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1、deployment requirements, vigorously strengthen the partys ideological and political construction, strong regulation four winds , the ideological and political quality of party members and cadres has a new improved. But also to see, some members cadres belief not really letter, and slim not really re

2、pair, not understand Marx doctrine principle, not learning party of innovation theory, not believes in party of political advocates; some members cadres party of consciousness and members consciousness desalination, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not fo

3、r party; some members cadres political discipline, and political rules relaxation, mouth no shoot, mess assessment jump on the party of policies and so on. Solve the problem of party members and cadres ideologically, must start with the ideological and political construction, through the two learnin

4、g education into ideological and political work in day-to-day political life of the party, do fine catch, catch, catch a long, continuous force for a long time to work. 3. two education is condensed power development needs. With the deepening of reform and the full implementation of the rule of law,

5、 we are building Qiang Fu MGM an important task of the new XXX, which we need to rally the wisdom in all aspects, form a partnership to promote the development of a strong force. So, grass-roots party and general members to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of important meaning, effec

6、tive activated grass-roots party fighting fortress role, full play members pioneer model role, in full district development strategy practice in the dang good vanguard, and led bar-headed geese, build a support has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron Ge

7、neral play of members cadres team, for full district work provides strong political, and thought and organization based. 4. two learning education is to enhance the ability of party members and cadres needed. The current, complex and volatile state of the world of the party, our party is facing unpr

8、ecedented difficulties and challenges since the ruling, but also shoulders an important responsibility of politics, society, history, more urgent goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Specific to our personal, minority party members love to party, party, party, retaining th

9、e consciousness of the party still needs to be strengthened to work and conscientiousness, initiatives still need to be enhanced, capacity level needs to be further enhanced. Our party . Create two learn a do learning education of strong atmosphere on how carried out two learn a do learning educatio

10、n, central programme and also issued has learning education programme, Central Organization Department issued has learning education of programme, province, and municipal issued has implementation programme, for all members and at level above leaders of learning education, respectively proposed has

11、different requirements, district also specifically developed has 1+2+4+1 of implementation programme, respectively clear has learning of main content, and Focus on ways and means of solving problems and learning. We want to seriously implement the Central and provincial, city and district of deploym

12、ent requirements, as more strict and more practical spirit grasp this work. Innovative ways of learning, and earnestly study and understand. To always put learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech as two learn a do learning education of heavy in the of heavy,预制箱梁通用图编制桥梁专业设计计算书计算计算书: 30

13、m跨径13m桥宽简支正交预应力混凝土预制箱梁计算书编号: 01计 算: 谭毅平 年 月 日校 核: 刘力英 年 月 日专业负责: 刘力英 年 月 日审 核: 桂晓明 年 月 日审 定: 刘 芳 年 月 日 through concentrated learn, and topic learn, and research learn, variety way, strengthened daily learning; carried out learn Constitution, keep party rules hundred day copy Constitution activities,

14、 do precision learning, insisted article-by-article step, and combines a, and station high telescope, in read original, and learn original, and Wu principle in the guben culture Yuan, complement spirit of calcium, strengthening belief of repair, cast faith of soul. To looks at Yu party and national

15、career of new development on members of new requirements, seriously organization members leaders topic democratic life, and branch topic organised will, further mirror, and are dressed, and wash bath, and rule cure, self control party cultivation high not high, normal of carried out three will a cla

16、ss, activities, further deep understanding to who, and relies on who, and I is who, self review members consciousness strong not strong, timely error correction correction, effective do learn deep Wu through, and really understand really with. Second highlight-oriented learning, and earnestly oath S

17、tate line. Any members of the party spirit, consciousness and moral level, neither with the accumulation of standing nor with his promotion of natural increase requires transforming the subjective world, strengthen character mold to establish firm ideals and convictions. Therefore, adhering to probl

18、em-oriented, problem-solving is two learning the internal requirements. In recent years, through the educational practice of the mass line of the party, three-three thematic educational activities, quality of party members and cadres in our region as a whole has improved, spirit has been changed, bu

19、t there are still some outstanding issues and problems. Like part rural members discipline legal consciousness not strong, masses concept weak, pioneer model role play not obviously, on grass-roots democracy construction, and public affairs indifference, and not as, cannot consciously boycott yellow

