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1、2022年高一下学期调研测试(一)英语试题含答案xx.3.29一、听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man say about English learning? A. He has made progress with speaking. B. He finds it more difficult than before. C. He has difficul

2、ty remembering words.2. What is Sally doing now? A. Teaching in a school. B. Preparing for her graduation. C. Getting ready to start working.3. What will the woman probably buy for her daughter? A. A camera. B. A watch. C. A toy.4. What does the man like the most? A. The fresh air. B. The night sky.

3、 C. The evening clouds.5. What does the man mean? A. The woman cant find a better price. B. The woman shouldnt wear short jeans. C. The woman cant return the jeans. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、

4、7题。6. What do the speakers want to do this weekend? A. Go for a hike. B. Go to the mall. C. Go to the beach.7. What is the weather like in Califomia? A. It is getting colder now. B. It always stays warm. C. It changes often.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What are the speakers doing? A. Shopping for some lights.

5、B. Repairing the lights in their house. C. Decorating their house with lights. 9. Why is the man glad? A. The lights dont use much electricity. B. They put 600 lights on the house. C. They will drive around to buy more things.听第8段材料,回答第10至1 2题。10. What is the survey about? A. Shopping habits. B. Eat

6、ing habits. C. Study habits.11. Why does the man seldom study in the afternoons? A. He needs to sleep all afternoon. B. He doesnt study well at that time. C. He has nothing to do at that time.12. How often does the man stay up late? A. Almost every day. B. Only on the weekends. C. Never.听第9段材料,回答第1

7、3至1 6题。13. What does the man suggest in the beginning? A. Getting rid of Emilia. B. Sitting together with Emilia. C. Inviting Emilia to their club.14. What does the woman think of Emilia? A. She is very shy. B. She is pretty. C. She is good at everything.15. What will the woman do next? A. Go to cla

8、ss. B. Talk with Emilia. C. Wait at her table for Emilia.16. What is the conversation mainly about? A. Ending a friendship. B. Fun activities at school. C. Reaching out to a lonely person.听第10段材料,回答第1 7至20题。17When did Usain Bolt discover his talent for running? AIn primary school BWhile playing socc

9、er. CIn the xx World Junior Championships18During high school,what was Usain Bolt most interested in? AHis studies BDoing spots CHanging out with friends19How many gold medals did Usain Bolt win in the xx Olympics? ATwo BThree CFive20What do many experts think about Usain Bolt? AHell never run faste

10、r than he did in xx BHe shouldve won the most medals in Beijing CHe couldve run faster than 969 seconds二单项选择(15分)21.Thank you for your wonderful meal. _.A. No, it was just so-so B. The same to you C. No, thats all right D. Its my pleasure 22. - That must have been a long trip. - Yeah, it _ us a whol

11、e week to get there. A. takes B. has taken C. took D. was taking 23. Finally she _ that Tom was guilty. A. was convinced of B. was convinced C. convincedD. was convincing 24. All the books that have been contributed by the neighborhood are said _ to the city public library the other day. A. being se

12、nt B. to be sent C. having been sentD. to have been sent 25. He must have attended the party last night, _?A. havent he B. mustnt he C. didnt he D. hadnt he26. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.A. Inviting B. invited C. Being invited D. having invited27. The new road sign

13、 is easy to read;the words _ well.A. stand by B. stand out C. stand up for D. stand for 28. - Why was he unhappy those days?- Cant you see it clearly? The only reason was _ the theory he insisted on _ wrong.A. that; proving B. because; provedC. which; was proved D. that; proved29. One of the men hel

14、d the view _ the book said was right.A. that B. what that C. that what D. whether30. In Scandinavian countries it is a mon _ for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby.A. use B. sense C. idea D. practice31. Toms house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice _ expe

15、nsive.A. very B. too C. so D. as32. Ann seems to be upset. Whats up?She from the voice on the line that her mother is not satisfied with her test scores.Aincludes Bconcludes Csuggests Dcontains33. The man who thought of a gas engine with wheels was the inventor of automobiles.Aparing Bbining Cpeting

16、 Dmunicating34. Its love and concern that have _the great changes in these children with disabilities. A. brought out B. brought up C. brought in D. brought about 35. Your mother bees more and more forgetful. Yes. She searched for her cellphone for a whole day last Sunday but it _ in her coat pocket

17、 the next day. A. turned out B. turned on C. turned over D. turned up三完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Things have been kind of tough lately for Shannon Baker and her little family. They have each others parents and young daughter and for that they are 36 . But she and her husband are both currently 37 . And

18、their car is in great need of 38 . And then there is the matter of their second child, who is 39 soon. So things are a little tense for the Baker family these days.When Shannon and her daughter were walking through a store 40 lot recently, Shannon picked up an envelope from the ground that 41 $4,000

19、 in cash. There were a 42 of different interpretations (explanations) that could be considered. Was this a kind of good 43 ? Could it be an attempt by the universe to balance everything? Could it be simply a gift from God? Shannon didnt know. The only thing she knew was that the cash in that envelop

