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1、韶关市2021-2022学年度第二学期高二期末检测英 语(卷面满分150分,考试用时135分钟)第一部分听力(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第1段材料,回答第1至3题。1. What does the woman want to become?A. A nurse. B. A doctor. C. A physicians assistant.2. What does the woman need to do to achieve her dream?A. Receive necessary schooling B. Gain six years of experience.

2、C. Get a doctors recommendation.3. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Interviewer and interviewee.听第2段材料,回答第4至6题。4. What is going to be held in Liberty Park next week?A. An art festival. B. A concert. C. A picnic.5. What is special about the third lo

3、cal painter?A. She likes to paint views. B. She collects many old paintings. C. She has her way to see the world.6. When will the international exhibition start?A. At 11 a.m. on Saturday. B. At 3 p.m. on Sunday. C. At 11 a.m. on Sunday.听第3段材料,回答第7至9题。7. Why did Jack go to Cape Town?A. To take an adv

4、enture. B. To visit an old friend. C. To take some photos.8. What did Jack think of his experience in Cape Town?A. Disappointing. B. Enjoyable. C. Tiring.9. How long did Jack stay in Cape Town?A. For five days. B. For seven days. C. For twelve days.听第4段材料,回答第10至12题10. How does the man feel now?A. Wo

5、rried. B. Puzzled. C. Bored.11. What has pollution caused according to the man?A. Ecosystem disorder. B. The spread of diseases. C. Loss of natural resources.12. What does the woman suggest doing now?A. Protecting wildlife from extinction.B. Listing the harmful effects of pollution.C. Letting people

6、 know pollution is harmful.听第5段独白,回答第13至15题。13. What happened to Cathy due to her scientific achievement?A. She was praised by the president B. She got an award from an institute. C. She was admitted to a key school.14. What can we learn about Cathys invention?A. It takes too much space. B. Its envi

7、ronmentally friendly. C. It provides villagers with water.15. What do the villagers think of Cathys invention?A. Its safe to use. B. Its very practical. C. Its easy to control.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项除黑。AFUR, FINS & FEATHERSWildlife-wa

8、tching can turn a day outdoors into a wide-eyed family adventure. Here are four of the best UK experiences this spring.Ponies on ExmoorExmoor National Park is a haven for wildlife, with the areas native ponies a highlight. Some animals wander around the park, and you will likely see them on four-whe

9、el-drive vehicle adventures. For very young children, dont miss the Exmoor Pony Center, near Dulverton, home to around 20 native ponies.Puffins on Skomer IslandSkomer might be less than a mile off the Pembrokeshire coast but arriving on this rocky, dramatic island still feels like landing on a dista

10、nt shore. During breeding season (April to early July), you can expect to spot puffins, but theres plenty more for families to enjoy, too. However, visitor numbers are capped each day, so book your boat trip well ahead of time.Eagles and Otters on MullThe inner Hebridean Island of Mull has superb bi

11、rdwatching certificates and a rich marine life, too. Keep your eyes on the sky for golden and white-tailed eagles the former a Highland icon, the latter the UKs largest bird of prey. The coast, meanwhile, is home to shy but spellbinding otters (水獭). Mull Magic offers themed wildlife tours, including

12、 the Otter Detective Walk, the Eagle Walk and Birds, Beaches & Butterflies.Seals in NorfolkThe countys coastline is famous for its seals, with three key locations allowing you to admire colonies from a responsible distance. Hunstanton is a good bet in the summer months, and Horsey Beach is an excell

13、ent option for seeing baby seals during the winter breeding seasons, but Blakeney Points is the best year-round choice, with both harbor and grey seals seen in large numbers. Various operators run family-friendly bout trips from nearby Morston Quay, with departures throughout the year.1. Which tour

14、is strongly recommended for little kids?A. Ponies on Exmoor.B. Puffins on Skomer Island.C. Eagles and Otters on Mull.D. Seals in Norfolk.2. What is special about Skomer Island?A. You can see puffins in August.B. Its quite far away from the shore.C. You can enjoy themed wildlife tours.D. It puts limi

