2022年牛津译林版高一英语必修一教学设计:Unit1 School life-Welcome to the unit

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《2022年牛津译林版高一英语必修一教学设计:Unit1 School life-Welcome to the unit》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年牛津译林版高一英语必修一教学设计:Unit1 School life-Welcome to the unit(3页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、2022年牛津译林版高一英语必修一教学设计:Unit1 School life-Welcome to the unit单 元: Unit 1 School life 板 块: Wele to the unitThoughts on the design: Wele to the unit 这一板块的主要功能是激活学生与单元话题有关的已有知识,引导学生联系自己的亲身经历进行相关话题的讨论。生动的画面为该模块的语言学习设置了生动的语言情景,能有效地引起学生对话题的兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性。Teaching aims:1. to introduce and develop the theme of

2、 School Life;2. to get more specific information about Senior One students who have just stepped into a fresh new life; 3. to enable students to get more chances of practicing listening and speaking skills;4. to guarantee effective munication among students.Teaching procedures: Step OneOversea Conve

3、rsation + pleting Timetables*Chinese student“What you will be doing at 8 oclock Saturday morning?*British student“Sleeping like a log.” (*a sigh of surprise of Chinese Student)通过此对话凸显中西方学校生活差异,伴随而来的Timetable的比较进一步深入话题,从而引出对预设话题Dreaming of colorful school life的思考。Step Twoe into category将所列十点内容划分至scho

4、ol life in China or school life in the UK or Both*Beautiful school campus with modern school facilities*Providing selective courses (drop some of the subjects that you do not prefer)*A great variety of school activities involved*More free style is weled with fewer rules and regulations*Higher requir

5、ement of students academic ability, relatively higher burden*Being at ease with teachers*Offering more chances of connecting society, concentrating on the form of life abilities*Sincere friends and classmates whenever you can turn to设计说明仁者见仁,智者见智,学生可就同一要点进行争论,从而突出中西学校生活的“异同”及其所具有的变化趋势。Step ThreeDraw

6、 a conclusion through diagrams由对上述十点的归类,得出共识:中西学校生活方式之差异逐渐变小,相容之处不断扩大。DifferencesSimilaritiesSimilaritiesDifferencesStep FourGo through the “History” of Chinese School Life 除了关注中西学校生活之间的对比差异,我们还应当关注中国学生学习生活的渐变过程。1) Too simple and tiring teaching method到Various teaching activities2) Limited learning resources到Make full use of Multimedia3) Poets quality到 More outgoingStep FiveI have a dream “My ideal school life”讨论、交流共同完成对“理想学校生活”的设计,但在其过程中突出Ideal 与Idle 的区别, 即理想的完美学校生活并非指慵懒的闲散生活。

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