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1、四中义教部八年级十二月份月考英 语 试 题 (本试卷共6页,满分120分,考试时间100分钟,命题人:周燕) 听力部分(共20分)一、听句子,选择句中包含的信息。(每小题读一遍)1. A. cutting B. turning C. picking2. A. sugar B. milk C. yogurt3. A. get some water B. add some salt C. drink some water4. A. plant a tree B. plan a trip C. play a game5. A. My mother likes beef noodles . B. My

2、 mother wants to make noodles . C. My mother can make beef noodles . 二、听句子,选择正确的答语。(每小题读两遍)6. A. I will go to Shanghai. B. A teacher . C. Im a student.7. A. I like it. B. Its my dream. C. By studying hard.8. A. I want to be a doctor. B.I will become a pilot. C. I will work in Beijing.9. A. Tomorrow.

3、 B. For three days . C. Once a week.10. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I will. C. No, I dont.三、听下面的对话或独白,选择正确答案。(读两遍)请听一段对话,回答第11小题。11. Where is the girl going next month? A. To Beijing B. To Tianjin. C. To Nanjing.请听一段对话,回答第12至13小题。12. Who wants to be a singer? A. Bob. B. Lily. C. Bobs sister.13. What is L

4、ily father? A. A singer. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.请听一段对话,回答第14至16小题。14. What does the girl want to do this morning? A. Go camping. B. Climb the mountains. C. Go to the cinema.15. When is Andy going to take piano lessons? A. On Saturday. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday evening .16. Who is ill

5、 in hospital? A. Andys father. B. Andys grandfather. C. Kellys grandfather.请听一段独白,回答第17至20小题。17. How long will Jane read English books every morning? A. For half an hour. B. For an hour. C. For two hours.18. What lessons will Jane take on the weekend? A. English lessons. B. Piano lessons. C. Dance l

6、essons.19. What does Jane think of Chinese? A. Easy. B. Hard. C. Interesting20. Who says Jane is lazy? A. Her English Teacher. B. Her P.E. teacher. C. Her Chinese teacher. 笔试部分(共100分)一、单项选择(本大题满分15分,每小题1分)21.Eating vegetables and fruit _ your health.A. is bad for B. is good at C. is bad at D. is goo

7、d for22. The boy can speak English and French, _ he is only eight years old.A. or B. so C. although D. because23. Tom was too tired, so he _ a rest.A. stops to have B. stopped to have C. stopped have D. stopped having24. - _ are you staying here with us in Beijing? - For about two months.A. How ofte

8、n B. What time C. When D. How long25. There _ a soccer match in our school tonight.A. is going to have B. will going to be C. will have D. is going to be26. The old man will come back from hospital _ two days. A. at B. in C. on D. by27. - Why are you so _? - Im taking an _ vacation.A. excited, excit

9、ed B. exciting, excitedC. excited, exciting D. exciting, exciting28. Zhang Yingying did quite _ in the match, but Guo Yue did even _.A. well, better B. better, better C. well, well D. better, well29. There are _ books in the school library.A. eight hundred of B. eight hundreds C. hundreds of D. hund

10、red of30. He doesnt tell me _.A. what time does the train live B. what time the train leavesC. what time did the train leave D. what time will the train leave31. We should do more things with _ people and _ money.A. less, fewer B. less, less C. fewer, fewer D. fewer, less32. Did you enjoy _ the talk

11、 show with him?A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. to watching33. It is possible _ at home on computers.A. studying B. to studying C. study D. to study34.Some bananas _ in the bag. Some beef _ on the table. A. are , are B. is , are C. are, is D. is , is35.Theyd like _.A. a glass of milk B. two glass

12、 of milk C. some glass of milk D. two glasses of milks二、完形填空(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)Janet is my best friend. One day, however, I nearly ended our friendship. I remember that day clearly.We were _36_ in the classroom. The teacher was giving us the results of a math. I had done badly. I felt so _37_ that I di

13、dnt want to talk to anyone. At lunch time, I stayed in the classroom alone. Suddenly, I heard a _38_. It was Janet. “You look very unhappy,” she said. “Whats wrong?” I looked at her for a while, but said _39_. I knew Janet had got a good mark in the exam. I thought she was laughing at me. She kept a

14、sking me questions ,“Is it because of the exam? Do you want me to tell you the right _40_?” I looked away from her. When I looked up again, Janet had gone. I didnt know _41_ to do. I looked for my paper everywhere, but I couldnt find it.In the afternoon, Janet came up to my desk and _42_ me my paper

15、 back. I looked at it and got a big _43_. Janet had written the right answers next to every one of my mistakes. How _44_ she was! My face turned red. I wanted to hug(拥抱) her, but I only held her hands and said, “Thank you.” That afternoon, when Janet and I were on the way, I felt quite happy and tha

16、nked her again. We are _45_ best friends now.36. A. playing B. singing C. sitting D. dancing37. A. excited B. Nervous(紧张)C. happy D. Upset(沮丧) 38. A. sound B. voice C. cry D. notice39. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything40. A. answers B. questions C. exams D. notes41. A. which B. that

17、C. what D. who42. A. returned B. gave C. carried D. moved43. A. interest B. pain C. fun D. surprise44. A. brave B. careless C. healthy D. kind45. A. still B. also C. ever D. even三、阅读理解(本大题满分20分,每小题2分) A When Mary was just seven, her family moved to a new city. She went to school on the school bus. O

18、ne morning there was something wrong with the clock. When she got up, it was too late to take the school bus. Her mother said she could go to school in her car. “But how will you find the way, Mom?” Mary asked. “ You went to our school only once.” “Yes,” her mother answered, “but you take the school

19、 bus there every day and you know the way.” “Oh, yes,” said Mary. They started out and the car went around most of the city before getting there. When they arrived, her mother found that the school wasnt really far from their home. “Why did you make us go such a long way?” her mother asked her. “Wel

20、l, Mom,” answered Mary, ”I only know this way. The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school.”46. How many times did Marys mother go to the school before? A. She went there only once. B. She went there twice. C. She went there a few times. D. She went there every day.47.

