2022年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解选练(2)(VIII)

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1、2022年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解选练(2)(VIII)浅谈高考题型阅读简答一、命题特点阅读简答题是融语篇理解和文字表达为一体的考查题型,在阅读理解材料的基础上,重点考查学生的语言输出能力,该试题比传统的阅读理解试题更具有综合性,更能体现学生综合处理信息和表达信息的能力。二、解题策略1. 理解是基础理解是答题的前提和保证。涉及段落和文章大意、具体信息和深层含义、作者态度、观点和意图等方面的概括理解能力。学生应灵活运用各种阅读策略,最大限度地理解文章材料提供的信息。2. 表达是关键要做好此题,必须具备良好的表达能力,善于归纳和概括有效信息,表达时不能超过题目限定的词数。所以答题时应遵循以下几个

2、原则:(1) 简洁准确。答案中尽量用短语或词组,句子要简洁,严格按照各个小题要求的词数答题。(2) 原文优先。尽量用文中出现的词组或短语,句子的用词也应以文中出现的关键词为先。用别的句子表达时,则要注意句子结构的完整和时态的正确。(3) 语法正确。要避免一些常见的语法错误,如:主谓不一致;时态不对应(即问句和答句的时态不一致);句子结构不完整等。(4) 答问对应。不同类型的问题要求用不同的形式来回答。换言之,在回答细节题时,一定要注意答案和提问方式的一致性。三、答题技巧1. 注意大小写和标点符号。第一个单词的首字母要大写,且别忘了句尾用英语句号。2. 答句既要简练又要符合语法,句子的结构、时态

3、、语态、人称和数等都要正确。3. 答句中不应有与问题要求无关的内容。4. 答句一定要符合限定的词数要求。四、方法指导下面就常见的问题分别谈一谈解题的方法、技巧和需要注意的问题。1. 主旨要义题要善于对文章的整体内容进行概括或归纳,要善于寻找段落的主题句和分清文中的细节事实或者作者所使用的论据,即分清主旨和细节;概括出来的中心意思一定要能够覆盖全文或整个段落,不可太笼统或者以偏概全;文章标题格式可以是完整的句子,可以是简洁的短语,还可以用问句的形式。2. 封闭性问题顾名思义,该类问题的答案是固定的或唯一的,可以在文章中找到明确的依据,包括常见的Wh-questions。3. 开放性问题该类问题是

4、阅读简答题中主观性较强的试题,要求学生结合个人的观点回答相关问题。4. 细节性问题 这类题所占比重较大,以how, what, why等形式提问为主。一般来说学生在文章中找到相关信息并不太难,关键是如何从中归纳出问题的答案。因为阅读简答题要求学生既不能原封不动地照搬文章的原句又要用最简短的语言回答。此外,在回答细节题时,一定要注意答案和提问方式的一致性。不同类型的问题要求有不同形式的回答,不能仅仅为了答案的简练而忽略了回答与问题在形式上的对应。常见的设问形式与相应的回答形式如下:(1) 提问目的。设问形式常为:What is the purpose/aim of ? 常用表示目的的用语作答,如

5、for短语、不定式短语等。 (2) 提问原因。设问形式常为:Why? 常用because of短语或 because从句作答。(3) 提问事件的可能性。设问形式常为:What could happen to? 通常用简短而完整的简单句作答。(4) 用what提问某一特定内容时,多用名词或名词性短语、名词性从句来回答。(5) 用how提问方式、方法及途径时,多用“by doing sth / by means of sth”的形式回答。总之,学生在备考训练中要注意以下几个方面的问题:1. 养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握一定的阅读技巧。要善于概括文章或者其中某一段落的主旨大意、写作目的;要善于分析和把握

6、文章的结构、推测作者的语气、态度和观点;要善于捕捉文章的具体信息,理解特定环境中语言的意义。2. 在平时学习中要养成主动思考的习惯,可以进行交互式阅读对文章的内容或作者的观点进行讨论或评价;对文中故事的情节或作者的思路进行推测。3. 在回答问题之前要认真审题,判断问题的类型,弄清题目的要求,回答要有针对性,避免答非所问;同时,还要注意问题后的词数要求,回答要简练,语言要准确、达意,书写要工整,卷面要整洁。 阅读理解.North Korean gymnast Hong Su Jong has been banned for two years by the International Gymna

7、stics Federation (FIG) for lying about her age. The FIG temporarily suspended Hong, a silver medal winner on the vault at the xx world championships, on October 6 after discovering she had registered for various international events claiming to be three different ages. “The FIGs decision is a clear

8、signal to those who would wilfully disregard the current rules surrounding gymnast age,” the sports world governing body said in a statement on Friday. “The health of its athletes and respect for the law are among the International Gymnastics Federations highest priorities.”The ban runs until Octobe