20、 bet HIV against, entertainment activities not health not civilization, minority party fighting fortress role play not obviously, three will a class, party political life, and four on the two public, village level democratic decision enough serious specification, highlight problem, to effective do s

21、ide learn side check side modified, and State said State line State modified, Excited in learning education in the party undertaking, energetic and enterprising spirit, into promoting reform and development, construction of Qiang Fu MGM engines of the new XXX. Three actual learning, focus on service

22、 work. Currently, we are in a period of reform and development of opportunities; construction of Qiang Fu MGM XXX is the new main . Party members perplexity and concern. Rich give a Party lecture form, encourage experiential party lecture, live party lecture, interview-style party lecture, using typ

23、ical, positive and negative side, strengthening the attraction and appeal of party lecture. 71, each branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Third branch of the Organization will be held. The full experience of educational practice

24、 using the mass line, three-three thematic education held a special democratic meeting and the Organizations practices, picked up the weapons of criticism and self-effectively to solve problems, promote unity and purpose. Four are conscientiously carrying out the democratic review. Combined thematic

25、 Organization30m跨径13m桥宽简支正交预应力混凝土预制箱梁计算书目 录1 计算依据11.1 基础资料11.1.1 设计规范11.1.2 主要材料11.1.3 标准11.1.4 设计要点21.2 横断面布置21.2.1 横断面布置图21.2.2 预制箱梁截面尺寸31.2.3 预应力布置断面图32 汽车荷载横向分布系数分析62.1 考虑车道折减系数的横向分布系数计算62.1.1 跨中横向分布系数62.1.2 支点处横向分布系数72.2 汽车荷载冲击系数和纵向折减系数计算82.2.1 汽车荷载冲击系数82.2.2 汽车荷载纵向折减系数83 计算输入与模型83.1 施工阶段划分83.2

26、 预应力束及纵向钢筋布置83.3 输入数据93.4 阶段模型104 预制箱梁结构计算104.1 中梁持久状况承载能力极限状态计算104.1.1 正截面抗弯承载力104.1.2 斜截面抗剪承载力124.2 中梁持久状况正常使用极限状态计算144.2.1 正截面抗裂验算144.2.2 斜截面抗裂验算154.2.3 挠度验算与预拱度设置154.3 中梁持久状况和短暂状况构件应力计算164.3.1 受压区砼最大压应力验算174.3.2 受拉区预应力钢筋最大拉应力验算及引伸量174.3.3 混凝土主压应力验算174.3.4 混凝土主拉应力验算184.3.5 施工阶段应力验算184.4 中梁支座反力计算2

27、04.5 边梁持久状况承载能力极限状态计算204.5.1 正截面抗弯承载力204.5.2 斜截面抗剪承载力224.6 边梁持久状况正常使用极限状态计算244.6.1 正截面抗裂验算244.6.2 斜截面抗裂验算244.6.3 挠度验算与预拱度设置254.7 边梁持久状况和短暂状况构件应力计算264.7.1 受压区砼最大压应力验算264.7.2 受拉区预应力钢筋最大拉应力验算及引伸量264.7.3 混凝土主压应力验算274.7.4 混凝土主拉应力验算274.7.5 施工阶段应力验算274.8 边梁支座反力计算294.9 结论295 关于预制箱梁边梁和中梁计算结果汇总295.1 边梁和中梁计算结果

28、比较295.2 结论316 附图(模型输入数据)316.1 中梁316.2 边梁3530m跨径简支正交预应力混凝土预制箱梁计算书(桥宽13米三车道无人行道)1 计算依据1.1 基础资料1.1.1 设计规范1)城市桥梁设计规范CJJ 11-2011(简称城规)2)公路工程技术标准JTG B0120033)公路桥涵设计通用规范JTG D602004(简称通规)4)公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土设计规范JTG D622004(简称预规)1.1.2 主要材料1)混凝土:预制箱梁、现浇现浇层及湿接缝为C50;2)预应力钢绞线:采用s15.2低松弛预应力钢绞线,fpk=1860MPa,Ep=1.95105