15、ts on the number of visitors.3. Where can visitors watch seals breeding all year?A. Hunstanton.B. Hebridean Island.C. Blakeney Points.D. Horsey Beach.【答案】1. A2. D3. CBWhen presented with a Make-A-Wish grant, most 13-year-old boys would buy a gaming system or take a trip to Disney World. But Abraham

16、Olagbegi is not like most teens.Abraham is recovering from a bone marrow transplant resulting from a rare genetic blood disorder. Last year was a scary time for him and his family, but the transplant was successful, and hes now on a path to good health. When he found out he was qualified for Make-A-

17、Wish, he shocked everyone with his request.“I remember we were coming home from one of his doctor appointments and he said, Mom, I thought about it, and I really want to feed the homeless,” said Miriam Olagbegi. Abrahams mother. “I said, Are you sure, Abraham? You could do a lot. Are you sure that y

18、ou dont want a PlayStation?”Abrahams whole family thought it was a great idea, especially since theyve tried to teach their kids to give freely and openly to others whenever possible. In the 13-year-olds words, “My parents always teach us that its a blessing to be a blessing.”Make-A-Wish granted Abr

19、ahams special request, spending a day in September handing out free plates of food to people experiencing homelessness in Jackson, Mississippi. Local businesses donated all of the food and supplies, and together they managed to feed about 80 people.Abraham said seeing the gratitude on their faces ma

20、de his wish come true. Now, the Make-A-Wish team will continue Abrahams program named Abrahams Table every month.“Were just very excited to be able to continue this program. Its just so rewarding,” Miriam said. “If I was out there on the streets, having no home, I would want somebody at some point t

21、o think of me and to do something special for me. So, thats what I try to instill (灌输) in my kids and we just try to pay it forward by doing what we were raised to do.”4. What is Abrahams Make-A-Wish?A. Having a PlayStation.B. Helping the homeless.C. Visiting Disney World.D. Recovering from a rare d

22、isease.5. How did Miriam feel when hearing Abrahams request?A. Relieved.B. Concerned.C. Curious.D. Amazed.6. Which of the following can best describe Abraham?A. Smart and courageous.B. Outgoing and determined.C. Sympathetic and generous.D. Hard-working and careful.7. What inspired Abraham to make su

23、ch a special wish?A. His parents influence.B. Peoples grateful look.C. The desire to set a good example.D. The eagerness to establish a program.【答案】4. B5. D6. C7. ACWhile saying no can be empowering and liberating to some, for others it can be frightening or uncomfortable. We feel that we must go al

24、ong with things we honestly do not want to do in order to be socially accepted. However, there are benefits to the word “no”. Saying no can create more mental health stability and build your self-esteem and confidence. Saying no may be a difficult thing to do, but there are ways to make the process

25、a bit more acceptable and effective.The sandwich method, an approach that involves sandwiching something that individuals may consider negative between two positives, is helpful for you to feel natural and authentic to say no. Tell the person something positive followed by the no and end with someth

26、ing supportive or positive. For example. “Thank you for inviting me. I really appreciate you including me and being thoughtful; however, I wont be able to make it. I would still really enjoy meeting up with you. Ill look at my schedule for some dates Im available, so we can spend some time together.

27、”Its also important to keep in mind that saying no to something but giving other options that better fit your needs can also be an effective way to use the power of no. Remember that your needs are important and your decisions can directly affect your time and energy.We all have various roles in our

28、 work, parenting, and social obligations. These roles can challenge our abilities to set boundaries. Learning about yourself and finding your inner power is important to your health and well-being. Consider setting boundaries around goals you have for yourself. For example, if one of your goals is t

29、o create better balance between work and life, you may say no to a call or meeting outside your normal working hours.Using some of the techniques outlined above, you may not find it a big deal to say no.8. What is an advantage of saying no?A. You might become more powerful.B. You will be more social

30、ly accepted.C. You are likely to feel self-confident.D. You can stabilize your physical health.9. Which of the following agrees with the sandwich method?A. To follow 2 praises with a criticism.B. To make a refusal between 2 layers of praise.C. To state something negative and give 2 proposals.D. To i

31、ntroduce an idea, give examples and draw a conclusion.10. What is the authors attitude to saying no?A. Doubtful.B. Objective.C. Favorable.D. Opposed.11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. The Art of Saying NoB. The Skill of CommunicationC. The Importance of Saying NoD. The