9、r 5, xx, with the North Korean gymnastics federation ordered to pay a 20,000 Swiss Franc (15,000 euros) fine. The gymnast and her federation have 21 days to appeal. Hong had been registered with three different birth years for international petition over the past six years. At the Athens Olympics in

10、 2004 she was down as having been born on Match 9, 1985 but the date of March 9, 1989 was given for the worlds in Rotterdam last month which North Korea were excluded from peting in. At the same time, she was registered with a date of March 9, 1986, birth date at the xx world championships, where sh

11、e won the silver medal on vault. If Hong was born in 1989, she would have been not qualified to pete in Athens. Gymnasts must turn 16 in the calendar year of an Olympics in order to be qualified. North Korea were banned from the 1993 worlds after FIG discovered that Kim Gwang Suk, the 1991 gold meda

12、llist on uneven bars, was listed as 15 years for three straight years. 1. Whats the probable meaning of the word“suspended”? A. stop workingB. prohibit petingC. avoid enteringD. admit making mistakes2. How many times has Hong Su Jong attended world championships? A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four. 3. W

13、hat importance will this ban bring? A. It will remind every country to take the age problem seriously. B. It will bring the sports life of a famous Korean athlete to an end. C. It will strengthen the authority of the International Gymnastics Federation. D. It will enhance the seriousness of sports p

14、etition in words. 4. What effect will bring to North Korean gymnastics federation? A. North Korean will miss London Olympics. B. North Korean will hand in Hong Su Jongs medal. C. North Korean will be banned to pete forever. D. North Korean will be required to withdraw from the association. 5. Which

15、is right about Hong Su Jong? A. She was listed as 15 years for three straight years. B. She peted in the worlds in 2004, xx and xx. C. She was refused to pete in the Rotterdam worlds. D. She won the silver medal in the Athens Olympics. 【参考答案】10.BAAAC 阅读理解Ive recently returned from a trip to China wh

16、ere Starbucks signed two historic Memoranda of Understanding to invest in growing high-quality coffee in Yunnan province. Well be cooperating with the Peoples Government of Puer City (Yunnan Province) and the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. These agreements signal cooperation between Starbu

17、cks and China to revolutionize the Chinese coffee market and help local farmers there grow new, high-quality coffees that are sure to be prized throughout the world. Although we will continue to buy coffees from many countries, this opportunity allows us to help build Chinas specialty coffee market

18、from scratch. Well open another Farmer Support Center, manage a base farm to grow coffee for production and create a demo farm that offers training on soil quality, tree planting and pruning, and education about C. A. F. E. Practices. We will also operate wet and dry mills. Between the agronomists a

19、nd partners with years of leadership in the coffee industry, we have the experience necessary to be very successful. I am excited about the immense opportunity this partnership represents. But whats even more rewarding is the opportunity to give back to the farmers in this area. During my visit, I m

20、et with 156 excited farmers who represent the 27 ethnic tribes that live in the lush, rural area of Yunnan. This is the ideal region with the perfect climate for growing specialty coffee in China. The area is Puer, known for its beauty and also its exquisite teas. We are looking forward to this hist

21、oric partnership with the Chinese government and Yunnan farmers. For us, this will be a market with huge potential for growth. For the farmers, this means hope for a brighter, more stable business that respects the people and the land of this area. We are doing something truly special. In just a few

22、 short years, we will reinvent the coffee sector in China and bring an awareness of Yunnan coffee to the rest of the world. 1. What seems to be a big piece of news to Yunnan province? A. There will be a blockbuster shown in Yunnan. B. Two Memoranda are signed on coffee-planting. C. I have made a tri

23、p to revive a prize in Yunnan. D. High-quality coffees have been found in Yunnan. 2. What other support will Yunnan be offered? Another Farmer Support Center will be opened. The relative training on coffee-planting will be given. Wet and dry mills will be operated to produce coffee. I will be sent b

24、ack to Yunnan to inspect the preparation. A. B. C. D. 3. What is the reason that Yunnan is chosen to cooperate with? A. The perfect climate. B. So much cheap labour. C. Many ethnic tribes. D. Rich experience in farm work. 4. Why does the author say it is a historic partnership? A. It opens up the co

25、ffee industry in China. B. It will change the world coffee market. C. It will bring more high-quality coffee from Yunnan. D. It is the first time to grow coffee in China. 5. What can be implied in the passage? A. Yunnan coffee will shock the world. B. More ethnic tribes will be known to the world. C. More people in the world will know Yunnan. D. The cooperation will be more in other fields. 【参考答案】11.BBACC

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