29、MPa; 3)波纹管:采用塑料波纹管,摩阻系数取0.17,管道偏差系数取0.0015;4)锚具:定型系列锚具、真空灌浆,均采用圆锚;钢筋回缩和锚具变形取6mm(单端);5)普通钢筋:HRB335:fsd=280MPa,Es=2.0105MPa;HPB235:fsd=195MPa,Es=2.1105MPa。1.1.3 标准跨径:桥梁标准跨径lk=30m;计算跨径(正交、简支)l=29.3m;预制箱梁长29.9m梁高:160cm高预制箱梁+10cm厚桥面现浇层桥面宽度:桥宽13m:0.5m(防撞墙)+12m(车行道)+0.5m(防撞墙)设计荷载:1)汽车荷载:城市-A级、公路-I级;2)温度梯度:

30、按通规10cm沥青砼铺装层温度梯度计算;竖向日照正温差 T1=14,T2=5.5,A=300mm,竖向日照反温差 T1=-7,T2=-2.75,A=300mm; 3)整体温差:不考虑4)一期恒载:自重计算时,混凝土容重取26kN/m3预制梁端横隔重:边梁:(0.633+1.001)0.326=12.75kN中梁:(0.6332+1.001)0.326=17.68kN浇筑现浇层时增加的端横隔重:边梁:0.360.31.2726=3.57kN中梁:0.720.31.2726=7.13kN5)二期恒载:考虑以下各项值混凝土桥面现浇层:共计7cm厚度: 5cm现浇层及2cm附加超方荷载,3.250.0

31、726=5.92kN/m(边梁)3.120.0726=5.68kN/m(中梁)沥青铺装层:10cm,容重:24kN/m3防撞墙:按单侧10kN/m计,近似按横向分布系数分配重量,各梁的横向分布影响线计算见第2.1节。1.边梁:梁端: q2=3.250.0726+2.880.124+10=22.83kN/m L/4跨中:q2=3.250.0726+2.880.124+10(0.4182+0.1376)=18.39kN/m 式中,0.4182和0.1376分别为边梁在防撞墙重心处横向分布影响线(距离防撞墙外边缘0.208 m)梁端至L/4范围内按22.8318.39kN/m线性插值计算。2.中梁:

32、梁端: q2=3.120.0726+3.120.124=13.17kN/mL/4跨中:q2=3.120.0726+3.120.124+10(0.2645+0.1797)=17.61kN/m式中,0.2645和0.1797分别为中梁在防撞墙重心处横向分布影响线(距离防撞墙外边缘0.208 m)梁端至L/4范围内按13.1717.61kN/m线性插值计算。结构重要性系数:1.1环境条件:按I类环境考虑,计算收缩徐变3650天,存梁期为60天1.1.4 设计要点采用以荷载横向分布系数和平面杆系有限元电算相结合的计算方法进行结构分析,选择横向分布系数最大的边梁、中梁进行控制计算,并按预规各项要求进行验

33、算。横向分布系数的计算方法:杠杆法:用于计算荷载位于主梁支点处的横向分布系数。 刚接板梁法:用于计算荷载位于梁桥跨中至L/4处的横向分布系数。支点至L/4点之间活载横向分布系数按线性插值求得本结构按后张法部分预应力混凝土A类构件设计,主梁计算按组合截面分阶段考虑。现浇层未达到设计强度前,按预制结构独自承受上部恒载计算及施工活载;在运营状态下按预制梁、湿接缝及现浇层(考虑5cm厚)共同承受上部恒载和活载计算。预应力钢束采用两端张拉,锚下张拉控制应力scon=1395MPa环境年平均相对湿度RH=80%。计算混凝土收缩、徐变引起的预应力损失时传力锚固龄期为7d。存梁时间为不超过60d。1.2 横断

34、面布置1.2.1 横断面布置图图1.1.1 预制箱梁跨中横断面图(尺寸单位:mm)图1.1.2 预制箱梁支点处横断面图(尺寸单位:mm)说明:预制箱梁从左到右依次编号为:14。1.2.2 预制箱梁截面尺寸图1.2.1 中梁支点处横断面图 图1.2.2 中梁跨中横断面图图1.2.3 边梁支点处横断面图 图1.2.4 边梁跨中横断面图1.2.3 预应力布置断面图支点处截面 跨中截面图1.2.5 中梁钢束断面图(尺寸单位:mm)支点处截面 跨中截面图1.2.6 边梁钢束断面图(尺寸单位:mm)边梁钢束中,N1、N2为5s15.2,N3、N4为6s15.2;中梁钢束中,N1、N2、N3为5s15.2,