32、Concept of Sandwich Method【答案】8. C9. B10. C11. ADWhen using the Internet to fill-in gaps in ones own knowledgepeople believe theyre smarter and have a better memory than others, and incorrectly predict that theyll perform better on future knowledge tests they take without Internet access, according

33、to the new research.“When were constantly connected to knowledge, we mistake the Internets knowledge for our own,” says Adrian Ward of the University of Texas. “Besides, the Google search process is also much like searching your own memory, which might cause people to confuse information found onlin

34、e with information in their own heads.”To investigate that, Ward, in the first experiment, got participants to answer ten general knowledge questions either on their own or using online search. Then, they reported how confident they were in the ability to find information by using external sources,

35、and in their own ability to remember information. Participants who used Google answered more questions correctly and were also more confident in their own memory.In a second experiment, participants were made to answer the same ten general knowledge questions either on their own or using the online

36、searching engine. Then, Ward told them theyd take second knowledge test without using any outside sources. Those who completed the first knowledge test with Google thought theyd know significantly more when forced to rely on their own memory in the futuresuggesting they attributed their initial perf

37、ormance to their own knowledge, not to the fact they were using Google.In a final experiment, participants were made to answer knowledge questions on their own, using Google, or with a version of Google that delayed search results by 25 seconds. Unlike those who used standard Google, participants wh

38、o used “slow Google” werent more confident in their internal knowledge and didnt predict higher performance on future tests. This suggests that in a world in which searching online is often faster than using our memory, we may know less but think we know more.Ward says that the research has major im

39、plications for education, as students might devote less time and energy to gaining knowledge if they already feel knowledgeable. “Maybe we can use our limited cognitive resources in a more effective and efficient way,” Ward says.12. How does Adrian Ward draw his conclusions?A. By carrying out a seri

40、es of experiments.B. By referring to previous related research.CBy comparing ways of using the Internet.D. By analyzing the effects of Internet access.13. What does the underlined word “attributed” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Compared.B. Owed.C. Referred.D. Devoted.14. What can we infer about the Interne

41、t according to the research?A. It can improve ones mental development.B. It can affect the way we think about ourselves.C. It can make one become smarter academically.D. It can change our view of our own intelligence.15. What will the author do in the next paragraph?A. Show more experiments.B. Give

42、some suggestions.C. Provide a certain theory.D. Analyze a real-life phenomenon.【答案】12. A13. B14. D15. B第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Power of PoetryPeople are suffering from depression and anxiety now more than ever. To help case the pain, they are turning to

43、new approaches and, believe it or not, poetry is one of them.Its common sense that reading fiction can increase empathy (同理心). _16_ Well, for decades, scientific studies have proven that poetry has a beneficial impact in managing pain, handling stress and improving personal well-being. Lets dive a b

44、it deeper, and consider some specific ways in which poetry can help mental health.Poetry can be a form of comfort. By reading poetry, we can get the escapism we long for, transporting us out of our own world and into someone elses. _17_ Trying to uncover the meaning of a poem can give us a necessary

45、 break from our inner monologue as well.It can be a shared experience. Poems are often quite emotional in nature. _18_ Theres something quite comforting in the knowledge that were not alone and that our pain is shared with someone else. Poetry often reveals that there is universality (普遍性) in the hu

46、man experience._19_ Many poems creatively tackle some sensitive topics like depression, anxiety, abuse, poverty, all of which can be found in a poetic form, empowering both the poet and the reader.To put it lightly, life is tough, but its important to remember that were not alone. The next time your

47、e feeling hopeless, try diving into the works of a poet. _20_ Who knows?A. However, how does it work?B. But whats so special about poetry?C. As the saying goes, misery loves company.DPoetry can also be a platform for change and advocacy.E. You might be inspired to write some poetry of your own.F. Ch

48、ances are that you will heat the love songs of the poet.G. The repetition and rhyme found in it con relieve our pain.【答案】16. B17. G18. C19. D20. E第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The Iron Lady of PakistanEverybody has different life stories,