20、e 44 to someone else. Oh, and one other thing she knew: Her young daughter was 45 . “My kid was standing right there 46 I found it,” Shannon told WLS-TV in Chicago. “So basically I wanted to teach my daughter how to be 47 . And for me that was enough.”Never mind the bills that were 48 , or the car t

21、hat needed to be fixed, or the baby that would e soon. And forget that when she 49 the money over to the police she was told that there was actually nothing illegal if she 50 it.The police were able to return the money to the person who 51 it: an old woman. And one can imagine the 52 and relief she

22、felt when the police handed the lost envelop back to her. “She came to my house and she was almost in tears, 53 me,” Shannon said. “She gave me a hug and an envelope with a small 54 in it. But the amount, large or small, wasnt 55 . What was important was the opportunity to teach my daughter honesty.

23、” 36. A. restrictedB. grateful C. sensitiveD. upset37. A. disappointedB. appreciatedC. unemployedD. removed38. A. cash B. protectionC. repair D. sale 39. A. sickB. due C. desperateD. dull 40. A. parking B. gathering C. cleaningD. begging41. A. participated B. contained C. chargedD. paid42. A. number

24、 B. deal C. handfulD. flood43. A. expenseB. prizeC. hopeD. luck 44. A. pointedB. reactedC. respondedD. belonged 45. A. watchingB. urging C. laughingD. affecting 46. A. beforeB. thoughC. becauseD. when 47. A. honestB. loyalC. ripeD. humorous 48. A. passing byB. giving awayC. showing off D. piling up

25、49. A. watchedB. turnedC. gotD. collected50. A. checkedB. madeC. keptD. promoted 51. A. sentB. dislikedC. lostD. generated 52. A. respectB. anxietyC. tensionD. joy 53. A. fortingB. congratulatingC. offendingD. thanking 54. A. amountB. presentC. envelopeD. option 55. A. importantB. necessaryC. eviden

26、tD. essential四阅读理解(共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AFree Fun GuidesFree Admission to Hundreds of Museums Sept. 25What a weekend! This Saturday, Sept. 25, hundreds of U.S. museums are admission free for the Smithsonians annual Museum Day.Unlike previous Museu

27、m Day celebrations, you must sign up for a free ticket that admits two people to any of the participating museums. That means filling out a form and having the ticket emailed to you. Not bad for a free offer that will give you admission to museums such as the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and the Air

28、 & Space Museum in San Diego.Free Books for Kids Barnes & Noble!If your kids love to read and we hope they do! be sure to sign them up for Barnes & Nobles summer reading programs so they can earn a free book!Its easy for kids aged 12 and under to participate. For Barnes & Nobles Passport to Summer R

29、eading program, just download and print out your passport. Read any eight books, make a list of them on the back of the passport and bring it to any Barnes & Noble by September 7. Choose your free book from the list.FREE Night of Theater Across the U.S. in OctoberIts the annual run of the Free Night

30、 of Theater, when hundreds of theaters in 120 U.S. cities give away thousands of tickets to local productions. While the kickoff date is October 15, many of the theaters start releasing their free tickets by Oct.1 or in waves during the month of October for performance dates throughout the month. Ti

31、cket seekers are limited to two tickets for one performance.Find your city on the Free Night of Theater Website and check the listings for performances, their dates and their ticket giveaway times and locations.56. What is new about this years Museum Day?A. People will get free tickets online. B. Tw

32、o museums offer free admission.C. People must buy tickets for visiting a museum. D. People can visit museums online and get a small gift.57. Which of the following shows the similarity between Museum Day and Free Night of Theater?A. They last for the same length of time. B. The same number of free t

33、ickets is given away.C. The tickets can be used in any U.S. city. D. They take place once a year.58. The main purpose of the passage is to_.A. introduce ways to save money B. help people who are very poor C. give guidance on how to have some fun D. provide information about free things to doBYou fee

34、l happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and receiving. If you give and give without making time to fill your own needs, then its likely you will burn out, or feel upset. When you take and take without giving anything back, you never feel a sense of achievement,so you are always s

35、earching for ways to fill the void in your life.The way to create a healthy balance between giving and receiving so as to achieve real happiness is to know and then live by your values. I break values up into two groups which I call “being” and “having” values. Your “being” values are the character

36、traits(特征)of the ideal person you would like to be. An example of some “being” values are: kind, loving, generous, inspirational, peaceful, wise and even powerful. By acting on these values, you give to others through your actions and you inspire others by “being” a positive role model. Mastering “b

37、eing” these character traits bees your life purpose. Your “having” values are the feelings you need to create in order to be happy. These could be panionship, achievement, support, “being” valued or financial security. This is what you receive. You take responsibility for filling your own needs by t

38、aking steps to create these feelings and conditions in your life.When you make a mitment to live by your “being” values, it bees easier to make conscious choices rather than reactionary(保守的) ones. If your usual habit is to plain about your problems, you could choose to think and act like a calm pers

39、on. A calm person might go for a walk, meditate(沉思), or set a time limit before responding. If your usual pattern is to worry, you could choose to act like a responsible or wise person. In other words, you would act like the person you choose to bethis is the key to personal power.When you choose to

40、 act on your values, you not only feel good about yourself, but you reinforce(增强)your chosen beliefs. Over time acting in this way changes how you see the world, and in turn the way other people think of you.59. The underlined word “void” in Paragraph 1 probably means _.A. a feeling of emptiness B.