35、N4为6s15.2。表1.2.1 钢束力学信息钢束根数控制应力回缩超拉MUK张拉方式孔道面积松弛率51395120%0.170.0015两端31170.361395120%0.170.0015两端41850.3表1.2.2 中梁钢束几何信息钢束号竖弯X竖弯Y竖弯R平弯X平弯Y平弯R1-14.8-0.450-14.8-0.6650-8.04-1.3460-13.686-0.655258.04-1.3460-8.04-0.48520014.8-0.4508.04-0.48520013.686-0.6552514.8-0.66502-14.8-0.450-14.80.6650-8.04-1.3460



38、8-0.30-12.959-1.563014.8-0.3012.959-1.563014.8-1.51508-14.8-1.5150-14.80.30-12.959-1.563014.80.3012.959-1.563014.8-1.5150表1.2.3 边梁钢束几何信息钢束号竖弯X竖弯Y竖弯R平弯X平弯Y平弯R1-14.8-0.450-14.8-0.60-8.04-1.3460-13.686-0.59258.04-1.3460-8.04-0.4220014.8-0.4508.04-0.4220013.686-0.592514.8-0.602-14.8-0.450-14.80.730-8.04



41、9-1.563014.8-0.235012.959-1.563014.8-1.51508-14.8-1.5150-14.80.3650-12.959-1.563014.80.365012.959-1.563014.8-1.51502 汽车荷载横向分布系数分析2.1 考虑车道折减系数的横向分布系数计算(1)对于预制箱梁,使用铰接板(梁)法和刚接板梁法都偏差不大,这里用刚接板梁法计算;(2)支点处的横向分布系数按杠杆原理法计算;(3)支点至点之间的荷载横向分布系数按直线内插求得;(4)通规规定多车道桥梁上应考虑多车道折减,当结构横向布置设计车道数大于2车道时,上述横向分布系数计算时按实际加载车道数

42、,根据通规规定进行相应折减,本桥三车道,需要乘折减横向系数0.78。2.1.1 跨中横向分布系数跨中荷载横向分布系数采用刚接板梁法,选择横向分布系数最大的边梁、中梁进行控制计算。使用桥梁博士V3.1.0软件自带的刚接板梁法计算跨中截面的横向分布系数,计算结果如下:结构描述:主梁跨径:29.300 m材料剪切模量/弯曲模量 = 0.430梁号梁宽弯惯矩扭惯矩左板宽左惯矩右板宽右惯矩连接13.2500.4390.5000.8530.0010.7230.001刚接23.1200.4310.4960.7230.0010.7230.001刚接33.1200.4310.4960.7230.0010.723

43、0.001刚接43.2500.4390.5000.7230.0010.8530.001刚接-桥面描述:人行道分隔带车行道中央分隔带车行道分隔带人行道0.0000.37012.0000.000 0.0000.0000.3700.000左车道数 = 3, 右车道数 = 0, 自动计入车道折减汽车等级: 城市A级挂车等级: 无挂车荷载人群集度: 0.000 KPa-影响线数值:坐标X1#梁2#梁3#梁4#梁0.0000.4200.2640.1790.1371.6900.3800.2750.1940.1513.2500.3320.2870.2130.1684.8100.2800.2820.2400.1

44、976.3700.2320.2680.2680.2327.9300.1970.2400.2820.2809.4900.1680.2130.2870.33211.0500.1510.1940.2750.38012.7400.1370.1790.2640.420-横向分布系数计算结果:梁号汽车挂车人群满人特载车列10.6640.0000.0000.0000.0000.00020.6200.0000.0000.0000.0000.00030.6190.0000.0000.0000.0000.00040.6630.0000.0000.0000.0000.000-计算成功完成2.1.2 支点处横向分布系

45、数图2.1.1 1号梁、2号梁的荷载横向影响线(尺寸单位:mm)支点处的横向分布系数按杠杆原理法计算,使用图2.1.1所示的模式手算。1号梁:mcq=(1+0.7214 +0.2252)/2=0.97332号梁:mcq=(0.2786+0.7748+0.7290+0.2328)/2=1.00762.2 汽车荷载冲击系数和纵向折减系数计算2.2.1 汽车荷载冲击系数根据通规4.3.2条的条文说明,简支梁桥的自振频率可用下列公式估算:简支梁结构基频: mc=G/g式中:l结构的计算跨径(m) E结构材料的弹性模量(N/m2)I结构跨中截面的截面惯矩(m4)mc结构跨中处的单位长度质量(kg/m),