49、some inspiring and some tragic. Muniba Mazari, a(n) _21_ Pakistani woman proved that something positive can come out of sorrow.In 2007, she was _22_ in car crash. Many people came to the rescue, tried to _23_ her out of the car and rushed her to hospital as she was _24_ injured.The terrible accident

50、 _25_ her serious injury including the major one on her backbone. Doctors were able to perform a successful _26_ on Muniba but she was unable to walk again. “Doctors have put a lot of titanium (钛钢) in my body to _27_ the major damages. Thats why people call me the Iron Lady.” She once said.She spent

51、 nearly two years in the hospital where she _28_ multiple surgeries. But with _29_ in her heart, she managed to smile back at what life had planned for her. She _30_ sat in a wheelchair and chose to rise rather than cry. She planned to write down all of her _31_ and face them one by one, like facing

52、 people and the look of sympathy in their eyes.Later on, Muniba emerged in various fields, including performing and motivational speaking. She refused to _32_ her disability and made the best out of her talent. She not only motivated herself to work but _33_ the rest of the world.Munibas perfectly _

53、34_ life shaped who she is today, showing that even a serious accident cannot break you if you have the _35_.21. A. intelligentB. braveC. creativeD. modest22. A. attackedB. trappedC. buriedD. engaged23. A. pushB. forceC. dragD. throw24. A. slightlyB. completelyC. hardlyD. severely25. A. resulted inB

54、. brought outC. arose fromD. impacted on26. A. transplantB. examinationC. operationD. test27. A. fixB. preventC. causeD. reduce28. A. performedB. recordedC. sufferedD. underwent29. A. hopeB. patienceC. mercyD. justice30. A. carefullyB. fortunatelyC. eventuallyD. necessarily31. A. goalsB. questionsC.

55、 choicesD. fears32. A. live onB. battle againstC. break away fromD. give in to33. A. inspiredB. discouragedC. comfortedD. bridged34. A. ordinaryB. imperfectC. admirableD. unpleasant35. A. urgeB. wisdomC. willD. chance【答案】21. B22. B23. C24. D25. A26. C27. A28. D29. A30. C31. D32. D33. A34. B35. C第二节语

56、法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Born in 1998 in Yichun, Heilongjiang Province, Jiang Yufan is the designer of Shuey Rhon Rhon, the Paralympic mascot. Jiang got the _36_ (inspire) from the strong festive atmosphere in her hometown, _37_ red lanterns can

57、be seen everywhere. _38_ the process of the design was challenging, she _39_ (true) hoped the lantern could warm the world and light peoples dreams.Her design is based _40_ the red lantern, a cultural symbol associated with harvest, celebration and brightness. The name “Shuey Rhon Rhon” has several

58、meanings as well. The word “Shuey” _41_ (pronounce) the same way as the Chinese character for snow. The first “Rhon” refers to friendship and the second indicates integration. Combined, the full name sends a message of understanding and promotes _42_ harmonious society.Dominated by “Chinese red”, Sh

59、uey Rhon Rhon has a small hoop on the top of _43_ (it) head, as well as snowy features, patterns _44_ (take) from Chinese paper cutting and a red body that shines warmly. The mascot itself represents friendship, courage and strength, _45_ (reflect) the fighting spirit of the Winter Paralympic athlet

60、es and the Winter Paralympics tenet (宗旨).【答案】36. inspiration37. where38. Although#Though#While39. truly40. on41. is pronounced42. a43. its44. taken45. reflecting第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)46. 假如你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将邀请外教Mr. Smith做一个关于“海洋保护”讲座。请你写一则英文通知发布在校园网上。内容包括:1.时间和地点;2.主要内容;3.注意事项。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节

61、,以使行文连贯。Notice_The English Club【答案】 NoticeOcean pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet. In order to improve the students awareness of protecting the sea, our school will invite the foreign teacher Mr. Smith to give a lecture on “Ocean Protection”. The lecture is in Room 205 on th

62、e evening of November 26th, from 7 p. m to 9 p.m. All the students who are interested in it are welcome to attend it. At that point, Mr. Smith will introduce the current state of ocean pollution and what we can do to protect our oceans. Please make full preparations for it ahead of time and come on time. The English Club第二节(满分25分)47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。My grandfather had started experiencing major problems with

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