41、a loss of powerC. a lack of energy D. a state of being confused 60. According to the text, by acting on your own “being” values, you will _.A. gain a lot of power B. fill your own needsC. seek all human virtues D. form positive personality 61. What can be inferred from the text?A. “Having” values ar

42、e better than “being” values.B. The way other people think of you decides who you are.C. A calm person does not choose to plain easily.D. A responsible person does not care about financial security.62. The main purpose of this passage is to _.A. persuade the readers to make a mitmentB. inform the re

43、aders how to be truly happyC. explain to the readers what personal values areD. instruct the readers how to make wise choicesCCan you remember the first time you learned to ride a bike or drive a car? Learning these skills changed your life forever and opened up new horizons(视野) Learning about puter

44、s can be like learning how to ride a bike or drive a carOnce you have invested the time to master the skills, you will never go back to the old days.The new technology is simply too convenient and too powerfulTechnological developments through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. W

45、e have continuously looked for better ways of doing thingsEach invention and new development has allowed us to extend our capabilitiesToday we see one of the most dramatic technologies ever developedthe puterIt extends the capabilities of our mindsputers have saved organizations millions of dollarsF

46、urthermore, these same puter systems have opened up new opportunities that would have gone undiscovered or neglectedThe puter may multiply what we can do, and the return on investment is highThe growth of puter usage is surprising On the other hand, the puter can do serious damageInvasion of privacy

47、(侵犯隐私), fraud(欺诈), and puter-related mistakes are just a few shocking examplesThe puter is like a double-edged sword It has the ability to cut us free from some activities, but it can also cut deep into profits, personal privacy, and our society in general How it is used is not a function of technol

48、ogy It is strictly a function of how people decide to use or misuse this new technology The choice is yours, and only through a knowledge of puter systems will you be able to avoid the dangers while enjoying the many, many benefits of the puter age63The writer thinks learning about puters is like le

49、arning how to ride a bike or drive a car because _Ait is simple and practical Bit needs a lot of practiceCit takes much time to master the skills Dit leads people to new life experiences64According to the writer, the bad effects of puters can be avoided if we _Atell people not to misuse putersBmake

50、more investments in the technologyChave strict rules over the use of puters Dhave some knowledge of puter systems 65According to the passage, puters bring people the following benefits except _Aavoiding mistakes Bsaving money Cmaking money Dopening up opportunities66This passage is probably written

51、for _Aputers Bputer learners Cputer producers Dputer programmers五任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格只填1个单词。Studying AbroadNowadays, studying abroad gains popularity in China. Many rich parents would rather send their children abroad to receive education than let them

52、be educated in China.As every coin has two sides, studying abroad is not an exception. There are advantages for people to attend school abroad. In the first place, he can use the foreign language in his daily life so that his ability in the second language may be greatly improved, as it is obvious t

53、hat there is no better chance to improve second-language than living in the country where it is spoken. While studying in a foreign country, he will most likely meet many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all over the world. This is not only exciting on the social level, b

54、ut could lead to important overseas contacts in his career as well. He can get familiar with the latest knowledge in science and make use of the first-rate facilities (设备) available. In this way, there is every chance that he is able to widen his horizon (眼界) and broaden his mind. Of course, attendi

55、ng schools abroad may bring about a series of problems. The most serious problem is language barrier (障碍). Most of the students who go abroad dont have enough skills in the language spoken there. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the teachers say. Besides

56、, for lack of knowledge of the customs of the local people, they may constantly run into trouble in dealing with various situations.Therefore, given an opportunity to attend a school abroad, one must consider both sides of the factors carefully before making up his mind.Title: Studying AbroadPhenome

57、nonSending children abroad to receive education is (67) _ with many rich parents.Advantages Children have the (68) _ chance to improve the second language because they can use it (69) _. They can make friends with other students from (70) _. They can (71) _ of the latest knowledge in science and hav

58、e access to the best facilities.Disadvantages Language barrier is the number one problem.Because students are not (72)_ at the language spoken there, they will have difficulty (73)_ what the teachers say. It is not easy for them to deal with cross-culture munication (74)_ to lack of knowledge of the

59、 customs of the locals.(75) _Both sides of the factors should be (76)_ carefully before one makes a decision. 六单词拼写(共10条,总分5分)1. When electricity was cut off, all the people in the elevator(电梯) p_. 2.Jack, r_ by his aunt as a child after his parents passed away, ended up working as the manager of a

60、big firm when he grew up.3. He still wore a c_look while the teacher had explained to him how to do the experiment several times.4.Your _(词汇) is too small; you need to learn more words.5.Its useful to read some _(简写)English stories.6.The bell_(暗示) the end o f the period rang and we had to stop our discussion.7. Lets go somewhere where

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