46、当换算为重力计算时,其单位应为(Ns2/m2)G结构跨中处延米结构重力(N/m)g重力加速度,g = 9.81m/s2 E=3.451010 N/m2,l=29.3m,Ic=20.4388+20.4312=1.74m4,代入公式得到f=3.674Hz。按照通规4.3.2条,冲击系数可按下式计算:当1.5Hzf114Hz时,=0.1767ln(f)-0.0157 =0.2142。2.2.2 汽车荷载纵向折减系数桥梁计算跨径l=29.3m150m,故纵向不予折减。3 计算输入与模型本节简述结构的输入情况,具体输入参考第6章附图。3.1 施工阶段划分表 3.1.1 施工顺序表阶段内容持续时间受力截面

47、1张拉钢束1预制截面2存梁30天303存梁60天304梁体吊装(自重乘以0.85)15梁体吊装(自重乘以1.2)06浇注现浇层77现浇层持续受力28组合截面8其余二期恒载209成桥十年3650表3.1.1中时间以天为单位,浇注混凝土,养护7天后张拉预应力,存梁最大不超过60天后吊装,浇注现浇层,现浇层受力28天后进行桥面铺装、防撞栏施工。根据通规第4.1.10条,梁体吊装时应乘以动力系数1.2或0.85,故在第4、第5阶段分别计算。3.2 预应力束及纵向钢筋布置钢束纵向布置图如图3.2.1所示:图3.2.1 结构纵向预应力布置图 普通钢筋布置见图3.2.2和图3.2.3所示,中梁底纵向钢筋为1

48、1D22,梁顶纵向钢筋为17D12;边梁底纵向钢筋为11D22,梁顶纵向钢筋为20D12。图3.2.2 中梁普通钢筋输入图3.2.3 边梁普通钢筋输入3.3 输入数据表3.3.1 中梁截面几何特性单元号节点号截面抗弯惯距截面面积中性轴高截面高度110.5115 1.653 1.031.6520.5115 1.653 1.031.65220.5115 1.653 1.031.6530.4772 1.519 1.061.65330.4772 1.519 1.061.6540.4322 1.378 1.11.654314310.4322 1.378 1.11.655320.4322 1.378 1.

49、11.6532320.4322 1.378 1.11.65330.4772 1.519 1.061.6533330.4772 1.519 1.061.65340.5115 1.653 1.031.6534340.5115 1.653 1.031.65350.5115 1.653 1.031.65表3.3.2 边梁截面几何特性单元号节点号截面抗弯惯距截面面积中性轴高截面高度110.5222 1.706 1.041.6520.5222 1.706 1.041.65220.5222 1.706 1.041.6530.4866 1.572 1.071.65330.4866 1.572 1.071.65

50、40.4400 1.431 1.111.654314310.4400 1.431 1.111.655320.4400 1.431 1.111.6532320.4400 1.431 1.111.65330.4866 1.572 1.071.6533330.4866 1.572 1.071.65340.5222 1.706 1.041.6534340.5222 1.706 1.041.65350.5222 1.706 1.041.653.4 阶段模型计算采用桥梁博士V3.1.0进行平面分析,计入现浇层对结构受力的影响,用附加截面功能模拟。全桥共分34个单元,35个节点。典型施工过程模型如下:图3.

51、4.1 结构计算模型图4 预制箱梁结构计算4.1 中梁持久状况承载能力极限状态计算4.1.1 正截面抗弯承载力图4.1.1 承载能力极限状态基本组合弯矩包络图(单位:kN.m)图4.1.2 承载能力基本组合结构最大抗力及其对应内力图(单位:kN.m)最大弯矩设计值出现在跨中,取全截面进行正截面抗弯承载力验算,验算结果见表4.1.1,由此可知预制构件正截面抗弯承载力满足要求。表4.1.1 主梁截面抗弯承载力验算单元号节点号内力属性Mi极限抗力受力类型受压区高度是否满足11最大弯矩0.001848.97下拉受弯是最小弯矩0.001848.97下拉受弯是22最大弯矩-3.77-4879.09上拉受弯




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