21、 Why didnt Mary go to school on the school bus that day? A. Because there was something wrong with the school bus. B. Because she got up late. C. Because her family had a new car. D. Because her mother wanted to know the way to her school.48. Which is TURE according to the passage? A. Mary often wen

22、t to school in the car. B. Marys mother knew the school very well. C. Marys home was really far from her school D. Mary knew the way the school bus takes very well. B Cindy, Jerry and Lucy are giving their opinions about a good friend. Cindy: I think a good friend should be honest. Thats more import

23、ant than any other thing and is where a good friendship starts. If a friend isnt honest, he may lose his friends trust. Jerry: I think a good friend has to be generous. Here, “generous” doesnt mean he has to give his friends his lunch money or his clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feel

24、ings with his friends. In fact, his friends can know him better in this way. Lucy: In my opinion, a good friend should understand his friends. When theres something wrong between him and his friends, he must put himself in his friends place and think more for his friends.49. Jerry would like to make

25、 friends with people who _. A. give him lunch money B. know him very well C. tell him their ideas and feelings D. give him some clothes50. What does the underline word “trust” means in Chinese? A. 夸奖 B. 批评 C. 理解 D. 信任51. Lucy thinks friends should _. A. visit each other often B. go to more places to

26、 play C. understand each other D. help each other do more things C Hi, boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow. First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a kind of favorite food, but you should eat something different

27、. If you eat different foods, you will probably get more things your body needs. Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you are really thirsty, cold water is the best. Third, “listen” to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, feel how your body feels. Whe

28、n your stomach feels full, eating too much will make you feel uncomfortable and will make you fat. Fourth, limit(限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVD and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise, such as playing basketball, riding and swimming. You shouldnt

29、watch TV for more than two hours a day. Fifth, be active. One thing you should do is to find what activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day. Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.52. You should eat different foods, especially _. A. meat B. hamburgers C. sweets D. fruit and v

30、egetables53. Which is the best if you are really thirsty? A. Juice. B. Milk. C. Cold water. D. Tea.54. According to the passage, you should follow _ rules if you want to be healthy? A. three B. four C. five D. six55. Which is the best title of the passage? A. How to make yourself important B. How to

31、 be a healthy kid C. How to be a popular kid D. How to make your parents healthy四、词形转换。(本大题满分10分,每小题1分)A根据句义及首字母提示完成单词。56. They meet outside the school and go home t_.57. What you said is not true. I d_ with you.58. Im very hungry. Bring me some p_ of bread, please.59. We must cook the meat at the h

32、igh t_ for an hour.60. My brother likes science very much. He wants to be a s_.B用所给单词的正确形式填空。61. There will be more _ (build) in our city in 5years.62. Buy some _ (tomato) and cut them up.63. Lots of foreign_ (travel) visit China every year.64. Tina is very _ (luck) today, because she was late for s

33、chool again.65. There are too many people in the cinema. Its very _ (crowd).五、完成对话(本大题满分5分,每小题1分) A: Lily, today is Mothers Day. _66_ B: Lets make a banana durian(榴莲) shake for her. I just learn how to make it in my cooking lesson. A: 67 Durian is moms favorite. She must like it. B: _68_ Well, first

34、, we need to peel a banana and a durian, and then cut them up and put them into a blender. ( They finish doing it. ) A: 69 B: Pour in some milk. A: How much milk do we need? B: _70_ Lets add some honey. A: Will two spoons do? B: Yes. A: Wow, it looks great!A. Two cups.B. What shall we do for mom?C.

35、I think so.D. What would you like?E. Sounds great.F. What do you think of it?G. What should we do now?六、完成句子,请用上所给的提示词。(本大题满分14分,每小题2分)71.成龙是中国最成功的演员之一。(successful) Jackie Chen is in China.72.请帮我查明火车将什么时候出发?(find) Please help me .73.玛丽长大后将成为什么?(grow) What is Mary going to be ?74.上百人在寻找那个丢失的孩子。(hundr

36、ed) the lost boy.75.你知道在美国怎么庆祝感恩节吗?(how) Do you know ?76. 机器人将永远不能醒来并且知道他们在哪儿?(able) Robots wake up and know _. 77.现在是享用米线的时候。(time)Now, . 七、短文综合填空(本大题满分11分,每小题1分)They, lots, cheap, interested, fast, mistakes(错误), but, teaching, important, games, write We live in the computer age. People like scient

37、ists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do _78_ of their homework. But more than thirty years ago,_79_ couldnt do much. They were very big and expensive. Very few people were _80_ in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and _81_. _82_ they can do a lot of wor

38、k, many people like to use them. Some people even have them at home. Computers become very important because they can work _83_ than men and make fewer _84_. Computers can help people do a lot of work. _85_ now use computers to write articles. Teachers use them to help _86_. Students use them to study and children use them to play _87_. Computers can also remember what you put into them. Computers are very _88_ and helpful. They are our good friends.八、书面表达(本大题满分15分)展开想象的翅膀,畅想20年之后的自己会是怎样的?以My dream job为题写一篇短文。 要求:1.字数80左右,2.短文中不要出现真实姓名。 6

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