. Do the exercises. Lets practice ()A: Look at the pictures carefully and then fill in the blanks. We must change the words into proper forms. 仔细观察图片填空,在适当时候我们要适当进行单词变形。 My friend and I enjoy watching TV after school. I like cartoons very much and Li Dong only likes TV plays. He wants to be

21、an actor in the future. Tom wants to be a football player, so he often watches football matches on TV. Helen and Alice enjoy Beijing Opera a lot. They hope they can play Beijing Opera in the future. Lets practice ()A: Read the passage carefully and then judge whether the statement is true or false.

22、仔细读文章然后判断表格中的陈述句是对是错。My cousin and I are in the same grade. Its false.My parents favorite is watching Beijing Opera. Its true.I want to be a singer. Its false.My cousin enjoys singing after school. Its false.My cousin and I go to school 6 days a week. Its false.My mother and father enjoy only the sports channel. Its false.

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